Prayer for the Missions
Most Merciful Father, O Lord Jesus Christ, Who did charge Thine Apostles that they should preach the Gospel to every nation; prosper, I pray Thee,
all missions both at home and abroad (especially N.); give them all things needful for their work, making them to be centers of spiritual life, to the quickening
of many souls and the glory of Thy Holy Name.
For their maintenance and extension grant Thy people grace earnestly to pray, and largely to contribute
of their worldly substance. Support, guide, and bless the Clergy who labor in them, give them grace to witness to the faith, endue them with burning zeal and love,
make them patient under all disappointments, and meekly submissive under all persecutions, that they may turn many to righteousness, and may themselves win
a crown of everlasting glory, Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen