Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
- | - | - | - | - | - | 1 Pope Francis |
2 Bishop Luis Zarama | 3 Rev. Fr. Albert Puliyadan, O.F.M. Conv. | 4 Rev. Fr. Cavine Okello, G.H.M. | 5 Rev. Fr. Omoviekovwa Nakireru | 6 Rev. Fr. Thomas Tully | 7 Rev. Fr. John Gillespie | 8 Rev. Fr. Hugh Macsherry, O.F.M. |
9 Rev. Fr. Daniel Rolczynski, L.C. | 10 Rev. Fr. Joseph Ita Sam, C.M. | 11 Rev. Fr. Nicholas Sheehy, L.C. | 12 Rev. Fr. Basile Noujio | 13 Rev. Fr. Joshua West, L.C. | 14 Rev. Fr. Peter Devereux, L.C. | 15 Rev. Fr. Jairo Maldonado-Pacheco |
16 Rev. Fr. Matthew Nwafor | 17 Rev. Fr. Robert Rutledge, O.S.F.S. | 18 Rev. Fr. Eugene Grabowski | 19 Rev. Fr. Rafael Leon-Valencia | 20 Rev. Fr. Robert Schriber | 21 Rev. Fr. Edgar Torres | 22 Rev. Fr. Bill Acosta-Escobar |
23 Rev. Fr. Jeffrey Bowker | 24 Rev. Fr. Romen Acero | 25 Rev. Msgr. Stephen Worsley | 26 Rev. Fr. Scott McCue | 27 Rev. Fr. Mark Betti | 28 Rev. Msgr. Joseph Ntuwa | 29 Rev. Msgr. Philip Leach |
30 Rev. Fr. Julio Martinez, O.F.M.Conv. | 31 Rev. Fr. Pius Wekesa | - | - | - | - | - |
  Curé D'Ars Prayer Group Calendar March 2025 in PDF format.
Prayer for the Pope
Lord Jesus, shelter our Holy Father the Pope under the protection of Thy Sacred Heart.
Be Thou his light, his strength, and his consolation.
Prayer for the Bishop
O Jesus, Prince of Pastors, Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, give Bishop Luis Zarama all those virtues, which he needs for his sanctification! May He watch over himself and the entire flock, with which the Holy Spirit has entrusted him! Fill his heart with Thine own Spirit! Give him faith, charity, wisdom and strength! Send him faithful co-laborers in the great work of saving and guiding souls! Make him a shepherd after Thine own heart, living only for his holy office, fearing nobody but Thee, and hoping for nothing but Thee, in order that when Thou shalt come, to judge shepherds and flocks, he may obtain the unfading reward of eternal life!
Prayer for Priests (St. Teresa of Avila)
O my Most Sweet Jesus,
Eternal Priest, keep Thy priest,
Fr. or Msgr. (name the priest)
within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart,
where none can hurt him.
Keep his anointed hands unsullied,
which daily handle Thy Sacred Body.
Keep pure his lips which are reddened
with Thy Precious Blood.
Keep pure and unworldly his heart which is sealed
with the sublime token of Thy glorious priesthood.
Cause him to grow in love and loyalty to Thee and
protect him from the contamination of the world.
With his power of transforming bread and wine, give him
the power of transforming hearts.
Bless his work with rich fruit and
grant him one day the crown of eternal life.