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St. Hedwig, WIDOW, A.D. 1243.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"SHE was born in Moravia, piously educated, and married by her parents to Henry, duke of Poland. In this state, she acquitted herself faithfully of all her respective duties to God, her husband, and her family; making it her study in all things to please God, and to sanctify her own soul and her household. After some time, that she might more entirely give herself to God, she engaged her husband to agree to a mutual vow of perpetual continence; from which time they never met but in public places. St. Hedwig had many crosses to endure, by which she learned more bitterly to deplore the miseries and blindness of the world, and more perfectly to disengage her heart from its slavery. Whether in prosperity or adversity, her whole comfort was in God, and the exercises of religion. The simplicity which she observed in her dress, shewed that she was an enemy to all vanity. The love of dress banishes the spirit of Christ and his gospel, cherishes the root of many vices, and cannot find place in one whose conduct is regulated by a true Christian spirit. She fasted every day except Sunday and great festivals. Her tears and piety were extraordinary, when she approached to the Holy Communion; and she heard Mass with a devotion which astonished all who beheld her. After the death of her husband, she entered into a religious house of Bernardine nuns; where, in the exercise of prayer, humility, mortification, and wonderful charity, she ended her days, in the year 1243.

Here are lessons, first, for young persons not to promise themselves in marriage, without the approbation and consent of their parents. It is a state which requires great grace to go well through its duties and difficulties; and to engage unduly in it, is not the way to obtain that grace. Secondly, for married persons to be very faithful in the arduous duties of their state. Thirdly, for widows, teaching them to make use of the opportunity which God puts into their hands, of working out their salvation in all the exercises of piety and charity. Pray for all states, and be faithful in your own, whatever it be." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church By Fr. John GOTHER

Saint Gerard Majella, Redemptorist

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

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"Oh, how differently did the saints act! St Gerard Majella was once wickedly calumniated in the most painful, the most humiliating manner. The calumny was such that his pure heart must have been filled with horror at the very thought of it; and it was so cunningly planned, that it was scarcely possible not to hold him guilty. Holy Communion was forbidden him; all, even his superiors, believed him guilty; and he, the saint himself, said not a single word in his own defense, but lovingly left it all to his divine Lord. "It is thy affair, dear Lord," he said. "Wilt thou that I am humbled, that I walk the path which thou hast walked, I am content." With all others he was silent, till the calumniator acknowledged his own wickedness. (...) These are heroic acts, such as saints practice; but we ought often to bring them before our mind, to shame us for not having yet taken a single step along this path, or even turned our steps towards it.

To-day, then, we will make the resolution not to excuse ourselves; but rather-for once in our lives-let blame be put upon us for something we have not done. We will consider our own advantage, and therefore not push the blame on to others either; and if it should happen that we are accused of a thing without cause, we will submit to it in silence, and think to ourselves: "I have deserved it another time, if not now!" or, "For the love of my Lord !"  Lenten Meditations By Mother Mary Louis Christine Clare Fey, Imprimatur 1923

Prayer to St. Gerard Majella

St. Gerard, true lover of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, do thou who didst kneel long hours before the tabernacle, and there didst taste the joy of paradise, obtain for us, we pray thee, the spirit of prayer, and an undying love for this most Holy Sacrament, that receiving frequently the Body and Blood of Jesus we may daily grow in His Holy Love and merit the priceless grace of loving Him even to the end.

St Gerard most favored child of Heaven, to whom Mary gave the Infant Jesus in the days of thy Childhood, and to whom she sweetly came before thou didst close thine eyes in death, obtain for us, we beseech thee, so to seek and love our Blessed Mother during life, that she may be our joy and consolation in this valley of tears until, with thee, before the throne of God, we may praise her goodness for all eternity. Amen. (Life of St. Gerard Majella.)

Saint Gerard Majella's Resolutions

1. O my God, my only love, today and every day I give myself up to Thy good pleasure. In all temptations and trials I will say always: Thy will be done. All that Thou mayest ordain for me I will embrace with my whole heart, never ceasing to raise my eyes to heaven, there to adore the divine hands which cast towards me the precious pearls of Thy most holy will

2. Amongst all the virtues which are dear to Thee, O my God, that which I love with a  love of predilection is holy purity. My trust is in Thee, O infinite holiness, to preserve me from any thought which might sully the brightness of my soul.

3. I will say nothing either good or bad about myself. I will attack no one in conversation, nor will I make any reference to the faults of others, even by way of a joke. I will be careful to excuse everyone, considering in my neighbor the person of Jesus Christ Himself, whom the Jews accused, notwithstanding His innocence. I will defends others, especially in their absence. If I should noting anyone committing a fault, I will be careful not to correct him in the presence of others. I will speak to him on the matter between ourselves and in a low tone of voice.

4. Never will I mix myself up with anyone else's business; I will never say that anyone has done anything badly.

5. In all interior conflicts I will be careful not to listen to self-love. If anyone blames or accuses me, I will strive to make all bitter feelings pass gently away; then tranquility will reign at the bottom of my soul.

6. My supreme resolution is to give myself unreservedly to God. For this reason I will have continually before my eyes this motto: Be thou deaf, blind, and mute. Only one thing do I desire - Thy good pleasure, O my God, and not mine own. In me, O Lord, may Thy will, not mine be done.

7. May my prayers, my communions, and all my good works be always applied for the salvation of poor sinners in union with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

8. In visiting the Blessed Sacrament I will make the following Acts: O Lord Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament, and I adore Thee will all my heart. I have the intention of adoring Thee by this visit wherever Thou art present in the sacred Host, and I offer Thee Thy precious blood for poor sinners; also, I desire to receive Thee spiritually as many times as there are sanctuaries on earth in which Thou dost dwell.

9. I will have all possible veneration for priests, beholding in them Jesus Christ Himself, and striving to be penetrated with the greatness of their dignity.

10. I have obliged myself always to do that which is most perfect. By this I mean that which seems to me to be the most perfect course to take in the sight of God.

Blessed Sacrament Book by Fr. Francis X. Lasance. Life of St. Gerard Majella,  by Rev. Fr. O.R. Vassall-Phillips C.SSR.

Litany of  St. Gerard Majella:

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesus, hear us. Jesus, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for us.

St. Joseph, foster-father of Christ, Pray for us.

St. Alphonsus, founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, enriched with extraordinary graces from early youth, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, perfect model of a faithful servant, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, bright pattern of the working class, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, seraph of love towards the Blessed Sacrament, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, living image of the crucified Savior, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, zealous client of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, bright mirror of innocence and penance, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, admirable model of heroic obedience, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, silent sufferer under ignominious calumny, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, great before God by thy deep humility, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, truly wise by thy childlike simplicity, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, supernaturally enlightened in divine mysteries, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, solely solicitous about the pleasures of God, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, indefatigably zealous for the conversion of sinners, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, wise counselor in the choice of a vocation, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, enlightened guide in the direction of souls, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, loving help of the poor and afflicted, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, wondrous patron of unbaptized children, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, compassionate intercessor in every necessity, Pray for us.

St. Gerard, honor and glory of the Order of Redemptorists, Pray for us.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Gracious hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Pray for us, Blessed Brother Gerard, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


(Prayer of the Church.)

O God, who wast pleased to draw to Thyself the Blessed Gerard from his youth, and to render him conformable to the image of Thy crucified Son,

grant, we beseech Thee, that following his example we may be transformed into the self-same image. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Manual of the Purgatorian Society: Containing Spiritual Reading and Prayers ...By Purgatorian Society