St. Felix of Burgundy, Bishop, Apostle of the East Angles, Confessor, a.d. 646
by VP
Posted on Wednesday March 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints
St. Felix. from the reredos of the church of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, UK
"Saint Felix was a native of Burgundy, who being for his virtue and merits advanced to the priestly dignity, flourished in sanctity and learning at the time when Sigebert, a prince of the East Angles, went over into that province. Becoming acquainted with St. Felix, he was convinced by him of the errors of Paganism, was baptised by St. Felix, and became a sincere and zealous Christian. Some time after, Sigebert was called home to succeed to the kingdom, and made it his first care to introduce the Christian religion into his provinces of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire, and to establish it on a solid foundation. For this purpose he invited over from France his spiritual father, St. Felix; who without demur quitted his country, friends, and native home, to come and preach the faith of Christ to an uncivilised Pagan people. To proceed regularly in so great an undertaking, he addressed himself to Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury, by whom he was duly authorized and commissioned to preach to the East Angles. King Sigebert received him with great honor, and appointed him for his residence the place now called Dunwich in Suffolk, formerly a great town, but long ago swallowed up by the sea. St. Felix was consecrated bishop by St. Honorius, and undertook his apostolic charge with an ardent desire of the glory of God and the salvation of souls. He founded, with the help of the king, churches, monasteries, and schools; and brought over the whole kingdom to the true faith. St. Felix was bishop for seventeen years, and had during that time discharged the duties of a most zealous and vigilant pastor. At length he departed to our Lord in the year 646, and was buried in the church of Dunwich; but his relics were afterwards translated to the abbey of Ramsey.
Pray for your country.
Give God thanks for all those apostolic men, by whose labors God
brought so great a blessing to this nation; and beseech him to revive a
like spirit in all who succeed to their charge. Pray for the pastors of this nation, that God would animate them with true zeal for the good of their flock." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
#6 Acts of Adoration Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament in reparation for all the offenses committed against Him by mankind
by VP
Posted on Wednesday March 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Thursday Reparation
6. We adore Thee, O Immaculate Lamb, that takest away the sins of the world! And to repair all the irreverences, gazing at dangerous objects, and disrespectful postures during the time of Holy Mass, we offer to Thee the profound respect of the choir of Virtues. Eternal praise and thanksgiving be to the Most Holy and Most Divine Sacrament.
O Queen of heaven and earth, hope of mankind, who adores thy Divine
Son incessantly! We entreat thee, that, since we have the honor to be of
the number of thy children, thou would interest thyself in our behalf
and make satisfaction for us, and in our name, to our Eternal Judge, by
rendering to Him the duties which we ourselves are incapable of
performing. Amen
Day 2. Lent with the Cure d'Ars: Renounce sin for good and all
by VP
Posted on Wednesday March 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Lenten Sermons
"All that is very true, you will tell me, but what will people say about me after seeing me go to confession several times and then not make my Easter duty? People are going to believe that I am leading a bad life; besides I know plenty of others who are worse sinners than I who have been given absolution; you have received so and so well, and he has broken the law of abstinence with me; and so and so, who has been out on Sundays, as well as I have.
The conscience of another person is not yours. If he does wrong, it is not for you to listen to accounts of it. Or do you want, just in order to keep up appearances, to damn your soul by committing sacrilege? Would not that be the greatest of all evils? You think that people will notice you because they have seen you going to Confession several times and yet you have not been to Holy Communion. Ah, my poor friend, fear rather the eyes of God, before which you have done the wrong, and pay no attention to all the others. You say that you know of some, more guilty than you, who have been given Absolution. What do you know of them? Did an angel come to you to tell you that God had not changed or converted them? And even if they should not have been converted should you therefore do wrong because they do wrong? Would you want to be damned because others are damning themselves? Dear God, what frightful talk!
But, these penitents still protest, these penitents who not only have not been converted, but who indeed do not want to be converted at all but only to save their faces in public. When will it be the right time then to come for Holy Communion?
When will it be time to come for Holy Communion? Listen to St. John Chrysostom. He himself is going to tell us when it will be time for Holy Communion. Is it at Easter, at Pentecost, at Christmas? No, he tells us. Is it at the point of death? No, he tells us again. When is it then? It is, he says to us, when we have renounced sin for good and all, and are fully resolved, with the help of God's grace, not to fall into it again. When you have paid back that which is not yours, when you have become reconciled with your enemy - that is when you are genuinely converted.
Other sinners will tell us: "If you are going to be so difficult, we will go to those who will allow us to go to Holy Communion. Look at how many times I have come. I have other things to do than to be walking the roads. I am not coming back for a long time, for I can see quite plainly that you are angry with me. What great harm have I done, then?"
You will go find another, my friend? You are entirely free to go to anyone who seems good to you. But do you think that another would wish, any more that I would to damn himself? No, I am sure you do not. If he receives you, it is because he does not know you well enough. Do you want to know what sort of a person talks like that, and who goes in search of Absolution elsewhere? Listen, and tremble. He leaves his guide, who can lead him surely, to look for a passport to go straight to Hell.
But, you will say to me, look at how many times I keep coming.
Very well, my friend! Change your ways and you will be allowed Absolution the very first time you return.
I am not coming back, you say, for a very long time.
So much the worse for you alone, my poor friend. In not coming back you are taking a big step in the direction of Hell.There are some who are so blind that they will go so far as to believe that the confessor is angry with them because he does not give them Absolution. Undoubtedly, my friends, he is vexed with you, but it is because he desires the salvation of your poor soul. It is for that reason that he does not want to give you an Absolution which, very far from saving you, would damn you for all eternity.
But, you say, what have I done that is so bad? I have not killed, or stolen.
You say not killed, not stolen, you say? But my friend, Hell is full of other people who have not killed or stolen. There are more than two sins which drag souls into Hell. But if we were so lax as to give you Absolution when you do not merit it, we would be playing the part of executioner of your poor soul, which caused so much suffering to Jesus."
Source: The sermons of the Cure of Ars, 1960, p.123
Prayer for Lent: O Lord who, for our sake, didst fast forty days and forty nights; give us grace to use such abstinence that, our flesh being subdued to the spirit, we may worthily lament and acknowledge our wretchedness, and may obtain perfect remission and forgiveness of Thee, the God of all mercy, who livest and reignest with the Father and Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen
Source: Lent with the Cure d'Ars Compiled by the CAPG