St. Linus, POPE AND MARTYR, A.D. about 68.
by VP
Posted on Monday September 23, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"ST. LINUS was bishop of Rome, and the immediate successor of St. Peter. He presided over the church twelve years; and having faithfully discharged all the duties of a good pastor, was put to death by the sword, about the year 68. Pray for the present bishop of that holy see, and for all the pastors of the Church, that they may be animated with the primitive spirit, and edify all by word and good example. Beg courage and patience for all that suffer and are in trouble. While you are going on in all the methods of softness and pleasing your
self, and read every day of so many servants of God
renouncing this world and all its charms, laboring to overcome their
interior corruption by generous mortifications, and rejoicing to suffer
for Christ; ought not this to raise in your heart some more noble
resolutions of being no longer a slave to
vice, vanity, sloth, and self-love? Are not you born for a better
world, as well as they? Do not you desire heaven for your inheritance?
Why then are you indulging yourself in lazy sleep, while others are laboring for heaven? Why are you courting the world in all the methods of vanity,
while others are seeking to be glorious in heaven, by renouncing these
shadows? Why do you study your palate, spend your time in idleness,
diversions, and intemperance? This is not the way to a happy eternity. Take then another way, and be ashamed to spend that upon a moment, which might be the purchase of what is eternal. The sufferings of the martyrs often call upon you to pray for courage and patience for yourself and all others in time of trouble. Learn something from such repeated examples. If you cannot so far understand the value of patient suffering, as to seek it; accept however of that part which God shall appoint for you. Be once in earnest, and prepare for embracing your present trial or submitting to the next that comes. What kind of Christian are you, if you are only then patient and in good humour, when you have nothing to try you?" The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother