Saint Evarisus, Pope and Martyr
by VP
Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
"ST. EVARISTUS succeeded St. Anacletus in the see of Rome, in the reign of Trajan. He governed the Church nine years, and died in 112. As he is honored with the title of martyr, he was most probably put to death for his faith in Christ. He was buried near St. Peter's tomb on the Vatican.
Pray for the Pope and for all the pastors of the Church. Great grace supported them in the primitive times, when they were not acquainted with peace, but were on all sides encompassed with the terrors of death. No less grace is necessary now in time of peace; for the dangers of plenty and ease are as great as the terrors of persecution: and it is to be feared, that many more now forsake Christ and his Gospel, seduced by the snares of liberty and softness, than did formerly by the cruelty of torments. It is difficult to make a right use of troubles,
and more difficult not to abuse blessings.
Consider your own condition, examine your ways, and pray for grace to make a Christian use of your circumstances, whatever they be. Christ has declared his will in the Gospel: there He has published laws and rules, which he would have all his followers observe. If He requires all to live by His own spirit, in seeking before all things the kingdom of God, and the glory of His Father, and this by fasting, prayer, and self-denial, and daily endeavors for overcoming all that corruption, which their own nature, the devil and the world suggests to them; if Christ requires this of all His followers, they must either labor in doing what He commands, or conclude themselves to be none of His disciples. For it cannot be available to salvation, to call Christ Lord, if at the same time there be a contempt of His will, or a general neglect of His precepts. If Christ commands humility and poverty of spirit, His followers must not read pride in the place of it; nor think that living according to the dictates of pride will ever bring them to be pleasing in his sight, and to deserve the reward of humility." Source: The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church Rev. Fr. John GOTHER