The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.


"I beg all in the Diocese of Raleigh to pray daily that our Lord Jesus will bless our local church with more priests and with an increase of vocations to the religious life."

-- Bishop Burbidge (Installation Mass Homily August 4, 2006)

Prayer for Vocations and for Seminarians

  ●   To Know Our Vocation
  ●   A Prayer to know One's Vocation (St. Pius X)
  ●   Prayer for Vocation in our Parish
  ●   Prayer to Know One’s Vocation
  ●   Vocation Prayer for Parents (St. John Paul II)
  ●   A Prayer for Vocations to St. John Vianney
  ●   Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood (Pius XII)
  ●   Prayer for Vocations (St. John Paul II)
  ●   Prayer for Vocations (Pope Benedict XVI)
  ●   Prayer for Vocations
  ●   Prayer for Vocations
  ●   Prayer for Vocations
  ●   Prayer for Priestly Vocations
  ●   Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood
  ●   Prayer for Vocations to the Priestly and Religious Life
  ●   Prayer for Vocation to Our Lady of Good Counsel
  ●   Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for Vocations
  ●   A Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for the Increase of Priestly and Religious Vocations
  ●   Offering of the Sick for Vocations
  ●   Prayer of the Sick for Vocations
  ●   Morning Offering for Vocation
  ●   Prayer for one Aspiring to the Priesthood (Pope Leo XIII)
  ●   Prayer for Priests and Those Destined for the Priesthood
  ●   Prayer for All the Candidates for the Priesthood Throughout the World
  ●   Prayer for the Grace to Become a Priest
  ●   Prayer to Obtain for a Child a Vocation to the Priesthood
  ●   A Mother’s Prayer for a Seminarian
  ●   A Motherʼs Prayer
  ●   Prayer for a Son who already has a Vocation to the Priesthood
  ●   Prayer at a Son's Entrance into the Priesthood
  ●   For a Son in the Priesthood, or Studying for the Priesthood
  ●   Daily Prayer for a Seminarian Until his Ordination to the Priesthood
  ●   Prayer for Seminarians
  ●   Prayer of Offering for Seminarians
  ●   To an Altar Boy
  ●     Centennial Prayer for the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh

Novenas, Litanies, etc.

  ●   Novena for the Election of a New Pope
  ●   Novena for Priests to St. John Vianney
  ●   Novena for Priests for Pentecost
  ●   Novena of Prayer for Priestly Ordination
  ●   Novena for Those Preparing for Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood
  ●   Novena for a New Church
  ●   Novena for the Anniversary of Priestly Ordination
  ●   Novena to Saint Philomena
  ●   Precious Blood Chaplet for Priests
  ●   A Litany for the Holy Father
  ●   Litany for the Church
  ●   Litany to St. John Vianney for Vocations
  ●   Litany for Vocations
  ●   Litany for Priests
  ●   Litany for all Priests
  ●   Litany for the Priests
  ●   Litany to Obtain Holy Priests
  ●   Litany of the Good Shepherd for a Specific Priest
  ●   Litany to St. Philomena
  ●   Priests' First Saturday
  ●   Sunday Communion Offered to the Holy Ghost in Favor of the Church and of Priests
  ●   Ember Days
  ●   Rogation Days, Prayer without Ceasing
  ●   The 24 Acts of Adoration Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament in reparation for all the offenses committed against Him by mankind
  ●   Offerings to the Divine Incarnate Word of His own Most Precious Blood
  ●   Offering of the Precious Blood of Jesus
  ●   Act of Reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
  ●   Holy Hour for Priests
  ●   Holy Hour Offering for those Priests who have fallen away
  ●   Act of Oblation for Priests
  ●   Holy Hour of Adoration and Reparation for Priests (Raleigh Diocese Adoration Chapels)
  ●   Rosary for the Sanctification of Priests
  ●   Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary of Reparation for sins: against purity, chastity, and of abuse of power and authority in the Church (Bishop Jugis)
  ●   Way of the Cross for Priests ( Especially for those who are suffering persecution)

Prayers for Priests and Bishops

  ●   Morning Offering
  ●   For the Church and Civil Authorities
  ●   Prayer for the Holy Church
  ●   A Prayer for the Church (Holy Face Devotion)
  ●   Prayer for the Church
  ●   Prayer for the Church and Priests (St. Catherine of Siena)
  ●   Prayer for the Church in Anticipation of the Vacancy of the See of Peter
  ●     Prayer for Imploring Holy Popes
  ●   Prayers for the Sovereign Pontiff
  ●   Prayer for the Pope
  ●   Prayer for the Pope and for the Church
  ●   Prayer for the Pope (Pope Leo XIII)
  ●   Prayer for a New Bishop
  ●   Prayer for Holy Bishops (Saint John Fisher)
  ●   Prayer for the Bishops
  ●   Prayer for our Bishop (2016)
  ●   Prayer for the Bishop
  ●   For the Bishop
  ●   Prayer for the Bishop in Assigning Priests
  ●   For a Priest on His First Mass
  ●   Prayer for Oneʼs Ordination
  ●   Prayer of Intercession for Priests (Apostleship of Prayer)
  ●   Prayer for Priests (St. Pius X)
  ●   Prayer for Priests ( Pope Benedict XVI)
  ●   Prayer for Priests (Cardinal Carberry)
  ●   Prayer for Priests (Fr. Lasance)
  ●   Prayer for Priests (St. Catherine of Siena)
  ●   Prayer for Priests (St. Alphonsus Ligouri)
  ●   Prayer for Priests (Ven. Mother Louise Margaret Claret)
  ●   Prayer for Priests (St. Teresa of Avila)
  ●   Prayer for Priests
  ●   Prayer for Priests I
  ●   Prayer for Priests II
  ●   Prayer for Priests III
  ●   Prayer for a Parish Priest
  ●   A Prayer for Priests
  ●   Prayer for Parish Priests
  ●   Prayer for a Priest before Confession
  ●   A Prayer for a Priest after Confession
  ●   Prayer for Spiritual Fathers
  ●   Prayer to the Holy Ghost for Priests
  ●   To the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  ●   Prayer to the Sacred Heart for Priests
  ●   Prayer for Priests and Vocation ( Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux)
  ●   Prayer for Priests and Those Aspiring to the priesthood
  ●   Prayer for my Pastor and for all Priests
  ●   Prayer for the Priesthood (St. Peter Julian Eymard)
  ●   Prayer for Priest-Shepherds
  ●   A prayer for the sanctification of the clergy (Pope Pius XII)
  ●   For the Clergy
  ●   Prayer for the Clergy
  ●   For a Holy Church and Priests (St. Faustina Kowalska)
  ●   Prayer for the Clergy (League of the Sacred Heart)
  ●   For Holy Priests
  ●   Prayer for Holiness in Priests
  ●   For Zealous Priests
  ●   Prayer for Sanctification of Priests
  ●   Prayer for the Abused and Unjustly Accused
  ●   Prayer for Persecuted Priests
  ●   Prayer for Priests Who Have Gone Astray
  ●   Prayer for Priests Who Have Become Unfaithful to Their Vocation
  ●   Prayer to God to save the Church by Sanctifying His priests who have fallen away
  ●   Prayer to Offer Holy Communion for Priests
  ●   Prayer at Mass for Priests ( For Children)
  ●   Adoration and Reparation for Priests (On Thursdays)
  ●   Act of Adoration for Priests
  ●   Prayer to End Liturgical Abuse
  ●   Offering of the Precious Blood
  ●   Prayer to the Holy Infant for priests
  ●   Dedication to Pray for Learned Men and Religious
  ●   For The Souls of Priests and Religious ( St. Faustina)
  ●   For my Pastor who is sick
  ●   Prayer for Priests and Bishops who are Sick
  ●   For a Deceased Pope
  ●   Prayer for a Deceased Bishop
  ●   Prayer for a Deceased Priest I
  ●   Prayer for a Deceased Priest II
  ●   Prayer for the Soul of a Priest forgotten in Purgatory
  ●   Memorare to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  ●   Prayer for Priests in Purgatory
  ●   Prayer for the Missions
  ●   For the Purification of the Church from all Error
  ●   A Prayer for the Preservation of the Faith
  ●   Prayer for a Church Building Project
  ●   Beads of the Agonizing
  ●   Beads for the Dead
  ●     Prayer for a Priest Friend

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels

  ●   Our Lady of North Carolina
  ●   Prayer to Mary for the Holy Church
  ●   Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy (by St. John Neumann)
  ●   Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for the Church and the Supreme Pontiff
  ●   Our Lady of the Clergy
  ●   Our Lady Mother of Sorrows
  ●   Mother of Our Redeemer
  ●   O Holy Mother of God
  ●   To Mary Most Holy
  ●   Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
  ●   Supplication to the Compassionate Heart of Mary for the Church
  ●     Prayer to Our Lady of Desolation: For the Universal Triumph of the Faith
  ●   Prayer to the Holy Angels for Parishes
  ●   To St. Joachim and St. Anne, Help of the Church
  ●   Prayer to the Holy Angels on Behalf of a Cardinal (For the Conclave)
  ●   Prayer for the Poor Souls to Intercede for the Cardinal Electors
  ●   Prayer to St. Joan of Arc
  ●   Prayer to Saint Gregory, Pope and Confessor
  ●   Prayer for the Protection of the Church to Saint Michael
  ●   Prayer to St. Louis
  ●   Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua
  ●   Prayers to St. Dominic
  ●   Prayer to Saint Paul
  ●   Prayer to St. Pius X for Priests and Vocations
  ●   Prayer for a Pastor and His Parish to St. John Vianney
  ●   Prayer to St. Joseph for Persecuted Priests
  ●   To St. Joseph for a Particular Priest
  ●   Prayer to Saint Joseph for the Church
  ●   Illustrious Patriarch
  ●   Prayer to St. Joseph Patron and Protector of the Universal Church
  ●   Prayer to Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary and Patron of the Holy Church
  ●   Prayer to Saint John Eudes
  ●   Prayer for Parish Priest to St. John Vianney
  ●   Prayer to Saint Charles Borromeo
  ●   Prayer to Blessed Noel Pinot