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Blessed Father Peter Donders, Redemptorist

by VP

Posted on Sunday January 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in From the Past

Source: Wikipedia

"We must pray and do penance and hope in God and His Holy Mother; for the saints say: From the day on which Christ died souls must be bought by blood. If only, by sacrificing my own life, I could bring all people to know and love God as He deserves. But let God's holy will be done in all things." - Blessed Peter Donders (1809 - 1887) Quotes of the Day

"Born October 27, 1809, at Tilburg in North Brabant, was obliged to spend his boyhood in privation and self-denial. From his very early years his heart was drawn toward the priesthood. But three considerable obstacles stood in the way; viz., his parents were very poor, he had poor health, and possessed but little talent. So much the greater, therefore, were Peter's piety, his purity of morals, and his confidence in God. To help his parents he learned the weaver's trade. When he was twenty-two he was received into the boys' seminary at St. Michiels-Gastel as a servant, with permission to avail himself of whatever instruction he could get. It was no small humiliation for a student who was so much older than his fellows to be almost last in everything; but his strong will and his confidence in prayer won him the victory over all difficulties. Twice he asked admission into a religious body and was each time refused. After six years he was admitted into the priests' seminary.

Some years after his ordination to the priesthood his desire to work as a missionary in foreign lands was gratified. On September 2, 1842, he landed at Paramaribo, capital of Dutch Guiana, which mission was then in the care of Dutch secular priests. Great patience and self-sacrifice was required to protect the 4000 Catholics scattered throughout the colony from the dangers which threatened their faith and morals in consequence of their heathen environment and the enervating climate. Donders paid special attention to the young, rightly foreseeing that it is easier to protect them from vice than to reclaim them when once in its power. When yellow fever raged at Paramaribo in 1851, he won the admiration of the whole colony by his heroism, in caring for both the spiritual and the corporal welfare of the sick, nearly falling a victim of his vocation.

Batavia, a remote place in the colony, had been set apart by the government for the residence of lepers. In 1856 Donders undertook the pastoral care of this difficult post, and persevered here for thirty years, shirking no sacrifice to be all things to his poor flock and to win all to Christ. When the mission of Dutch Guiana was adopted by the Redemptorists in 1865, Donders asked to be received into the Congregation. What was denied to the young petitioner thirty years before was gladly granted to the deserving and saintly missionary. After a year of noviceship at Paramaribo he took up again his post at Batavia.

“There was never a prince, perhaps," we read in a sketch of his life, “who, crowned with fame and splendid success, entered his capital in triumph after his victories and found so great an overflow of joy and happiness as did Donders when, surrounded by his beloved lepers, he again directed his steps to his poor little church.”

He went forth to his work with renewed courage and energy. At last, seventy-seven years of age, he laid down his arms to receive, on January 6, 1887, the reward of his holy and mortified life."

Source: The Holiness of the Church in the Nineteenth Century: Saintly Men and Women by Fr. Konstantin Kempf 1916

The Epiphany of our Lord.

by VP

Posted on Sunday January 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Sermons

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The Adoration of the Magi (L'adoration des mages) - James Tissot            

"GIVE thanks this day to Christ our Redeemer, who was pleased to manifest himself to the Gentiles, and thus open the way to salvation. Pray for those Gentiles, who as yet in great numbers sit in darkness, and know not God, that God would please to call them to his faith.

Pray that you may ever imitate the zeal and diligence of the three kings, who were no sooner called but they obeyed; who were not discouraged by the difficulties of the journey, but without delay set forward to find him who called them.

How happy would it be for you, could you thus readily follow where your obligation calls, and not let every pretended difficulty be sufficient to justify you in the frequent omission of duty.

Fall down in spirit, and adore Christ; and with the three kings acknowledge him for your God and Redeemer. Fail not to make your offerings with them. Offer your heart to him, if it be your own, or his. But if it be otherwise engaged, either in riches, pleasures, or excessive troubles, pray for its deliverance. Lay your gold, your frankincense, and myrrh all at his feet; let neither the sweet nor bitter keep you from him; offer all to him, who is Lord of all.

The zeal and courage of the three kings was very wonderful. Being informed of the birth of Christ, by the appearance of an unusual star, they forthwith undertook their journey; neither regarding the discourses of the world, which would charge them with folly and rashness, nor considering the dangers of going to proclaim a new-born king, at the court of a jealous prince; nor apprehensive of those many difficulties, the usual consequences of an uncertain journey, not knowing how far they were to go, nor whether they were ever to return. Whenever a soul comes up to this degree of resolution, there is reason enough to hope that it has overcome the world; since in this very point consists its victory, that it admits of nothing to take place of duty. And this is the test, by which every Christian may make a true judgment of himself. For, whatever his condition be, there is no proposal can be made of seeking Christ, and making any advance to him, but he must be exposed to some of these trials. The world will ever do like itself; it will certainly meddle with what belongs not to it; it will curiously examine, discourse, and its censures. It will condemn whatever departs out of the common road of its loose maxims, as singularity, folly, and vanity; and declare its resentment against every one, who disapproves of its ways by forsaking them. So that whoever pass has not gained this point, to be unconcerned at what the world says, is not yet in a possibility of finding Christ; since there is not one step which he can take, whether in prayer, recollection, fasting, penance, or frequenting the sacraments, but the world by its insults and mockeries will be ever discouraging him from all his pious designs, and will by this means bring him to the trial, whether his concern for what this world says, be not greater than his zeal for duty and justice.

Another difficulty he must meet with in respect to himself. No one can think of going towards Christ, but he will presently discover the way to be long, through the variety of interior contradictions, the apprehension of losing his own ease and convenience, and the obligation of making war against his own inclinations. This war is absolutely necessary, because his nature being corrupt, and strongly inclining him to selflove and the love of the world, he can no other way make approaches to Christ, than by resisting all such interior motions, and obliging them, by a sort of violence to yield, in obedience to the law of God. Now this cannot be effected, but by many uneasy conflicts. Nature itself must be overcome, passions must be mastered, what is pleasing must be renounced, and that made choice of, to which sense and inclination are wholly averse. And this must go on, till by this exercise the soul becomes wholly changed, not desiring now to follow the corrupt principles of the first Adam, but to live by the better maxims of the gospel, even the life of Christ. For he knows that there is no finding Christ, till he finds him abiding within his own heart, and there commanding as his Lord and Sovereign.

This is the way, and these are the difficulties, by which every one is to go to Christ. And there are few, though at the greatest distance from him, through the unhappy state of error or vice, but who are informed, like these three kings, by some providential light, where Christ is to be found: and had they a zeal and resolution like theirs to undertake the journey, would as certainly find him, to receive their offerings, and reward their labours. But here is the greatest instance of human weakness: few follow this light. Only three of all that nation in the East, to which the star appeared, followed it; and, it is to be feared, as few in other nations, in proportion to the great numbers who now see enough of it, to direct them to the truth of Christ. They have light shining upon them in their darkness, enough to awaken them; but, like men oppressed with sleep, they shut their eyes against it, and sleep on. The thoughts of what the world will say, the many inconveniences, as to their business and interest, the displeasure of friends, the difficulties of a change, with a thousand other discouragements, immediately present themselves; and prevail so far on minds unwilling to be disturbed, that on such motives of self-love, they desist from farther enquiry; and contenting themselves with some general principles of education, and the company of others, like themselves, they stifle the light and choose darkness.

The same weakness is, in many others, the occasion of continuing in the practice of very dangerous liberties, and walking on in a way very unjustifiable and unchristian. For though Almighty God often touches their hearts with a sense of their failings, and by an interior light from the gospel, good men or books, lets them see the danger of their state, and the necessity of reforming; yet being unwilling to forsake what pleases, and foreseeing the difficulties of a true conversion, they run for shelter to the example and authority of others, whose learning, position, reputation, and character seem to qualify them for being a rule. They plead that such a one does this, such another does that; if this were not allowable and safe, certainly such as they are, would not permit or practise it; and the like. Thus the example of religious, of priests and prelates, is brought forward; and there is scarcely any kind of vanity, pride, covetousness, levity or excess, but what is warranted and justified under this cover. And what is the ground of all this, but deceit and delusion? What is this, but a vicious partiality of insincere souls, who study how to delude the designs of infinite goodness, and by the treacherous authority of weakness itself, shut out the light of heaven, and harden themselves against all its impressions? It is plain that these are nothing but little subtilties, to put a fair gloss upon an ill cause. Were there any sincerity in them, and zeal for truth and justice, they would carefully attend to that light from heaven, which glancing upon them at all times, puts them upon seeking farther than they yet have done. They would join these sages in finding Christ; and let no human respect, or the example of the errors and infirmities of others, stop them in their way. Such courage would ensure blessing and success to their endeavours; and they would certainly find Christ. Let this thy light, O God of mercy, touch the hearts of all those, who by vice or error, are at a great distance from thee. Give them strength of mind to follow it with constancy and perseverance, that they may never stop till they find their Redeemer, and offer themselves at his sacred feet." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

The Epiphany

by VP

Posted on Sunday January 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Meditations

"I. The Sun of justice that rose on Christmas morn did not shine on the Jews only. The light that shone upon the rejoicing earth was a light that was to enlighten the Gentiles as well as to be the glory of the people of Israel. The feast of the Epiphany was the declaration of the world-wide dominion of the new-born King. It proclaimed that the kingdoms of this world were to be the kingdoms of the Lord and of His Christ. Rejoice with the Infant King in His universal sovereignty, and pray that His kingdom may speedily be acknowledged by all His subjects.

2. Those who came to visit Jesus on the Epiphany were three kings. They came as the representatives of all earthly monarchies. They came to do homage and to adore the universal King of the whole earth. What a shadow of a shade is all temporal dominion compared with the dominion of Jesus ! What unlimited homage we all owe Him ! How we should rejoice to acknowledge Him our King and Lord by our loyal obedience to Him !

3. This festival is especially the festival of converts. Our ancestors were once pagans until the Vicar of Christ sent to our beloved country the apostle who proclaimed to us the faith of Christ. This faith in many lands has faded now, and mockery sits on Juda's throne. Alas, to think that those who had the inheritance of the faith have lost it ! How can I ever be grateful enough for the light that shines on me ! "

Meditations for Christmas . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891

Feast of The Holy Name

by VP

Posted on Saturday January 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Sermons

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"When We say the Lord's Prayer, my dear brethren, we pray that God's Name may be hallowed on earth as it is in heaven. So great is God and so worthy of our reverence that everything that belongs to Him or that has been devoted to His service partakes of this reverence. A church dedicated to His service is a holy place; the sacred vessels used in the sacrifice of the Mass are holy things, are set apart, and none but those who are ordained can touch them. Anything that came in contact with our Blessed Lord had a certain participation in His sanctity. At one time it was the mere touch of the hem of His garment that cured a woman of a lingering disease; at another it was His spittle that gave hearing to the deaf. As it is with these things, so it is with His holy Name indeed, much more so.

For His Name to us is representative of all that He has done for us. It is significant of His divinity and of His office as the Redeemer. It was given to Him by the Eternal Father. By the ministry of an angel it was declared that He should be called Jesus, "for He shall save His people from their sins." "For there is no other name under heaven given to men," says St. Peter in today's Epistle, "whereby we must be saved." the same measure as His elevated above all creatures, so is His sacred Name above all other names, "that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow." "From the rising of the sun," says the Psalmist, "until the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is worthy of praise.”

Worthy of praise, my brethren; and yet what is our every-day experience? In all ranks of society, on the street, in the shop, in the home, in the presence of Christ's little ones, men swear, women swear; and little children ere they can use their tongues properly learn to lisp curses and blasphemies. Parents who are God's representatives, and who should love our Lord Jesus Christ and reverence His Name, instead of having a little patience, of acquiring some little control of their temper when anything goes wrong, give loose rein to their tongues and insult our Blessed Lord by their profane use of that Name which is the symbol of His love and mercy. How many there are who bow their head in reverence to that sacred Name in the house of God, and who go to their home or their occupation and use it only to add sin to their soul and give scandal to their neighbors! How often, alas! is that Holy Name dragged through the mire and filth of low, vulgar, and often obscene language.

What a detestable vice this is! How worthy of the demon in its rebellion to God's express command, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who taketh His name in vain." Let this feast of the Holy Name serve as an occasion for a renewal of our love and reverence for the Name of Jesus. Let us today make some special acts of reparation to Him for the insults He receives in the profanation of that Holy Name. If we are unfortunate enough to be the slave of this dreadful habit, whether through bad example or carelessness, let the gracious promise of our Lord, "If you ask the Father anything in my Name, amen, I say, He will give it you," be an incentive to hope, be a stimulus to pray for the grace of freedom from that slavery. Habit is strong, but God's grace is stronger; His promise of help is never void.  Blessed be the Name of Jesus!"

Source: Five-minute Sermons for Low Masses on All Sundays of the Year by the Priests of the Congregation of St. Paul, 1893

The Golden Arrow Prayer:

May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.

Source: Sister Saint-Pierre and the Work of Reparation. Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face

The Divine Praises in Reparation for Blasphemies

    Blessed be God.
    Blessed be His Holy Name.
    Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
    Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
    Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
    Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
    Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
    Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
    Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
    Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
    Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
    Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother,
    Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste Spouse.
    Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

I salute, adore, and love Thee, O Jesus, my Savior, covered anew with outrages by blasphemers, and I offer Thee, through the heart of Thy blessed Mother, the worship of all the Angels and Saints, as an incense and a perfume of sweet odor, most humbly beseeching Thee, by the virtue of Thy Sacred Face, to repair and renew in me and in all men Thy image disfigured by sin. Amen

Source: Veronica, or the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1871

The Acceptable Time

by VP

Posted on Saturday January 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Sermons

Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish (Springboro, Ohio)

"THE time to serve God is now, and the place to serve God is right here. Such, brethren, is the lesson of New Year's Day. This day is the starting point of the whole year, and we should appreciate that the day itself, the present time, is of greater value than the past and the future. We should start right. We should get our minds in a proper condition for the labor and suffering, the joy and sorrow, of the coming year; and that means that we should use the present moment for all that it is worth. Of course, brethren, this is the day of big wishes: "I wish you a happy New Year," we all have heard and said many times to-day; and that is a good thing. But good wishes don't put money in the bank, or pay off the mortgage on your home, or even put a fat turkey on the table. They are pleasant and charitable, and, we repeat, they are good things-all the better if, as a matter of fact, they are likely to be fulfilled.

Now, many a one says: "I cannot be as good a Christian as I should wish because I am too busy just now." So you see he takes it out in good wishes by saying, "I wish I could be a good Christian." He is one of those mentioned by our Saviour: "Not every one who says, Lord! Lord! shall enter into the kingdom of heaven"; and He adds, "but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Thus our Saviour shows the difference between the one who says and the one who does the good-wisher and the well-doer. Don't you see that by simply wishing you are putting your business above God? Can't you understand that you think more highly of the guest you entertain to-day than you do of the one whom you. put off till to-morrow? First come, first served : and who comes before God? God the Father created you. God the Son redeemed you. God the Holy Ghost sanctified you. Is any business equal to creation, redemption, and sanctification? But somebody might insist: Father, that is all true, and yet what I say is true. I am too busy to attend to my religious duties, and I cannot help it. My occupations force themselves upon me. must work as I do, or I and my family will suffer. I answer: There must be something wrong about this. Is it really possible that you are compelled to work in such a way that you positively cannot receive Communion a few times a year; cannot say your night and morning prayers; cannot attend at Mass-is this really the case? If so, then you are a slave. There have been classes of men among us so situated, but they are not so now, because they rebelled against it, took effective measures to remedy the evil and succeeded in doing so. Have you tried? Have you asked leave to get off work to attend to your religious duties? Are you willing to lose a day's wages once in a while for the love of God? Think over these questions. Be honest with yourself. Do not blame your employer or excuse yourself until you have made your request and been refused.

The time to serve God is now, and the place is right here. That is the principle upon which our Sunday-school teachers act. They are busy, industrious young men and women. They find time, however, not only to take care of their own souls, but to help parents and priests to save the children of the parish. Much the same may be said of the members of the choir, the gentlemen of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference, the Altar Society, and all others who unite themselves with us in the good works of religion and charity in this parish. To such souls, active and practical, every day is New Year's Day. They are always beginning or carrying on some good work for God, their neighbor, and their own souls, and doing it right here and just now.

It is in this spirit, brethren, that I hope all the good wishes of a Happy New Year may be received by you to-day, and that you may be truly happy in body and soul, in your families, and among your friends. Amen." Five-minute Sermons for Low Masses on All Sundays of the Year, Congregation of St. Paul 1893

St. Emiliana

by VP

Posted on Saturday January 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints

RESISTANCE AND OBEDIENCE TO GRACE. St. Gregory the Great had three aunts on the father's side,-Thrasilla, Emiliana, and Gordiana. All three made a vow of chastity, and devoted themselves to an ascetic life in the house of their father, the senator Gordian. Thrasilla and Emiliana having renounced the world on the same day, gave themselves up, with mutual zeal, to the practice of perfection, and made great progress in the spiritual life. Gordiana allowed the fervour of her piety gradually to tone down. Her sisters, by force of entreaties, and by lavish marks of affection towards her, were instrumental in leading her to fresh renewals of zeal; but her love of the world ended by detaching her wholly from a devout life, and inducing her to relinquish the practices of piety. Nothing further is known of her after-life. Thrasilla was first called to her reward, after having been favoured with a vision of the Pope St. Felix, her uncle, who addressed her thus:Come! I will accompany you to the abode of glory." Shortly after, she herself appeared to Emiliana, inviting her to celebrate with her, in Heaven, the feast of the Epiphany. Emiliana, in effect, died the following day, the 5th of January, on the eve of that great festival.

MORAL REFLECTION.-Let us often keep in mind the words of our Saviour, "No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will sustain the one and despise the other."-(Matt. vi. 24.)

The Humility of the Circumcision.

by VP

Posted on Friday January 03, 2025 at 11:00PM in Meditations

"1 . One of the most difficult things in the world is to submit to anything that lowers us in the opinion of men and tends to give them a false impression respecting us. Our self-love revolts against the wrongful suspicion, and nature is eager to prove its injustice. Our Lord in the circumcision submitted to a rite which seemed to imply that He was born in sin, in order to teach us, at the very opening of His life, a willingness to be misunderstood and judged guilty of faults we have never committed, and to be credited with natural disadvantages which we do
not really possess.

2. We cannot all aim as high as this, or at least we have not yet reached this love of being wrongly judged and despised without cause. But at least we can learn to recognize how utterly opposed to the spirit of Christ is any attempt to make ourselves out better than we are, and to try and lead others to attribute to us virtues or advantages that are not ours, whether it be generosity, or piety, or learning, or riches, or high birth, or wide influence, or a distinguished position in the world.

3. If we want to test our humility, we cannot have a safer touchstone than this willingness to be underrated or disesteemed without any fault of our own. Happy those who can rejoice to suffer shame without giving cause for it ! Am I one of these ? "

Meditations for Christmas . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

by VP

Posted on Friday January 03, 2025 at 11:00PM in Quotes

"I will go peaceably and firmly to the Catholic Church: for if Faith is so important to our salvation, I will seek it where true Faith first began, seek it among those who received it from God Himself." St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

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Basilica de la santissima annunziata, Florence (Source: wikipedia)

"Passing through a curtain, my eye was struck with hundreds of persons kneeling; but the gloom of the chapel, which is lighted only by the wax tapers on the altar and a small window at the top darkened with green silk, made every object at first appear very indistinct, while that kind of soft and distant music which lifts the mind to a foretaste of heavenly pleasures called up in an instant every dear and tender idea of my soul; and forgetting Mrs. Fillicchi, companions, and all the surrounding scene, I sank on my knees in the first place I found vacant, and shed a torrent of tears at the recollection of how long I had been a stranger in the house of my God, and the accumulated sorrow that had separated me from it. I need not tell you that I said our dear service with my whole soul, as far as in its agitation I could recollect.

When the organ ceased, and Mass was over, we walked round the chapel. The elegance of ceilings in carved gold, altars loaded with gold, silver, and other precious ornaments, pictures of every sacred subject, and the dome a continued representation of different parts of Scripture - all this can never be conceived by description; nor my delight in seeing old men and women, young women and all sorts of people kneeling promiscuously about the altar, as inattentive to us and other passengers as if we were not there." p 131

"High Altar in the Medici Chapel, Florence which particularly impressed Mrs. Seton."

"A sensation of delight struck me so forcibly that as I approached the great altar, formed all of the most precious stones and marbles that could be produced, "My soul doth magnify the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior," came in my mind with a fervor which absorbed every other feeling. It recalled the ideas of the offerings of David and Solomon to the Lord, when the rich and valuable productions of nature and art were devoted to His Holy Temple and sanctified to His Service." p 132

Source: Mrs. Seton, foundress of the American Sisters of Charity, by Fr. Joseph Dirvin, CM 1962

Prayers of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

by VP

Posted on Friday January 03, 2025 at 11:00PM in Prayers

A Prayer for the Church

O God, by Thy Holy Name have pity on us, protect us, and save us.
O good Jesus, in the sweet Name guard our Sovereign Pontiff; breathe into his
soul the spirit of the Comforter.

Jesus, thy Church is menaced with great trials! Holy Father, by the virtue of
thy salutary Name protect the Church of Jesus Christ. This was the last will of
thy Divine Son; it is the holy prayer which love prompted towards the end of his
life. Holy Father, keep in thy Name those thou hast given me (St. John chap. xxxvii. 11)

O most holy and worthy Mother, refuge of the Church, intercede for us and save us by
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Michael and the Holy Angels, guard the bark of Peter; disperse its enemies
by the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Source: Sister Saint-Pierre and the Work of Reparation.

Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face

St. Titus

by VP

Posted on Friday January 03, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints

GOOD EXAMPLE. -St. Titus, the disciple of St. Paul, and one of the first-fruits of the great Apostle's victories, accompanied him through his evangelical wanderings, sharing with him his toils and perils. He was present with him at the first General Council, held in Jerusalem in the fifty-first year of the Christian era, and followed his master to Ephesus, whence the Apostle sent him to Corinth, towards the end of the year 56, to appease the discord and the troubles which afflicted the bosom of the infant Church. From Corinth St. Titus went to rejoin St. Paul at Troad, a town in Macedonia; he accompanied St. Paul to Rome, returning with him, subsequently, to the East. Then it was, in the year 63, that the great Apostle placed him as bishop, in Crete. Titus did not, however, remain constantly there; for we find him, later on, at Nicopolis and in Dalmatia, ever intent upon spreading a knowledge of the Gospel. It is, however, believed that he returned to his diocese after the martyrdom of St. Paul, remained there for the rest of his days, and died at a very advanced age.

MORAL REFLECTION. -If it be not vouchsafed to us to fashion our lives on the apostolic model of St. Titus, let us at least endeavour to reduce to practice the counsel given him by the great Apostle: "In all things show yourself an example of good works; in doctrine, in integrity, in gravity."-(Titus ii. 7.) Pictorial half hours with the saints by Abbe Auguste François Lecanu