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St. Philip of Heraclea and companions, Bishop and Martyr 3rd Century

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 22, 2024 at 08:39AM in Saints

CONSTANCY.-St. Philip, bishop of Heraclea, having been denounced to the satellites of the emperor Dioclesian, was arrested together with the priest Severus and the deacon Hermes. The three confessors refused, as might have been anticipated, to deliver up the holy books and to burn incense in honor of the idols. They underwent repeated examinations, were beaten, or rather so torn with rods, that their entrails were laid bare; they were then cast into a frightful dungeon, where they were to remain seven months; Philip and Hermes being bound in heavy fetters, and Severus having his feet passed through a number of planks, so contrived as not to allow the slightest movement. As their prison had a secret communication with the public theater, the preaching of the Gospel was scarcely interrupted, for numerous Christians profited by the occasion to come to them, seeking for consolation and strength to confess, even as they had done, the faith of Jesus Christ. At length, after seven months of rude trials, they were condemned to the flames; it was found necessary to carry Hermes to the stake, as he had lost the use of his limbs.

MORAL REFLECTION. -The true Christian ranks not among "those who shrink back in the hour of temptation;" temptation, on the contrary, strengthens them in the faith.-(Luke viii. 13.) Pictorial Half Hour with the Saints by Fr. Lecanu 1865

For Zealous Priests:
Sanctify to Thyself, O my Lord, the hearts of Thy priests, that, by the merits of Thy sacred humanity, they may become living images of Thee, children of Mary, and full of the fire of the Holy Ghost, that they may guard Thy house, and defend Thy glory, and that through their ministry the face of the earth may be renewed, and they may save those souls which have costs Thee all Thy blood. Amen
Queen of the Apostles, pray thy Son, the Lord of the Harvest, to send laborers into His harvest, and to spare His people.

(The Prayer Book. Imprimatur Samuel Cardinal Stritch Archbishop of Chicago, May 10, 1954.)

Saint John Paul II, Pope

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 22, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"The Eucharist: offering the Mass, communion, adoration

8. The two Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist remain closely linked. Without a continually renewed conversion and reception of the sacramental grace of forgiveness, participation in the Eucharist would not reach its full redemptive efficacy.(12) Just as Christ began his ministry with the words "Repent and believe in the gospel,"(13) so the Cure of Ars generally begins each of his days with the ministry of forgiveness. But he was happy to direct his reconciled penitents to the Eucharist. The Eucharist was at the very center of his spiritual life and pastoral work. He said: "All good works put together are not equivalent to the Sacrifice of the Mass, because they are the works of men and the Holy Mass is the work of God."(14)

It is in the Mass that the sacrifice of Calvary is made present for the Redemption of the world. Clearly, the priest must unite the daily gift of himself to the offering of the Mass: "How well a priest does, therefore, to offer himself to God in sacrifice every morning!"(15) "Holy Communion and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are the two most efficacious actions for obtaining the conversion of hearts."(16) Thus the Mass was for John Mary Vianney the great joy and comfort of his priestly life. He took great care, despite the crowds of penitents, to spend more than a quarter of an hour in silent preparation. He celebrated with recollection, clearly expressing his adoration at the consecration and communion.

He accurately remarked: "The cause of priestly laxity is not paying attention to the Mass!"(17) The Cure of Ars was particularly mindful of the permanence of Christ's real presence in the Eucharist. It was generally before the tabernacle that he spent long hours in adoration, before daybreak or in the evening; it was towards the tabernacle that he often turned during his homilies, saying with emotion: "He is there!" It was also for this reason that he, so poor in his presbytery, did not hesitate to spend large sums on embellishing his Church. The appreciable result was that his parishioners quickly took up the habit of coming to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, discovering, through the attitude of their pastor, the grandeur of the mystery of faith.


The Eucharist is the source and summit of all the Christian life."(19) Dear brother priests, the example of the Cure of Ars invites us to a serious examination of conscience: what place do we give the Mass in our daily lives? Is it, as on the day of our Ordination - it was our first act as priests! - the principle of our apostolic work and personal sanctification? What care do we take in preparing for it? And in celebrating it? In praying before the Blessed Sacrament? In encouraging our faithful people to do the same? In making our Churches the House of God to which the divine presence attracts the people of our time who too often have the impression of a world empty of God?"

Source: Catholic Culture. From the Vatican, 16 March 1986, the Fifth Sunday of Lent, in the eighth year of my Pontificate. Joannes Paulus PP. II