by VP
Posted on Sunday October 13, 2024 at 12:00AM in Sermons
"Shouldst not thou then have had compassion also on thy fellow-servant ?"-MATT. 18. 33.
1. We are keen to obtain God's forgiveness.
2. But how different are we towards others!
3. A test of holiness is this fraternal charity.
4. God so willingly forgives, if we are kind.
We have all needed this reprimand, and most of us many a time. "Shouldst not thou then have had compassion also on thy fellow-servant?" What different kind of people we are, when asking forgiveness and when we are asked to forgive! At confession how anxious to be forgiven; shortly afterwards how harsh and unkind and fault-finding to others! We
forget God's mercy is granted to us in the same measure that we give it to others.
Little things betray the spirit of our hearts in this respect. It is no excuse that they are only little things. There is nothing that is really little, that is for God or against God. Besides, if we are resentful and bitter about small matters, how can we reasonably expect to be forgiving, kind, and charitable when we have serious reason to be hurt and offended? For the safety of our soul we have to watch small failings in this matter of fraternal charity.
Naturally we are very prone and ready to fail in charity. We are keen to notice; to think evil; to repeat and exaggerate anything against another; self-love easily takes offence, and the offence rankles, and brotherly love is ruined. Whereas, with the aid of prayer, and with the grace of God, we should constantly try to be charitable; thinking no evil; saying no unkind word; doing kindnesses even to those who have been unkind to us. Above all, to be ready to forgive from the heart whatever may have been said or done against us. In this matter we have either to mean and try to be saints, or we shall, eventually, find ourselves reprimanded and punished by our Master, Jesus Christ.
Take what the saints have done and said. The great St. Teresa prays thus: "Forgive us, O Lord, not because of our prayers and good deeds, but because we have forgiven." When Blessed Juvenal Ancina was dying, poisoned by an enemy, he not only refused to mention the name of the assassin, whom he knew well, but strictly forbade that any inquiry should be made to lead to his punishment. And St. John Gualbertus, about to kill the murderer of his brother, at the sign and mention of the Cross, forgave him from his heart. And this was the turning-point-a proud young nobleman changed into a saint.
Not only were the saints ready to forgive, but they practiced active and kindly charity amongst the poor, the sick, and the afflicted. When we read the lives of holy men we cannot help but be struck by this humble and penitential habit. Even exalted personages and profound scholars steal time from their other labors to visit hospitals and the poor in their homes. This is one of the surest marks of real holiness. And others, again, devoted their whole lives to such work and founded religious Orders to perpetuate their labors. Oh! they had compassion on their fellow-servants. Call to mind St. Vincent of Paul. Who shall ever tell all that has been done in his life and since his death, by himself and those he taught to succor human misery? Their name is legion who have followed in his footsteps. And St. Camillus, the patron of a holy death, whose holy calling it was to tend the dying, winning poor sinners over in his hospitals to repent and die in peace. These are the heroes of charity, and so many more that could be named, and whom you of yourselves will remember. Heroes of charity, who loved to tend the most loathsome diseases, and whose touch wrought so many miraculous cures. We cannot be like them heroes, but we can and must pray to have a little of their spirit of kindness and compassion.
We must be determined and ready to meet the trials of life with resignation and serenity, and being kind to others in their necessities and miseries will bring this grace to our own souls. We cannot help it; suffering is like our shadow-we cannot get away from it. But being mindful and tender towards the sufferings of others will enable us to bear our own with fortitude and hope. St. Laurence the Martyr first saw to the poor and afflicted, distributed the Church's treasures to them, and with the sign of the Cross opened the eyes of the blind; and then when roasted slowly to death, God blessed him so that the flames were like roses to him, and happily and triumphantly he died for Christ. This is how God blesses compassion and fraternal charity.
For ourselves let us take consolation from this thought: God seems blind to our failings, as long as He sees kindness to others in our hearts. He gives us Himself as an example. He was meekness itself; He went about doing good to all; He loved to be amongst the poor; and of all that were diseased, do we read of one being sent away uncured? And His blessed Mother is like to Him, as we should expect. We salute her as Queen of Heaven, but a title she loves better is "Mother of Mercy." How often have we stood in need of her pity and her help, and how often again shall we receive it, for she will ask our Lord for us, and she cannot be denied, if only she sees us striving to be to each other kind, and charitable, and merciful, and compassionate." Short Sermons on the Epistles & Gospels of the Sundays of the Year By Fr. Francis Paulinus Hickey (21rst Sunday after Pentecost)Saint Edward the Confessor: Piety and Grandeur of Soul
by VP
Posted on Sunday October 13, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
King Edward the Confessor, holding a ring and a sceptre. Engraving by J. Smith, 1732.
Wellcome Collection. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.
"PIETY AND GRANDEUR OF SOUL.-In the estimation of worldlings the word "piety" denotes littleness of mind; but this betokens littleness of judgment on their part, for religion shows forth the contrary by illustrious examples. No man was ever more pious, mortified, chaste, and charitable than St. Edward, king of England; but side by side with these purely Christian qualities he displayed a grandeur of soul worthy of the throne. He established a wisely-planned code, which still forms the groundwork of public law in England, and organized an administration so complete that the nation seemed to govern itself as of its own free will; and he proved himself fully able to repel his enemies by armed force whenever it was found needful to engage in war. His subjects loved him like a father. Providence seemed to have singled him out to repair the disasters resulting from forty years of invasion, and to restore his country. He died in 1066, after having founded the abbey of Westminster. "Weep not," he said to his queen Editha; "I am not about to die, but am beginning to live eternally."
MORAL REFLECTION.-"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," and thereby "a wise man will increase his wisdom."(Prov. i. 5, 7.) Pictorial half hours with the saints. By Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu
Saint Wilfrid, Bishop and Confessor, A.D. 709
by VP
Posted on Saturday October 12, 2024 at 12:29AM in Saints
St. Wilfrid, St Etheldreda's, Ely
"But as for you and your companions, you certainly sin if, having heard the decrees of the Apostolic See and of the Universal Church, and that the same is confirmed by Holy Writ, you refuse to follow them; for, though your fathers were holy, do you think that their small number, in a corner of the remotest island, is to be preferred before the Universal Church of Christ throughout the world? and if that Columba of yours (and I may say, ours also, if he was Christ's servant) was a holy man and powerful in miracles, yet could he be preferred before the most blessed prince of the apostles, to whom our Lord said, Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, and to thee I will give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven." Lives of the English Saints. St. Wilfrid, Bishop of York p35
"Saint Wilfrid was bishop of York, in the beginning of the eighth century. He consecrated his youth to Almighty God, going into the monastery of Lindisfarne, at the age of fourteen. After some years, observing some remissness there, he went to Rome, that he might be there instructed in the rules of greater perfection. Returning into England, he made some stay at Canterbury, and thence carried the rule of St. Benedict into the North, which had not yet been received in those parts. His virtue and learning recommended him to the see of York. Egfrid soon after succeeding to the crown, this prelate's constancy was not accommodated to the temper of that prince, who therefore drove him from his see. But being again admitted, he died there in peace, having labored in all the duties of a good pastor nearly fifty years.
The good seed sown in his youth appeared afterwards in a plentiful harvest. Take the same method, if you have any under your care. Season youth with good principles; for thus only can you hope to secure it against the uncertain, vain, or vicious inclinations of those years, and against the infinite snares of a treacherous and corrupt world. They who are sensible of the many dangers to which these are exposed, will find all the care that they can take little enough to prevent their going astray. Therefore as for those, whose principal solicitude is for a fashionable education, and who for accomplishing this, venture their children into the midst of corruption; it is but too evident, that they are more concerned for this world, than for the next. If they live to see their children miserable, they can only thank themselves. But how will they make reparation for their fault, when it is beyond their power? Good education and example teach children to be saints; but to bring them up to the usual vanities and follies of the world, is putting them into the broad way, even the way of hell." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER
October 12th, Our Lady of the Pillar
by VP
Posted on Saturday October 12, 2024 at 12:00AM in Prayers
La Virgen del pilar (late 18th century, Puerto Rico) by José Campeche y Jordán
Prayer to Our Lady of the Pillar
O Virgin Mother of the Pillar, deigning to appear to thy beloved
disciple, St. James, promising him the victory over paganism, and
blessing so abundantly his labors for the spread of the True Catholic
Faith, secure for us also, who are the children of that same Faith, the
victory over our many foes and the paganism that threaten souls in our
Through the intercession of thine Apostle, St. James, the “Son of
Thunder”, may we help establish everywhere the true devotion to thy
Immaculate Heart that Our Lord wills for the conversion of all sinners.
"Of all the places that Spain offers for the veneration of the devout, the most illustrious is doubtless the sanctuary consecrated to God under the invocation of the Blessed Virgin, under the title of our Lady of the Pillar, at Saragossa. According to ancient and pious tradition, St. James the Greater, led by Providence into Spain, spent some time at Saragossa. He there received a signal favor from the Blessed Virgin. As he was praying with his disciples one night, upon the banks of the Ebro, as the same tradition informs us, the Mother of God, who still lived, appeared to him, and commanded him to erect an oratory in that place. The apostle delayed not to obey this injunction, and with the assistance of his disciples soon constructed a small chapel. In the course of time a larger church was built and dedicated, which, with the dedication of Saint Savior's, is kept as a festival in the city and Diocese of Saragossa on the 4th of October."
Approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites on 7 August 1723, and later inserted in the lessons of the office of the feast of our Lady of the Pillar, celebrated on 12 October.
Source: wikipedia
Feast of the Maternity of Mary
by VP
Posted on Friday October 11, 2024 at 12:00AM in Tradition
Our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Priests, Holy Name Cathedral, Raleigh NC
"We honor, on this festival, that singular privilege of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to be the Mother of the world's Redeemer. She conceived of the Holy Ghost; and the eternal Son of God, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, took flesh of her,
in order to be born man for our salvation. We are called upon this day
to give thanks to God for this wonderful dignity and favor conferred on our Blessed Lady, that she should be the Mother of God.
We are invited to make our requests to our Blessed Redeemer, that as
for our salvation, He was pleased to be humbled, and chose for His
mother a virgin, who being full of grace, and blessed among women, was, notwithstanding these great prerogatives, the most
humble too, so He would vouchsafe to take from us all pride, and give
us an humble spirit, that so we may be in earnest His disciples. What
was the very motive for which she was chosen out of all women to that great dignity, must be the thing most desired by all who seek to be his. This dignity of Mother of God, is the crown and perfection of her excellence. What may we not hope from the powerful intercession and loving patronage of such
a mother? With what confidence ought we to implore her protection and
intercession in life, but especially in death, when we shall stand most
in need of the protection of Mary. We daily recite the Hail Mary, and therein invoke our Blessed Lady, as the Holy Mother of God;
but we should strive to recite it with ardent devotion and lively
confidence, earnestly desiring to commend ourselves to her powerful
patronage. All the favors conferred by the Almighty on other saints, were not to be compared to that reserved for Mary. She was His peculiar choice, and furnished with His graces to bear the most illustrious and exalted title of honor that heaven could bestow on a creature, to conceive and bring forth the Divine Word made man. Pray on this day that the Holy Mother of God would be a mother to you also." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
"We exhort all those who glory in being the followers of Christ, and who place in Him their own hope and salvation and that of human society, that they should ever join themselves more firmly and more closely to this Roman Church, in which alone Christ is believed in with whole and perfect faith, is worshiped with the sincere worship of adoration, and is beloved with the perpetual flame of burning charity. Let them remember, and in particular those who preside over a flock separated from Us, that the faith which their fathers solemnly professed at Ephesus is preserved unchanged and is strenuously defended, as in past ages so also in the present, by this supreme Chair of Truth. Let them remember that the unity of this genuine faith rests and stands firm only on the one rock set by Christ, and can be preserved safe and intact by the supreme authority of the successors of Blessed Peter.
that there may be a liturgical monument of this commemoration, which
may help to nourish the piety of clergy and people towards the great
Mother of God, We have commanded Our supreme council presiding over
Sacred Rites to publish an Office and Mass of the Divine Maternity, which is to be celebrated by the universal Church." Encyclical: Lux Veritatis, Pope Pius XI, 1931.
Liturgical notes on the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (New Liturgical Movement)
Mary, Mother of Jesus, throw your mantle of purity over our priests. Protect them, guide them, and keep them in your heart. Be a Mother to them, especially in times of discouragement and loneliness. Love them and keep them belonging completely to Jesus. Like Jesus, they, too, are your sons, so keep their hearts pure and virginal. Keep their minds filled with Jesus, and put Jesus always on their lips, so that He is the one they offer to sinner and to all they meet.Mary, Mother of Jesus, be their Mother, loving them and bringing them joy. Take special care of sick and dying priests, and the ones most tempted. Remember how they spent their youth and old age, their entire lives serving and giving all to Jesus. Mary, bless them and keep a special place for them in your heart. Give them a piece of your heart, so beautiful and pure and immaculate, so full of love and humility, so that they, too, can grow in the likeness of Christ. Dear Mary, make them humble like you, and holy like Jesus. Amen.
Saint Francis Borgia S.J., Confessor, Priest 1572
by VP
Posted on Thursday October 10, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
Saint Francis Borgia praying at an altar.
How much the considerations of the things which we see on the earth ought to increase our humility:
"And, to commence with Bishops, I say that a Bishop has great matter for confusion before God, seeing how little care he takes of his people, despite the example of our Savior, who did not hesitate to give His life for the souls which His Father had confided to Him. Alas! how can anyone render an account of each individual under his charge, who does not even know his flock by sight?
What shall I say of the priest? What should be his confusion when he hears these words of Jesus Christ: "So likewise every one of you that doth not renounce all that he possesseth, cannot be My disciple;" (Luke xiv. 26) and when he compares the recklessness of his behavior with the sanctity of the Victim which he holds in his hands, and of which he is the sacrificer?
What ought also be the confusion of the preacher, when he reflects that he is called to the ministry of the Redeemer of the world, and that his life is so different from that of his Master? Let him consider the life which Jesus Christ led in the desert before He preached the Gospel, and let him form himself on this model. Unhappy is he who does not take care to make his conduct conformable to the doctrine which he teaches. Let him remember that the word of God is a holy word, and that an impure mouth is unworthy to announce it. Let him fear this terrible reproach that God made to the preachers by His Prophet: "But to the sinner God hath said: Why dost thou declare My justice, and take My covenant in thy mouth? Seeing thou hast hated discipline and hast cast My words behind thee." (Psalm xlix. 16, 17.) If the great Apostle feared to be a reprobate and a castaway when teaching others the way of salvation, should not the preacher tremble and keep himself in humility?" Spiritual Works of St. Francis Borgia, 1875 p 55."He was duke of Gandia in Spain. Having been educated in great piety by the archbishop of Saragossa, he was sent at the age of eighteen, by his father, to the court of the Emperor Charles V. There, being recommended by his singular piety, he was preferred by the emperor, and afterwards married to a Portuguese lady. Amidst these distractions at court, and a married life, he learned to contemn the world. After long soliciting, he obtained leave to quit the court; and the death of his lady gave him some release as to the distractions and dangers of the world. Having therefore founded a college for the fathers of the Society of Jesus, he settled his estate on his eldest son, took the habit of the Society, and was ordained priest. He retired into a hermitage; where he subjected himself to the meanest offices of the house, begged alms for the rest, and catechized children. Being taken from this obscure place by St. Ignatius, he was sent to preach through all Spain, which he did with great fruit. Afterwards, being called to Rome, he was chosen general of the Society; and having done great services to the Church, both by his labors and virtues, he made a holy end, in the year 1572. The instances of such a retreat have been rare in these latter ages; which being their reproach, is the commendation of our saint.
Reflect how little you can persuade yourself to leave for
Christ and then you will see reason to admire him. Let his example,
however, raise in you some desires of following it, though at a
distance. For if you take the other way of admiring the world, and seeking its greatness and riches, upon what title can you hope for heaven, which is promised only to the poor in spirit? And is it not an absurdity to live on with the hopes of heaven, while you are out of the way that leads to it? Carefully study the will of Christ, and the maxims of his gospel; and be conformed to them, and not to the world." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother.
"It is," says Father Cepari, "altogether beyond the
power of words to express the spiritual content, the joy of soul
experienced by Francis, when he realized
the fact that he had now laid aside his title once and for ever, and
divested himself of all his dignities and possessions. He seemed now for
the first time truly to belong to himself, or, to speak more correctly,
to his Creator and his Lord, since there remained nothing which could
prevent him from giving himself altogether to Him.
Seeing himself to be clothed in the garb of poverty, feeling himself to be at last a Religious in very deed, he once more betook himself to the oratory. There prostrate on the ground before the Blessed Sacrament, with abundance of the sweetest tears, he gave thanks to God for having made him His servant, the bondsman of Jesus Christ. "O Lord," he exclaimed, "I am Thy servant; I am Thy servant and the son of Thy handmaid. Those hast broken my bonds; I will sacrifice to Thee the sacrifice of praise." Then, since he had enlisted beneath the banner of Christ, he desired to spread abroad the holy name of Jesus without regard to human respect or the judgments of men."
Francis was not one to allow his grateful joy to evaporate in outpourings of sentiment or bursts of rapture. His eager and energetic character delighted in action, and he now panted to be at work. Not a day did he lose in finding out what he was to do next. Having already, as the reader has seen, completed his studies, his immediate business was to prepare for the reception of Holy Orders. This he did not only by prayer, penance, and mortification, but by a careful and minute study of the ceremonies of the Mass. Even the least and apparently most unimportant of these, were regarded by him with the utmost respect and admiration, on account of the spirit in which the Church has instituted them, and the traditions of the holy Apostles and Pontiffs who have handed them on from age to age.
extreme reverence for holy things made him fear lest familiarity should
diminish his sense of the sacredness of the Mysteries of the Altar, and
of his own unfitness to approach them. When, at a subsequent period, his
position in the Society entitled him to speak with authority, he used
to endeavor by every means in his power to instill this reverential awe
into the minds of those who were preparing for the priesthood.
He dwelt with all the greater stress upon the necessity for it, because
he believed it to be too frequently lost sight of. To any one whom he
considered to be deficient in this respect, he would recall the terrible
fate of Oza. With a solemnity of manner which baffles description, he
would repeat and comment upon the words of Holy Scripture: "Oza put
forth his hand to touch the ark. And the Lord was angry with Oza, and
struck him, because he had touched the ark; and he died there before the
Lord." The Life of St. Francis Borgia of the Society of Jesus By A. M. Clarke 1894
Saint Denis, Bishop of Paris and Martyr
by VP
Posted on Wednesday October 09, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
St. Denis Carrying His Own Head, woodcut, 1826
"THE WORTH OF BLOOD.-The blood of the martyrs became the seed of Christians, according to the beautiful expression of one of the early Fathers. This truth is fully shown forth by the whole history of the establishment of Christianity. Denys, Rusticus, and Eleutherius, having been sent into Gaul by the Pope St. Fabian, towards the middle of the third century, to bear thither the light of the Gospel, founded the churches of Chartres, Senlis, Meaux, Cologne, and likewise that of Paris, whereof St. Denys became the first bishop. Being seized however by the prefect Sisinnius Fescenninus in the midst of their apostolic labors, they were thrown into prison and beheaded towards the year 280. Their bodies having been thrown into the Seine, were drawn out thence, and buried on the spot where the Basilica of St. Denys was subsequently erected. This martyrdom, far from arresting the progress of the Gospel, as the pagans had hoped, gave such great extension to the faith that the Christians were soon able to defy the efforts of the persecutors, and Christianity at last gained the upper hand, establishing itself on the ruins of paganism.
MORAL REFLECTION.-Take heart, then, all you that suffer for the faith "a long posterity being promised to Jesus Christ as the price of His blood."-(Isa. liii. 10.)
The First Sanctuary in the New World
by VP
Posted on Wednesday October 09, 2024 at 12:00AM in From the Past
First landing of Columbus on the shores of the New World: at San Salvador, W.I., Oct. 12th 1492
"Catholics all the world over should take a pride in sharing in the glory and honors of the Columbian Celebration; because where American civilization was first planted by Columbus, in 1493, the Catholic Church reared its first altar on this soil four hundred years ago. The story of this church is the golden chain that links the landing of the Spanish cavaliers with the great achievements of 1893. Christianity and civilization were born in the same cradle and at the same moment, in the western hemisphere.
It is a fact not often commented upon in American history, that the first house built by Columbus in the New World was a Catholic church. Its remains still exist; and it is the story of the discovery of the ruins of this first church that we are specially concerned with in this article. The story is not long. It was in the fall of 1493 that Columbus set sail on his second voyage of discovery, with seventeen ships and fifteen hundred men to establish his first permanent settlement. Horses and domestic animals of all kinds, every sort of seed and agricultural implement, were gathered on board. Among the crew were cavaliers, hidalgos, soldiers, sailors, and artisans. A group of twelve ecclesiastics under a Benedictine monk, Father Bernard Boyle, who had also been named Vicar-Apostolic of the New World, accompanied the expedition. A prosperous voyage brought them off the north coast of the island of Santo Domingo about the latter part of November, 1493.
When the admiral prepared to make his first settlement, he nominated a commission composed of two engineers, an architect, and a ship-builder, under the presidency of Melchor Maldonado, to make a topographical survey, and report to him the most suitable site for a city. After a careful examination they reported a place about eight miles from where Cape Isabella now is. It was provided with an excellent port, and was near two rivers, watering a soil that was exceedingly fertile. A short distance away were stones fit for building. The plateau on which they proposed to locate was described at length by Dr. Chanca,the physician of the fleet, in a letter to the authorities of Seville which is still extant.
Says the chronicler: "In his estimation, the service of God surpassing all other considerations, the first edifice that was erected should be the church. It was pushed with such activity that, on the sixth of January, 1494, the anniversary of the entrance of the sovereigns into Granada, High Mass was solemnly celebrated in it by the Vicar-Apostolic, assisted by Father Juan Perez de Marchena and the twelve religious who accompanied Father Boyl" (sic)." Catholic World, Volume 57 Paulist Fathers, 1893
Saint John Leonardi, Priest founded the Order of Clerics Regular of the Mother of God
by VP
Posted on Wednesday October 09, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
Source: Orbis CatholicVs John Paul Sonnen
"Dear brothers and sisters, the luminous figure of this Saint invites priests in the first place, and all Christians, to strive constantly for "the high standard of Christian living", which means holiness, naturally each one in accordance with his own state. Indeed, authentic ecclesial renewal can only stem from faithfulness to Christ. In those years, on the cultural and social threshold between the 16th and 17th centuries, the premises of the contemporary culture of the future began to be outlined. It was characterized by an undue separation between faith and reason that produced, among its negative effects, the marginalization of God, with the illusion of the possible and total autonomy of man who chooses to live "as though God did not exist". This is the crisis of modern thought, which I have frequently had the opportunity to point out and which often leads to forms of relativism. John Leonardi perceived what the real medicine for these spiritual evils was and summed it up in the expression: "Christ first of all", Christ at the centre of the heart, at the center of history and of the cosmos. And, St John said forcefully, humanity stands in extreme need of Christ because he is our "measure". There is no area that cannot be touched by his power; there is no evil that cannot find a remedy in him, no problem that is not resolved in him. "Either Christ or nothing!". This was his recipe for every type of spiritual and social reform.
There is another aspect of St John Leonardi's spirituality that I would like to emphasize. On various occasions he reasserted that the living encounter with Christ takes place in his Church, holy but frail, rooted in history and in its sometimes obscure unfolding, where wheat and weeds grow side by side (cf. Mt 13: 30), yet always the sacrament of salvation. Since he was clearly aware that the Church is God's field (cf. Mt 13: 24), St John was not shocked at her human weaknesses. To combat the weeds he chose to be good wheat: that is, he decided to love Christ in the Church and to help make her, more and more, a transparent sign of Christ. He saw the Church very realistically, her human frailty, but he also saw her as being "God's field", the instrument of God for humanity's salvation. And this was not all. Out of love for Christ he worked tirelessly to purify the Church, to make her more beautiful and holy. He realized that every reform should be made within the Church and never against the Church. In this, St John Leonardi was truly extraordinary and his example is ever timely. Every reform, of course, concerns her structures, but in the first place must have an effect in believers' hearts. Only Saints, men and women who let themselves be guided by the divine Spirit, ready to make radical and courageous decisions in the light of the Gospel, renew the Church and make a crucial contribution to building a better world."
Source: Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, Oct. 7 2009
The Attacks Made by Heretics upon the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
by VP
Posted on Tuesday October 08, 2024 at 12:00AM in Quotes
Saint Catherine of Siena, Wake Forest NC
"The persecutions which the evil enemy has stirred up at various times against the most holy sacrifice of the Mass are a proof how sacred a thing it must be, and how obnoxious to the devil; otherwise he would not attack it with such violence. (...)
From the days of the apostles until the present time the holy sacrifice of the Mass has had no more vehement opponent than the unhappy Martin Luther, who not only attacked but decried this divine mystery. He did not do this of himself, nor when he first apostatized, but at a later period, and at the instigation of the devil. In fact the deluded man himself acknowledges in his writings that his teaching comes from the devil, and only at the suggestion of the evil one has he abolished the Mass as an act of idolatry, although he must have known full well that the devil is the hater of all that is good, and teaches mankind naught but what is evil."
If the people are ignorant of the great value of holy Mass they do not love and esteem it as they ought; they never go to Mass on week-days, and on Sundays and holidays they are too often indifferent, irreverent, superficial; they absent themselves on a mere pretext, and without the slightest scruple of conscience.
But if they understand the vast efficacy and value of
the holy Mass, they cannot fail to prize more highly this costly
treasure, to love it deeply, and assist at the divine oblation with
greater reverence. There is in the Catholic Church no mystery more
important, more consoling, more salutary, than this sublime mystery of
the altar. If this truth were recognized aright, we should certainly see
a larger attendance at Mass on week-days."
Source:Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass