CAPG's Blog 

Good Friday

by VP

Posted on Friday March 31, 2023 at 12:58AM in Tradition

The way of the Cross for Priests

Traditionis Custodes: Raleigh Diocese

by VP

Posted on Thursday March 09, 2023 at 12:29PM in Tradition

Tridentine Latin Mass, Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh, NC

The Raleigh Diocese wrote:

The Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments recently issued a follow up communication to Traditionis Custodes. This clarification, or “rescript,” specifies that all dispensations related to the Extraordinary Form must now be directly approved by the Vatican. Any previous dispensations permitting the celebration of the Mass according to the 1962 Missal in parish churches, like the ones issued in the Diocese of Raleigh last year, must now be shared with the Dicastery for evaluation. The diocese is awaiting further guidance from the Dicastery on how to implement this latest instruction and will submit its current policy for their review as requested."

"Please continue to pray that our collective efforts to serve the faithful and promote concord and unity in the Church are fruitful," Bishop Luis said.

  • Let us pray to Father Price:

Heavenly Father, You so inspired Father Thomas Frederick Price with love for You and zeal for the Gospel that he dedicated his life to serve You and Your Church, first in North Carolina, his home state, and then in the foreign missions. Grant that by his example we may grow in holiness and into a deeper union with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to be authentic witnesses of the Gospel and proclaim the Holy Name of Jesus throughout the Diocese of Raleigh and to all the people and in all the places we are sent to love and serve.
If it be according to Your Will, glorify Your servant, Father Thomas Frederick Price, by granting the favor I (we) now request through his prayerful intercession: to preserve and propagate the traditional Latin Mass in the Raleigh Diocese.
I (we) make this prayer confidently through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

"Grant, we pray Almighty God, that through the intercession of Our Lady of the Clergy and of her blessed spouse Saint Joseph, the Tridentine Latin Mass may be offered in all the churches of the Raleigh Diocese. Amen."

The Golden Rose

by VP

Posted on Saturday December 10, 2022 at 11:00PM in Tradition

File:Rose Vestments, Gaudete Sunday.jpg

Holy Mass being celebrated on Gaudete Sunday by a priest of the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer by Brett Crandall

"The lights of hope and joy, the shadows of despondency and sorrow are ever flitting over the surface of human life, teaching the heart the solemn lesson of detachment from earth and giving it glimpses of heaven, that city of perpetual brightness whose "light is the Lamb," the uncreated splendor of the Father. We need this succession of light and shade; continual prosperity would make us love the world, and we would forget that the days of our pilgrimage are few and evil, whilst lasting adversity would deaden the elasticity of the heart and drive it to despair. The Church knows the requirements of our nature in this respect and provides for them. The penitential seasons of Advent and Lent are succeeded by the joys of Christmas and the glories of Easter. The sorrows of Holy Week are interrupted by the Gloria of Holy Thursday, and then again the last notes of the Angelic Hymn die away in the wail of the Miserere of Tenebrae and the Improperia of Good Friday.

Advent has its Gaudete Sunday, when the Church bids her children rejoice in the Lord always, because He is near, because He is soon to be manifested to the world as the Babe of Bethlehem; so too on the fourth Sunday of Lent a cry of joy resounds through the office, Rejoice O! Jerusalem! Rejoice thou barren that bearest not. The time for the reconciliation of the penitents is approaching; the children that were dead in sin will come to life and be restored to the arms of their mother, and in anticipation her heart beats high with gladness. Then her eye turns to Palestine, ranges the dark sky that overhangs the scenes of the Passion and rests on the horizon just reddening with the first faint streaks of light from the Easter Sun. Sorrow and penance yield for a moment to the exultation of triumphant love and from her lisp breaks forth an anthem of gladness Laetare, Laetare, Rejoice, Rejoice."

The Sacramentals of the Holy Catholic Church; Or, Flowers from the Garden of the Liturgy By Rev. William James BARRY, 1858


by VP

Posted on Sunday October 30, 2022 at 12:00AM in Tradition

Prayer to Christ the King
O CHRIST, JESUS, I acknowledge Thee as Universal King.
For Thee all creatures have been made. Do Thou exercise
over me all the rights that Thou hast.

Renew my Baptismal Vows, I renounce Satan,
with all his works and pomps, and I promise to live as a
good Catholic: Especially, do I pledge myself, by all
the means in my power, to bring about the triumph of the
rights of God and of Thy Church.

Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee all my poor actions to obtain
that all hearts may recognize Thy Sacred Royalty, and that thus the
reign of Thy Peace may be established throughout the entire world.

(Catholic Tradition)