Saint Longinus
by VP
Posted on Saturday March 15, 2025 at 12:00AM in Poetry
Confession of Longinus by Tissot
"LOVE YOUR ENEMIES.- The evangelical precept the most difficult, perhaps, to observe, is that which prescribes to us to do good in return for evil and to love those that hate us. Saviour having given us, however, the example simultaneously with the precept, and vouchsafing to us the grace which renders the precept possible, there remains no excuse for our not accomplishing it. This admirable example did not fail to produce speedy fruits; for one of the Roman soldiers present at the time of His suffering-according to some the very one who cried out while he saw the Saviour expire, "Verily, this was the Son of God," while others believe it was the guard who pierced His side with a lance, and on whom the name of Longinus, probably in mere ignorance of his right name, has been conferred- -was converted, and began to announce the Gospel. On learning this, Pilate caused him to be arrested in Cappadocia. Now Longinus, knowing by revelation what the soldiers who were seeking him intended, received them into his house, acted towards them as one does with friends, and ultimately discovered to them who he was. They decapitated him without further ado.
MORAL REFLECTION. Behold the divine precept, which calls for no commentary, "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute and calumniate you."—(Matt. v. 44.)" Pictorial Half Hours with the Saints by Fr. Auguste Lecanu
PRAYER TO ST. LONGINUS: O Saint Longinus, you were chosen as the venerable gate keeper and was granted the gift of discernment by the Lord. An eyewitness of God's miracle who glorified the resurrected Christ. To your death, you remained Christ's soldier and for Christ you gave your head. Pray for us, therefore, O St. Longinus so that being inspired by your example and assisted by your prayers, we may live a holy life, die a happy death, and reach eternal life to praise and thank God in heaven with you. I ask you to pray to God this special request if it be His holy will. ( Mention your requests )
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Almighty, Eternal God, You were pleased to make Your Church illustrious through the varied splendor of St. Longinus. As we venerate his memory, may we also follow such shining examples of virtue on earth and thus obtain merited crowns in Heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. St. Longinus Patron Saint of the blind and people with poor eyesight, Pray for us. St. Longinus Patron Saint of Labor and Power, Pray for us. St. Longinus Patron Saint of Good Discernment, Pray for Us. Amen.
Lent: Ember Saturday: the day Christ was entombed. (Fast and half-abstinence)
by VP
Posted on Saturday March 15, 2025 at 12:00AM in Ember Days
Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness by Jacques Tissot
are two main purposes for the Ember days: “ the consecration of the
four seasons to God and the ordination of the clergy. With
regard to the first; gratitude for God’s gifts is a leading feature in
each of the four fasts, for gratitude is the best means of drawing down
His future blessings in the preservation of the fruits of the earth.
to the second point; the importance of the periodical ordinations of
the clergy cannot be overrated. All good Catholics must needs feel an
interest in the future priests of the Church, for ordination not only
confers an immense privilege on those who are ordained, but also affects
the salvation of those souls, who are hereafter to be entrusted to
their care. The recurrence of the Ember Days should, therefore, remind
all to pray:
1.for vocations to the priesthood, that God would send fit laborers for reaping the harvest;
2. that those about to be ordained may be filled with the true spirit of their high calling;
3. for the success of the labors of the bishops and clergy, both secular and regular, as also for their welfare.
obtain these blessings from God, the fast, (which is of strict
obligation) on the Ember Days, should be offered. The value of fasting
as a penitential exercise is too well known to need explanation here,
but it may be remarked that when it is practiced in obedience to the
Church, its efficacy is increased a hundred-fold. By those not able to
fast, other good works are usually substituted. Prayer and fasting,
therefore, are joined together, after the example of the Apostles, who
“fasting and praying, and imposing their hands upon them, sent them
away.” (…)
We may sum up what has already been said by stating
that the three good works, styled eminent, are inculcated upon us at the
Ember seasons. Prayer and Fasting hold a prominent place; St. Leo, who
said so much on Ember Days, adds Almsgiving: “Let us spend in good
deeds,” he says, “what we take from indulgence.” No better time than
the Ember Days could be chosen to lay aside, or offer, and alms towards
the support of candidates for the priesthood; or for an object which is
equally important, the maintenance of the clergy in general.
carry out with success these intentions of the Church at Ember-tide, no
new confraternity need be established; all that is required is a full
appreciation of the spirit of the Church as manifested in her Liturgy
and observances, when these seasons come round. The test of true
love for our Lord, as His own words tell, is obedience to His will. We
may apply to the Church, His representative, and her ordinances, this
same test of true love, which He Himself has given: “If you love Me,
Keep My commandments.” Source: The Ember Days, by Dom Columba Edmonds, OSB the Catholic Truth Society, Vol 32 1897
Prayers for Ember Days:
Listen, Almighty God, we beseech Thee, to the prayers which Thy universal Church offers to Thee at this time, beseeching Thy blessing on those who are about to be admitted to Thy Holy Service of the Altar, in particular on (name). Give Thy grace to all who are called to any office and administration amongst Thy clergy, and so replenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine, and indue them with innocence of life, that they may faithfully serve Thee, to the glory of Thy great name and the benefit of Thy Holy Church. Amen
O God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of Whose goodness the treasure is infinite, we humbly thank Thee for the gifts thou hast bestowed upon us. Continue Thy mercy to us, and give us also so much of Thy temporal blessings as Thou knowest to be for our good. Grant that the fruits of the earth may, by Thy holy favor, increase and multiply. Defend them from all drought, frosts or tempests, or whatever else may be hurtful to them. It is from Thy hand only that we look for succor, and to Thee we have recourse in all our necessities. Amen.
Source: St. John's Manual 1856, Archbishop of New York John J. Hugues
Devotions for Ember days:
- Diving into the Catholic Treasury: A Revival of the Ember Days by Canon Huberfelt, ICRSS
- Renewal and the Penitential Life by Msgr. Ingham
- The Seven Penitential Psalms (Msgr. Ingham, audio)
- Seven Penitential Psalms (Latin/English)
- Litany of Saints
- Litany to Obtain Holy Priests
- Holy Hour of Adoration and Reparation for Priests
- Stations of the Cross for Priests (Especially for those who are suffering persecution)
- The Rosary to Our Lady of Sorrows dedicated for Priests, (by Fr. Scott McCaig,CC on the occasion of the Year for Priest, 2009)
Day 11. Lent with the Cure d'Ars: Repairing the wrong done
by VP
Posted on Saturday March 15, 2025 at 12:00AM in Lenten Sermons
"Having made satisfaction to God, we must then make satisfaction to our neighbor for the wrong which - either in his body or in his soul -- we have done him.
I say that it is possible to wrong him in his body, that is to say, in his person, by attacking him either by injurious or insulting words or by bad treatment. If we have sinned against him by injurious words, then we must apologize to him and make our reconciliation with him. If we have done him some wrong by belaboring his animals, as sometimes happens when we find that they have been doing damage among our crops, we are obliged to give him all that we have been the cause of his losing: we could have got compensation without maltreating these animals. If we have done any harm, we are obliged to repay as soon as we can; otherwise we will be gravely at fault. If we have neglected to do that, we have sinned and we must confess it.
If you have done wrong to your neighbor in his honor, as, for instance, by scandalous talk, you are obliged to make up by favorable and beneficent talk for all the harm you have done to his reputation, saying all the good of him which you know to be true and concealing any faults which he may have and which you are not obliged to reveal. If you have calumniated your neighbor, you must go and find the people to whom you have said false things about him and tell them that what you have been saying is not true, that you are very grieved about it, and that you beg them not to believe it.
But if you have done him harm in his soul, it is a still more difficult thing to repair, and yet it must be done as far as possible; otherwise God will not pardon you. You must also examine your conscience as to whether you have given scandal to your children or to your next-door neighbors. How many fathers, mothers, masters, and mistresses are there who scandalize their children and their servants by not saying their prayers morning or evening or by saying them when they are dressing or sitting back in a chair, who do not even make the Sign of the Cross before and after a meal?
How many times are they heard swearing, or perhaps even blaspheming? How many times have they been seen working on Sunday morning, even before Holy Mass?
You must consider, too, whether you have sung bad songs, or brought in bad books, or whether you have given bad counsel, as, for instance, advising someone that he should take his revenge on someone else, should exact satisfaction by force. Consider, too, whether you have ever taken anything from a next-door neighbor and neglected to pay it back, whether you have neglected to give some alms which you had been told to give or make some restitution which your parents, who are dead, should have made. If you wish to have the happiness of having your sins forgiven, you must have nothing belonging to anyone else which you should and could pay back. So if you have sullied your neighbor's reputation, you must do all in your power to repair the damage. You must be reconciled with your enemies, speak to them as if they had never done you anything but good all your life, keeping nothing in your heart but the charity which the good Christian should have for everyone, so that we can all appear with confidence before the tribunal of God. "
Source: The Sermons of the Cure d'Ars, p.121, 1960.
Prayer for Lent: O Lord who, for our sake, didst fast forty days and forty nights; give us grace to use such abstinence that, our flesh being subdued to the spirit, we may worthily lament and acknowledge our wretchedness, and may obtain perfect remission and forgiveness of Thee, the God of all mercy, who livest and reignest with the Father and Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen
Source: Lent with the Cure d'Ars Compiled by the CAPG