St. Ursula and her Companions, VIRGINS AND MARTYRS.
by VP
Posted on Monday October 21, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

Vittore Carpaccio: Apotheosis of St Ursula
"THE names of St Ursula and her companions have been illustrious throughout the whole Church of Christ for many centuries. Yet it has happened to them, as to many others of the most eminent saints, and even to several of the apostles themselves, that we know at present little or nothing of their history. They are generally allowed to have been natives of Britain. It is probable that their martyrdom happened in the fifth century. They seem to have left Britain about that time, when the Pagan Saxons laid waste our isle, and many of its inhabitants fled into Gaul. Others made a settlement at the mouth of the Rhine. St. Ursula and her companions were most likely among those, who, flying from the fury of the Saxons, passed over the seas. Either by choice, or stress of weather, being carried to the coast of Lower Germany, they appear to have gone further up the country, and there fallen in with an army of Huns, who about that time ravaged those provinces, and were by them put to death in defence of their faith and purity. They were buried at Cologne, where a great church was built over their tombs. They have been honoured by the faithful for many ages, with extraordinary devotion in this part of Christendom. St. Ursula, who was the mistress and guide to heaven to so many holy maidens, whom she animated to the heroic practice of virtue, conducted to the glorious crown of martyrdom, and presented spotless to Christ, is regarded as the model and patroness of those who undertake to train up youth in the sentiments and practice of piety and religion.A Prayer to ST. URSULA:
blessed Martyr of Jesus Christ! who didst despise the riches and
dignities of this world for the love of God, and wert so happy as to lay
down even thy life for his sake, take me under thy powerful
protection-shield me by thy prayers from the dangers of the world, and
teach me by thy example how to triumph over its temptations. I am not
worthy to lay down my life for him who died for me; yet, as I know that I
may have many temptations to suffer from the world and my own corrupt
inclinations, I have recourse to thee with confidence, to implore,
through thy intercession, the strength to resist and overcome them all;
and to remember, on all occasions, that the life of a Christian, if not
laid down for Christ by martyrdom, should at least be sacrificed to his
glory by penance and self-denial. Thou art, O great Saint! my special
Patroness, therefore I humbly recommend to thee all my undertakings, and
beg of thee, as thou wert so particularly gifted by God with the power
of persuading others to the practice of virtue, to obtain for me the
grace to love and fulfil the duties of a Christian, and to endeavour by
good example to engage others in the service of God. O glorious Martyr!
whose death was an act of the most perfect charity, be thou my
protectress in my last moments, and intercede for me now, that I may
prepare for them by the fervent practice of those solid virtues, which
alone will furnish ground for confidence in the mercy of God on the bed
of death. (The Ursuline manual; or, A collection of prayers, spiritual exercises, &c By Ursuline manual 1830)