Prayers for the Sovereign Pontiff
To God the Father.
Be mindful, O Eternal Father, of Thy Church, which Thou hast possessed from the beginning; recognize in her the unspotted bride, for whom Thy Adorable Son shed His Precious Blood. Vouchsafe to exalt her, to sanctify and replenish her with such an abundance of Thy graces, that she may be worthy of her Divine Spouse, and that her children may confess Thee with a lively faith, call upon Thee with a firm hope, and love Thee with a perfect charity. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary.
To God the Son
O Lord Jesus, the True Light, that enlightenest every man coming into the world, dissipate, I beseech Thee, the darkness of heresy and schism. Open the eyes of those in error, that they may perceive the brightness of Divine Faith, and embrace the doctrines of the true and only Church, so that, for the future, there may be but one fold and one flock. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary.
To God the Holy Ghost.
O Holy Ghost, Spirit of Peace and Love, enkindle in the hearts of princes, the fire of divine charity, which Thou camest to cast upon the earth! Teach them not to meditate any enterprise subversive of Thy Glory of They Church's peace, but to seek by every means in their power to attain for themselves and those confided to them the enjoyment of eternal repose. Amen
Our Father, Hail Mary.
To the Most Holy Trinity
Adorable Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Who didst create the souls of infidels after Thine own image and likeness, hear the prayers of pious Christians, and the supplications of Thy Church; disperse the blindness of idolaters; send among them men truly apostolic, who may teach them the only saving faith; and grant them the grace to know and adore Thee for evermore. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary.
Prayer for our Holy Father the Pope
O God, the Pastor and Governor of all the faithful, look propitiously on Thy servant N., whom Thou hast constituted Head of Thy Church; grant him grace to form to virtue and religion, both by word and example, the flock committed to his charge, so that they may, with him, attain the rewards of eternal life. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary.
May the Almighty and Merciful God graciously hear us.
And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.