A Litany for the Holy Father
Lord, have mercy upon us. R/ Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us. R/ Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us. R/ Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us. R/ O Christ, hear us.
O Christ, graciously hear us. R/ O Christ, graciously hear us.
O God the Father, of whom all Fatherhood is named
R/ Have mercy upon us.
O God the Son, Shepherd and Bishop of the souls of men,
R/ Have mercy upon us.
O God the Holy Ghost, strong Defender of Christ's Flock.
R/ Have mercy upon us.
O holy Trinity, one God,
R/ Have mercy upon us.
Holy Mary, Mother of the Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Holy Mary, Health of the Roman People,
R/ Pray for him.
Holy Mary, conceived immaculate and assumed into heaven.
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, son of Jonas and steadfast confessor of the God-man
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, glorious Preacher of Truth throughout the world,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, firm Rock of faith upon which the Church is built,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, chosen vessel and Apostle of the Gentiles,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, bearer of the Keys that open to us the gates of heaven,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, God's ravening Wolf of the tribe of Benjamin,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles and pastor of Christ's flock,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, most afflicted one for whom Christ' grace was sufficient,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, lowly Fisherman chose to catch souls for Christ,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, willingly burdened with the care of all the Churches,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, who followedst thy Master even to the death of the Cross,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, who bowedst beneath the sword of Nero for Christ's sake,
R/ Pray for him.
O ye holy Apostles, strong pillars of the Church of Rome,
R/ Intercede for him.
On Sundays:
Saint Linus, first successor of Peter and Paul
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Anacletus, baptized by the Apostles,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Clement, preacher of charity and obedience,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Evaristus, faithful son of Bethlehem,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Alexander, disperser of demons with hallowed water,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sixtus I, singer of the thrice-holy hymn,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Telesphorus, hermit of the Word made Flesh,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Hyginus, wise organizer of the sacred hierarchy,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Pius I, loving shepherd and confounder of the Gnostics,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Soter, saviour of the poor and the exiled,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Eleutherius, liberator from the chains of Montanus,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Victor, follower of Christ risen and victorious,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.
On Mondays:
Saint Zephyrinus, good shepherd of the flock of the west,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Callistus, most beautiful disciple of Christ,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Urban, destroyer of the idols of the City,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Pontian, reconciler of schismatics to Christ's Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Anterus, slave of Jesus the great Martyr,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Fabian, chosen by the Dove, the blessed Paraclete,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Cornelius, dispenser of God's mercy ot penitents,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Lucius, prudent pastor and exile for Christ,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Stephen, who pouredst out thy blood on Peter's chair,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sixtus II, maker of peace among the Churches,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Dionysius, dispenser of order and right teaching,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Felix I, defender of the Unity of Christ the God-man,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.
On Tuesdays:
Saint Eutychian, hallower of the good fruits of God's earth,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Caius, wise builder of the House of the Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Marcellinus, most penitent confessor of the Faith,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Marcellus I, diligent restorer of the persecuted Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Eusebius, healer of strife, exiled for Christ's sake,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Miltiades, presider over the Peace of Constantine,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sylvester I, zealous founder of holy temples,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Mark, diligent collector of the lives of the Saints of God,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Julius, defender of Athanasius and confounder of Arius,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Damasus, poet of the Martyrs and lover of the Scriptures,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Siricius, destroyer of heresy and pacifier of schism,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Anastasius, disciple of the Risen Christ, and rich in poverty,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Innocent, blameless shepherd and protector of Christ's sheep,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter
R/ Intercede for him.
On Wednesdays:
Saint Zosinus, herald of divine grace and scourge of Pelagius,
R/ Pray for him.
Sant Boniface, defender of right order and friend of Augustine,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Celestine, support of Cyril and foe of Nestorius,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sixtus III, devout client of the Mother of God,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint leo the Great, glorious Doctor of the Lord's Incarnation,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Hilary, successor and confirmer of holy Leo,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Simplicius, stalwart champion of Chalcedon,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Felix III, venerable ancestor of Gregory the Great,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Gelasius I, careful preserver of the sacred liturgy,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Symmachus, raised to the Holy See in a time of strife,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Hormisdas, bridge-builder between East and West,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint John I, imprisoned for Christ by a cruel tyrant,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.
On Thurdays:
Saint Felix IV, champion of divine grace and lover of peace,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Agapetus I, great patron of learning, sacred and secular,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Silverius, son of blessed Hormisdas and exile for the faith,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Gregory the Great, glorious Doctor and Apostle of Britain,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Boniface IV, consecrator of the Pantheon to the Saints of God,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Adeodatus I, good shepherd given by God to Rome,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Martin I, glorious martyr for the Two Wills of Christ,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Eugene I, gentle and loving pastor, well-born of God,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Vitalian, maker of peace in the Church from East to West,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Agatho, scourge of Monothelistes and healer of schism,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Leo II, sweet singer of chant and lover of the poor,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Benedict II, humble student of the Holy Scriptures,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sergius, servant of the Lamb and his blessed Mother,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.
On Fridays:
Saint Gregory II, defender of icons and enlightener of Bavaria,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Gregory III, beautifier of temples and fortifier of the City,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Zachary, gentle lawgiver and father of nations,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul I, builder of sanctuaries and custodian of holy relics,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Leo III, crowner of kings and defender of the Creed,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paschal I, Shelter of monks and finder of holy Cecilia,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Leo IV, repairer of ruins and bearer of the Cockerel,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Nicholas the Great, defender of the primacy of Peter,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Adrian III, zealous seeker of unity and distributor of bread,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Leo IX, son of Germany and reformer of the clergy,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Gregory VII, monk of Cluny and protector of the episcopate,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Victor III, humble abbot of Monte Cassino,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Urban II, defender of Christians from violent aggression,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.
On Saturdays:
Blessed Eugene III, monk of Claivaux and lover of simplicity,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Gregory X, healer of strife in Christ's broken Body,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Innocent V, son of holy Dominic and lover of unity,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Celestine V, holy hermit and seeker of solitude,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Benedict XI, martyr of peace between nations,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Urban V, great educator and lover of the Holy Rule,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Pius V, new Moses and son of the Most Holy Rosary,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Innocent XI, great pontiff and father of the poor,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Pius IX, herald of the Immaculate Virgin Mother,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Pius X, renewer of all things in Christ Jesus,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint John XXIII, good and humble father of Christians,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Paul VI, defender of human life and chaste love,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint John Paul II, ambassador of Christ, the Redeemer of man,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter,
R/ Pray for him.
R/ Intercede for him.
Daily conclusion:
Saint Joseph, most chaste Spouse of the Virgin Mother,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Michael, invincible Warrior and Protector of Holy Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Thésèse, herald of merciful Love in the heart of the Church,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Men and Women, Saints of God,
R/ Intercede for him.
We sinners.
R/ Beseech thee to hear us.
That it may please Thee to save and protect thy holy Catholic Church,
R/ We beseech thee to hear us.
That is may please Thee to preserve our Apostolic Lord,
the Holy Father N. and all orders of thy Church in holy religion,
R/ We beseech thee to hear us.
That he may be a faithful Pontiff, who shall act according to thy heart and mind,
R/ We beseech thee to hear us.
That both by his life and teaching he may be a wholesome example
to the people committed to his charge,
R/ We beseech thee to hear us.
That we, who are thy flock and the sheep of thy pasture,
may give thanks to thee for ever in thy heavenly kingdom,
O Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world,
R/ Spare us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world,
R/ Graciously hear us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world,
R/ Have mercy upon us.
O Christ, hear us.
R/ O Christ, hear us.
O Christ, graciously hear us.
R/ O Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Let Thy hand be upon the man of Thy right hand:
R/ And upon the son of man whom Thou hast confirmed for Thyself.
Let us Pray:
Almighty and everlasting God, have mercy upon Thy servant, N. , Our Supreme Pontiff, and direct him, according to Thy loving-kindness, in the way of eternal salvation; that, of Thy gift, he may ever desire that which is pleasing unto thee and may accomplish it with all his might.
Through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.