The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group
The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group
For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.
Let priests, therefore, bear in mind that sanctity in them is presupposed. "That for the reception of sacred Orders simple sanctifying grace by no means suffices; but that beyond this, interior perfection is required, as is proved by the unanimous consent of fathers and doctors, who with one mouth demand is."( St. Alphonsus) No degree, therefore, of sanctity is judged to be proportionate to sacerdotal perfection by the Church of God, and by God, the author of the priesthood, but that which bears some likeness of the great High Priest Jesus Christ our Lord. For the priest is sent in the sight of the world, to be a living image of the life of Jesus toiling in solitude and in the straits of poverty, and suffering also the contradictions of men."
-- Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, The Eternal Priesthood
Prayer for the Clergy (League of the Sacred Heart)
O God, who willest that Thy priests should be holy and without blemish before Thee; grant unto those whom Thou hast separated from among men in order to serve Thee at Thy holy altar, all sacerdotal virtues.
So engrave the priestly character in the souls of those who are about to be admitted to the Sacred Order of Priesthood, that they may never in any way degenerate from their high vocation, but serve Thee in all holiness. Amen.
Apostleship of Prayer, League of the Sacred Heart 1895