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Good Friday

by VP

Posted on Friday March 31, 2023 at 01:58AM in Tradition

The way of the Cross for Priests

Passion Friday: Our Lady Mother of Sorrows

by VP

Posted on Friday March 31, 2023 at 01:22AM in Prayers

Our Lady, Mother of Sorrows pray for Priests, your special sons. Strengthen their faith and love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, so that they may turn to Him for the grace they need to live a life faithful to their calling. Bring comfort, consolation and courage to those who are suffering under the weight of the Cross. Give them the love of your Son and zeal for the honor and glory of God, and the salvation of souls. Amen

Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows:

Act of Contrition: O, most loving Redeemer, humbly prostrate at the foot of the Cross, I beg pardon from the bottom of my heart for all my sins which were the cause of Thy bitter Passion, and the overwhelming sorrow of Thy most afflicted Mother. O good Jesus, let not Thy Precious Blood be shed for me in vain. Let the sight of Thy Five Sacred Wounds plead ever to Thy Eternal Father, in behalf of my misery: and through the infinite merits of Thy sacred death and the bitter anguish of Thy holy Mother, grant me grace, dearest Lord, to atone for the past, and to persevere in Thy love and friendship for the future. Amen.

1. Let us meditate with profound humility on the first Sorrow of our Lady, when presenting her Son in the Temple, she heard the words of Holy Simeon, that this Child would be a sword to pierce her soul; a prophecy which clearly announced the Passion and Death of Christ our Redeemer.

one Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

2. Let us meditate with profound humility on the second Sorrow of our Lady, when in order to escape the murderous designs of cruel Herod, she was obliged to fly with her Divine Child into Egypt, and remain in exile there seven years.

one Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

3. Let us meditate with profound humility on the third Sorrow of our Lady, when returning from Jerusalem, with her spouse St. Joseph, to her poor dwelling, she lost her beloved Jesus, and wept His absence for three successive days.

one Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

4. Let us meditate with profound humility on the fourth Sorrow of our Lady, when she met her Divine Son crowned with thorns, and fainting under the load of the Cross.

one Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

5. Let us meditate with profound humility on the fifth Sorrow of our Lady, when she beheld the Crucifixion of her Most Holy Son.

one Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

6. Let us meditate with profound humility on the sixth Sorrow of our Lady, when the body of her Divine Son being taken down from the Cross, she received It into her arms.

one Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

7. Let us meditate with profound humility on the seventh Sorrow of our Lady, when with deep grief she accompanied to the Sepulcher the body of her Son.

one Our Father and seven Hail Marys.

Let us now say three Hail Marys in honor of the tears shed by our Blessed Lady, to beg she will obtain for us, from our Lord, the grace of a like grief for our sins and offenses.

Let us pray:

Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, that the most blessed Virgin Mary, Thy Mother, whose most holy soul was transfixed with the sword of sorrow in the hour of Thy Passion, may intercede for us before the throne of Thy mercy, now and at the hour of our death, through Thee Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Manual of Devotions of the Sorrows of our Blessed Lady, 1868