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Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 17, 2024 at 12:00AM in Quotes

File:Ignatius of Antioch 2.jpg


"10. Pray also without ceasing for other men: for there is hope of repentance in them, that they may attain unto God. Let them therefore at least be instructed by your works, if they will be no other way, Be ye mild at their anger; humble at their boasting: to their blasphemies, return your prayers: to their error, your firmness in the faith: when they are cruel, be ye gentle; not endeavoring to imitate their ways: (let us be their brethren in all kindness and moderation, but let us be followers of the Lord; for who was ever more unjustly used? more destitute? more despised?) that so no herb of the devil may be found in you; but ye may remain in all holiness and sobriety both of body and spirit, in Christ Jesus.

11. The last times are come upon us: let us therefore be very reverent, and fear the long suffering of God, that it be not to us unto condemnation. For let us either fear the wrath that is to come, or let us love the grace that we at present enjoy; that by the one or other of these, we may be found in Christ Jesus, unto true life. Besides him, let nothing be worthy of you; for whom also I bear about these bonds, those spiritual jewels, in which I would to God that I might arise through your prayers: of which I entreat you to make me always partaker, that I may be found in the lot of the Christians of Ephesus, who have always agreed with the Apostles, through the power of Jesus Christ.


13. Let it be your care therefore to come more fully together, to the praise and glory of God. For when ye meet fully together in the same place, the powers of the devil are destroyed, and his mischief is dissolved by the unity of your faith. And indeed, nothing is better than peace; by which all war both spiritual and earthly, is abolished.

14. Of all which nothing is hid from you, if ye have perfect faith and charity in Christ Jesus, which are the beginning and end of life. For the beginning is faith; the end charity. And these two joined together, are of God: but all other things which concern a holy life are the consequences of these. No man professing a true faith, sinneth; neither does he who has charity, hate any. The tree is made manifest by its fruit, [Matt. xii, 33] So they who profess themselves to be Christians, are known by what they do. For Christianity is not the work of an outward profession; but shews itself in the power of faith, if a man be found faithful unto the end.

16. Do not be deceived, my brethren. Those who ruin homes will not inherit the kingdom of God. Now, if those who do this to gratify the flesh are liable to death, how much more a man who by evil doctrine ruins the faith in God, for which Jesus Christ was crucified! Such a filthy creature will go into the unquenchable fire, as will anyone that listens to him.

17.The Lord permitted myrrh to be poured on His head that He might breathe incorruption upon the Church. Do not let yourselves be anointed with the malodorous doctrine of the Prince of this world, for fear he may carry you off into captivity, away from the life that is in store for you. Why do we not all become wise, having received knowledge of God, that is Jesus Christ! Why do we perish in folly, failing to appreciate the gift which the Lord has sent us in truth!"

Source: St. Ignatius of Antioch Epistles To the Ephesians, 1946 p66

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 17, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:La Visione del Cuore di Gesù di S.Margherita Maria Alacoque.jpg

Tela de “La Visione del Cuore di Gesù di S.Margherita Maria Alacoque,” Presso il Santuario arcivescovile della Madonna dell’Acero

"The special devotions of the Church are various and manifold. They are suited to the character of the times and of each individual. All are good. Some are more suited to one class of individuals than to another. Because of the abundance of these devotions, not all may be practiced by a single person, and each one chooses such as appeal more strongly to his inclination and taste. "In selecting devotions we must not supplant what is essential, nor unduly multiply what is merely accidental.”

There are two, however, which must be fostered by every priest. They are a fervent devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and a tender affection for His Blessed Mother.The famous moralist, Father H. Noldin, says of the devotion to the Sacred Heart: "The candidate for the priesthood who understands and practices this devotion, will surely acquire the sacerdotal spirit and the characteristic virtues of the priesthood as preparation for Holy Orders. He possesses in this devotion a certain means of preserving and guarding the spirit of his calling throughout life."

From the Sacred Heart of Jesus the seminarian imbibes that zeal for the salvation of souls which is the keystone of a good priestly life. "Learn of Me, for I am meek and humble of heart." Jesus wishes His future priests especially to imitate Him. In the first seminary He was the teacher. The zeal of the Apostles was kindled by the Sacred Heart. Again in His revelations to the Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque He promised to priests who honor His Sacred Heart, grace to convert hardened sinners. Since those devotions, which are of benefit not only for himself but also for those who are to receive his priestly ministrations, are best suited to the priest, it is evident that devotion to the Sacred Heart is admirably adapted to the aspirant to the priesthood. It inflames the heart of the priest with burning love for God, and brings advantages for those under his charge. "When the priest is kindled with the fire of the Sacred Heart, his people, too, will walk in a great light," says Cardinal Manning." The Seminarian, His Character and Work By Rev. Albert Rung, Diocese of Buffalo 1916


Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us: Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Pray for us
Holy Mother of God, Pray for us
Holy Virgin of virgins, Pray for us
St John, Pray for us
St Francis of Sales, Pray for us
St Jane Frances Chantal, Pray for us
Blessed Margaret Mary, Pray for us
Pearl of great price, Pray for us
Flower of the field, Pray for us
Lily of the valleys, Pray for us
Morning rose, Pray for us
Child most dear to Mary, Pray for us
Incense of sweet odor, Pray for us
Palm of patience, Pray for us
Treasure of charity, Pray for us
Despiser of the world, Pray for us
Spouse most beloved of Christ, Pray for us
Violet of the garden of St Francis of Sales, Pray for us
Star shining in the midst of clouds, Pray for us
Rule of obedience, Pray for us
Model of mortification, Pray for us
Seraph before the altar, Pray for us
Sanctuary of the heart of Jesus, Pray for us
Delight of the heart of Jesus, Pray for us
Apostle of the heart of Jesus, Pray for us
Plaintive dove, Pray for us
Dove most beautiful, Pray for us
Rock unmoved in the midst of tempests, Pray for us
Mistress most gentle, Pray for us
Angel of holy counsel, Pray for us
Terror of demons, Pray for us
Intercessor for sinners, Pray for us
Solace of the poor, Pray for us
Relief of the sick, Pray for us
Holocaust of divine love, Pray for us
New star of the Church, Pray for us
Joy of thy holy order, Pray for us
Glory of thy people, Pray for us

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us: Christ, graciously hear us.
The kingdom of heaven is like to a merchant seeking good pearls, who, when he had found one of great price, gave all that he had and bought it.

V. Grace is poured abroad in thy lips;
R. Therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.

Prayer: O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast wonderfully revealed to the blessed Margaret, Virgin, the unsearchable riches of thy heart: grant that we, by her merits and following her example, may love thee in all things and above all things, and may be found worthy to obtain an eternal resting-place in the same thy heart.
Accept, O Lord, the offerings of thy people, and grant that we may feel the flames of that divine fire, which, issuing from the heart of thy Son, inflamed so ardently the blessed Margaret.
Grant, O Lord Jesus, that we who have received the mysteries of thy body and blood, may, through the intercession of the blessed Margaret, be made worthy to cast away the proud vanities of the world, and to put on the gentleness and humility of thy heart.
The Manual of the Sacred Heart: a Select Volume of Prayer for Daily Us, 1866