CAPG's Blog 

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

by VP

Posted on Saturday November 18, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

Elizabeth of Hungary

"Enter into your own hearts, and resolve to imitate St. Elizabeth of Hungary, a saint and a queen, who would go with all royal pomp to Holy Mass, but on entering Church, would take the crown from her head, the jewels from her fingers, and, despoiled of all ornament, would remain covered with a veil, so modest in deportment, that she never was seen to direct a glance in any direction but the altar.

This so please Almighty God that He chose to make His satisfaction apparent to all, for once, during Mass, the Saint was so glorified with Divine splendor, that the eyes which looked on her were dazzled, and she seemed to all as it were an angel of Paradise.

Make use of this noble example, and be assured you will thus become pleasing to God and to man, and your share in the  Divine Sacrifice will be of the highest profit to you in this life and in the next."

The hidden treasure: or, The value and excellence of holy mass. by Blessed Leonard of Port-Maurice 1855 p111

Saint Odo of Cluny, abbot

by VP

Posted on Friday November 17, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

St. Odo of Cluny

"The Mass" says St. Odo, Abbot of Cluny, "is the act on which is based the salvation of the World."

The Holy Mass: The Sacrifice for the Living and the Dead, by Rev. Fr Michael Müller 1875 p 288.

When and how was this yearly commemoration of the departed introduced?

The time of the introduction of this commemoration cannot be determined; for as easily as the time of Tertullian he mentions that the Christians of his day held a yearly commemoration of the dead. Towards the end of the tenth century St. Odo, abbot of the Benedictines, at Cluny, directed this feast to be celebrated yearly, on the 2nd of November in all the convents of his Order, which usage was afterwards enjoined upon the whole Christian world by Pope John XVI. The feast of this day was probably established in order that, after having on day before rejoiced over the glory of the saints in heaven, we should this day remember in love those who are sighing in purgatory for deliverance.

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that, by our pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desires. Who livest and reignest,etc.

All Souls' Day. p456  Devout Instructions on the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and Holydays Front Cover Leonhard Goffiné Benziger, 1896

Saint Gertrude, Virgin and Abbess A.D. 1292

by VP

Posted on Wednesday November 15, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

" St. Gertrude, Spouse of Christ, Pray for us.

If you want to find me, look for me near the Altar or in the heart of Gertrude."

"JESUS CHRIST IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST.-It was by meditation on the infinite goodness of Jesus Christ in the adorable sacrament of the Eucharist that St. Gertrude, abbess of Rodersdorff, in Saxony, was raised to that high degree of perfection, contemplation, and divine love, which was never surpassed, save by St. Theresa, and which still awakens the admiration of all who are intent upon the contemplative life. But, not content with meditating and praying, she sought to reproduce in her own person the humility, charity, patience, and sweetness of the Divine Exemplar, so that works, without which there is no true virtue, should not be wanting to her Faith. She has sketched the true portrait of her soul in her book of Revelations," which embodies the narrative of her communications with God and the holy transports of His love. She died in 1334, and her last malady was, so to speak, nought but a holy languor of Divine love, so delightful and ineffable were the consolations she enjoyed. Numerous miracles have borne witness to her sanctity.

MORAL REFLECTION..-"Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give shall never thirst, but this water shall be in him a well springing up into life everlasting."-(John iv. 13.)" Pictorial half hours with the saints by Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

"The sweetness of Divine goodness urged her to a participation in the Holy Mysteries, by these words: "Consider in how small a space I give you My entire Divinity and My Humanity. Compare the size of this with the size of the human body, and judge then of the greatness of My love. For as the human body surpasses My Body in size—that is to say, the quantity of the species of bread under which My Body is contained-so My mercy and charity in this Sacrament reduce Me to this state, that the soul which loves Me is in some sort above Me, as the human body is greater than My Body."

On another day, as she received the saving Host, our Lord addressed her thus: "Consider that the priest who gives you the Host touches it directly with his hands, and that the vestments with which he is clothed, out of respect, do not reach beyond his arms; this is to teach you, that although I regard with pleasure all that is done for My glory, as prayers, fasts, vigils, and other like works of piety, still (those who have little understanding will not comprehend it), the confidence with which the elect have recourse to Me in their weakness touches Me far more sensibly; even as you see My Flesh is nearer to the hands of the priest than his vestments.” The Life and Revelations of Saint Gertrude

Prayer before Mass (Prayers of St. Gertrude)

O Almighty, everlasting God, seeing that it is the true faith of Thy Church that the holy Sacrifice of the Mass instituted by Thy Son is infinitely pleasing to Thy divine Majesty, and renders Thee an infinite worship and praise, and since by it alone Thou canst be worthily and adequately worshiped and praised; impelled by an ardent desire of Thy honor and glory, I purpose to assist at this present sacrifice with the utmost devotion of which I am capable, and to offer this most Holy Oblation to Thee in union with Thy priest.

I offer Thee not only this sacrifice, but all those which shall be this day offered from every part of the world; and I protest before Thee that if it depended on me whether they should be offered or omitted, I would put forth all my powers to procure and further their being offered. And were I able now to raise up to Thee, of the stone which are scattered over the earth, most devoted priests, who should day by day and with glowing fervor offer to Thee this sacrifice of praise, I would most gladly do it. But, being what I am, I implore Thee, O most holy Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, to pour into the hearts of all Thy priests, and especially those who might perchance otherwise offer Thee this acceptable sacrifice coldly and without due recollectedness, the spirit of grace and of fervor, that they may be enabled to celebrate Thy tremendous Mystery with becoming awe and devotion.

Grant to me, and to all those who are here present with me, that we may join in this most sacred action with reverence and devotion, so that we may have our portion in its fruit and effect. I confess to Thee, O almighty God, and to the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and to all the Saints, my own sins and those of all the world; and I lay them on Thy sacred Altar, that they may be entirely blotted out by the virtue of this sacrifice. Do thou deign to grant us this grace, by that love which held back Thy hand from smiting when Thy most beloved Son, Thy only Son, was immolated by the hands of ungodly men. amen"

Preces Gertrudianae; Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde.

Saint Albert the Great, Bishop Confessor patron saint of scientists and philosophers.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

" Dread the torments suffered by the souls in Purgatory, and have compassion on them. Succor them by your prayers and deliver them by your good works" St. Albert the Great.

Miniatures Lives of the Saints, for Every Day in the Year, Volume 1; Volumes 28-146 1883

"God, thou art wondrous in thy saints!

Appointed by you to the highest pastoral office of the Church of Jesus Christ, I kneel today as a pilgrim at the tomb of St Albert, to glorify you with all the faithful on this day commemorating the 700th anniversary of his death, and to thank you for his life and his works, through which you gave him to your Church as a teacher of the faith and example of Christian life.

God, our creator, cause and light of the human spirit, you gave St Albert a profound knowledge of faith in true imitation of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. The world itself became for him the revelation of your omnipotence and goodness. Through his contact with your creation he learned to recognize and love you more profoundly. At the same time he researched through the works of human wisdom, including the writings of non-Christian philosophers, and paved the way for their encounter with your Gospel. Through the gift of discrimination you made him uniquely able to avoid error, to establish truth more deeply and make it known among men. In doing so you made him a teacher of the Church and of all mankind. With the intercession of St Albert we pray together to you for your mercy.

Send to your Church teachers of truth in our time as well, who will be capable of interpreting and preaching your Gospel to the people of the world through their words and saintly living. Hear us, O Lord.

Open the hearts of man through the grace of a living faith so that they may recognize God's presence in his creation and their own lives and come to correspond more and more perfectly with his holy will.

Accompany and illuminate the work of scientists and scholars with your Holy Spirit. Preserve them from pride and self-conceit and give them a sense of responsibility in their dealings with the gifts of your creation.

Give those responsible in State and society insight and responsibility so that they may use the achievements of science and technology for peace and progress among the peoples of the world and not for their harm or destruction.

Help us all to recognize the truth amidst the many dangers and errors of our time and to serve you devoutly in a life strengthened by faith.

With the intercession of St Albert, bless all citizens of this country, give the German people peace and unity and let it always be aware of its' responsibility in the community of nations.

Accompany my pastoral visit in the Federal Republic of Germany with your special blessings and assistance, strengthen all believers in their love of Christ and his Church so that through the testimony of their Christian living your name may be glorified in truth and justice in the world today.

Pray for us, St Albert , that we might be worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: God, our refuge and strength, you gave the sainted bishop and teacher of the Church, Albert, the power to associate human knowledge with eternal wisdom. With his intercession and strengthen, protect our faith in the intellectual confusion of our days. Give us the openness of his intellect so that the progress of science may also help us to know you more profoundly and come closer to you. Let us grow in the knowledge of the truth which you yourself are, so that we may some day see you face to face in the presence of all the saints. For this we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Laurence O'Toole, Archbishop of Dublin

by VP

Posted on Monday November 13, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

"The Lost Sheep: The Good shepherd seeks the lost sheep, and, having found it, brings it home rejoicing to the fold. Such was the main business of St. lawrence, archbishop of Dublin, his whole life long. Although wealthy by his own income and the revenues of his diocese, he reduced himself to a state of indigence for the advantage of the poor, so as to touch their hearts by dint of benefactions. Seeing his diocese a prey to disorderly living and immorality, he withdrew occasionally into solitude, to attemper his zeal anew and come forth animated with ardor for the salvation of his people, like another Moses. He assumed himself and induced his canons to adopt the habit and rule of St. Augustine, in order to begin through the reform of the
clergy. He pursued by land and sea King Henry II, who had vowed vengeance against one of the kings of Ireland, and did not desist from his purpose until he had achieved a victory, that is, had brought about the reconciliation of the two monarchs. He died at Eu, France  in 1081, whole returning home after having accomplished his charitable mission.'

Moral reflection: "As the tree is known by its fruit", even so are Catholic pastors distinguished from those who are non-Catholic (Matt vii. 16)
Pictorial half hours with the saints. Abbe Auguste Francois Lecanu

Saint Josaphat

by VP

Posted on Sunday November 12, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

File:Simmler Martyrdom of Josaphat Kuntsevych.jpg

Martyrdom of Saint Josaphat Kuntsevych by Józef Simmler  (1823–1868)

"The life of St. Josaphat is a lesson for all time. The two truths which he was charged by our Divine Lord to proclaim, and which he was to seal with his blood: the supremacy of the Roman Pontiff and the unity of the Church, are denied in our own day by the same sectaries, and all who maintain them assailed by the same fiendish cruelty." The Dublin Review, Part 1 page 46. 1877

"Stir up, O Lord, we beseech thee, in thy Church the Spirit wherewith the blessed Josephat thy Martyr and Pontiff was filled."  Thus prays our Mother, today, and the Gospel likewise points to the desire of obtaining pastors like to thee, O holy Bishop! The sacred text speaks of the false shepherd, who flees at first sight of the wolf; but the Homily, which explains it in the Night Office, brands equally with the title of hireling the keeper who, though he does not flee, suffers the enemy un-resisted to work havoc in the fold. May the divine Shepherd, whom thou didst imitate unto the end, even unto laying down thy life for the sheep, live again in all those whom he calls, like Peter, to exercise a greater love." The Liturgical Year: Passiontide and holy week, 3d edition. 1901 Abbot Prosper Gueranger OSB

Saint Martin of Tours Bishop and Confessor

by VP

Posted on Friday November 10, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

El Greco. Saint Martin

"Saint Martin trembled on entering a Church and never sat, stood or spoke while there, because he remembered that he was before God, his Judge. Oh, that all who go to Church, would take to heart that they appear before their Judge! How differently would they conduct themselves! May you, at least, think earnestly of it. Say to yourself: "I go to my God; I shall appear before Him, who, in a little while, will be my Judge, and who will sentence me for all eternity. At this moment He is still my Savior, ready to pardon my sins and give me grace, that I may go to heaven. But soon He will judge me according to His justice." Considering all this carefully, you will surely avoid everything that is displeasing to God, and you will guard against the least disrespect. "This place is terrible. It is nothing less than the house of God and the gate of heaven," said the Patriarch Jacob of the place where he had seen, in his sleep, the Lord of Heaven. He was  afraid, because he had dared to sleep there, though he knew not that the place was holy. How much more reason have you to fear when you are irreverential in Church, as you know that it is, in a grander sense, the house of God the gate of heaven.

The Evil Spirit, who appeared to St. Martin in his last hour, was easily driven away with the words: " Wherefore art thou standing there, thou blood-thirsty beast? Thou has nothing to expect from me." Consider well; if Satan dares to tempt so holy a man; if he can fill him with fear and confusion; what will he not do to those whose have led an indolent, lukewarm, or even sinful life? "The devil has descended upon you," says Holy Writ; "he is full of great wrath because he knows that he has but little time." St. Martin feared not, but drove him away, because his conscience was free from anything with which Satan could reproach him. Oh! happy is he, who cannot be reproached in his last hour with anything that he has not confessed already and expiated. St. Martin was accustomed to fight during his life with Satan; therefore he easily conquered him in death. Think deeply on it; those who accustom themselves during their lives to fight with Satan's temptation, will be able, by the grace of God, to do the same on their death-bed. But how will those fare, who, during the greater part of their lives, have consented to the temptations  of Satan? Oh! there is good reason to fear that, in their last hour, they will do the same, and thus go to eternal perdition. Impress this point well upon your mind, and accustom yourself in time to fight bravely against Satan and his temptations, as otherwise your are lost for all eternity. "Vainly do they promise themselves security in their dying hour, who, during their life, resist not temptation." says St. Leo. "If Satan finds any one who is not  watchful, and well experience in fighting, he will easily conquer him," says St. Cyprian." On the Life of Each Saint for every day in the year. Rev. F. X. Wininger D.D., S.J. 1876


"O holy Martin, have compassion on our depth of misery! A winter more severe than that which caused you to divide your cloak now rages over the world. Many perish in the icy night brought on by the extinction of faith and the cooling of charity. Come to the aid of those unfortunates, whose torpor prevents them from asking assistance. Wait not for them to pray, but forestall them for the love of Christ in whose name the poor man of Amiens implored you, whereas they scarcely know how to utter it. And yet their nakedness is worse than the beggar's, stripped as they are of the garment of grace, which their fathers received from thee and handed down to posterity.

How lamentable, above all, has become the destitution of France, which you once enriched with the blessings of Heaven, and where your benefits have been requited with such injuries! Deign to consider, however, that our days have seen the beginning of reparation, close by your holy tomb restored to our filial veneration. Look upon the piety of those grand Christians whose hearts were able, like the generosity of the multitude, to rise to the height of the greatest projects. See the pilgrims, however reduced their numbers, now taking once more the road to Tours, traversed so often by people and kings in better days of its history Has that history of the brightest days of the Church, of the reign of Christ the King, come to an end, O Martin? Let the enemy imagine he has already sealed our tomb. But the story of your miracles tells us that you can raise up even the dead. Was not the catechumen of Liguge snatched from the land of the living when you called him back to life, and Baptism? Supposing that, like him, we were already among those whom the Lord remembers no more, the man or the country that has Martin for protector and father need never yield to despair. if you deign to bear us in mind, the Angels will come and say again to the supreme Judge: "This is the man, this it the nation for whom Martin prays," and they will be commanded to draw us out of the dark regions where dwell the people without glory, and to restore us to Marin, and to our nobles destinies.

Your zeal, however, for the advancement of God's kingdom knew no limits. Inspire, then, strengthen and multiply the apostles all over the world who. like you, are driving out the remnant of infidelity. Restore Christian Europe which still honors your name, to the unity so unhappily dissolved by schism and heresy. in spite of the many efforts to the contrary, maintain your noble fatherland in its post of honor, and in its traditions of brave fidelity. may your devout clients in all lands experience that your right arm still suffices to protect those who implore you. In Heaven today, as the Church sings, the Angels are full of joy, the Saints proclaim your glory, the Virgins surround you saying: "Remain with us for ever." is not this the continuation of what your life was here on Earth when you and the virgins vied with each other in showing mutual veneration, when Mary their Queen accompanied by Thecla and Agnes loved to spend long hours with you in your cell, Marmoutier, which thus became, says your historian, like the dwellings of the Angels? Imitating their brothers and sisters in Heaven, virgins and monks, clergy and pontiffs turn to you, never fearing that their numbers will cause any one of them to receive less, knowing that your life is a light sufficient to enlighten all and that one glance from martin will secure to them the blessings of the Lord."  In Lumine Fidei: Liturgical year for traditional Catholics, Don Gueranger.

St. Serapion of Antioch, Bishop and Confessor.

by VP

Posted on Monday October 30, 2023 at 11:36AM in Saints

"An eminent bishop of Antioch, of the second age. He was zealous in maintaining the doctrines received from the apostles, and in opposing all those who taught contrary to what had been delivered: so that no new opinion any where began to appear, but it certainly found him an adversary. This his zeal, as Eusebius observes, was very remarkable in his condemning a book recommended to the faithful under the title of St. Peter's Gospel; being a sacrilegious artifice made use of by some false zealots, for the more plausible recommendation of their errors. But such titles prevailed not with him, who regarded truth alone.

Be zealous for the truth; and fear not only apocryphal gospels, but likewise being imposed upon by the mistaken sense of such as are canonical. But let your zeal be not only in regard of faith, but likewise of such other practical truths, as have been taught by Christ and his apostles. Assert the necessity of taking up the cross of self-denial, of mortifying the flesh, of living by the spirit of Christ, that is, by the spirit of charity, humility and patience. For the faith of Christ will not carry any one to heaven, if there be not due endeavors to live according to the life of Christ. But those who will hazard all for the sake of Jesus, and to order their lives according to His life, will find all worldly comforts supplied in the possession of Him, and that in losing all, they have gained all. This is the doctrine of self-denial; this is the command of forsaking all for Christ's sake, and of loving nothing more than Him, which is so often inculcated in the Gospel, and laid down for the foundation of a Christian life. Whoever has not learned this, has not yet begun to be a true disciple. But how great grace is necessary for us in this state of our weakness, to follow these lessons of the Gospel. Beg then of God to help you in his mercy, and not to let His grace be wanting, by which you may not only purpose, but effectually walk in it all your lives." (The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER)

Saint Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem

by VP

Posted on Sunday October 29, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Narcissus of Jerusalem

"Perjury and its punishment.-St. Narcissus, who governed the Church of Jerusalem in 195, when we find him assisting at a council held in that town, was about eighty years old when elevated to the episcopacy. Notwithstanding the miracles that God vouchsafed to his piety, the venerable bishop was accused of an abominable crime by three impious men, who only resorted to this expedient for the purpose of shielding themselves from a better-founded accusation which he might have laid against them. They each swore with an imprecation. May I be burnt alive!" said one. May I be struck with leprosy!" said another. 'May my eyes never more behold the light of day!" added the third. The holy old man, rather than compromise them by seeking to justify himself, withdrew to a solitude where he might remain unknown. The evils which his accusers had invoked upon themselves speedily befell them; being then justified by God himself, he reappeared, and was more beloved than ever by his flock. He lived to the age of 116, but St. Alexander, in the capacity of coadjutor, helped him to discharge the pastoral functions.

MORAL REFLECTION.-"Let no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter, for the Lord is the avenger of all such," says the great Apostle.-(1 Thess. iv. 6.)

Prayer for the Abused and Unjustly Accused (by Fr. Mychal Judge OFM)

O Holy Family of Nazareth, community of love of Jesus, They cried out, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate said to them, "I find no guilt in Him. Take Him yourselves and crucify Him." (John 19)

Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, falsely and maliciously accused by the mob, have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, handed over to death by cowardly authority, have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, Sun of Justice, vindicated by your Resurrection, grant us justice.

Father of Truth, send the light of your Holy Spirit into the darkness of every false accusation and unjust condemnation. Give strength to the innocent to stand firmly in truth, as you gave to Jesus, in the face of torture and death. Give courage to church and civil authorities to grant justice and due process to the innocent, in the face of the mob. Father of Mercy, deliver your innocent ones from evil; grant them speedy justice and vindication, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Victim and Savior.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on all innocent victims: the abused and the falsely accused.

Follow with Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Prayer for Persecuted Priests

All Powerful and Eternal God, through the merits of Your Son Jesus, and Through Your love for Him, I implore You, have pity on the priests of the Holy Church. In spite of their sublime dignity, they are fearful and weak, like all created beings. In your infinite mercy, inflame their hearts with the fire of Divine Love. For the sake of Jesus, Your Son, bestow grace on the priests and uphold them. Do not let them fall into temptation and tarnish their noble vocation.

O Jesus, we implore you. Look with pity on the priests of the Holy Church: those who are serving You faithfully and proclaiming Your glory; those who are persecuted for tending your flock; those who are abandoned, weary and sorrowful: those who are lukewarm, confused and who have denied their faith; those who are sick, dying, or in Purgatory. Lord Jesus, we entreat You. Listen to our supplication, have pity and console them.

O Jesus, we entrust to You the priests of the whole world: the priests who baptized me, absolved my sins, offered Holy Mass and consecrated the Eucharist to nourish my soul. We entrust to You the priests that instructed me when I was ignorant, gave me strength in my weakness, showed me the Way and the Truth and comforted me in my sorrow and affliction. For all the blessings they obtained for me, I implore You to support them in Your Loving Kindness.

O Jesus, shelter our priests in Your Sacred Heart. Let them take refuge in Your mercy and love, in this life, and to the hour of death. Amen.

By his Eminence the late Ignatius Cardinal Kung, Bishop of Shanghai.
Published 7/16/1953 during the early years of persecution of the Roman Catholic Church in China by its communist government. He was imprisoned from 1955 to 1988.

Ss. Simon and Jude, Apostles

by VP

Posted on Saturday October 28, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Simon and Jude, El Greco. pd

"This day being the festival of the apostles of Jesus Christ; the first part of our devotion ought to be, to give most earnest thanks to Almighty God for his particular mercy in bringing us to the light of His Gospel, and calling us to be members of the Holy Catholic Church, by which we may be taught His truths, and be assisted with all those helps, which His infinite goodness has appointed for our salvation.

The second part of our devotion ought to be in humbly beseeching the Father of mercies to perfect the work which he has begun in us; not to leave us in our natural poverty, but so to strengthen us by a daily supply of grace, that we may live in the practice of the Gospel, and not be a dishonor to our profession, by joining a wicked life to a holy faith. What can be the fruit of our faith in Christ, if we are not solicitous to make his law the rule of our lives?

It having so pleased Almighty God, that the apostles, who were made choice of by Christ for preaching His Gospel to the world, should suffer death from the hands of unbelievers; we have in this, lessons very proper for our instruction. One is, that in whatever we undertake, we are to be solicitous in this point only, of being careful and faithful in the performance of what belongs to us; but as for the success or good effect of our endeavors, this we are to leave with all possible indifference to the appointment of the all-wise Disposer of all things; and stand prepared with equal submission, whether the effect be answerable to our wishes or not. For while we see apostles chosen by Christ himself, commissioned by Him, engaged in no less a work than the conversion of souls; and yet, after all their labors, falling a sacrifice, by the violence of those very errors which they were sent to reform; who is there that upon confidence of his cause can presume of success? No, there are no circumstances in which this presumption ought to be allowed.

When the undertaking is good, success may be desired: but, since all our part is to co-operate with Providence, and its counsels are wholly hidden from us, we are only to join with our best endeavors, where the will of God seems to call for them; and if He permits a disappointment, even then to rejoice in the accomplishment of the Divine Will, and conclude that disappointment to have been ordained by Almighty God, as the means for His greater glory, and our good.

It was thus in the apostles; in whose death God was as much glorified, as in their lives. What construction then is to be put upon all that grief and uneasiness which too often oppress us, and even incline us to repent of the good which we have done, when we see it attended with some ill consequence, and that our charity, or piety, turns to our loss? What is to be said of such grief, but that it is either the effect of pride, which sought itself more than God, and expected the glory of being made the instrument of good; or, that it is a want of faith, which having regard to what is present only, sinks under the present evil, and receives no comfort from the hope of what is yet to come? Now this not being apostolical, ought to be reformed on the day of apostles, and better principles settled; such as may ever put us upon doing good, because it is good; and because God, in present circumstances, seems to require it of us: and as for the effect, to wait upon Providence for whatever that may be. And this, with a mind prepared even to suffer for the good which we do; remembering that whatever we suffer, having done well, is suffering for justice sake, and that which has the promise of eternal blessings to crown it.

Suffering brought upon our own heads, by our folly, extravagance and sin, has something very afflicting in it, even a sting that cannot easily be taken from it. But as for whatever we suffer in consequence of our having done well, this has so much of eternal comforts to sweeten it, that wherever there is not a want of faith, there can be no want of patience, since God has promised to be the reward exceeding great." Source: The Catholic Year; by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER