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A Perfect Man of God

by VP

Posted on Monday February 06, 2023 at 12:00AM in Articles

"The priest as the perfect man of God must be the "light of the world." As Pius XII expressed it: "...this the appointed aim of the Catholic priesthood: to act as the supernatural sun, illuminating the minds of men with the truth of Christ and inflaming their hearts with the love of Christ. To this end and appointed purpose all the preparation and formation of a priest must conform." (Pius XII, Discourse to the seminarians of the Roman Colleges, June 24, 1939, Veuillot, II, p 22)

It is the priest's task to preserve in the world a "sense of the supernatural" - which the world is constantly in danger of losing and which in fact a large segment of our modern world has already lost. It is the task of the priest of Jesus Christ to bring to the world the clear vision of one who sees the proper relationship between man and God. He it is who must withstand all the corrosive elements of human existence and, being made strong himself, must fulfill his role as "steward of the mysteries of God" by dispensing to men the message and the means of salvation.

The priest must be faithful to this sacerdotal function at all times. He is not a priest merely when he sits in the confessional or when he ascends the altar. As sacred as these activities are, it is a woeful error to conceive of preparation for the priesthood simply as the training of good confessors or devout ministers of the altar. The Catholic priesthood stand at the very point of conflict between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. It is a powerful weapon in the hands of Christ the King in His battle with the kingdom of darkness. The priest fulfills his role as instrument of salvation first of all in his person."

Source: Rev. John J. King, OMI The American Ecclesiastical Review, Vol. 144 1961 page 361

Prayer to Our Lady of Desolation, For the Universal Triumph of the Faith.

O Mother of the Church, Mother most desolate, who didst consent to prolong for fifteen years thine exile upon earth that thou mightiest be the guide, and help and nursing Mother of the Infant Church; let thy maternal care be extended over her now as ever. Let thy great virtues and privileges be her shield and buckler.

Obtain for the Church and her rulers in her many tribulations an increase of light, courage, and devotion. Let thy powerful intercession bring back to the Faith all countries and peoples who have denied thy Son, and fallen into heresy and schism.

May thy protection be extended specially over us thy Children, remembering the words that Jesus spoke from the Cross that not one may be lost, but remaining steadfast in the Faith they may persevere to the end.

Build again the altars once consecrated to Jesus and to thee. And thus, O our Mother, bring us all as one fold to one Shepherd, to the honor and glory of God. Amen

Source: Mary in sorrow and desolation, Help of the Holy Catholic Church. With the Ritual of the Confraternity of our Lady of Dolours Servites Burns, Oates, and Company, 1868