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Saint Antoninus, Bishop and Confessor (Dominican)

by VP

Posted on Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 09:32AM in Saints

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"Justice and Divine Mercy: When God has resolved to punish the world by great calamities, He raises up saints, who, by means of their prayers, may disarm His justice, and who, by their charity, will satisfy the wants of the poor. St. Antoninus, archbishop of Florence, was of this heavenly temper. The plague had dealt destruction throughout his diocese in 1448; this was followed by a desolating famine, the town and suburbs were in part destroyed but the earthquakes occurring in 1453 and the two succeeding years. Antoninus lavished every care on the dying, and induced his clergy to act in like manner. Of an exemplary simplicity in his tastes, he economized his income for the benefit of the poor, whom he truly loved, being all gentle and affable, and knowing well how to win their affection. Holding in no account whatever he possessed, he gave everything away with liberal hand; and when he had parted with all, he set about collecting more, that he might still give. He was wont to pray with the fervor of an anchorite; and hence it was generally said that Florence owed its preservation to the favor with which God regarded the archbishop. He died in 1459, full of days, and honored with abundant miracles.
Moral reflection: Thus it is in God are found centering "severity and mercy, justice, and peace." (Psa. Lxxxiv.11.)"
Pictorial half hours with the Saints, Abbe Auguste Francois Lecanu 1865


"Pray, O holy Pontiff, for the descendants of them that were faithless to the promise sealed on the very altar on which your hands so often offered up the Sacrifice of unity and peace. Disciple of the great Dominic, inheritor of his burning zeal, protect the holy order which he founded and of which you are so bright an ornament. Show that you still love it. Give it increase and procure for its children the holiness that once worked such loveliness and fruit in the Church.

Holy Pontiff, be mindful of the faithful who implore your intercession at this period of the Year. Your eloquent lips announced the Pasch, so many years, to the people of Florence, and urged them to share in the Resurrection of our Divine Head. The same Pasch, the immortal Pasch, has shone once more upon us. We are still celebrating it. Oh pray that its fruits may be lasting in us, and that our Risen Jesus, who has given us Life, may, by His grace, preserve it in our souls for all eternity." Dom Prosper Guéranger