The Shepherds' Visit
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 31, 2024 at 12:00AM in Meditations
Gerard van Honthorst (1592–1656) Adoration of the Shepherds (c. 1622). Pomerania State Museum
"The first who came to pay their homage to the new-born King were the shepherds who were watching in the fields of Bethlehem, and to whom an angel had announced the birth of Christ the Lord. They received this honor because —
1. They were poor, and therefore were well suited to gather round the King Who came to live in poverty on earth. The Eternal Father chose poverty for His well-beloved Son, and therefore poverty must be better than riches. The poor are to be envied rather than pitied so long as their poverty is not due to their own sin or folly. How many who have saved their souls in poverty would have lost them if they had been rich ! Hence, if you are poor, do not
regret your poverty, but rather rejoice in it.
2. They were simple of heart, untainted by the world's deceits. None but good, simple men would have thus come in the darkness of the night, to the stable of Bethlehem, to find their Savior and their King. God loves simplicity. '* If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be light-some," says Our Lord, and He thereby describes the happy lot of those whose one aim is to do their work with simplicity for God alone. Is this my spirit?
3. They were shepherds. The occupation is one which God seems to love. The man after God's own heart was a shepherd. Our Lord calls Himself the Good Shepherd. The apostles' dignity lies in the fact that they were shepherds of the flock. Every Christian is a shepherd, in that some sheep or lands are committed to his care. Am I a zealous shepherd of the sheep of Christ ?
Meditations for Christmas . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891
Saint Sylvester, Pope and Confessor, A.D. 335
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 31, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
"ST. SYLVESTER was bishop of Rome: pray for his present successor, that inheriting his virtues, he may with a like fidelity take care of his flock.
It was in his time that the Church, after three hundred years of persecution, was restored to peace, by the command of the Emperor Constantine the Great; who destroyed the temples of the idols, ordered churches to be everywhere built to the living God. Pray for the peace of the Church, and the propagation of its faith among heathens and unbelievers; that idolatry being destroyed, the name of God may be sanctified in all nations of the earth.
It was under him that Arius was condemned by the Fathers assembled at the General Council of Nice, for denying the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. These holy Fathers declared what had been received from the apostles, that the Son was consubstantial with the Father, and God equal with him. Pray against the like errors of this unbelieving age, in which, under the Christian name, are promoted all the blasphemies of Arius and Socinus. Pray that God would make their abettors sensible of their errors, and preserve all Christians from their poison."
If Christ be God, honour and obedience are due to his law and where these are not, there is not that faith which God requires. Yet this is the faith in which too many Christians rest. The desire of satisfying their own passions excludes self-denial; courting the world leaves no place for humility, and the love of ease prevents them from stooping to the labours of the gospel. These are the errors which call upon all to pray that God would revive the primitive spirit ; whereby all may labour to manifest in themselves the life of Christ.
Pray for yourself, that as with this day we end the year, so you may put an end to all your former method, in which you have regarded the world and yourselves more than God. Ask pardon for all your past ingratitude, and beg now grace, that with the year may end all its disorders. The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
" Supreme Pastor of the Church of Christ, you lend to the beauty of the holy Octave of Christmas the lustre of your glorious merits. There you worthily represent the countless choir of Confessors, for you steered the barque of Peter after the three hundred years’ tempest, leading her with watchful love in her first hours of calm. The pontifical Diadem reflecting Heaven in its gems sits on your venerable brow. The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven are in your hands. You opened it for the admission of the Gentiles who embraced the faith of Christ. You shut it against the Arians in that august Council of Nicaea where you presided by your Legates, and to which you gave authority, by confirming it with your apostolic approbation. The furious storms will again soon rage against the Church, and the angry billows of heresy will beat against her. You will then be in the bosom of God but together with Saint Peter you will keep guard over the purity of the Faith of Rome. You will support Julius. You will rescue Liberius and Athanasius, aided by your prayers, will find a shelter within the walls of Rome. Under your peaceful reign Christian Rome receives the reward of her long-endured persecution. She is acknowledged as Queen of Christendom, and her empire becomes the sole empire that is universal. The son of your pastoral zeal, Constantine, leaves the city of Romulus which has now become the City of Peter. The Imperial majesty would be eclipsed by that greater one of the Vicar of Christ. He makes Byzantium his capital, leaving Rome to be that of the Pontiff-King. The temples of the false gods become ruins,and make room for the Christian Basilicas in which are enshrined the Relics of the Apostles and Martyrs. In a word, the Church has triumphed over the Prince of this world, and the victory is typified by the destruction of that Dragon which infected the air by its poisonous breath.
Honored with all these wonderful prerogatives, saintly Vicar of Christ, forget not the Christian people which was once your flock. It asks you, on this your Feast, to make it known and love the mystery of the birth of Jesus. By the sublime Symbol which embodies the Faith of Nicaea and which you confirmed and promulgated throughout the whole Church, you have taught us to acknowledge this sweet Infant as God of God, Light of Light, begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father. You bid us to come and adore this little child as He by whom all things were made. Holy Confessor of Christ,I vouchsafe to present us to Him, as the Martyrs have done, whose Feasts have filled up the days since His Nativity. Pray to Him for us that our desires for true virtue may be fulfilled, that we may persevere in his Holy love, that we may conquer the world and our passions, and at length, that we may obtain the crown of justice which is to be the reward of our Confessing Him before men, and is the only object of our ambition.
Pontiff of Peace, from the abode of rest where you now dwell, look down on the Church of God, surrounded as she is by implacable enemies, and beseech Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to hasten her triumph. Cast your eye on that Rome, which is so dear to you and which is so faithful in her love of you. Protect and direct her Pontiff. May she triumph over the wiles of political intrigue, the violence of tyranny, the craft of heretics, the perfidy of schismatics, the apathy of worldlings, and the cowardice of her own children. May she be honored, loved and obeyed. May the sublime dignity of the Priesthood be recognized. May the spiritual power enjoy freedom of action. May the civil authority work hand and hand with the Church. May the Kingdom of God now come and be received throughout the whole world, and may there be but one Fold and one Shepherd.
Still watch, O holy Sylvester, over the sacred treasure of the Faith, which you defended when on Earth, against every danger. May its light put out the vapors of man’s proud dreams, those false and daring doctrines which mislead countless souls. May every mortal bow down his understanding to the obedience of faith in the divine Mysteries, without which all human wisdom is but folly. May Jesus, the Son of God and Son of Mary, be King, by His Church, over the minds and hearts of all men. Pray for Byzantium that was once called the New Rome, but which so soon became the capital of heresies and the scene of everything that could degrade a Christian country. Pray that the days of her deep humiliation may be shortened; that she may again see herself united with Rome; that she may honor Christ and his Vicar; that she may obey, and by her obedience be saved. May the people, misled and debased by her influence and rule, recover their dignity as men, which can only subsist when men have faith, or be regained by a return to the faith.
And lastly, O Conqueror of Satan, keep this hellish monster in the prison to which you drove him. Confound his pride and his schemes. Let him no longer seduce the people of God’s Earth, but may all the children of the Church, according to the word of Peter, your predecessor, resist him by the strength of their faith."
The Angels' Song
by VP
Posted on Monday December 30, 2024 at 12:00AM in Meditations
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617–1682)
"On the night of the Nativity a countless multitude of the heavenly host were singing the praises of the new-born King. Let us listen to them.
1. They are singing Gloria in excelsis Deo — '* Glory to God in the highest !" It is the first song they have sung on earth since the Fall. It is sung on the occasion of the infinite humiliation of the Son of God. Yet they sing, Glory to God in the highest ! It must, therefore, be a source of unspeakable glory to God that He has taken the form of a servant, that He has humbled Himself to the very dust. If this is such a source of glory to God, my true glory must consist in humbling myself.
2. They are also singing of peace to men. What sort of peace . Not external peace, for Christ came not to bring peace, but a sword; but true peace, internal peace, that tranquillity of soul that nothing can destroy. This is the boon that Christ gives to all who love Him, in proportion to their love.
3. But peace not for all, only for men of good will. Christ, indeed, brought peace to all, but all did not accept it, only those whose good will and loyal spirit of submission made them ready to acknowledge Him as their Lord, and whom, therefore, the good will of God had predestined to the eternal peace and joy of heaven. God grant that I may be one of these !"
Meditations for Christmas . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891
St. Sabinus and companions, Martyrs, A.D, 304.
by VP
Posted on Monday December 30, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
"St. Sabinus was bishop of Spoletum, and in the persecution of Maximian was seized by Venustianus, president of the city, and for breaking an image of Jupiter, which he was commanded to adore, had his hands immediately cut off, and then was cast into prison, where he was supported by the charity of a pious widow. His two deacons, Marcellus and Exuperantius, were scourged, beaten with clubs, and torn with iron nails or broad tenter hooks, under which torments they both expired. Venustianus, being afterwards miraculously healed of a violent distemper in his eyes, by the holy bishop, became a Christian; and being baptized with his wife and children, they were soon after put to death by the emperor's order, and Sabinus beaten with staves till he expired.
Thus are you encouraged to suffer in the service of your God. If you have not the persecutor to threaten you with the sword,
you have an enemy at least, who offers you idols to adore. He offers
many; and while you express your abhorrence against some, is there not
any one to which you are more favourable? To adore only one, is enough to be an
idolater. What if it be company, drink, or money? What if a sensual friend, the courted world, or our own admired self? There may be idolatry enough in any one of these; and it is too likely to be so with you, if, like this prelate, you do not violence to the idol, or to yourself, if not by breaking, at least by separation. See what it cost him: think not of escaping, if you expect to do so without pain or trouble: you will never be a conqueror, if you are afraid of hurting yourself. How powerfully do the martyrs
cry out to us by their example, exhorting us to despise a false and
wicked world! A soul can find no rest in creatures. How long then shall
we suffer ourselves to be seduced by them? Let the light of heaven, and the truths of the gospel shine upon us, and the illusions of the world and our senses will disappear." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
The Little Maid.
by VP
Posted on Sunday December 29, 2024 at 12:00AM in Meditations
Tradition asserts that besides Joseph and Mary there was present in the stable at Bethlehem a little maid, who had accompanied them from Nazareth and ministered to Our Lady and the new-born Child.
1. Consider the happiness of this little servant who was privileged to wait upon the holy Mother of God. If to wait upon a queen is considered an honor worthy of maidens of the highest birth, how much more to wait upon the Queen of heaven ! Angels must have envied her the task, and longed to be allowed to share in it. I, too, can wait upon Mary by walking in processions in her honor, by kneeling before her statue, by offering her flowers or votive candies, or, if this is out of my power, by declaring to her my loyalty and desire to serve her.
2. Consider this maiden had a still greater privilege. She ministered to God Himself as He lay in the manger. She had the singular honor of being the first after His Mother and St. Joseph to wait upon the King of kings ; nay, to carry Him in her arms, and to look upon the face of God ; to fold Him to her bosom. How pure and holy she must have been ! How pure and holy I ought to be who in holy Communion am brought into still closer contact with the sacred body of Christ !
3. Consider how you would have acted had you been that little servant. Imagine yourself ministering to the Infant Jesus. How unworthy of the task, yet how eager to fulfill it well, to anticipate the wishes of Mary! Do I thus minister to Him in His brethren?
Meditations for Christmas . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891
by VP
Posted on Sunday December 29, 2024 at 12:00AM in Sermons
"BETWEEN remembering the old year and looking forward to the new year, this day should be a busy one for the Christian. It ought to be a day of examination of conscience. Good Christians examine their consciences in some manner or other daily, and some are so vividly in God's presence that they scrutinize every act of their lives; and this is what it is to be thoroughly conscientious. Conscientiousness when cultivated is nothing less than habitual consciousness of the Divine presence. We know, to be sure, that some persons are overparticular in examination of conscience, and these are called scrupulous. But most of us are not scrupulous enough. The cultivation of the conscience tends to a constant realizing of the Divine presence, and when this becomes habitual the soul becomes perfect.
There are two kinds of examination of conscience, both of which are good. One is done at fixed times by some arrangement with one's self honestly adhered to. The other kind of examination is spontaneous. In this latter case the conscience won't let you pass an hour, or even a minute, without undergoing scrutiny. In the former case you examine your conscience, and in the latter your conscience examines you. I have met numbers of persons who need never examine their consciences when preparing for confession : they live habitually in the Divine presence and are ready at all moments to perform the highest spiritual duties. I think it was one of the St. Catharines who was kneading dough to make bread for the community when the bell rang for Communion; she went up and received our Lord with the dough sticking to her hands and then went back to her batch of bread and she was excellently well disposed for Communion. St. Francis of Sales, from the evenness of character which he attained, must have had this gift of consciousness of the Divine presence in a high degree.
Brethren, I wish all of you had something of this high gift. But for most of us I may truly say that the examination of conscience which will benefit us will be that made at set times; of course, at confession. But no practice will produce better results for persons of good sense than having fixed times at which we shall go over the actions of the day. And on New Year's Day, of all day's in the year, we should take account of our conduct towards God and our neighbor and ourselves, and make good resolutions for the future. The fact is that on a day like this the old year rises and demands examination. Sometimes we say, "The past is gone." But in truth there is no such good luck as that. It would be a very good thing for some of us if the past could be politely bowed out with the old year. But there it is, fixed for ever. The past year is an account book turned over to God's court to witness for or against us; let us try and get a favorable balance out of it. At any rate, let us know the truth about it.
Let us face about, therefore, brethren, and look back over the past twelve months, and question the seasons of the old year. How did I begin the old year and
how did I behave myself last winter? Did I make my Easter duty last
spring? Did I attend Mass regularly and worship God through the summer, or did I make the Lord's Day one of carousing and picnicking and drinking? Have I used my tongue for blaspheming, my body for lust, my soul for slavery to the evil one? Have I unjustly gotten any of my neighbor's property? Have I been brutal to my family? These sound like ugly questions. But there's no happy New Year for you or me till we have answered them and many others besides, repented of our sins and make good resolutions for confession and Communion, and for a good life for the future." Five minute Sermons, Congregation of St. Paul 1893
St. Thomas of Canterbury, B.M. A.D. 1170.
by VP
Posted on Sunday December 29, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
"St. Thomas was archbishop of Canterbury. Pray for all bishops of Christ's Church, that they may have a true zeal and piety answerable to their charge.
He was forced into banishment, where he lived a great example of all virtue. Neither could the sufferings of his relations, or any considerations of flesh and blood, move him to yield in the least point of his duty for their relief. Pray that you may make the like good use of all kinds of suffering. Pray for constancy in all your duties, and that no human respects may ever prevail on you to do an injury to your conscience.
As a good shepherd, St. Thomas gave his life for his sheep, being barbarously murdered in his own cathedral at vespers. Pray that all prelates and pastors may largely partake of this apostolic spirit, in giving their study and care, their labours and whole lives for their flock: that living in a perpetual renunciation of private interest, satisfaction, and ease, for the good of their flock, they may be thus prepared for the same to surrender their lives.
The principal occasion of this prelate's sufferings, was the opposition which he made to King Henry II. by refusing to subscribe to laws which he judged injurious to the Church; and which he could not approve without betraying the trust reposed in him, as supreme pastor of the Church in this kingdom. This drew upon him the anger of his king: and foreseeing the mischiefs which were likely to ensue, he chose a voluntary banishment, and retired. He esteemed it more becoming his character to expose himself to all the hazards and inconveniences of such a retirement, and his king's displeasure, than comply with what was unjust. His constancy, resolution, and courage are to be admired; and leave an instruction, not only to pastors, but to all others, of whatever degree, to enter into the serious consideration of whatever charge they undertake. That being convinced of its obligations, they may be faithful in the discharge of them, without ever letting either the apprehension of the displeasure of others, or the consideration of their own ease or interest, prevail on them to be false to their trust. This is the duty of justice; and whatever a Christian suffers on this score, is suffering for justice sake, such as the Gospel enjoins, and encourages with the promise of an everlasting reward.
Here then every Christian has the opportunity, without the cruelty of a tyrant or persecutor, of living and dying a martyr: and it is the want of this courage and fidelity which cuts so many off from all hopes of a crown. And though such as are in the highest posts have the more difficult trials, yet trials are not wanting in every degree, which are still difficult. For there is no condition of human life, which has not certain rules and limits for its direction, such as duty and justice prescribe, and which entitle the observers to the character of just.
Princes have these rules in regard to their people; popes, bishops,
priests, and religious, have them with reference to their charge; so
have all magistrates, and all in office; so have husbands and wives,
parents and children, masters and servants, buyers and sellers; in fine, there is no state of life that is not subject to them. Now though these rules admit of a great latitude, according to circumstances; yet common sense and experience are generally a sufficient light to every one's conscience, to shew that there are frequent temptations to offend against these rules, sometimes by not coming up to them, and at other times by transgressing or going beyond them. In all this, the corruptions of our nature and of the world act their part, and are ever seeking to prevail on human weakness, to have more regard to them, than to the rules prescribed. Here is then the trial of all Christians, as lasting as their lives: here is the opportunity of suffering for justice; here is the dependence which they have on God for His grace, whereby they are to be enabled to suffer on this account.." The Catholic Year by Rev. John Gother
Holy Innocents
by VP
Posted on Saturday December 28, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
The Massacre of the Innocents Angelo Visconti (1829–1861)
These were the first victims of Jesus Christ. Offer yourself a sacrifice to Him, who was born to become a sacrifice for you. If your life be not in danger from the cruelty of enemies, be your own spiritual executioner, by dying to all that is contrary to the law of God. Thus will you become the victim of Christ; and this you are to pray for this day.
In these Holy Innocents, you see the fury of their enemies become the means of making them eternally happy. Pray that you may make this good use of whatever you suffer and remember that suffering, joined with innocence, is the way of the Gospel and of Christ, and such as leads to glory.
These children were cut off in the state of innocence. A day proper for all parents to pray for their children, that God would preserve them in their innocence, and rather take them out of this world, in that state of security, than permit them to grow up, if He foresees that they will take to evil ways, and be rebels against Him.
In these first victims of Christ, who were murdered by Herod, the Church honours persecuted and oppressed innocence, gives thanks for their glory, and teaches all the faithful that whatever malice God permits the wicked to exercise against the just, it is for the good of those who suffer it. So that to wonder at the sufferings of the innocent, is the effect of very weak reasoning, such as does not understand the conduct of Almighty God. For very often there is no other reason why He permits them to suffer than because they are innocent. This consideration ought to moderate in Christians all excesses of grief and disquiet, when they are under any kind of affliction. For as the malice of persecutors has been the advantage of the martyrs, who, if they had suffered less, would have been less glorious; so every occasion of trouble, if submitted to with patience, may be as the seed of glory. It may not be the scourge of anger, but the mercy of a loving father, designing by such steps to exercise and perfect His children, for obtaining an eternal rest. This is a lesson which these suffering innocents give to all Christians; and an encouragement to wait with patience under all the appointments of God, in hopes of the recompense which he has promised.
But these murdered
innocents give a more particular instruction to all parents; that while
they detest this barbarous fact in Herod, they would be careful to
secure their children against his cruelty, to which they are too often
exposed, not from the hand of Herod,
but by their proving Herods to their own children, and letting them
fall a sacrifice, not to their cruelty, but to their unnatural
carelessness and neglect. And this is often occasioned by the excessive fondness of parents, who ever humouring their children, lose by degrees their authority over them, and make them insensible of any duty commanded. And from this guilt none of those parents can be exempt, who observing any passion or ill
custom in their children, take no care to correct it. Neither can they
be excused who are so indulgent as to favour them in all their humours
and desires, who will see no fault in them themselves, and even shew
displeasure at those who would do this friendly part to them. For all
this is a mistaken love, and a real cruelty; being the direct
way to bring children to pride, obstinacy, passion, and self-love,
which when grown up with them, must cost them infinite labour to
overcome; and if not overcome, will prove their ruin. Parents thus indiscreetly fond of their children, are almost in as great danger of being Herods to them, as those who are in the other extreme of wholly neglecting them. Wherefore, as the obligation of parents is so great, and their task so difficult, they ought on this day particularly to beg the assistance of God for their help and direction, and also to make this the subject of their daily prayers, that as many as they bring into this world, they may likewise bring forth to salvation." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church By Rev.John GOTHER 1861
Prayer of Parents for their Children:
O Heavenly Father, I commend my children unto Thee. Be Thou their God and Father; and mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me, through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, to resist the solicitations of evil, whether from within or without; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Thy grace into their hearts, and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; and so, faithfully serving Thee here, may come to rejoice before Thee hereafter; through the merits of the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth. Amen. The Garden of the Soul [by Bishop Challoner]. A Manual of Devotion 1874
The Foster-father
by VP
Posted on Saturday December 28, 2024 at 12:00AM in Meditations
MARCANTONIO FRANCESCHINI Bologna 1648 - 1729 Saint Joseph with the Christ Child
At no great distance from the Mother of God stands His holy foster-father St. Joseph, the third person of that earthly trinity. What can we learn from him ?
1. He is the true husband of Mary, united to her by a closer bond than any on earth save that which exists between the Mother and the Son. He IS, moreover, the true earthly father of Jesus in everything except the fact of carnal generation. He has committed to him the care of God Himself, and of her who is dearer to God than all the world beside. He is, therefore, next to Mary, of all mankind the most privileged and the most exalted. How, then, can we honor him enough ?
2. When God gives to any one an office. He gives him the virtues and the qualities which are required for its perfect exercise. What, then, must have been the virtues of St. Joseph ! He must have had every virtue, not only in an eminent degree, but in a degree to which none other of the sons of men ever attained. In prudence, justice, humility, charity, he was far above all others. I therefore must ask of him every grace that I need.
3. Above all, St. Joseph was eminent for his unspotted purity. Many theologians assert that he was sanctified in his mother's womb. None save Mary was ever so pure as he. This it was that qualified him for his intimate union with Jesus and Mary. If I desire to be united to them, I must be pure of heart. St. Joseph, obtain for me this grace of purity !
Meditations for Christmas . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891
The Holy Mother
by VP
Posted on Friday December 27, 2024 at 12:00AM in Meditations
The Virgin Mary with the Christ child, surrounded by angel's heads. Engraving by C.D. Jardinier after C. Hutin after C. Maratta.
"By the side of the manger where the Infant lies, His Mother is watching. Who is she ?
1. A poor and humble maiden, but nevertheless the Mother of God. The Mother of God! How can this be ? How can the Eternal, Infinite God have a human mother? Yet so it is; Mary has a privilege which raises her immeasurably above the highest of the seraphim. It makes her more perfect in her likeness to God than is possible to any other creature. If, then, we honor the saints and angels, how much more should we honor God's own Mother !
2. Yet Mary has a still greater claim to our homage, a more fruitful source of blessedness even than the divine maternity. Her unswerving obedience to the inspirations of God is declared by Our Lord Himself to be a still higher privilege. "Yea, rather blessed are they who hear the Word of God and keep it." If only we realized the blessedness of unswerving obedience, how different our lot would be !
3. What are Mary's thoughts as she sits watching there? She has no thought save of God. She is absorbed in Him. The hours pass like minutes, they are a sort of anticipation of Paradise. She sees her God face to face, and though His glory is veiled under the robe of flesh, yet Mary can pierce through it as none else ever could, and can bask in the Divinity which it conceals. O God, help me to realize now Thy presence when Thou art veiled under the sacramental species. "
Meditations for Christmas . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891