The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.


"In the same way, when we have fallen into any grievous sin, we must have recourse to the doctor, that is the priest; and to the remedy, that is confession."

-- Saint John Vianney

A Prayer for a Priest after Confession

O Lord Jesus Christ, bless, I beseech Thee,Thy servant who has now ministered to me in Thy name. Help me to remember his good counsel and advice, and to perform duly what he has rightly laid upon me. And grant him the abundance of Thy grace and favor, that his own soul may be refreshed and strengthened for Thy perfect service, and that he may come at last to the joy of Thy heavenly kingdom. Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

A Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Catholic Laity
P. J. Kennedy & Sons (New York) New Edition, Copyright, 1930, John Murphy Co.