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Saints Jonas, Barachisius, and their companions, Martyrs

by VP

Posted on Wednesday March 29, 2023 at 01:58AM in Saints

File:St. Jonas and St. Barachisius Met DP890900.jpg

St. Jonas and barachisius by Jacques Callot

"King Sapor of Persia, in the eighteenth year of his reign, raised a bloody persecution against the Christians, and laid waste their churches and monasteries. Jonas and Barachisius, two brothers of the city Beth-Asa, hearing the several Christians lay under sentence of death at Hubaham, went thither to encourage and serve them. Nine of that number received the crown of martyrdom.
After their execution, Jonas and Barachisius were apprehended for having exhorted them to die. The president entreated the two brothers to obey the king of Persia, and to worship the sun, moon, fire, and water. Their answer was, that it was more reasonable to obey the immortal King of heaven and earth than a mortal prince. Jonas was beaten with knotty clubs and with rods, and next set in a frozen pond, with a cord tied to his foot. Barchisius had two read-hot iron places and two red-hot hammers applied under each arm, and melted lead dropped into his nostrils and eyes; after which he was carried to prison, and there hung up by one foot. Despite these cruel tortures, the two brothers remained steadfast in the Faith. New and more horrible torments were then devised under which at last they yielded up their lives, while their pure souls winged their flight to heaven there to gain the martyr's crown, which they had so faithfully won.

Reflection: Those powerful motives which supported the martyrs under the sharpest torments ought to inspire us with patience, resignation, and holy joy under sickness and all crosses or trials. Nothing is more heroic in the practice of Christian virtue, nothing more precious in the sight of God, than the sacrifice of patience, submission, constant fidelity, and charity in a state of suffering."

Source: Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, edited by John Shea, 1894

Prayer of the Sick for Vocations

O God, Who through the sufferings and death of Thine Only Begotten Son, didst redeem the race of men, grant, we beseech Thee, that through the sufferings which I now humbly and patiently bear out of love for Thee and in union with Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Thou mayest be pleased to call to the sacred priesthood and the religious life generous youths who will dedicate themselves to the sublime vocation of bringing to souls the saving merits of the Passion and Death of the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.

Bishop Coleman F. Carroll (1962, Florida)