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Saint Cloud, priest and confessor

by VP

Posted on Wednesday September 07, 2022 at 01:00AM in Saints

"St Cloud, or Clodoald, was the only son of Clodomir, king of Orleans, the brothers of the young prince having been murdered by their uncle clothaire in his guilty desire to become master of their possessions. Brought up in retirement, Saint Cloud was so impressed with the nothingness of all earthly things, that, even when he reached the age to assert his claim to the throne, he declined to embrace the favorable opportunities of success which were offered to him. He renounced the world, and placed himself under the direction of St. Severinus, then living as a recluse near Paris. Later, having been ordained priest, St. Cloud spent a few years in the exercise of his holy ministry but again mastered by the charms of a secluded life, he withdrew to the spot which now bears his name, founded a monastery there, and died in the year 560, after having edified all by a career of prayer, preaching, and good deeds."  source: Short lives of the Saints by Eleanor C. Donnelly 1910


Collect: O God, who didst exalt Blessed Clodoald thy confessor, humbled for thy sake in this world, both by raising him to the dignity of the priesthood and by enduing him with the splendor of many virtues: grant unto us, following his example, to do thee worthy service and, helped by his prayers, ever grow in virtue and merit.

Secret: With thy Holy priest, Clodoald, we confess thee, O Lord, to be the author of our faith and of our salvation: and we beseech thee mercifully to receive at our hands this sacrifice of praise; and to grant that with the same fervor as he, we may render our vows to thee.