CAPG's Blog 

Why the Acrimony?

by VP

Posted on Wednesday February 15, 2023 at 12:00AM in Articles

"Sometimes, when our Sisters are vilified, our priests libeled and every dogma of the Church mentioned in derisive terms, says the "Catholic Sun", it is rather difficult to hold oneself in leash. But, after all, what is to be gained by lowering oneself to billingsgate and abuse? Let the other fellow do that.

Nothing, after all, appeals like the truth. When it is set fort in truly Christian terms, it is convincing. Of course, there are minds so steeped in prejudice that nothing appeals. The illogical, rancorous contentions uttered by the Church's would-be destroyers, however, are of little moment. They come and go like the fleeting wind. Nothing of a lasting or substantial nature results from the misguided agitation of the opposition.
Neither the Church nor her adherents have anything to fear from this source. It is irritating, to be sure; but when one reverts to the words of our Divine Lord, who established the Catholic Church and who declared that He would be with it until the consummation of the world, why should not we possess our souls in peace and trust Him? He will not fail. His word was for all time, and for all time it will remain.

Source: Annals of St. Joseph Volumes 34-36 by the Norbertine Fathers, 1922