CAPG's Blog 

St. Lucian

by VP

Posted on Tuesday January 07, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

THE STUDY OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES . -St. Lucian, who suffered martyrdom at Nicomedia, in 312, was a native of Samosata. Having been invested from early youth with full power of disposing of his worldly goods, he distributed them to the poor, and withdrew to Edessa, to live near a holy man, called Macarius, who imbued his mind with a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and led him to the practice of the Christian virtues. Having become a priest, his time was divided between the external duties of his holy state, the performance of works of charity, and the study of sacred literature. He revised the books of the Old and New Testament, expunging the errors which, through the negligence of copyists or the malice of heretics, had been insinuated into the text; thus preparing the way for the learned St. Jerome, who shortly after was to give to the world that Latin translation known as "The Vulgate." Having been denounced as a Christian, Lucian was put in chains and condemned to the torture, which was protracted for twelve whole days. Having been visited by Christians while in prison on the day of the Epiphany, he had bread and wine brought to him, consecrated the elements, communicated, and with his dying lips pronounced the words, "I am a Christian!"

MORAL REFLECTION.-Let us strengthen ourselves by "reading" and meditating upon the Holy Scriptures, conformably with the counsel of the great Apostle.-(1 Tim. iv. 13.)" Pictorial Half Hour Saints by Abbe Auguste Lecanu

The Magi

by VP

Posted on Tuesday January 07, 2025 at 12:00AM in Meditations