CAPG's Blog 

Saint Frementius

by VP

Posted on Friday October 27, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints


St. Fremetius

"THE WAYS OF GOD.- God preordains all things with reference to His designs; this consoling truth is too often absent from our minds in times of affliction. Frumentius and Edesius had been brought to Abyssinia while still children, by one of their relatives who had business there, and, while resting under a leafy shade, intent on their studies, were carried off by some of the inhabitants. They grew up in the midst of this half-barbarous race, and were raised to the highest dignities. The king, when at the point of death, restored to them their liberty. Frumentius, on returning to Tyre, his native town, concerted plans with St. Athanasius for the conversion of Abyssinia. He was soon afterwards sent thither as bishop; the inhabitants, being accustomed to respect and obey him, yielded to his appeal with such perfect docility that before long the entire kingdom was Christianized. In vain did the emperor Constantius strive to harass it by seeking to introduce the errors of Arianism; new though they were in Christianity, they refused to listen to his missionaries or to deliver up their bishop. Abyssinia remained and continues to be Catholic. Frumentius died towards the end of the fourth century.

MORAL REFLECTION.-With reference to how many events may the Christian who reflects well exclaim, as in the above instance: "The finger of God is there!"-(Exod. viii. 19.) Source: Pictorial half hours with the saints by Rev. Fr Auguste François Lecanu

"In every age, from Christ down to this very time, some new nations have been added to the fold of Christ, as the annals of the Church show; and the apostasy of those that have forsaken the path of truth, has been repaired by fresh acquisitions. This is the work of the Most High; the wonderful effect of all-powerful grace. It is owing to the divine blessing that the heavenly seed fructifies in the hearts of men, and it is God who raises up, and animates with his spirit zealous successors of the apostles, whom he wouchsafes to make His instruments in this great work. We are indebted to his gratuitous mercy for the inestimable benefit of this light of faith. If we correspond not faithfully, with fear and trembling, to so great a grace, our punishment will be so much the more dreadful. " Source: The Lives of the Saints by Rev. Fr. Alban Butler.

Saint Evarisus, Pope and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 26, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Evaristus

St Evaristus

"ST. EVARISTUS succeeded St. Anacletus in the see of Rome, in the reign of Trajan. He governed the Church nine years, and died in 112. As he is honored with the title of martyr, he was most probably put to death for his faith in Christ. He was buried near St. Peter's tomb on the Vatican.

Pray for the Pope and for all the pastors of the Church. Great grace supported them in the primitive times, when they were not acquainted with peace, but were on all sides encompassed with the terrors of death. No less grace is necessary now in time of peace; for the dangers of plenty and ease are as great as the terrors of persecution: and it is to be feared, that many more now forsake Christ and his Gospel, seduced by the snares of liberty and softness, than did formerly by the cruelty of torments. It is difficult to make a right use of troubles, and more difficult not to abuse blessings.

Consider your own condition, examine your ways, and pray for grace to make a Christian use of your circumstances, whatever they be. Christ has declared his will in the Gospel: there He has published laws and rules, which he would have all his followers observe. If He requires all to live by His own spirit, in seeking before all things the kingdom of God, and the glory of His Father, and this by fasting, prayer, and self-denial, and daily endeavors for overcoming all that corruption, which their own nature, the devil and the world suggests to them; if Christ requires this of all His followers, they must either labor in doing what He commands, or conclude themselves to be none of His disciples. For it cannot be available to salvation, to call Christ Lord, if at the same time there be a contempt of His will, or a general neglect of His precepts. If Christ commands humility and poverty of spirit, His followers must not read pride in the place of it; nor think that living according to the dictates of pride will ever bring them to be pleasing in his sight, and to deserve the reward of humility." Source: The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church Rev. Fr. John GOTHER

SS. Crispin and Crispinian

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 25, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

SS. Crispin and Crispinian, pd

"The sanctification of Labor .

-Labor is regarded by men in general as a thing of penance; for the greater number it is a matter of pure necessity, and to many has proved the powerful means of procuring sanctification. Hence it was that SS. Crispin and Crispinian, who accompanied St. Quentin to Gaul to preach the Gospel there, labored with their hands, although of noble and illustrious lineage, to support themselves, after the manner of St. Paul, thereby to avoid burthening the faithful and to enable them to contribute by their earnings to the maintenance of the poor. They took up their abode at Soissons, and occupied their vacant hours in making and repairing shoes. Having been denounced in 287 to Maximian Hercules, they were by his order transferred to the tribunal of the prefect Rictius Varus, the most inveterate enemy of the Christians. The prefect vainly employed in turn all the devices of persuasion, threats, and tortures to induce them to renounce Christianity; being unable to overcome them, he condemned them to be beheaded. They are held in great veneration throughout France, or rather through the Church at large, and their names are met with in the most ancient martyrologies.

MORAL REFLECTION.-Of how many may it be said that "they labor in vain," since God is not the end and purpose that inspires the labor!-(Wisd. iii. 2.)

Source: Pictorial half hours with the saints. by Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

Saint Magloire, Abbot of Dol in Brittany († 586)

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 24, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Magloire of Dol, oil painting by Eugène Goyet (1798–1846), Church Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas in Paris

"THE APOSTOLATE OF MONKS.-The religious orders, whose appearance dates from the earliest ages of the Church, contributed greatly to the spread of the Gospel, as well by preaching as by the edification and good example they afforded. Vast populations have been converted to true religion by the agency of monks, such for instance as those of Brittany and England. St. Magloire, having been consecrated as a missionary bishop, or, as then termed, "regionary bishop," in succession to St. Samson, who had founded the monastery of Dol, and converted a portion of Brittany, continued his apostolic labours, leading the same humble, poor, and mortified life as before. He passed over to the islands of Jersey and Guernsey, where he signalized his arrival by a miracle. Count Loiesco, having been cured by him of the leprosy, made him a grant of land whereon he founded a monastery, so that the monks might complete the work which had been begun. In times of famine and epidemic these monasteries became a very providence to the surrounding districts. St. Magloire died on Easter-eve in 575.

MORAL REFLECTION.-" Be mindful of them that have rule over you, who have spoken to you the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end."-(Heb. xiii. 7.)" Pictorial half hours with the saints. By Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop and Confessor

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 24, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Tabernacle and Purgatory, Benedictine Nuns  April 1959

Founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary


  • The faith I have when I am in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is so strong that I find it impossible to express what I feel… When the time comes to leave I must force myself to overcome the inclination to prolong my stay with Jesus.
  • Although the sinner does not believe in Hell, he shall nevertheless go there if he has the misfortune to die in mortal sin.
  • A multitude of souls fall into the depths of Hell, and it is of the faith that all who die in mortal sin are condemned for ever and ever. According to statistics, approximately 80,000 persons die every day. How many of these will die in mortal sin, and how many will be condemned! For, as their lives have been, so also will be their end.

"In his studies at the seminary of Vich, Anthony Claret distinguished himself so notably by the steadfastness of his character that the bishop ordained him on his name-day, June 13, 1835, some time before his fellow-students. On the feast of St. Aloysius he celebrated his first Mass and began his first labors as assistant to the old pastor of his native town. He soon won the confidence of his neighbors. No one could resist the power of his words and in all the surrounding country he was venerated as a saint. But this field of activity was too small for the zeal of the young priest and he longed for the foreign missions. He went to Rome, made the Spiritual Exercises and applied for admission into the Society of Jesus. But he had hardly begun his novitiate when he was attacked by a disease of the foot, which forced him to leave the Order after a few months. Following the advice of his former superiors, he returned to Spain. After a brief employment in parish work, he devoted himself entirely to giving missions for the people, principally in Catalonia. What he accomplished there is almost incredible. He made his long journeys always on foot, preached three or four times a day, and was indefatigable in the confessional.

His activity brought upon him the hatred and persecutions of the impious, but it won at the same time the repute of a true apostle from the good. To have able co-laborers in his mission work, he founded in 1849 a Congregation called the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which developed into a flourishing establishment. In 1900 it numbered sixteen hundred and seventy members distributed among fifty-six residences.17 By command of the papal Nuncio at Madrid, Anthony Claret accepted, in 1850, his appointment as archbishop of Santiago de Cuba. Accompanied by several priests and religious women he set out for his distant diocese. On the voyage he preached every day and brought the whole crew of the vessel, without an exception, to confession.

Sad, indeed, was the decay of religion in Cuba. But the new bishop did not despair. He went from place to place through his diocese and gave missions everywhere. The results were truly wonderful. At the end of the mission in Santiago, which lasted during the whole of Lent, the distribution of Holy Communion covered six hours. During a mission in another city he brought to their duty about four hundred couples living in concubinage. He did not forget to take precautions that these beginnings might be lasting in effect. He erected schools, provided for religious houses, and opened a seminary for the training of priests. Pius IX, who had heard of this new Spring of spiritual regeneration in Cuba, sent a letter of special approbation to Archbishop Claret, praising him for his apostolic zeal.

The enemy, however, did not lay down his arms. It was especially Claret's successful effort against concubinage that excited the degenerate to make an attempt on the archbishop's life. A secret plot was concocted, and an attack was made upon him which resulted in his being dangerously wounded. Prevented from efficient activity by the constant peril to his life, he asked the Pope to remove him from his archbishopric. The honorable appointment of confessor to Queen Isabella was given to him in 1860. Obedience alone prevailed on him to accept this office, but he remained the same apostle as before, full of zeal for souls. He withdrew as much as possible from life at the court and instead gave missions in the churches of Madrid, soon becoming the most beloved confessor in the city. His influence with the queen, which was very great, he used only for the benefit of the poor. Whenever he was traveling with the court, he preached and taught the catechism wherever they stopped. Seeing the evil caused by bad literature, he wrote and distributed very many good pamphlets, and founded the academic society of St. Michael for the spreading of good books.

In 1869, he went to Rome to participate in the Vatican Council. After its adjournment, he intended to seek rest for a time in the Pyrenees, but he was taken with a serious illness, and on October 8, 1870, received the reward of his tireless labors in the vineyard of the Lord." The Holiness of the Church in the Nineteenth Century: Saintly Men and Women By Rev. Konstantin Kempf, S.J. 1916

"From the very beginning of his apostolate, St. Anthony Mary Claret was known throughout the whole countryside for the many cures he performed. Primarily, his apostolic zeal was expended in the cure of souls, as fitted his priestly vocation; but his compassionate and fatherly heart beat with tender pity at the sight of bodily infirmities as well, and his boundless charity moved him to pray with great fervor for the relief of the sufferers.

As a missionary, the saint was once asked his secret of obtaining the wonderful graces and cures granted to his prayers. He answered: “I pray to Our Lady and demand results of her.” The questioner continued, “But suppose she does not give them?”—“Then I take hold of the hem of her robe and refuse to let go until she has granted what I want,” the saint replied. St. Anthony Mary Claret loved Mary devotedly and put boundless trust in her intercession. Moreover, he was wont to put first things first, for his healing powers were first applied to the soul, by administration of the sacraments. Then he would concern himself with the needs of the afflicted body.

Those who call on St. Anthony Claret do well to follow this example and put things in their proper order, the soul before the body. And from him, too, may they learn to cling tenaciously to Mary, whose Immaculate Heart he so loved to honor.

Prayer to Saint Anthony Mary Claret

(For the cure of cancer or other serious ailments.)

O Saint Anthony Mary Claret, who during thy life on earth wert often a solace to the afflicted, and didst love and tenderly compassionate the sick: interecede for me, as thou rejoicest in the reward of thy virtues: cast a glance of pity on me and grant my petition (mention it) if such be the will of God. Make my troubles your own. Speak a word to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to obtain by her powerful intercession the grace I yearn for so ardently, and a blessing that may strengthen me during life, assist me at the hour of death, and lead me on to a happy eternity. Amen. (One Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.)

 Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Tabernacle and Purgatory, Benedictine Nuns  April 1959

Saint John Paul II, Pope

by VP

Posted on Sunday October 22, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

"The Eucharist: offering the Mass, communion, adoration

8. The two Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist remain closely linked. Without a continually renewed conversion and reception of the sacramental grace of forgiveness, participation in the Eucharist would not reach its full redemptive efficacy.(12) Just as Christ began his ministry with the words "Repent and believe in the gospel,"(13) so the Cure of Ars generally begins each of his days with the ministry of forgiveness. But he was happy to direct his reconciled penitents to the Eucharist. The Eucharist was at the very center of his spiritual life and pastoral work. He said: "All good works put together are not equivalent to the Sacrifice of the Mass, because they are the works of men and the Holy Mass is the work of God."(14)

It is in the Mass that the sacrifice of Calvary is made present for the Redemption of the world. Clearly, the priest must unite the daily gift of himself to the offering of the Mass: "How well a priest does, therefore, to offer himself to God in sacrifice every morning!"(15) "Holy Communion and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are the two most efficacious actions for obtaining the conversion of hearts."(16) Thus the Mass was for John Mary Vianney the great joy and comfort of his priestly life. He took great care, despite the crowds of penitents, to spend more than a quarter of an hour in silent preparation. He celebrated with recollection, clearly expressing his adoration at the consecration and communion.

He accurately remarked: "The cause of priestly laxity is not paying attention to the Mass!"(17) The Cure of Ars was particularly mindful of the permanence of Christ's real presence in the Eucharist. It was generally before the tabernacle that he spent long hours in adoration, before daybreak or in the evening; it was towards the tabernacle that he often turned during his homilies, saying with emotion: "He is there!" It was also for this reason that he, so poor in his presbytery, did not hesitate to spend large sums on embellishing his Church. The appreciable result was that his parishioners quickly took up the habit of coming to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, discovering, through the attitude of their pastor, the grandeur of the mystery of faith.


The Eucharist is the source and summit of all the Christian life."(19) Dear brother priests, the example of the Cure of Ars invites us to a serious examination of conscience: what place do we give the Mass in our daily lives? Is it, as on the day of our Ordination - it was our first act as priests! - the principle of our apostolic work and personal sanctification? What care do we take in preparing for it? And in celebrating it? In praying before the Blessed Sacrament? In encouraging our faithful people to do the same? In making our Churches the House of God to which the divine presence attracts the people of our time who too often have the impression of a world empty of God?"

Source: Catholic Culture. From the Vatican, 16 March 1986, the Fifth Sunday of Lent, in the eighth year of my Pontificate. Joannes Paulus PP. II

Saint Hilarion de Gaza, Monk

by VP

Posted on Saturday October 21, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

"ST. HILARION was born of heathen parents, near Gaza, and was converted while studying grammar in Alexandria. Shortly after, he visited St. Antony, and, still only in his fifteenth year, he became a solitary in the Arabian desert. A multitude of monks, attracted by his sanctity, peopled the desert where he lived. In consequence of this, he fled from one country to another, seeking to escape the praise of men; but everywhere his miracles of mercy betrayed his presence. Even his last retreat at Cyprus was broken by a paralytic, who was cured by St. Hilarion, and then spread the fame of the Saint. He died with the words, "Go forth, my soul; why dost thou doubt? Nigh seventy years hast thou served God, and dost thou fear death?" Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, Rev. Fr. John Gilmary Shea.

"While Saint Hilarion was at prayer, the devil appeared to him, at times as a wolf that howls, at times as a fox that barks, and once set before him the awful spectacle of a band of gladiators; and it seemed to him that one of them, having received a death-wound, fell at his feet imploring the rites of burial. Another time, while the Saint was praying prostrate on the ground, some distraction or other passed through his mind. The devil, taking this opportunity, sat astride on his back, and driving spurs into his sides, and whipping him on the head, exclaimed, "Come, come; why art thou so sleepy?" As the servant of God grew faint under the weight and blows, the demon began to scoff and deride him, saying, "Would you like a little corn to restore your strength?"

  I have alluded to these few examples, among many others that might be alleged, that the reader may see with what constancy we should struggle and persevere in mental prayer when the devil comes, either with inward suggestions or outward terrors, to assail us. Let me now conclude in the words of St Cyprian: "In the time of prayer, let the heart be opened to God, but closed against the devil, so as to leave him not even the least aperture by which he may enter; for this deceiver uses a thousand wiles to effect a stealthy entrance, and having made good his position, deludes us and hinders our praying to God." Source: Guide to the Spiritual Life. By Rev. Fr. Giovanni Battista Scaramelli, SJ 1870

Saint John Cantius, Priest and Confessor

by VP

Posted on Friday October 20, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

"St. John Cantius born at Kenty, a market-town in the diocese of Cracow, he was raised up by Providence to keep alight the torch of faith and the flame of Christian charity during the 15th century in Poland. He obtained all the academical degrees at the University of  Cracow, where he taught for several years.

Ordained a priest, he offered every day the Holy Sacrifice to appease heavenly justice, for he was deeply afflicted by the offenses of men against God."
Source: Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts, by Rev. Fr. Gaspar Lefebvre, 1925

Prayer to God to save the Church by Sanctifying His priests who have fallen away

O God, our Lord, we obey without delay to Thy gracious invitation to pray. Encouraged by Thy desire, we worship at your sacred feet, crying out to Thee for our guilty priests. Deign to be reminded, Lord, that Thy priestly Body is Thy crown of predilection, the splendor of Thy glory, the chosen part of Thy heritage.

We implore Thee to arm Thyself with holy indignation against Satan, who dared to plant the banner of sin in Thy own sanctuary, and to chase him away in shame from Thy solemnly dedicated domain.

What would it cost Thee, O Lord, to turn the most hardened hearts into penitents? Only one simple glance at Peter was enough to retrieve him from the abyss of a three times apostasy; would it cost Thee more to touch and convert those who have had the misfortune to imitate his weakness?

O Jesus, our King and Pontiff, we beseech Thee on behalf of Mary, Thy Mother and ours, save the Church, save Thy faithful, save Thy blessed honor, by saving priests! Amen.

Saint John Cantius, pray for our Bishop and priests!

St. Peter of Alcantara, CONFESSOR, A.D. 1562. reformer of the Franciscan Order

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 19, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:San Pedro de Alcántara (Museo de El Greco, Toledo).JPG

Artist Luis Tristán  (1586–1624)

"Upon a time, the Count Orapsane, a devout nobleman, came to visit him (Peter Alcantara), and falling into discourse, how much Almighty God was moved with the sins of the world, out of his zeal breaketh into these speeches, "O Father! what do you think? What will become of this wicked world? Do you think the divine justice can contain itself any longer from revenge? behold, how virtue is oppressed, and sin triumpheth? How willfully
do we hoard up anger against the day of anger?"

To which the man of God modestly answered and said, "Noble Sir, do not afflict yourself, a remedy will easily be found to cure this disease; the point of the difficulty consisteth only in you and me, for the general perdition of mankind floweth from this fountain, that all and every one dissembling or cloaking their own sins, accuse the whole, when the whole cannot be dead to sin at all, but particular persons in the whole.

Wherefore, men cry out against the wickedness of the world, that all are naught, and none that do good, when if they would but look into their own particular, they should find matter enough of sorrow, and to move themselves to do penance for their own faults; but now because they blame the whole, they neglect their own particulars, and justify themselves with a sottish presumption. Therefore, noble Sir, let your Lordship and I,
mend one a piece, and then a great part of the world will be amended; we shall appease the angry judge, and repair a great part of the ruin of mankind by our good example." Source: The Golden Treatise of Mental Prayer by St. Peter Alcantara

"LOVE AFFECTIVE AND EFFECTIVE.-It is a mistake with many Christians to imagine that it is enough to love God, without accomplishing any work to glorify Him. No one loved God more tenderly than St. Peter of Alcantara; his two treatises on "Mental Prayer" and " Peace of the Soul" are two glorious memorials thereof; his whole existence was, so to speak, but one continued act of the love of God, accompanied oftentimes by ecstasies. He did not rest satisfied with loving God by himself alone, but desired that He should be loved by his brethren also; and hence devoted himself with ardent zeal to the preaching of the Divine Word, and had the happiness of converting thousands of sinners. This did not, however, suffice; the humble Franciscan, whose fame had spread throughout Spain and who was honored by the court, was given to the practice of such austerities that it became needful to restrain them. The relaxation that had crept into the Order caused him the keenest chagrin; by way of remedying it he instituted a reform known as that of "the strict observance," and died on the 19th October, at the monastery of Arenas.

MORAL REFLECTION. How can one feel safe about one's way of life, unless able to echo the saying of the Master: "The works that I do bear witness of me!"-(John v. 36.)" Pictorial half hours with the saints by Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu


O thou whom according to our Lord's promise, art never invoked in vain, if thou deign thyself to present our prayers to Him; obtain for us that relish for heavenly things, which causes an aversion for those of earth. It is the petition made by the whole Church,  through thy merits, to the God who bestowed on thee the gift of such wonderful penance and sublime contemplation. The great family of Friars Minor cherishes the treasure of
thy teaching and example; for the honor of thy holy Father Francis and the good of the Church, maintain in it the love of its austere traditions. Withdraw not thy precious protection from the Carmel of Teresa of Jesus; nay, extend it to the whole religious state, especially in these days of trial.

Source: The Liturgical Year: Time after Pentecost (v. 11, 3rd ed.) By Don Prosper Guéranger

St John de Brebeuf, priest and martyr

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 19, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints

File:Canada-iroquios brébeuf lallemant.jpg

Jean de Brébeuf and Gabriel Lalemant stand ready for boiling water/fire "Baptism" and flaying by the Iroquois in 1649.

"Fathers Brebeuf and Lallemant and a few Huron warriors were made prisoners. The town was fired. Immediately after their capture the Fathers were stripped of their clothes, and their finger-nails torn out by the roots, and were borne in wild triumph to the village of St. Ignatius, which had been taken the same morning. On entering its gates they both received a share of blows on their shoulders, loins, and stomach, no part of their exposed bodies escaping contumely. In the midst of this cruelty the unconquerable De Brebeuf thought only of others. his eye kindling with fire, he addressed the Christian Hurons who were his fellow-captives: "My children! Let us lift up our eyes to heaven in the midst of our sufferings; let us remember that God is a witness of our torments, and that He will soon be our reward exceedingly great. Let us die in this faith, and trust in his goodness for the fulfillment of His promises. I feel more for you than for myself; but bear with courage the few torments which yet remain. They will terminate with our lives. The glory which will follow them will have no end! "Echon" they replied, " Our hope shall be in heaven, while our bodies are suffering on earth. Pray to God for us, that He will grant us mercy. We will invoke Him even unto death."

Enraged at these words of the heroic Jesuit, the Iroquois led him apart and bound him to a stake. These fiendish savages scorched him from head to foot to silence him, whereupon, in the tone of a master, he threatened them with everlasting flames for persecuting the worshipers of God. As he continued to speak with voice and countenance unchanged, they cut away his lower lip, and thrust a red-hot iron down his throat. He still held his lofty form erect and defiant, with no sign or sound of pain, and they tried another means to overcome him.

They led our Lallemant that De Brebeuf might see him tortured. They had tied strips of bark smeared with pitch about his naked body. When Lallemant saw the condition of his superior he could not hide his agitation, and called out to him, with a broken voice, in the words of St. Paul "We are made a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men." Then he threw himself at De Brebeuf's feet, upon which the Iroquois seized him, made him fast to a stake, and set fire to the bark that enveloped him. As the flames rose he threw his arms upward with a shriek of supplication to heaven. Next they hung around De Brebeuf's neck a collar made of hatchets heated red-hot, but the indomitable priest stood it like a rock. A Huron in the crowd, who had been a convert of the mission, but was now an Iroquois by adoption, called out, with the malice of a renegade, to pour hot water on their heads, since they poured so much cold water on those of others, The kettle was accordingly slung, and the water boiled and poured slowly on the heads of the two missionaries.

"We baptize you," they cried, "that you may be happy in heaven, for nobody can be saved without a good baptism." De Brebeuf did not flinch, and in a rage they cut strips of flesh from his limbs, and devoured them before his eyes. Other renegade Hurons called out to him, "You told us that the more one suffers on earth the happier he is in heaven. We wish to make you happy. We torment you because we love you, and you ought to thank us for it." After a succession of other revolting tortures, they scalped him, when seeing  him nearly dead, they laid open his breast, and came in a crowd to drink the blood of so valiant  an enemy, thinking to imbibe with it some portion of his marvelous  courage. A chief then tore out his heart and devoured it.
Thus died John De Brebeuf, the founder of the Huron mission, its truest hero and its greatest martyr.  (...)
Source: The Catholic Record, Volume 14

Prayer of Saint John de Brebeuf

Jesus, my Lord and Savior, what can I give you in return for all the favors you have first conferred on me? I will take from your hand the cup of your sufferings and call on your name. I vow before your eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, before your most holy Mother and her most chaste spouse, before the angels, apostles and martyrs, before my blessed fathers Saint Ignatius and Saint Francis Xavier–in truth, I vow to you, Jesus my Savior, that as far as I have the strength, I will never fail to accept the grace of martyrdom, if someday you in your infinite mercy should offer it to me, your most unworthy servant...My beloved Jesus, here and now I offer my body and blood and life. May I die only for you, if you will grant me this grace, since you willingly died for me. Let me so live that you may grant me the gift of such a happy death. In this way, my God and Savior, I will take from your hand the cup of your sufferings and call on your name: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Amen.

Source: Catholicity

Collect: O God, who chose to manifest the blessed hope of your eternal Kingdom by the toil of Saints John de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues and their companions and by the shedding of their blood, graciously grant that through their intercession the faith of Christians may be strengthened day by day. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

Source: Catholic Culture