The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.


"Most of the saintly bishops and priests whose "praise the Church declares," owe the beginning of their vocation and their holiness to example and teaching of a father strong in faith and manly virtues, of a pure and devoted mother, and of a family in which the love of God and neighbor, joined with simplicity of life, has reigned supreme."

-- Pope Pius XI (On the Catholic Priesthood)

Prayer at a Son's Entrance into the Priesthood

Heavenly Father, You have called my son to be a priest and he has generously responded to that call. I pray that he will be ever faithful in this new state and happy with the way of life lying ahead. Help me to be ever ready to render my assistance whenever and however it may be needed. Let me always remember that it is an honor to give one's son to You who gave him to us in the first place. Amen.