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The State of Grace

by VP

Posted on Sunday September 22, 2024 at 12:00AM in Sermons

"The grace of God that is given to you in Christ Jesus."I COR. i. 4.

1. Grace, life of our soul; security of salvation.

2. Signs that we are in the state of grace: the testimony of our conscience, that we have repented; fraternal charity; light illuminating our soul.

3. Preserve grace by humility and holy fear.

GRACE is the gift of God and the life of our soul. By it we participate in the divine nature. If we preserve our souls in the state of grace in life, we make certain of our everlasting reward and glory hereafter. Grace is given to us by God freely, lovingly, generously; our solicitude and daily endeavor must be to preserve it in our souls. But how few of us value it as we should! In the world how many do not believe in grace: reject it for a whim, a pleasure, an indulgence of their passions! And yet it is the all-important thing for each of us to preserve our soul in the state of grace. Yet can we know for sure whether we are in the state of grace?-for Scripture tells us that man knows not whether he be worthy of love or hatred-that is, whether he be in the favor and friendship of God, or whether sin has driven grace from his soul, and left it "poor and miserable and naked" in the sight of His heavenly Father.

True, we cannot know for certain; but there are signs, which guarantee us a moral certainty, sufficient for a solid hope to be built on it, that we are friends with God, and have grace within our souls. "The grace of God that is given to you in Christ Jesus." Let us examine these signs, these tests, to help us to be solicitous and earnest in treasuring this heavenly gift.

The first is the testimony of our conscience. Conscience acknowledges that we have sinned, but can also claim that we have done that which is required for sin to be forgiven; that we need not fear that those sins of which we have repented can be our accusers at the Judgment. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all iniquity" (1 John i. 9). This testimony of our conscience is one of the greatest tests of grace, because we are only judged according to our conscience. We must "endeavor to have always a conscience without offense towards God and towards man (Acts xxiv. 16).

The second sign or test that we are in the state of grace, given us both by St. Leo the Great and St. Augustine, is fraternal charity. Truly, if we have God within us by His grace, how can we not have a little of the love and charity of God towards our brethren, the well-beloved children of the same Father? St. John tells us," If God hath so loved us, we also ought to love one another. . . . If we love one another, God abideth in us, and His charity is perfected in us" (1 John iv. II, 17). "We know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren " (ibid. iii. 14). And what is the life of our soul but "the grace of God, given to us in Christ Jesus"? Fraternal charity indeed is the great sign, the moral certitude of predestination, that the grace of God exists. supreme in our soul. "As fire produces heat," says St. Bruno, "so grace produces charity." Charity diffuses itself to all and in all things, simply for the love of God. We see God in the poor, the suffering, the dying and the souls in purgatory, and it is to Him, through them, that we extend our sympathy, our kindness, and our help. And if we are thus charitable for God's sake is it not that we love Him, or, at least, are striving to love Him? And to love God-is not that a sign, a test, a sure proof that we are already in the grace of God?

Remember the example of that religious, an ordinary religious as far as man could judge, who, when dying, knew no terror or anguish. His eyes were raised upwards so calmly, so hopefully, there was evidence of such peace of soul, that his superior asked him, was there no cause of sorrow or fear from the past? It is very true, the dying man replied, I have been careless and tepid, yet in spite of past infidelities I die in peace, because I have never judged my brethren, and I have the word of Jesus Christ," Judge not, and thou shalt not be judged." My God, pardon me, as I have pardoned others; bear me no ill-will, as I have borne none to others; forget my sins and iniquities, as I have forgotten anything that others have done to me. Grant me measure for measure; pity for pity; kindness for kindness. What a testimony does fraternal charity thus bear to our souls, that we are in the state of grace!

The last sign to be mentioned is this, and it grows out of the two preceding tests. If our conscience has not to reproach us with sin; if the love of God is urging us to the practice of fraternal charity, a light, a heavenly light illuminates our souls, revealing to us the nothingness, the paltriness, the vileness of this world and of all that it can offer us; and revealing to us, on the other hand, the beauty of the life of grace, giving us a relish of the supernatural, our prayers, our Holy Communions, yea, even a love of patient suffering, and a longing desire for heaven. Thus the light of grace leads us safely along the humble path that leads to life eternal. Let us pray for holy fear, lest we should lose reverence and care for the preservation of grace within us. How this life seems to fade away and lose all fascination to attract us; and how near the brightness of heaven seems, because of "the grace that is given to us in Christ Jesus.'" Short Sermons on the Epistles & Gospels of the Sundays of the Year By Rev. Fr. Francis Paulinus Hickey; 18th Sunday after Pentecost