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St. Callistus, Pope and Martyr A.D. 222 (16th pope)

by VP

Posted on Monday October 14, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:'Saint Callistus, Pope and Martyr', anonymous Mexican retablo, 19th century, El Paso Museum of Art.JPG

Saint Callistus

"He was bishop of Rome, under the Emperor Heliogabalus, and governed the Church five years and two months. He every way promoted exceedingly true religion and virtue, during his administration of the Church in very difficult times. The Emperor Alexander Severus who succeeded Heliogabalus, never persecuted, the Christians, but several martyrs suffered in his reign, through the implacable hatred borne to the Christians by his officers and magistrates. The apostolic labors of St. Callistus were thus crowned with martyrdom, in the year 222.

Pray for the Pope, and for all the pastors of the church; that being watchful over their flocks, they may lead all in the way of salvation.

Beg patience for all who are in troubles, and see that you be not dejected under the difficulties ordained for your portion. Humble yourself under them in the acknowledgment of your unworthiness; and confess God to be just in all his ways. Seek comfort in him who afflicts you, and pray for your persecutors. Keep your eyes on that crown, which is prepared for all who suffer with patience. By this method, your troubles may turn to much better account, than that quiet and peace which you so much desire.

Above all, be careful that your troubles hinder you not from prayer, and the exercise of other spiritual duties: for this would be yielding to the designs of your greatest enemy. But then seek God most, when you stand most in need of his help. All lawful states are capable of a religious spirit. If you make your ill circumstances your plea for neglect of religious duties, the fault is not in your circumstances, but in yourself; and if these were changed, there is too much reason to fear that you would be still the same. Patience is the best preservative of peace in all troubles; and if this proves no remedy to them, it will however crown you." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Fr. John GOTHER