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Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 03, 2024 at 12:46AM in Saints

Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux, Brittany, France

"Our vocation is not to go and reap in the Father's fields: Jesus does not say to us: " Cast down your eyes and reap the harvest"; our mission is still more sublime. Here are the words of the Divine Master: "Lift up your eyes and see..." see that in Heaven there are empty places; yours it is to fill are as Moses praying on the mountain; ask of Me laborers and I will send them; I await but a prayer, a sigh from out your heart!"
Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux (Spiritual Maxims)

"Now it is in the Host that I can see you carry your annihilation in full. How humble you are , oh Divine King of Glory in submitting Yourself to all your priests without making any distinction between those who love you and those who, alas, are lukewarm or cold in your service! You descend from Heaven to their call. They can anticipate or delay the time of your Holy Sacrifice. You are always ready! (Pr 20)" -- St. Thérèse de Lisieux

Prayer for Priests and Vocation ( Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux)

O Holy Father, may the torrents of love flowing from the sacred wounds of Thy Divine Son bring forth priests like unto the beloved disciple John who stood at the foot of the Cross; priests: who as a pledge of Thine own most tender love will lovingly give Thy Divine Son to the souls of men.

May Thy priests be faithful guardians of Thy Church, as John was of Mary, whom he received into his house. Taught by this loving Mother who suffered so much on Calvary, may they display a mother’s care and thoughtfulness towards Thy children. May they teach souls to enter into close union with Thee through Mary who, as the Gate of Heaven, is specially the guardian of the treasures of Thy Divine Heart. Give us priests who are on fire, and who are true children of Mary, priests who will give Jesus to souls with the same tenderness and care with which Mary carried the Little Child of Bethlehem.

Mother of sorrows and of love, out of compassion for Thy beloved Son, open in our hearts deep wells of love, so that we may console Him and give Him a generation of priests formed in thy school and having all the tender thoughtfulness of thine own spotless love.

O my God, help those priests who are faithful to remain faithful, to those who are falling, stretch forth Your Divine Hand that they may grasp it as their support. And for those poor unfortunate souls who have fallen, lift them up in the great ocean of Your Mercy, that being engulfed therein, they may receive the grace to return to Your Great Loving Heart. Amen.

Source: Curé d'Ars Prayer Group 

October 3rd: St. Thomas of Hereford, Bishop and Confessor, AD 1282

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 03, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints


"This saint was most nobly born, being the eldest son of William, Lord Cantelupe, and allied by his mother's side to the royal families of England and France. From his childhood he despised worldly pleasures, and walked in the lovely paths of innocence and truth. The fear and love of God grew up with him, and accompanied him to the universities, first of Oxford, then of Paris, where he made great progress in learning, but much more in the science of the saints.

St. Thomas resolved to consecrate himself to God in the ecclesiastical state; and was made chancellor of the university of Oxford. In this office he shone so brightly, that King Henry III. appointed him chancellor of the kingdom. In this eminent office his virtues shone with still greater lustre, to the benefit of the whole nation. After the king's death, however, he gladly resigned the seals of his office, and returned to Oxford, where he took the degree of doctor of divinity. He had always lived in the greatest purity of conscience, and was eminent in Christian simplicity, candor, and humility. He exhibited heavenly prudence in his whole conduct, and great devotion to the divine service, especially in celebrating Mass. He was remarkable for patience and meekness under sufferings and injuries, and great temperance and sobriety in eating and drinking; as also for daily mortification, watching, fasting, and perfect charity for every neighbor. His charity produced in him such an aversion for detraction, that he would sharply rebuke such as he found guilty of it.

These virtues so recommended him, that he was chosen Bishop of Hereford. From that time, he became a greater saint than before. His zeal for the Church seemed to have no bounds; and such was his charity, that he seemed born only for the relief of his neighbor, both spiritual and temporal. No reviling language or ill treatment could ever provoke him to anger; his enemies he always treated with respect and tenderness, and would never bear the least word which might reflect upon them or any others.

After St. Thomas had for some years illustrated the whole Church of this nation by his eminent sanctity, he went to Rome for some ecclesiastical affairs. This journey was very fatiguing to the saint, on account of his age and infirmities; but he would never spare himself in the cause of God and his Church. In his way home, he was overtaken by his last illness at Montefiascone in Tuscany. He received the last sacraments with incredible cheerfulness and devotion, and made the sufferings and death of his Redeemer the constant subject of his fervent prayer, in which he calmly gave up the ghost, in the sixty-third year of his age, in the year 1282. Pray for this nation, that God would be its protector, and visit it with all blessings, spiritual and temporal."

The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER 1861

Prayer for the Bishops

O Jesus, Prince of Pastors, Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, give our bishops ................ all those virtues, which they need for their sanctification! May they watch over themselves and the entire flock, with which the Holy Spirit has entrusted them! Fill their hearts with Thine own Spirit! Give them faith, charity, wisdom and strength! Send them faithful co-laborers in the great work of saving and guiding souls! Make them shepherds after Thine own heart, living only for their holy office, fearing nobody but Thee, and hoping for nothing but Thee, in order that when Thou shalt come, to judge shepherds and flocks, they may obtain the unfading reward of eternal life! Amen Imprimatur: Most Rev. Vincent S. Waters, D.D. Raleigh, N.C. March 25, 1956

Saint Théodore Guérin

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 03, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"What strength the soul draws from prayer! In the midst of a storm, how sweet is the calm it finds in the heart of Jesus. But what comfort is there for those who do not pray?" – Saint Théodore Guérin

What have we to do in order to be saints? Nothing extraordinary; nothing more than what we do every day. Only do it for [God’s] love.”—Saint Theodora Guérin

"A woman of uncommon valor, one of those religious athletes whose life and teachings effect a spiritual fecundity that secures vast conquests to Christ and His Church. It is a beautiful and forcible setting of those sublime truths that underlie the eternal plan of creation and establish the relationship that should exist between the Sovereign Maker and the creature fashioned by His word; showing clearly how Providence is just and holy in wise dispensation, man often perverse in selfish conceit. It proves that the arm of the Lord is not shortened; that the gift of God abideth with the just, whose advancement shall have success forever. (Ecclus. Xi 17).

(...) Every one who pledges himself to the work of saving souls must expect to suffer if his ministry is to be profitable. Multiplied labors are not the greatest rigors. Distress of mind and heart, human weakness, lack of sympathy and support, misunderstands, to say nothing of the malice of men and the snares of the devil - this is the burden of the apostolate. All seem to know it, yet when it comes to the exercise how few are found with magnanimity of soul enough or with spiritual nerve enough to endure the test! Many there are who are willing to sit with Christ at His table but few to share His fast; many to behold His glory, few to bear His ignominy. (A Kempis)

It is in generous acceptance of the cross that strength comes for the warfare; so it is also in self-sacrifice that we discern the halo of holiness - God's presence in His elect.

Sacrifice shorn of its glory, inasmuch as it was scarcely recognized, epitomizes the life of Mother Théodore Guérin. The keynote of her intensely spiritual character is sounded in these lines addressed to the estimable Bishop of Mans: "I consider it the greatest privilege of my life to have suffered something for my God." Truly the lesson of Calvary was well understood by this spouse of a crucified King! It must needs be that rich endowment of supernatural favor was her recompense.

This is the age of hidden saints. A bloody persecution may not be sending victors to the eternal courts, but the sword of trial is as sharp as the blade of the executioner; and though a martyr's triumph is not proclaimed from the Church's altar, a martyr's palm is borne by those sequestered Servants of God who now "follows the Lamb whithersoever He goeth."


In deploring the scarcity of vocations to the religious life when the field was so vast and the laborers so few, we observe that the cause she assigned was the same that today holds back so many nobly gifted young men and women from responding to the call of the divine Master. Appeal to the religious impulses of nature is hushed by irresistible pleasure-seeking, softness, and love of one's ease, which incapacitate souls for anything approaching the valorous in self-sacrifice; strangers to the arbitrament of virtue, their lives are as aimless as useless." Introduction by Cardinal Gibbons, Life and life-work of Mother Theodore Guérin : foundress of the Sisters of Providence at St.-Mary-of-the-Woods, Vigo County, Indiana

Short Biography:

"Mother Theodore Guerin is the foundress of St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana.

Born in 1798, ( Born Anne-Thérèse Guerin  in the village of Etables–sur–Mer in Brittany, France) of fervent Catholic parents, she entered the community of the Sisters of Providence of Ruille, recently established by the Abbe Dujarie, who is also the founder of the Brothers of the Holy Cross. After several years of successful work as head of important establishments, at the request of Bishop de la Hailandiere of Vincennes, Indiana, she was sent by her superior to found an educational establishment in the New World. She and her Sisters reached Terre Haute, Ind., on October 22, 1840. A boarding school was opened in 1841. The first boarders arrived on July 4 of the same year. Tribulations from within and from without sorely tried the heart of the foundress. Several times credit was refused to the Sisters at the stores, and the immediate necessities of the community and the pupils were relieved by Providential intervention. Often after a frugal breakfast, nothing was left for dinner, and the Sisters would have to go and beg potatoes and eggs from the neighboring farms.

Calumnies and disappointments of all sorts fell thick upon the establishment. Mother Guerin herself was deposed from office on two different occasions, and the bishop went so far as to excommunicate her. Amidst these trials she found refuge in God: "Let us pray more," she would tell her Sisters, "and rest quiet in the Providence of the Sacred Heart. Can we think that our good God will abandon us? No, not as long as we cling to Him! Courage, hope and pray."

On days when her heart was sinking beneath weight of all the afflictions that fell upon her, she would exclaim: "Hail, crosses, great and small, spiritual and temporal, inward and outward, hail! I kiss your feet, unworthy as I am of your shadow." One day when her life-work was threatened with total extinction, she spent the whole night before the Blessed Sacrament and there, in the stillness of the chapel, poured forth her soul in indescribable anguish. It was remarked the next morning that she received Holy Communion with a radiant countenance. When the chaplain asked her what made her so happy, she answered simply: "In the cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness." She would often repeat to her daughters: "All that we teach the children must be done for the glory of God and the good of souls. The profit that the community derives from it is a secondary consideration." "A Sister of Providence cannot go to heaven alone; if she is not surrounded by the souls she has brought to the knowledge and love of God, she herself will not find the way to the heavenly home."

Before her death, in 1850, she had the consolation of seeing her work solidly established in many dioceses. " The Annals of St. Joseph, Norbertine Fathers, March 1919.

Canonized on 
October 15, 2006, by Pope Benedict XVI


Saint Mother Theodore Guerin,
valiant woman of God,
intercede for us in our needs.

Implore for us through Jesus, the Christ,
the gifts of a living faith,
abiding hope
and steadfast charity,

so that
through a life of prayer
and service with others
we may aid in promoting
the Providence of God
among all peoples.

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, pray for us.


(With Ecclesiastical Approval)