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SS. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs ad.304

by VP

Posted on Thursday September 26, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"ST. CYPRIAN had been a magician, and was brought up in all the impious mysteries of idolatry, and the pretended sciences of judicial astrology and the black art. He tried every secret with which he was acquainted to conquer the virtuous resolution of a Christian virgin named Justina: but she defeated and put to flight the devils, by the sign of the cross. Suppliantly beseeching the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would succor a virgin in danger, she fortified herself with fasting, tears, and prayers. Cyprian finding all his arts ineffectual, and being informed that her faith in Christ made her proof against all such attempts, he upon this began to consider the power of Christianity as superior to that of the devil; and being instructed in the faith, he abandoned his former ways, and gave himself wholly to Christ. Upon this, being apprehended, together with Justina, they were first scourged, afterwards thrown into a cauldron of boiling pitch, and at length beheaded at Nicomedia.

Have compassion on those who follow unlawful ways, and pray for them. Had they the like degree of grace that you have, it may be that they would be more faithful in corresponding with it than you are. Adore your God, acknowledge your whole dependence to be on him, and leave all to the order of his providence.

In consequence, avoid all fortune-tellers and conjurors, as pretenders to an unlawful art. Never admit of charms, as not having their power from God. Renounce all superstitious observations, either of signs, or lucky and unlucky days. These are all the remains of ignorance and heathenism; and since they have nothing real in them, it is strange that Christians should be at all moved or disturbed by them. Had they a true faith in God and his divine providence, they would not imagine that their good or bad fortune depended on such accidents. Detest then all superstition as irreligious, as a breach of the first commandment, and betraying a want of faith and confidence in God. It is severely condemned by the holy Fathers; and if your faith be sincerely in God, do not contradict it by such unchristian folly."

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