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Saint Placidus and companions

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 05, 2022 at 01:00AM in Saints

"All true monks devote themselves to God; they separate themselves from the world, and do not entangle themselves in secular business, that they may more easily seek perfectly and with their whole hearts, not those things which are upon earth, but those which are in heaven. This is the duty of every Christian, as Origen elegantly observes, and as Saint Paul himself teaches, according to the divine lessons of our blessed Redeemer. For to be dead to the world, and to live for Christ, is the part of all who are truly his disciples. Those who live in the world must so behave as not to be of the world. They must be assiduously conversant in prayer and other exercises of religion. Their work itself must be sanctified and dedicated to God by the like motives with which the ancient monks applied themselves to penitential manual labor, or to eternal spiritual functions."

Source:The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints By Alban Butler