The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.


"Oh, human wretchedness! Blind is the sick man who does not know his own need, and blind the shepherd-physician, who has regard to nothing but pleasing, and his own advantage—since, not to forfeit it, he refrains from using the knife of justice or the fire of ardent charity! But such men do as Christ says: for if one blind man guide the other, both fall into the ditch. Sick man and physician fall into hell.

Such a man is a hireling shepherd, for, far from dragging his sheep from the hands of the wolf, he devours them himself. The cause of all this is, that he loves himself apart from God: so he does not follow sweet Jesus, the true Shepherd, who has given His life for His sheep.

Truly, then, this perverse love is perilous for one’s self and for others, and truly to be shunned, since it works too much harm to every generation of people.

I hope by the goodness of God, venerable father mine, that you will quench this in yourself, and will not love yourself for yourself, nor your neighbor for yourself, nor God; but will love Him because He is highest and eternal Goodness, and worthy of being "

-- Saint Catherine of Siena (Letter to Gregory XI pp. 49-51.)

A Litany for the Holy Father

Lord, have mercy upon us. R/ Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us. R/ Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us. R/ Lord, have mercy upon us.

Christ, hear us. R/ O Christ, hear us.
O Christ, graciously hear us. R/ O Christ, graciously hear us.

O God the Father, of whom all Fatherhood is named
R/ Have mercy upon us.
O God the Son, Shepherd and Bishop of the souls of men,
R/ Have mercy upon us.
O God the Holy Ghost, strong Defender of Christ's Flock.
R/ Have mercy upon us.
O holy Trinity, one God,
R/ Have mercy upon us.

Holy Mary, Mother of the Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Holy Mary, Health of the Roman People,
R/ Pray for him.
Holy Mary, conceived immaculate and assumed into heaven.
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, son of Jonas and steadfast confessor of the God-man
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, glorious Preacher of Truth throughout the world,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, firm Rock of faith upon which the Church is built,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, chosen vessel and Apostle of the Gentiles,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, bearer of the Keys that open to us the gates of heaven,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, God's ravening Wolf of the tribe of Benjamin,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles and pastor of Christ's flock,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, most afflicted one for whom Christ' grace was sufficient,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, lowly Fisherman chose to catch souls for Christ,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, willingly burdened with the care of all the Churches,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Peter, who followedst thy Master even to the death of the Cross,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul, who bowedst beneath the sword of Nero for Christ's sake,
R/ Pray for him.
O ye holy Apostles, strong pillars of the Church of Rome,
R/ Intercede for him.

On Sundays:

Saint Linus, first successor of Peter and Paul
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Anacletus, baptized by the Apostles,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Clement, preacher of charity and obedience,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Evaristus, faithful son of Bethlehem,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Alexander, disperser of demons with hallowed water,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sixtus I, singer of the thrice-holy hymn,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Telesphorus, hermit of the Word made Flesh,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Hyginus, wise organizer of the sacred hierarchy,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Pius I, loving shepherd and confounder of the Gnostics,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Soter, saviour of the poor and the exiled,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Eleutherius, liberator from the chains of Montanus,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Victor, follower of Christ risen and victorious,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.

On Mondays:

Saint Zephyrinus, good shepherd of the flock of the west,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Callistus, most beautiful disciple of Christ,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Urban, destroyer of the idols of the City,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Pontian, reconciler of schismatics to Christ's Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Anterus, slave of Jesus the great Martyr,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Fabian, chosen by the Dove, the blessed Paraclete,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Cornelius, dispenser of God's mercy ot penitents,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Lucius, prudent pastor and exile for Christ,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Stephen, who pouredst out thy blood on Peter's chair,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sixtus II, maker of peace among the Churches,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Dionysius, dispenser of order and right teaching,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Felix I, defender of the Unity of Christ the God-man,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.

On Tuesdays:

Saint Eutychian, hallower of the good fruits of God's earth,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Caius, wise builder of the House of the Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Marcellinus, most penitent confessor of the Faith,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Marcellus I, diligent restorer of the persecuted Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Eusebius, healer of strife, exiled for Christ's sake,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Miltiades, presider over the Peace of Constantine,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sylvester I, zealous founder of holy temples,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Mark, diligent collector of the lives of the Saints of God,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Julius, defender of Athanasius and confounder of Arius,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Damasus, poet of the Martyrs and lover of the Scriptures,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Siricius, destroyer of heresy and pacifier of schism,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Anastasius, disciple of the Risen Christ, and rich in poverty,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Innocent, blameless shepherd and protector of Christ's sheep,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter
R/ Intercede for him.

On Wednesdays:

Saint Zosinus, herald of divine grace and scourge of Pelagius,
R/ Pray for him.
Sant Boniface, defender of right order and friend of Augustine,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Celestine, support of Cyril and foe of Nestorius,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sixtus III, devout client of the Mother of God,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint leo the Great, glorious Doctor of the Lord's Incarnation,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Hilary, successor and confirmer of holy Leo,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Simplicius, stalwart champion of Chalcedon,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Felix III, venerable ancestor of Gregory the Great,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Gelasius I, careful preserver of the sacred liturgy,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Symmachus, raised to the Holy See in a time of strife,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Hormisdas, bridge-builder between East and West,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint John I, imprisoned for Christ by a cruel tyrant,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.

On Thurdays:

Saint Felix IV, champion of divine grace and lover of peace,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Agapetus I, great patron of learning, sacred and secular,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Silverius, son of blessed Hormisdas and exile for the faith,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Gregory the Great, glorious Doctor and Apostle of Britain,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Boniface IV, consecrator of the Pantheon to the Saints of God,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Adeodatus I, good shepherd given by God to Rome,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Martin I, glorious martyr for the Two Wills of Christ,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Eugene I, gentle and loving pastor, well-born of God,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Vitalian, maker of peace in the Church from East to West,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Agatho, scourge of Monothelistes and healer of schism,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Leo II, sweet singer of chant and lover of the poor,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Benedict II, humble student of the Holy Scriptures,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Sergius, servant of the Lamb and his blessed Mother,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.

On Fridays:

Saint Gregory II, defender of icons and enlightener of Bavaria,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Gregory III, beautifier of temples and fortifier of the City,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Zachary, gentle lawgiver and father of nations,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paul I, builder of sanctuaries and custodian of holy relics,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Leo III, crowner of kings and defender of the Creed,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Paschal I, Shelter of monks and finder of holy Cecilia,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Leo IV, repairer of ruins and bearer of the Cockerel,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Nicholas the Great, defender of the primacy of Peter,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Adrian III, zealous seeker of unity and distributor of bread,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Leo IX, son of Germany and reformer of the clergy,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Gregory VII, monk of Cluny and protector of the episcopate,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Victor III, humble abbot of Monte Cassino,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Urban II, defender of Christians from violent aggression,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter,
R/ Intercede for him.

On Saturdays:

Blessed Eugene III, monk of Claivaux and lover of simplicity,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Gregory X, healer of strife in Christ's broken Body,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Innocent V, son of holy Dominic and lover of unity,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Celestine V, holy hermit and seeker of solitude,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Benedict XI, martyr of peace between nations,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Urban V, great educator and lover of the Holy Rule,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Pius V, new Moses and son of the Most Holy Rosary,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Innocent XI, great pontiff and father of the poor,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Pius IX, herald of the Immaculate Virgin Mother,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Pius X, renewer of all things in Christ Jesus,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint John XXIII, good and humble father of Christians,
R/ Pray for him.
Blessed Paul VI, defender of human life and chaste love,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint John Paul II, ambassador of Christ, the Redeemer of man,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Popes, who sat on the throne of Blessed Peter,
R/ Pray for him.
R/ Intercede for him.

Daily conclusion:

Saint Joseph, most chaste Spouse of the Virgin Mother,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Michael, invincible Warrior and Protector of Holy Church,
R/ Pray for him.
Saint Thésèse, herald of merciful Love in the heart of the Church,
R/ Pray for him.
All ye holy Men and Women, Saints of God,
R/ Intercede for him.

We sinners.
R/ Beseech thee to hear us.
That it may please Thee to save and protect thy holy Catholic Church,
R/ We beseech thee to hear us.
That is may please Thee to preserve our Apostolic Lord,
the Holy Father N. and all orders of thy Church in holy religion,
R/ We beseech thee to hear us.
That he may be a faithful Pontiff, who shall act according to thy heart and mind,
R/ We beseech thee to hear us.
That both by his life and teaching he may be a wholesome example
to the people committed to his charge,
R/ We beseech thee to hear us.
That we, who are thy flock and the sheep of thy pasture,
may give thanks to thee for ever in thy heavenly kingdom,

O Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world,
R/ Spare us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world,
R/ Graciously hear us, O Lord.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world,
R/ Have mercy upon us.

O Christ, hear us.
R/ O Christ, hear us.
O Christ, graciously hear us.
R/ O Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Let Thy hand be upon the man of Thy right hand:
R/ And upon the son of man whom Thou hast confirmed for Thyself.

Let us Pray:

Almighty and everlasting God, have mercy upon Thy servant, N. , Our Supreme Pontiff, and direct him, according to Thy loving-kindness, in the way of eternal salvation; that, of Thy gift, he may ever desire that which is pleasing unto thee and may accomplish it with all his might.
Through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Composed by a monk from the Silverstream Priory, Stamullen, Co Meath, Ireland
Imprimatur: Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath ( 17 Fev. 2015)
Printed copies are available at the Priory's web site