The Epiphany of our Lord.
by VP
Posted on Sunday January 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Sermons
The Adoration of the Magi (L'adoration des mages) - James Tissot
"GIVE thanks this day to Christ our Redeemer, who was pleased to manifest himself to the Gentiles, and thus open the way to salvation. Pray for those Gentiles, who as yet in great numbers sit in darkness, and know not God, that God would please to call them to his faith.
Pray that you may ever imitate the zeal and diligence of the three kings, who were no sooner called but they obeyed; who were not discouraged by the difficulties of the journey, but without delay set forward to find him who called them.
How happy would it be for you, could you thus readily follow where your obligation calls, and not let every pretended difficulty be sufficient to justify you in the frequent omission of duty.
Fall down in spirit, and adore Christ; and with the three kings acknowledge him for your God and Redeemer. Fail not to make your offerings with them. Offer your heart to him, if it be your own, or his. But if it be otherwise engaged, either in riches, pleasures, or excessive troubles, pray for its deliverance. Lay your gold, your frankincense, and myrrh all at his feet; let neither the sweet nor bitter keep you from him; offer all to him, who is Lord of all.
The zeal and courage of the three kings was very wonderful. Being informed of the birth of Christ, by the appearance of an unusual star, they forthwith undertook their journey; neither regarding the discourses of the world, which would charge them with folly and rashness, nor considering the dangers of going to proclaim a new-born king, at the court of a jealous prince; nor apprehensive of those many difficulties, the usual consequences of an uncertain journey, not knowing how far they were to go, nor whether they were ever to return. Whenever a soul comes up to this degree of resolution, there is reason enough to hope that it has overcome the world; since in this very point consists its victory, that it admits of nothing to take place of duty. And this is the test, by which every Christian may make a true judgment of himself. For, whatever his condition be, there is no proposal can be made of seeking Christ, and making any advance to him, but he must be exposed to some of these trials. The world will ever do like itself; it will certainly meddle with what belongs not to it; it will curiously examine, discourse, and its censures. It will condemn whatever departs out of the common road of its loose maxims, as singularity, folly, and vanity; and declare its resentment against every one, who disapproves of its ways by forsaking them. So that whoever pass has not gained this point, to be unconcerned at what the world says, is not yet in a possibility of finding Christ; since there is not one step which he can take, whether in prayer, recollection, fasting, penance, or frequenting the sacraments, but the world by its insults and mockeries will be ever discouraging him from all his pious designs, and will by this means bring him to the trial, whether his concern for what this world says, be not greater than his zeal for duty and justice.
Another difficulty he must meet with in respect to himself. No one can think of going towards Christ, but he will presently discover the way to be long, through the variety of interior contradictions, the apprehension of losing his own ease and convenience, and the obligation of making war against his own inclinations. This war is absolutely necessary, because his nature being corrupt, and strongly inclining him to selflove and the love of the world, he can no other way make approaches to Christ, than by resisting all such interior motions, and obliging them, by a sort of violence to yield, in obedience to the law of God. Now this cannot be effected, but by many uneasy conflicts. Nature itself must be overcome, passions must be mastered, what is pleasing must be renounced, and that made choice of, to which sense and inclination are wholly averse. And this must go on, till by this exercise the soul becomes wholly changed, not desiring now to follow the corrupt principles of the first Adam, but to live by the better maxims of the gospel, even the life of Christ. For he knows that there is no finding Christ, till he finds him abiding within his own heart, and there commanding as his Lord and Sovereign.
This is the way, and these are the difficulties, by which every one is to go to Christ. And there are few, though at the greatest distance from him, through the unhappy state of error or vice, but who are informed, like these three kings, by some providential light, where Christ is to be found: and had they a zeal and resolution like theirs to undertake the journey, would as certainly find him, to receive their offerings, and reward their labours. But here is the greatest instance of human weakness: few follow this light. Only three of all that nation in the East, to which the star appeared, followed it; and, it is to be feared, as few in other nations, in proportion to the great numbers who now see enough of it, to direct them to the truth of Christ. They have light shining upon them in their darkness, enough to awaken them; but, like men oppressed with sleep, they shut their eyes against it, and sleep on. The thoughts of what the world will say, the many inconveniences, as to their business and interest, the displeasure of friends, the difficulties of a change, with a thousand other discouragements, immediately present themselves; and prevail so far on minds unwilling to be disturbed, that on such motives of self-love, they desist from farther enquiry; and contenting themselves with some general principles of education, and the company of others, like themselves, they stifle the light and choose darkness.
The same weakness is, in many others, the occasion of continuing in the practice of very dangerous liberties, and walking on in a way very unjustifiable and unchristian. For though Almighty God often touches their hearts with a sense of their failings, and by an interior light from the gospel, good men or books, lets them see the danger of their state, and the necessity of reforming; yet being unwilling to forsake what pleases, and foreseeing the difficulties of a true conversion, they run for shelter to the example and authority of others,
whose learning, position, reputation, and character seem to qualify
them for being a rule. They plead that such a one does this, such
another does that; if this were not allowable and safe, certainly such
as they are, would not permit or practise it; and the like. Thus the example of religious, of priests and prelates, is brought forward; and there is scarcely any kind of vanity, pride, covetousness, levity or excess, but what is warranted and justified under this cover. And what is the ground of all this, but deceit and delusion? What is this, but a vicious partiality of insincere souls, who study how to delude the designs of infinite goodness, and by the treacherous authority of weakness itself, shut out the light of heaven,
and harden themselves against all its impressions? It is plain that
these are nothing but little subtilties, to put a fair gloss upon an ill
cause. Were there any sincerity in them, and zeal for truth and
justice, they would carefully attend to that light from heaven, which
glancing upon them at all times, puts them upon seeking farther than
they yet have done. They would join these sages in finding Christ; and
let no human respect, or the example of the errors and infirmities of others,
stop them in their way. Such courage would ensure blessing and success
to their endeavours; and they would certainly find Christ. Let this thy
light, O God of mercy, touch the hearts of all those, who by vice or error, are at a great distance from thee. Give them strength of mind
to follow it with constancy and perseverance, that they may never stop
till they find their Redeemer, and offer themselves at his sacred feet." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
Feast of The Holy Name
by VP
Posted on Saturday January 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Sermons
"When We say the Lord's Prayer, my dear brethren, we pray that God's Name may be hallowed on earth as it is in heaven. So great is God and so worthy of our reverence that everything that belongs to Him or that has been devoted to His service partakes of this reverence. A church dedicated to His service is a holy place; the sacred vessels used in the sacrifice of the Mass are holy things, are set apart, and none but those who are ordained can touch them. Anything that came in contact with our Blessed Lord had a certain participation in His sanctity. At one time it was the mere touch of the hem of His garment that cured a woman of a lingering disease; at another it was His spittle that gave hearing to the deaf. As it is with these things, so it is with His holy Name indeed, much more so.
For His Name to us is representative of all that He has done for us. It is significant of His divinity and of His office as the Redeemer. It was given to Him by the Eternal Father. By the ministry of an angel it was declared that He should be called Jesus, "for He shall save His people from their sins." "For there is no other name under heaven given to men," says St. Peter in today's Epistle, "whereby we must be saved." the same measure as His elevated above all creatures, so is His sacred Name above all other names, "that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow." "From the rising of the sun," says the Psalmist, "until the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is worthy of praise.”
Worthy of praise, my brethren; and yet what is our every-day experience? In all ranks of society, on the street, in the shop, in the home, in the presence of Christ's little ones, men swear, women swear; and little children ere they can use their tongues properly learn to lisp curses and blasphemies. Parents who are God's representatives, and who should love our Lord Jesus Christ and reverence His Name, instead of having a little patience, of acquiring some little control of their temper when anything goes wrong, give loose rein to their tongues and insult our Blessed Lord by their profane use of that Name which is the symbol of His love and mercy. How many there are who bow their head in reverence to that sacred Name in the house of God, and who go to their home or their occupation and use it only to add sin to their soul and give scandal to their neighbors! How often, alas! is that Holy Name dragged through the mire and filth of low, vulgar, and often obscene language.What a detestable vice this is! How worthy of the demon in its rebellion to God's express command, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who taketh His name in vain." Let this feast of the Holy Name serve as an occasion for a renewal of our love and reverence for the Name of Jesus. Let us today make some special acts of reparation to Him for the insults He receives in the profanation of that Holy Name. If we are unfortunate enough to be the slave of this dreadful habit, whether through bad example or carelessness, let the gracious promise of our Lord, "If you ask the Father anything in my Name, amen, I say, He will give it you," be an incentive to hope, be a stimulus to pray for the grace of freedom from that slavery. Habit is strong, but God's grace is stronger; His promise of help is never void. Blessed be the Name of Jesus!"
Source: Five-minute Sermons for Low Masses on All Sundays of the Year by the Priests of the Congregation of St. Paul, 1893
The Golden Arrow Prayer:
May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.
Source: Sister Saint-Pierre and the Work of Reparation. Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face
The Divine Praises in Reparation for Blasphemies
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother,
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste Spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.
I salute, adore, and love Thee, O Jesus, my Savior, covered anew with outrages by blasphemers, and I offer Thee, through the heart of Thy blessed Mother, the worship of all the Angels and Saints, as an incense and a perfume of sweet odor, most humbly beseeching Thee, by the virtue of Thy Sacred Face, to repair and renew in me and in all men Thy image disfigured by sin. Amen
Source: Veronica, or the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1871The Acceptable Time
by VP
Posted on Saturday January 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Sermons
Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish (Springboro, Ohio)
"THE time to serve God is now, and the place to serve God is right here. Such, brethren, is the lesson of New Year's Day. This day is the starting point of the whole year, and we should appreciate that the day itself, the present time, is of greater value than the past and the future. We should start right. We should get our minds in a proper condition for the labor and suffering, the joy and sorrow, of the coming year; and that means that we should use the present moment for all that it is worth. Of course, brethren, this is the day of big wishes: "I wish you a happy New Year," we all have heard and said many times to-day; and that is a good thing. But good wishes don't put money in the bank, or pay off the mortgage on your home, or even put a fat turkey on the table. They are pleasant and charitable, and, we repeat, they are good things-all the better if, as a matter of fact, they are likely to be fulfilled.
Now, many a one says: "I cannot be as good a Christian as I should wish because I am too busy just now." So you see he takes it out in good wishes by saying, "I wish I could be a good Christian." He is one of those mentioned by our Saviour: "Not every one who says, Lord! Lord! shall enter into the kingdom of heaven"; and He adds, "but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Thus our Saviour shows the difference between the one who says and the one who does the good-wisher and the well-doer. Don't you see that by simply wishing you are putting your business above God? Can't you understand that you think more highly of the guest you entertain to-day than you do of the one whom you. put off till to-morrow? First come, first served : and who comes before God? God the Father created you. God the Son redeemed you. God the Holy Ghost sanctified you. Is any business equal to creation, redemption, and sanctification? But somebody might insist: Father, that is all true, and yet what I say is true. I am too busy to attend to my religious duties, and I cannot help it. My occupations force themselves upon me. must work as I do, or I and my family will suffer. I answer: There must be something wrong about this. Is it really possible that you are compelled to work in such a way that you positively cannot receive Communion a few times a year; cannot say your night and morning prayers; cannot attend at Mass-is this really the case? If so, then you are a slave. There have been classes of men among us so situated, but they are not so now, because they rebelled against it, took effective measures to remedy the evil and succeeded in doing so. Have you tried? Have you asked leave to get off work to attend to your religious duties? Are you willing to lose a day's wages once in a while for the love of God? Think over these questions. Be honest with yourself. Do not blame your employer or excuse yourself until you have made your request and been refused.
The time to serve God is now, and the place is right here. That is the principle upon which our Sunday-school teachers act. They are busy, industrious young men and women. They find time, however, not only to take care of their own souls, but to help parents and priests to save the children of the parish. Much the same may be said of the members of the choir, the gentlemen of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference, the Altar Society, and all others who unite themselves with us in the good works of religion and charity in this parish. To such souls, active and practical, every day is New Year's Day. They are always beginning or carrying on some good work for God, their neighbor, and their own souls, and doing it right here and just now.
It is in this spirit, brethren, that I hope all the good wishes of a Happy New Year may be received by you to-day, and that you may be truly happy in body and soul, in your families, and among your friends. Amen." Five-minute Sermons for Low Masses on All Sundays of the Year, Congregation of St. Paul 1893
The Circumcision of Our Lord
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 31, 2024 at 11:00PM in Sermons
"THIS being the first day of the new year, consecrate it all to God. Offer to him your thoughts, words, and actions : beg grace for the exact performance of all your obligations, to be supported in dangers, and preserved from sin.
On this day, Christ our Lord subjected himself to the law of Circumcision. Give him thanks; pray for grace, for the ready compliance with all the laws of God, and resolve to comply, even at the expense of your blood. On this day of his humiliation, was given to him the holy name of Jesus; offer yourself to Jesus; beseech him to make you a true follower of him, in all humility, that you may be of the number of those who are saved by him. Beg pardon for the many times you have abused or profaned his sacred name, and be careful to do it no more.
It being on the day of Christ's circumcision that he received the adorable name of Jesus, or Saviour, we have in this a great instruction given us, of the necessity of a Christian or spiritual circumcision, and that he will be a Saviour to none in whom this is not found. This is the condition of the salvation which he offers. He begins the work by a legal circumcision, and we are to partake of his redemption by circumcision of the heart.
This imports a duty, in the first place, of retrenching all habitual sin; because this is an engagement contrary to the law and will of God; and therefore living in any such engagement, is living in wilful disobedience and contempt of God, and rebellion against his law. Such a state can have no other fruit but destruction, in being eternally separated from God. Secondly, all who design to live as they profess, are obliged to renounce all the immediate occasions of these sins. Because these occasions have such a connexion with the sins themselves, that there can be no sincerity in pretending to admit the one, and avoid the other. It is impossible to conceive that a soul can be truly converted to God, and have a hearty detestation of sin, as the gospel requires, which is pleased with the familiarity of such dangers, as are a violence upon it, and almost inseparable from sin. All the thoughts then of such unhappy sinners, of repentance and returning to God, can be no other than treacherous delusions: whilst they pretend to be sorry for having offended, and yet think nothing of quitting that company, and those practices, which have been the continual occasions of all their past offences. Therefore, the omitting to retrench these, is what excludes them from any part in the mercies of a Redeemer.
Thirdly, they are obliged to free themselves from other more remote occasions of sin. But then, as there are different degrees in these, so there is likewise in the obligation of retrenching them; it being in some more absolute and pressing than in others, according to the connection they have with sin. As this differs according to tempers and circumstances, it must be determined in particular by conferring with spiritual directors. However, sine general rules may be proposed as the obligation which every one has of cutting off whatever helps considerably to heighten those inclinations and passions, which alienate the mind from the love of God, and lead to sin. Hence the good Christian is very careful in the choice of his company and conversation. For since the general discourse of the world is a communication of worldly principles, the effusion of error and pride, and other passions, a soul that indifferently exposes herself to company, is in danger of being infected with all this poison. The same caution the good Christian uses in reading books; because too many of these favour concupiscence and corruption so much, that frequent reading them must make impressions, and insensibly work upon the soul, to the great prejudice of all its spiritual concerns. It is the same, as to all manner of shows and diversions; because he sees the great danger and mischief of these things, inasmuch as they are the common ways by which the devil deludes souls into all kinds of sinful liberties and wickedness. Whatever therefore his affections or inclinations may be, he carefully removes so much of all that, to which these lead him, as he has reason to suspect dangerous to his eternal welfare.
This care of the good Christian extends likewise to whatever considerably disturbs that good order and discipline, which ought to be observed in his own person or family. For though these are not numbered among the virtues, yet they have place among the Christian duties; inasmuch as it is the obligation of every Christian to be watchful in that, which is the best security of a Christian life, and without which it must be exposed to be wholly overthrown. Indeed, it is as great an absurdity to think of maintaining a Christian life without order and discipline, as to support any civil or military government without it. Therefore, though it be often necessary to interrupt the order of praying, eating, working, sleeping, &c., yet whoever loses all regard to this order, and lets every humour and inclination take place of it, it is to be feared, that if he be not already lost, it cannot be very long before he will be so. For this going out of all method involves such variety of neglects, draws so many ill consequences after it, and betrays so great a stock of selflove, and desire of satisfying one's own inclinations, and preferring them to ordinary duties, that it cannot be long consistent with a Christian life.
For this reason, the good Christian, ever apprehensive of being insensibly carried out of the way, is not only careful to prevent it, by keeping up discipline, and observing good order in himself and family; but is likewise very watchful in retrenching whatever he perceives of this world apt to possess his heart and likely to turn it from God. And this, not only in respect of sinful objects, but also of all love of the world, love of temporal or secular things, in a word, of all love of creatures. This he undertook in baptism, when becoming the child of God, he promised to renounce all those inclinations, which he brought with him into the world, which naturally and violently carry him to sin, to earth, and to creatures; and solemnly engaged to follow those new impressions which he then received, which lead him to the love of God, to religion, and to the search of heavenly things, by a separation from creatures. Though, from that corruption which is in him, he cannot follow the new impressions, without violence to nature; yet having taken this obligation upon him, he considers it his duty ever to use this violence. This is his exercise, as long as he is in this life. He finds in it great difficulties; but he who undertook to be his Redeemer, has taught him that he is not to expect any part in this redemption without trouble and difficulties. Therefore, encouraged by his example, he resolutely offers himself to all these, and looks for them as part of his portion to which he is called. Though frail of himself, he yet hopes, through the grace of his Redeemer, and the assistance of his holy spirit, to hold out to the end, with cheerful submission, and untired patience, till that happy hour comes when he may say: All is finished. For this end, he puts himself this day under the covert of the sacred name of Jesus, hoping under that protection daily to receive a constant supply of courage and comfort; that he may go on in the practice of a spiritual circumcision, in the same spirit with him who taught it. Grant us, O Jesus, this thy holy spirit, that we may ever remember this lesson, and duly practise it. And whenever our corrupt nature is carrying us to sin, to the love of this world, or of creatures, powerfully check our inclinations, and say to our souls: I am thy salvation." The Catholic Year for Rev. Fr. John GotherRETROSPECT.
by VP
Posted on Saturday December 28, 2024 at 11:00PM in Sermons
"BETWEEN remembering the old year and looking forward to the new year, this day should be a busy one for the Christian. It ought to be a day of examination of conscience. Good Christians examine their consciences in some manner or other daily, and some are so vividly in God's presence that they scrutinize every act of their lives; and this is what it is to be thoroughly conscientious. Conscientiousness when cultivated is nothing less than habitual consciousness of the Divine presence. We know, to be sure, that some persons are overparticular in examination of conscience, and these are called scrupulous. But most of us are not scrupulous enough. The cultivation of the conscience tends to a constant realizing of the Divine presence, and when this becomes habitual the soul becomes perfect.
There are two kinds of examination of conscience, both of which are good. One is done at fixed times by some arrangement with one's self honestly adhered to. The other kind of examination is spontaneous. In this latter case the conscience won't let you pass an hour, or even a minute, without undergoing scrutiny. In the former case you examine your conscience, and in the latter your conscience examines you. I have met numbers of persons who need never examine their consciences when preparing for confession : they live habitually in the Divine presence and are ready at all moments to perform the highest spiritual duties. I think it was one of the St. Catharines who was kneading dough to make bread for the community when the bell rang for Communion; she went up and received our Lord with the dough sticking to her hands and then went back to her batch of bread and she was excellently well disposed for Communion. St. Francis of Sales, from the evenness of character which he attained, must have had this gift of consciousness of the Divine presence in a high degree.
Brethren, I wish all of you had something of this high gift. But for most of us I may truly say that the examination of conscience which will benefit us will be that made at set times; of course, at confession. But no practice will produce better results for persons of good sense than having fixed times at which we shall go over the actions of the day. And on New Year's Day, of all day's in the year, we should take account of our conduct towards God and our neighbor and ourselves, and make good resolutions for the future. The fact is that on a day like this the old year rises and demands examination. Sometimes we say, "The past is gone." But in truth there is no such good luck as that. It would be a very good thing for some of us if the past could be politely bowed out with the old year. But there it is, fixed for ever. The past year is an account book turned over to God's court to witness for or against us; let us try and get a favorable balance out of it. At any rate, let us know the truth about it.
Let us face about, therefore, brethren, and look back over the past twelve months, and question the seasons of the old year. How did I begin the old year and
how did I behave myself last winter? Did I make my Easter duty last
spring? Did I attend Mass regularly and worship God through the summer, or did I make the Lord's Day one of carousing and picnicking and drinking? Have I used my tongue for blaspheming, my body for lust, my soul for slavery to the evil one? Have I unjustly gotten any of my neighbor's property? Have I been brutal to my family? These sound like ugly questions. But there's no happy New Year for you or me till we have answered them and many others besides, repented of our sins and make good resolutions for confession and Communion, and for a good life for the future." Five minute Sermons, Congregation of St. Paul 1893
The Nativity of Our Lord
by VP
Posted on Tuesday December 24, 2024 at 11:00PM in Sermons

The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ (La nativité de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ) - James Tissot
"ON a Day when God the Father speaks to us by His only Son, the Eternal Word, it cannot be less than presumption in man to speak. He ought rather in silence to give ear to what is spoken to him from Heaven, and to contemplate with admiration the wonders and mercies of this day. It is the day, when the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, made man in the womb of the Virgin Mary, was born of her in the stable of Bethlehem, and came in this humble manner to be the world's Redeemer. Approach then in spirit, Christian soul, to the manger: stand there awhile, and receive the instructions which He thence gives you.
But first, while you hear the angels saluting Him with a celestial hymn, and see the shepherds informed from Heaven, making their offerings, and adoring Him as their God, join with them, and confess Him to be your God also. Behold Him, and learn how much you are indebted to the goodness of your God, and the infinite mercy of your Redeemer. The whole world lay under the guilt of sin, and nothing but an eternal banishment from the sight of God, joined with everlasting punishment, was the unavoidable consequence of such guilt. Man was lost; and being through sin an enemy to God, it was not in his power to reverse his fate. For what could rebellious clay do to satisfy an injured God? The debt is infinite, and the unhappy debtor, poor of himself, through his offence, is become still more miserable, wretched, and worse than nothing. And though there wants not mercy ready to forgive, yet there is justice too, which must be satisfied. What remedy then for man, but to be delivered to the executioner, and cast into prison, there to abide, miserable for ever? And thus it was to be. But behold the mercy of your Redeemer; the second Person of the Blessed Trinity offers Himself to become man, that so He may be capable of being made a sacrifice for the sins of men, a sacrifice of infinite value, and more than equal to the guilt. For this end, when the fulness of time was come, ordained by God, for the accomplishment of this work of mercy, He is born of the Virgin Mary, an infant, and yet true God and man! This is the mystery, this the mercy, which the Church at present commemorates, and which you are humbly to adore with love and gratitude.
And now, in beholding this wonder of goodness, do you not see likewise what reason you have to hope, and place your whole confidence in God? When you consider yourself, and discover nothing there but weakness and repeated relapses into sin, it is enough to make you tremble and despair; but viewing here the infinite tenderness and compassion of God, and how great things He has done for your salvation, have you not in this sufficient motives to raise your hopes, to trust in this mercy, and rejoice in so plentiful a redemption? It is now evident, that God wills not the death of a sinner, since He has done so much to regain him to life. And how can you fear that He will refuse you mercy, who has given you His only Son, through whom you may obtain it? What is yet to come, is much less than what He has already done for you: it being much more wonderful for God to become man, than for a sinner to find mercy through such a Redeemer. God will not leave His work imperfect: hope then, and let not your hopes end but with your life.
And does not this goodness of God towards man, teach you the great obligation of loving God, with all your heart, and with all your soul? For what could God do more for you than He has here done? Consider this mystery yet again you say that you believe it; but have you ever seriously reflected upon what you believe? Have you ever thought how infinite must the love of God be, in sending His only Son to be made man, to expose Him to all that is here contemptible, and after cruel torments, to die upon a cross; and all this that man might be saved, that sinful dust and ashes might be exalted to glory? And is there not in this, even in your poor manner of considering it, something wonderful, and worthy of your love? Blush then and be confounded at all your past ingratitude and insensibility, who having so much to love in God, yet love Him so little. If all the moments of your life had been employed in giving your heart to Him, it would have been much short of what is due. But now, having given Him so very few, or none, what can you say, but bewail your misery, and profess that you stand in need of all the mercy of your God? Make some amends however now; and fix this thought so deeply within your soul, that you may be no longer capable of this stupidity.
But what hopes are there of your loving Jesus, if you have no regard to those lessons, which He teaches you? He is Lord of Heaven and earth; and yet, renouncing all the state and magnificence of the world, see in what an humble manner He comes. He has all the treasures of the earth at command, and see how great is His poverty. He has all the legions of angels to wait His pleasure, and see how He is exposed to contempt. There is no place for Him in the town; the best accommodation is taken up by others; a stable is His palace, an ox and an ass are His attendants. All this is what He chose, as most agreeable to the work which He had undertaken, and most proper for giving a true idea of the things of this world to such as desire to be His followers. Not that He requires all to renounce riches, and all manner of state; but that He would not have Christians to value themselves by their possessions or attendants, or place their satisfaction or happiness in them, or love them, or think those contemptible who have them not. For if one pretends to be a follower of Christ, and admires that only which Christ contemned, and undervalues that which Christ chose, it is plain that such a one has only the name, without the spirit of a Christian.
Behold then the model before you, and be assured that Christ chose what was best for Him, and safest for you. And since you find in Him solitude, poverty, want of comforts, hardships, and a separation from the world; you cannot question but that all the happiness of a Christian may be found in these. Though they are not sanctified in themselves, they are still the ordinary way which leads to all those interior virtues, in which the spirit of Christ resides. And if, upon serious consideration of what you here behold in Him, you afterwards cast your eye upon yourself, and see there not only inclinations, but affections and practices kept up, encouraged, and followed, which are quite contrary to what you are here taught; if you are ever solicitous to please yourself, seek whatever delights, are bent on your own ease, love to be admired, labour to be great in the world, are impatient at the want of every convenience, unhappy when contemned, and the like, can you be at peace with yourselves, and think that you love your Lord? Ah, Christian! deceive not yourself; you cannot love Christ, and have such a dislike for what He does: you cannot truly love Him, and yet forsake His ways. Pretend not, therefore, to this love, unless you can show it in your life, as well as in your words: unless you can give proof of a mortified and humble heart, and are either really poor, or poor in spirit.
If you are in earnest, give new proof of it; for you have now the opportunity before you. At this time, the world calls upon you to join with it in many extravagancies. It pretends to rejoice indeed for the birth of a Redeemer; but in general its joy is such as would better suit a pagan festival, than the commemoration of the birth of Christ; there being scarcely any sort of excess, which has not authority and custom to give it credit. The cover of all this is, because it is the time of Christ's Nativity. It is true that there is great reason for Christians to rejoice at the yearly commemoration of so great a mercy; but still it ought to be with a Christian joy, in giving praise and adoration to the Author of this mercy: Glory be to God on high. And if more than ordinary relaxation be then allowed, ought not everything to be done with moderation, decency, innocence, and good order? Certainly, when we renew the memory of the greatest blessing, it ought to be the Christian's care to avoid every thing that can be displeasing to Him, from whose bounty they flow. It must be criminal ingratitude to be then most wicked, when they ought to be most religious; and can it be considered less than madness, to celebrate the mercy of our being Christians, with the licentiousness of heathens? And what is it else, when at this, above other times, we see such a gate opened to all kinds of intemperance, in gluttony, drunkenness, revelling, and gaming, and a variety of disorders as the natural consequence of these? Can this be esteemed a Christian joy, an acknowledgment of blessings, a thanksgiving for mercies? And yet you are pressed to take part in this. Here then let the trial be of what you have professed: let this determine which shall command, Christ or the world, in your soul. The world will not be wanting in suggesting motives to prevail: it will pretend moderation and good; and under this cover decoy you into all excess. But prepare now against it, and beg grace to stand your ground. Beseech your Redeemer to be your strength, offer your heart for His abode, invite Him from the manger; but see that your soul be prepared for such a guest. The ox and the ass offend Him not but if you have any beast, and brutal passion within you, remember that the stable is much the fittest place for you.
Be constant then, to what you have resolved. Let the example of St. Anastasia, that holy virgin and martyr, who is commemorated on this day, give you courage. Surrendering her life to Christ on this day, when Christ was born for her, she made in this the best return she could for so great a mercy. Thus she has taught you a mortifying lesson on this day of joy but it was what she learned of Him,
who came to be a sacrifice for her. Beg to be well instructed in this
school; offer now your life to Christ at His first entrance into the world. Hasten in among the first; and till He shall demand your life, be ready to forsake for Him whatever He shall demand of you. If it be what you cannot renounce, but with great difficulty and violence to yourself, look on the work which He has undertaken, and see whether you ought not to blush at your own niceness, and be ashamed of serving a suffering Lord, no farther than you can do it at your ease. Niceness, self-love, and ease, become not the follower of such a Master." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
Fourth Sunday of Advent: Christmas
by VP
Posted on Saturday December 21, 2024 at 11:00PM in Sermons
There was no room for them in the inn."-LUKE 2. 7.
1. The thought of home.
2. But no home for the poor wayfarers at Bethlehem.
3. Now, as then, our Lord seeks a home.
4. Let us resolve to give Him a welcome, and make a home for Him in our hearts.
THERE is a word ever dear to our hearts, but dearer at this Christmas season than at any other time. Our hearts agree with the old saying, "There is no place like home." Home! what a charm, a fascination clings to that word. It does not matter whether it is a mansion or a cottage, so that it is our home. Childhood's affection nestles round our home, and it is the pride and comfort of venerable old age. And Christmas is the time of all others when our memory and thoughts gather round our home. We all go home in spirit or in glad reality at Christmas. And amidst all our pleasures and comforts we have a thought— a loving thought for those who are far away, whether distance or death separate us. We remember them all at Christmas. We miss their voices and their tender glances; we notice a vacant chair or a little token of the past. Perchance on coming to the Christmas Mass we may cast a wistful glance at the churchyard, where in their little home some dear one is at rest.
Just as it was nineteen hundred years ago, there will be gatherings of friends and happy hours spent in our homes this Christmas-time.
Yes, it was a busy and a festive time at Bethlehem, the little city of David, so many centuries ago. All the friends and kinsfolk of the place were gathered together for the taking of the census. By order of the Roman Emperor the people had to be counted, each in his native place, the old home of the family. So that all the people, rich and poor, had come from all parts, far and near, each to be enrolled in his own city. Each house was full and the inn crowded with these family gatherings.
But there were two poor travellers-oh, you know them well-who had journeyed in the winter-time all the way from Nazareth. And they had no home. No welcome was waiting for them. Doors were pitilessly closed against them as they humbly sought a shelter. And the gospel says: "There was no room for them in the inn." When the bleak night came on, Mary and Joseph sought refuge in a cave, which was used as a stable. There our Lord was born. "And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him up in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn" (Luke ii. 7). The very One Who provided all those homes for others had no home Himself. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not " (John i. II).
As of old, so now, Christ Jesus our Lord is seeking a home. How many at this holy Christmas-time, taken up with the comforts and pleasures of the season, with their house full of friends, will treat Him like the Bethlehemites of old! How many will fail to recognize the wanderers, and, closing the door against them, will soon forget the cold and cheerless night without! There are those standing without, who indeed deserve a home. Joseph and Mary would bring Jesus to us, if we would but let them. Oh, the bitter irony of this festive time ! Why is it a festive time? Because of the birth of Christ. His blessed name and the name of holy Mass united-Christmas-is on every tongue. The world resounds with Christmas greetings, but to so many, so very many, there is not a thought of remembrance of Him.
So much for the world at large, but not, please God, as regards ourselves. Yet even amongst Catholics there are men who forget Christ at Christmas-time. We must redouble the fervour of our piety to make up for those who forget Him. Who is it that their hearts keep standing without, and refuse to bid Him enter, and give Him welcome? Is it a beggar? Yes, a beggar indeed! "He came into the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not!" Everything we have belongs to Him. He gave it us all. Where would be our home, if He had not given us our health and our livelihood, our happiness, our children, our very existence? And now He will not force us, but asks us, begs of us to give Him a home. And He that seeks a home is no stranger, but a kinsman and a brother. He made us His brethren. For the Son of God became man, that we poor men should become the sons of God. He came to be in all things like His brethren" (Heb. ii. 17).
He deserves a welcome; and we can give Him one. He seeks a home, and we have one to offer Him-our heart. Do not let this holy time pass by without bidding Him enter and make it all His own. His coming was all for us. He came to atone for us; to give to our poor lives and daily
actions an eternal reward. He came as an Infant to force us to love
Him; to make it easy for us to remember Him; to take away all fear, and to give us full confidence in His devoted love for us. hearts are unworthy of Him, but if they are all for Him, He will gladly make His home there. And Mary and Joseph will teach us how to serve Him and be faithful. Our hearts, for a little while now, to be His home, where His love will reign supreme; and then, so soon, our home will be with Him in the Kingdom of His glory." Sermons By Fr. Hickey
Third Sunday of Advent: The Character of the Messias
by VP
Posted on Saturday December 14, 2024 at 11:00PM in Sermons
Saint John the Baptist Sees Jesus from Afar (Saint Jean-Baptiste voit Jésus de loin) - James Tissot
"There hath stood One in the midst of you, whom you know not." - St. John 1. 26.
1. St. John the Baptist causes the character of the Messias to be revealed.
2. How blessed are we to know Him so well.
3. Christ's dealings with men all mercy and love.
"The prophets had foretold and partially described the Messias that was to come. But was it not most appropriate that the most explicit testimony of Him and revelation of His character should be given us by and through means of the Baptist? Therefore we find in Advent that St. John is brought before us in the gospels. His preaching, his works had led men to think that he himself was perhaps the Messias. But "he confessed, I am not the Christ," to the priests and levites, who had been sent to question him. "And the next day,' says the gospel," John saw Jesus coming to him and he saith: "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who taketh away the sins of the world." "And John gave testimony, saying: "I saw the Spirit coming down as a dove from heaven, and He remained upon Him. and I saw and gave testimony that this is the Son of God" (John 1.).
Moreover, the Baptist later on, when cast into prison by Herod, sent two of his disciples to our Lord, and by his questions causes our Blessed Lord to reveal Himself openly to us — the character and description of our divine Lord given us by Himself! What excuse can man have not to know Him; and knowing Him, not to love Him and follow Him? John's disciples gave his message, "Art Thou He that art to come, or look we for another?" "And Jesus making answer, said to them: "Go and relate to John what you have heard and seen. The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead rise again, the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he that shall not be scandalised in Me" (Matt. 11. 3). Thus the Baptist drew from Christ the description of the character by which He would be known by man. The God of Truth made Man gave testimony of Himself.
How blessed are we, preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the coming of that divine Redeemer, to look upon Him portrayed so clearly by His own Blessed Self! As in those days, so now, there are countless ones that need Him. And He comes to us with the same benevolence, the same readiness, the same power to do us good. Have we not ourselves been amongst the crowds, and have we not ourselves felt the divine touch of His mercy? Perhaps we were blind, and He opened our eyes to the Faith! We may have been lying helpless on the road to heaven, powerless to proceed, and the lame have been made to walk. Lepers in sin, more than once - yea, many a time - have we been cleansed and forgiven. Alas! perhaps for years, our souls, dead to God through sinful habits, have been raised to life again by His grace. And our hard, laborious lives have been sweetened and filled with hope of eternal joy in heaven, because we poor have had the gospel preached to us.
It is well for us to realise this merciful character of the Saviour. It was not always thus. Formerly, under the old Law, the Almighty was the God of justice. His wrath flamed out; His vengeance overtook the wicked. But now with the coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, how different! And this is why the Baptist gave testimony of Him and our Lord revealed Himself, so that no one could mistake the object of His coming, and no one feel that he was too utter an outcast not to be forgiven.
Then why did the Redeemer thus come, filled with compassion, ready and longing to befriend and forgive? Becoming Man Himself, He wished to be one with us, to dwell amongst us, to share our sorrows, to take upon Himself our sins and miseries: for He remembered that we were but the dust of the earth-poor, weak, and helpless creatures. He had in His mercy created us for Himself, and He came to restore us, to re-establish us, that we once again might be "the sons of God and heirs with Christ.' He is the Saviour, who "loves the souls of men."
And again, He came pitying us, ready to help us, for He knew the enemies that would plot our ruin. He could not leave us helpless amidst such perils. It was through spite and hatred against Himself that the devil would never cease from trying to work our ruin. The envy of the evil one is our constant danger. Envy because the Redeemer came to raise us up and fit us for the thrones left empty by the fallen angels. To know that we are meant through the Redemption of Christ to reign in glory, whilst the fallen spirits pine in the abyss of misery, is the cause of the enmity, which can never cease, between the devils and the souls of men.
The Blessed Redeemer came to do all that even an Almighty and all-loving God could do to save poor mankind from eternal death. He came to save His people from their sins."Will it not, then, be all our own sad, miserable fault if the evil one prevails against us? Shall we not, then, welcome Him at this holy time, and offer Him loyalty and loving obedience? Trust in His goodness, for He came " to seek and to save that which was lost." Short Sermons on the Epistles and Gospels of the Sundays of the Year by Fr. Francis Paulinus Hickey
Second Sunday of Advent: The Immaculate Conception
by VP
Posted on Saturday December 07, 2024 at 11:00PM in Sermons
"The Lord possessed me in the beginning of His ways.”PROV. 8. 22.
1. The Redeemer and His Mother.
2. Therefore Immaculate for His honour.
3. No change of belief in the Church, but now all bound to believe the doctrine.
4. Effects: increase of devotion to Mary Immaculate; and more manifest proofs of the power of her intercession.
THE dominant thought in this holy time of Advent is the coming of the Redeemer. How appropriate it is, then, that there occurs at this time the Festival of the Immaculate Conception. For the Son of God offering Himself to become a Man to redeem us, a Mother had to be chosen for Him. A Mother of God! Picture the amazement of the angels in heaven that a human creature could possibly be so exalted! The purest, the holiest, the humblest of all the daughters of Eve was chosen.
But above all the endowments of grace, above all her virtues, one singular prerogative was needed and was granted. This chosen one should never for an instant be under the curse of fallen man. Original sin could not be allowed to taint her soul. "The Lord possessed me in the beginning of His ways." This is what we believe in accepting and professing the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
But is it not the boast and glory of the Holy Catholic Church that its faith is and has been always the same? That what was believed from the first is the faith of all its children always and everywhere? How can this be, says the world, when within our memory the Immaculate Conception was declared to be an article of faith? The definition was simply a declaration that belief in the Immaculate Conception had always existed, and was the mind and sense of the Church. Proof irrefragable of this is found in holy Tradition, in the writings of the Fathers of the Church, in the unanimity of the rulers and the faithful of the Church in venerating our Lady's Conception as such. What had been formerly freely, willingly, lovingly believed, was now declared to be a necessary part of our belief. Henceforth obedience to the Church demanded full, explicit belief and profession of this doctrine, that Mary in the first instant of her Conception was preserved from every stain of original sin by the power of Almighty God, to His honour and glory, and the glory of His chosen Mother.
And why was this declaration necessary? To defend the honour and glory of Mary. Impiety was assailing her; disbelief was denying her holiness; and the world was sneering at her purity. Cowardly Catholics thought it prudent not to provoke impiety to insult our Lady and wished to be silent; and doubt was stealing into the souls of the poorly instructed, and of many seduced by the irreligious. Therefore for God's honour and glory, and of His Virgin Mother, it was made imperative to believe and to own that the Virgin Mary was Immaculate. What had formerly been professed in love, had now to be professed in obedience as well, by the loyal children of the Church.
The other saints and blessed ones of God are crowned with many graces, but Mary is "full of grace" and is favoured with one that no other can share with her. She is Immaculate! And this being her unique privilege, no other supplication to her touches her Mother's heart as this: "Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee."
Two effects result from
this belief and profession in the Immaculate Conception. The first is a
wonderful increase in devotion to our Blessed Lady.
Not only have prayers been multiplied, but the wearing of her medals, the use of the Rosary, the holy pictures and statues in homes and in churches, all have increased. But above all we can notice the public testifying of our love and veneration of Mary. A few years ago, pilgrimages had almost died out in these countries. But now, not only is no one afraid to be a pilgrim, but publicly and enthusiastically pilgrimages are joined by rich and poor. The sneers of the world are silenced. Yea, even in non-Catholic papers we read paragraphs-tolerant, kindly, sympathetic-about the blind and ailing journeying to distant Lourdes in faith and hope, seeking the help of Mary Immaculate.
And does Mary fail to respond to her children's faith and trust? This is the second wonderful result in the belief in the Immaculate Conception: the miracles that Mary works through her intercession. There are countless wonders wrought in the souls of men; of those we know nothing. They are recorded by the angels. But we Catholics rejoice, and the world cannot deny, that there are many marvellous and incontestible miracles wrought year after year at Lourdes. In this age of doubt and unbelief, miracles are multiplied in behalf of those who turn to the Immaculate Virgin in their misery and distress. Thus this most favoured, honoured, exalted Queen of angels and of saints proves that she hearkens to and graciously answers the prayers of poor sinners. sinners. She loves to prove to us that, though she is the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, she is our Mother too. Though the Almighty "has done great things" for her, she does not disdain our humble prayers.
How meet and appropriate it is, then, that our Blessed Lady's festival is the harbinger of Christmas. Her unique dignity -Immaculate from the first moment of her Conception - was given that she might be worthy to be the Mother of our divine Saviour. Praise and glorify her on this great day, and for a reward for our devotion pray her to show us at Christmas her Son, our Saviour, and to obtain for us loyalty and fidelity to Him." Short Sermons on the Epistles & Gospels of the Sundays of the Year By Fr. Francis Paulinus Hickey
First Sunday of Advent: The Redeemer
by VP
Posted on Saturday November 30, 2024 at 11:00PM in Sermons
Cornelis Schut III (1629–1685)
"Your redemption is at hand.”—St. Luke xxi. 28.
SOLEMN and sublime thoughts should lift up our hearts at the beginning of this holy time of Advent. The anniversary of the coming of our Redeemer is at hand; and gratitude for that blessed coming bids us raise up the eyes of our soul, and reverently peer into the mystery of God's goodness in decreeing that a Saviour should be born to save His people from their sins. From all eternity the Almighty had determined to create mankind. From all eternity He knew of the fall, of man's sinfulness and rebellion against Him, so that it would come to pass, as the Scripture says, "It repented Him that He had made man" (Gen. vi. 6). His justice was outraged; His mercy despised. And poor fallen man, what could become of him? He could not retrieve the past. He could not atone for his own misdeeds. Was there no salvation for the human race? A God was needed to make reparation and atonement for the outrages against a God! for the outrages of unbelief, of blasphemy, of hatred, of the impurities, and of all the evils that spring up from the depraved hearts of sinners. Then was the mystery of love declared that astounded heaven; that caused countless angels to rebel; for poor fallen man was to be more honoured than themselves. The second Person of the Blessed Trinity willingly offered Himself to come to the rescue of mankind. As God, He could not suffer, but a body and a soul united to the divine Person, and behold Emmanuel-God with us, our Redeemer! "Behold! I come," He said. A Man to suffer; a God to offer! The justice of the Almighty to be placated; His mercy to be thanked; His love to be requited! And the gates of heaven to be opened to repentant man. This is the tidings of great joy that Advent brings to the faithful.
But how little did the world understand of the divine mercy that was to come! True, God's chosen people knew that a Messias, a Saviour, had been promised. The prophets had spoken of Him. Devout men had longed for His coming and prayed that they might live to see it. But as time went on these holy aspirations faded, and in a very different and earthly way the children of Israel looked for their deliverer. A leader, a ruler to establish an earthly kingdom, a prince of peace was their expectation. Vague was their knowledge, and their yearnings were for something infinitely lower than what was to come. Not an earthly kingdom but a heavenly one was their Saviour to establish, not transient glory that would shortly perish, but immortality amidst indescribable splendour and happiness. He was to come not to rule merely, but to love mankind. He was to come, not to be inaccessible and seldom to be seen, but to be with them, one of them, whose delight was to be with the children of men.
Oh how blessed are we, who know so well this Saviour, "this most high God and our Redeemer "(Ps. lxxvii. 35). He that had been promised, came not only for the people of Israel, but for all mankind. He came to "save His people from their sins" (Matt. i. 21). Let us realize it more intimately. He came not simply to proclaim a universal pardon for all the multitude of the children of men. He came for me! To pardon me, to win my love, my loyalty: to recognize me as His child for whom He had opened the gates of heaven. And is this all? What could hope expect more than this? If He had brought us redemption once, would not this have been an infinitely bountiful mercy?
Let us bow down in humble confusion as we think of this! Forgiveness once; restored to our heavenly Father's favour once! An eternity of thankfulness would not suffice to pay for such a mercy. But what is the reality? Oh! the times and times that He has poured out upon our souls His "copious redemption." Our very sins bring out His mercy more and more. We are the children of the merciful goodness of God! Let us recall with grateful hearts the times without number that our redemption—our forgiveness—has been renewed. It is always at hand indeed. An act of sorrow; a humble owning of our sins; and He that came to redeem His people from their sins ratifies the words of absolution, and our sins are forgiven us once again. And our relapses, what do they mean? Do we not believe in our forgiveness? Do we despise it? Are we not trespassing on the Almighty's patience, tempting Him to repent that He made us?
Let us resolve that this rejection of God's pardon shall never occur again. But as this blessed anniversary of the coming of our Saviour approaches, let us prepare our hearts to receive Him and bid Him welcome. No wonder good people rejoice at holy Christmas-time ! It is not a mere memory of the redemption that came, but it is an actual redemption that comes again to the souls of men. How many anniversaries of His coming have we celebrated, and yet we are no better than we are! To so many in the world the message of Advent finds no admittance to their hearts. But to us it must not be so. We must prepare a home for Him, lest the first coming should be repeated: "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not " (John i. 11). Short Sermons on the Epistles & Gospels of the Sundays of the Year by Rev. Fr. Francis Paulinus Hickey