CAPG's Blog 

November 4th: Saint Charles Borromeo

by VP

Posted on Friday November 04, 2022 at 12:15AM in Saints

" For more than eighty years Milan had been without a resident archbishop, and left to the government of a single Vicar, but too often a man of lax discipline, who have but a small portion of his time to the administration of the diocese. All this neglect, added to revolutions, wars, and other calamities of the times, had reduced the vineyard of the Lord to a deplorable condition. Not only was it barren of fruit, but the rank weeds of sin flourished in profusion for the chastisement of the wickedness of men. Ecclesiastical jurisdiction was almost entirely neglected, and in certain points was never exercised. (...) The lives and manners of the clergy were as scandalous as can be conceived, and gave the worst example, for their way of living was altogether worldly, and more sensual by far than that of laymen. They wore the secular dress, carried arms publicly, and lived for the most part in open and habitual concubinage, absenting themselves from their benefices, and neglecting all things appertaining to the service of God. The churches and sacred things were in consequence in a neglected and disgraceful state. So great was the ignorance of many who had cure of souls, that they did not know even the sacramental form of confession, nor that there were such things as reserved cases and censures. In some parts of the diocese ignorance had reached such a pitch that priests having cure of souls never went to confession, believing that they were not bound to do so, because they confessed others. Many other lamentable abuses were seen in the lives of the clergy, whose office was thus rendered contemptible, and little short of hateful, in the eyes of the laity, so that it had become a common saying, "If you want to go to hell, become a priest."

Even the regulars were not exempt from these disorders. From the bad lives of both the secular and regular clergy, there sprang up among the people countless errors , corruptions, and heresies. Numbers having entirely lost all knowledge of God, abandoned, as a natural consequence, the observance of His holy law. The sacraments, especially Confession and Communion, were very lightly esteemed. Many persons neglected them for ten and fifteen years, or even longer. There were to be found men of ripe age who had never made a confession, and who did not even know the meaning of it; whilst those persons who desired to keep up an appearance of Christianity, approached the sacraments once a year from custom rather than true devotion. A very small number were indeed yet to be found, both among clergy and people, who were assiduous in attending the sacred mysteries, whose Christian lives shone out in contrast to those of the majority around them. So much ignorance of the things of God prevailed, especially among the poor, that they had no knowledge of the foundations and principles of the Catholic faith, and were unable to say the Lord's Prayer or the Hail Mary. They did not know the Articles of the Faith or the Precepts of the Church, and could scarcely make the sign of the cross. Holy days were profaned by plays, dances, games, banquetings, and other disorders, as also by servile works, and public fairs and markets. It was as if Festivals had been ordained for the express purpose of multiplying occasions of offending God. Holy places were treated with the utmost irreverence. The business of the markets was carried on in the churches even during the time of the Divine Offices. Men laughed and talked loudly in the assembly of the faithful, walking up and down, as though it were a public lounge. Worse still, in some parts of the diocese banquets and balls were held in the churches; while, at other times, they were used without any scruple for threshing grain, and other profane purposes. Religion was brought so low that men, in a state of semi-intoxication, would actually mock priests by feigning a wish to go to confession. They would even show themselves in the church with masks on, and, under pretense of making their offering, would seize upon the offerings of others. The majority altogether disregarded the observance of fasting days, especially during Lent, when not only milk food, but even flesh meat, was eaten openly and without scruple; and the bacchanalian orgies of the carnival were prolonged for several days of the holy season, during which public feasts, dances, and disorders without number were carried on. The public scandals of adultery and of habitual concubinage were of continual occurrence, together with thousands of others vices and corruptions too numerous to mention. In like manner there was a neglect of discipline and strict observance in convents, the nuns allowing themselves the greatest liberty, coming in and going out at their pleasure, and admitting seculars freely, there being no observance of enclosure. It were needless and distressing to dwell at any length upon the public entertainments, profane dances, and such like disorders of these convents, together with grievous and deplorable scandals which resulted therefrom.

Such was the miserable condition of the Church of Milan before God blessed it with the presence of St. Charles. Often would the saint weep bitterly when on his visits to his diocese he witnessed with his own eyes these miseries. It was not, however, to be wondered at that weeds had overrun the vineyard, which had been so long deprived of a careful husbandman. Prelates and pastors may take warning from the sufferings entailed on their flocks by non-residence. Strict, indeed, will be the account they will have to render to God of all the souls whom their neglect has buried in hell."

Source: The life of st. Charles Borromeo by  Fr. Giovanni Pietro Giussano

Prayer to Saint Charles Borromeo:
O Glorious St. Charles! The father of the clergy, and the perfect model of holy prelates! Thou art that good pastor, who, like thy divine Master, didst give up thy life for thy flock, if not by death, at least by the numerous sacrifices of thy painful mission. Thy sanctified life on earth was a spur to the most fervent, thy exemplary penance was a reproach to the slothful, and thy indefatigable zeal was the support of the Church.

St. Charles, Father and Guide of the Clergy, pray for us
St. Charles, the light and support of the Church, pray for us

Saint Evaristus, Pope and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 26, 2022 at 12:00AM in Saints

"Evaristus, a Greek by birth, was unanimously elected Pope when the Holy See became vacant at the death of Anacletus 1. It was he who first divided Rome into titles, or parishes, appointing to each a priest. He prescribed that seven deacons should surround the bishop when preaching for the greater honor of the word of God and of the episcopal dignity. St. Evaristus was condemned to death under Trajan, A.D. 109" Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays

"You are the first Pontiff to whom the Church entrusted after the departure of all those who had seen the Lord. The world could then say in all strictness: "If we have known Christ according to the flesh, now we know Him so no longer." (2 Corinthians v. 16). The Church was now more truly an exile. At that period, which was not without perils and anxieties, her Spouse gave to you the charge of teaching her to pursue alone her path of faith and hope and love. And you did not betray the confidence of our Lord. Earth owes you on this account a special gratitude, O Evaristus, and a special reward is doubtless yours.

Watch still over Rome and the Church.

Teach us that we might be ready not only to fast here on Earth, but to resigned to the absence of the Bridegroom when He hides Himself, and not the less to serve Him and love Him with our whole heart and mind and soul and strength, as long as the world endures and He is pleased to leave us in it." Dom Prosper Gueranger.

October 22: Saint John Paul II, Pope

by VP

Posted on Saturday October 22, 2022 at 12:00AM in Saints

Saint John Paul II, Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, Cary NC

"For priests, as ministers of sacred things, are first and foremost ministers of the sacrifice of the Mass:(145) The role is utterly irreplaceable, because without the priest there can be no Eucharistic offering."  Pope John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis

"To all those Catholic faithful who feel attached to some previous liturgical and disciplinary forms of the Latin tradition I wish to manifest my will to facilitate their ecclesial communion by means of the necessary measures to guarantee respect for their rightful aspirations. In this matter I ask for the support of the bishops and of all those engaged in the pastoral ministry in the Church."


"moreover, respect must everywhere be shown for the feelings of all those who are attached to the Latin liturgical tradition, by a wide and generous application of the directives already issued some time ago by the Apostolic See for the use of the Roman Missal according to the typical edition of 1962." Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei Pope John Paul II

Fraternity of Saint Peter, The FSSP was established on July 18, 1988 by Pope John Paul II       
Seminary of Denton, USA

How John Paul II restored Liturgical Sanity by Jeffrey Tucker, Crisis Magazine 2013

Important Latin Mass Documents Preserve the Latin Mass

Not Authorized: The Untold Story of the Death of the Old Mass By Sharon Kabell, I Peter V 2019

Did Pope Paul VI Abrogate the Traditional Latin Mass? By Edward Pentin, National Catholic Register 2021

Prayer for Priests to Our Blessed Mother

Mother of Jesus Christ and Mother of priests,
Accept this title which we bestow on you to celebrate your motherhood
and to contemplate with you the priesthood of your Son and of your sons,
O holy Mother of God.

Mother of Christ,
to the Messiah Priest you gave a body of flesh
through the anointing of the Holy Spirit
for the salvation of the poor and the contrite of heart;
guard priests in your heart and in the Church,
O Mother of the Savior.

Mother of Faith,
you accompanied to the Temple the Son of Man,
the fulfillment of the promises given to the fathers;
give to the Father for his glory the priests of your Son,
O Ark of the Covenant.

Mother of the Church,
with the disciples in the Upper Room
you prayed to the Spirit for the new People and their shepherds;
obtain for the Order of Presbyters a fullness of gifts,
O Queen of the Apostles.

Mother of Jesus Christ,
you were with Him at the beginning of His life and of His mission,
you sought the Master among the crowd,
you stood beside Him when he was lifted up from the earth
consumed as the one eternal sacrifice,
and you had John close by you, your son;
accept from the beginning those who have been called,
protect their growth, accompany your sons in their life and in their ministry,
O Mother of Priests.

(Pastores Dabo Vobis, Pope John Paul II Apostolic Exhortation, March 25, 1992)

Saint Hilarion, Abbot and Confessor

by VP

Posted on Friday October 21, 2022 at 12:00AM in Saints

Hilarion the Great (Menologion of Basil II) (cropped).jpg

Wikipedia: Hilarion the Great, by Basil II, c.1000 (Vatican Library)

Cursed be he who looks for the refreshment of the body before that of the soul. Let us pray, let us sing, let us do our duty to God, and then we will hasten to the vineyard." Saint Hilarion, Life of Saint Hilarion by Saint Jerome 

"After the era of martyrs to whom the Church had exclusively reserved the honors of public worship, she began to raise to the altars the servants of God who had distinguished themselves by their heroic virtues, although they had not won the glory of shedding their blood for Jesus Christ.
St. Hilarion in the East, and St. Martin in the West, are at the head of the list of saints known as 'Confessors". A native of Palestine, St. Hilarion studied at Alexandria, and desiring to embrace a more perfect life, he left all to follow Jesus. He heard of St. Anthony's holiness and went to see him in Egypt. The Saint kept him for two months in order to train him to a life of penance and contemplation. He then delivered to this boy of 15 years of age a hair-shirt and a garment made of skin, saying: "Persevere to the end, my son, and thy labor shall be rewarded by the delights of heaven."

Hilarion returned to Palestine and founded monastic life there. After having built several monasteries for which he made laws, as Moses had done of old for God's people, he retired to the island of Cyprus, so as to escape the crowd of admirers attracted by his brilliant virtues. He died a holy death at the age of 80 about A.D. 372." Daily Missal with Vespers, 1924

October 18th: Saint Luke (10. 1-5)

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 18, 2022 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Luke, c.1605 - El Greco

St. Luke, El Greco

" [1] And after these things the Lord appointed also other seventy-two: and he sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whither he himself was to come. [2] And he said to them: The harvest indeed is great, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send laborers into his harvest. [3] Go: Behold I send you as lambs among wolves. [4] Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes; and salute no man by the way. [5] Into whatsoever house you enter, first say: Peace be to this house."

Source: DouayRheims

Prayer for Vocations

V. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest.
R-. That He send laborers into His harvest. (St. Luke xi 2)

Let us pray:
O Holy Ghost, Spirit of Wisdom and Divine Love, impart Thy Knowledge, Understanding and Counsel to Youth that they may know the vocation wherein they can best serve God. Give them courage and strength to follow God’s Holy Will, guide their uncertain steps, strengthen their resolutions, shield their chastity, fashion their minds, conquer their hearts, and lead them to the vineyard where they will labor in God’s holy cause.

Mary, Queen of the Clergy and Mother of all Priests and Religious, turn a merciful ear to our petition that many will dedicate themselves to thy Divine Son. Prompt them to be zealous and self-sacrificing priests, Brothers and Sisters in our beloved country and in foreign missions. Help them to bring love and knowledge of the Most Holy Trinity to souls that otherwise might be lost for eternity. Amen.

Queen of Vocations, hear our prayer!
St. Joseph, pray for us!
St. Pius X, pray for us!
St. John Vianney, pray for us!

Source: Catholic Research Resources Alliance: The Catholic Standard and Times Volume 65, number 27, 25 March 1960

For more prayers for vocations, please visit this page:

Cure d'Ars Prayer Group page for Vocations

Saint Bridget of Sweden

by VP

Posted on Saturday October 08, 2022 at 12:18AM in Saints

Source: Beautiful Pearls of the Catholic Truth, 1897 V2

"The power of the priest, My daughter, is very great; for he is the angel of the Lord, and mediator between God and man. His office is more sublime than even that of the angels, for he holds in his hand the God whose infinite Majesty it is not in any one's power to comprehend; a miserable creature is, when the priest pleases, united to all that is greatest in heaven."

Source: The Revelations of St. Bridget, Princess of Sweden published with the approval of Cardinal Manning 1874

Saint Bruno

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 06, 2022 at 12:00AM in Saints

"The holy man (Saint Bruno) thus expressed his faith of the sacrament of the altar: " I believe the sacraments which the church believeth, and in particular that the bread and wine consecrated on the altar are the true Body of our Lord, Jesus Christ; his true flesh, and his true Blood, which we receive for the remission of our sins, and in the hope of eternal life."

source: The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints By Alban Butler

Saint Placidus and companions

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 05, 2022 at 12:00AM in Saints

"All true monks devote themselves to God; they separate themselves from the world, and do not entangle themselves in secular business, that they may more easily seek perfectly and with their whole hearts, not those things which are upon earth, but those which are in heaven. This is the duty of every Christian, as Origen elegantly observes, and as Saint Paul himself teaches, according to the divine lessons of our blessed Redeemer. For to be dead to the world, and to live for Christ, is the part of all who are truly his disciples. Those who live in the world must so behave as not to be of the world. They must be assiduously conversant in prayer and other exercises of religion. Their work itself must be sanctified and dedicated to God by the like motives with which the ancient monks applied themselves to penitential manual labor, or to eternal spiritual functions."

Source:The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints By Alban Butler

Saint Francis of Assisi: To the Priests of the Whole Order

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 04, 2022 at 12:29AM in Saints

Saint Francis, Holy Name Cathedral Raleigh NC VP

"I also beseech in the Lord, all my brethren who are, or who shall be, or who desire to be priests of the Most High, that whenever they wish to celebrate Mass, they be pure, and offer with purity and reverence the true Sacrifice of the most holy Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ with a holy and perfect intention; not from any earthly motive, nor for the fear or love of any creature, as though desiring to please men; but let every will (according to the grace given) be directed solely to the most High God, and do you desire to please Him alone, for He alone works in this holy Sacrifice according to His good pleasure, as the Lord has Himself said: "Do this in remembrance of Me:" and he who does otherwise becomes a traitor like Judas.

Remember, O priests, my brothers, how it is written in the law of Moses, that those who transgressed even in corporal sacrifices were condemned by God to death, without any mercy. What a far more terrible punishment will he deserve, who tramples under foot the Son of God, and treats the Blood of the New Testament by which he is sanctified as a vile thing, and offers insult to the Holy Ghost! A man stained with sin despises and tramples on the Lamb of God, when, as the Apostle says, not discerning the sacred Bread, which is Christ, from other food, he eats unworthily by being guilty of unworthy actions; for the Lord has said by His Prophet: "Cursed it the man who does the work of God with negligence or fraud." And on account of those priests who will not lay these things seriously to heart, we are condemned, when Our Lord days: " I will curse your blessings."

Hearken, my brethren. If the Blessed Virgin Mary is honored, as she well deserves, for having borne our Savior in her most holy womb; if St. John the Baptist trembled, and did not dare to touch the forehead of his Lord; if the Holy Sepulcher in which this same Lord reposed for a short time is so venerated - how holy, how just, and how worthy ought not he to be who touches with his hands, receives into his mouth and heart, and gives to others, this God Who is now no more to die, but Who will live and be glorified for ever, on Whom the angels desire to gaze! Understand your dignity, O priests, my brothers, and " be ye holy, because He is holy." As God has honored you more than all others through this Mystery, do you love, reverence, and honor Him through this Mystery. It is a great misery, and a deplorable weakness, when you have Him thus present, that you should care for anything else in the whole world. Man should be seized with fear, the earth should tremble, and the heavens rejoice exceedingly, when Christ the Son of the living God descends upon the altar in the hands of the priest.

O admirable greatness! O stupendous condescension! O humble sublimity! the Lord of the universe, God, and the Son of God, so abases Himself that for our salvation He hides Himself under the form of a morsel of bread! See, O my brethren, the lowliness of your God! pour out your hearts before Him and humble yourselves, that you may be worthy to be exalted by Him. Do not keep back anything of yourselves, that He Who gives Himself to you without reserve may receive your entire being."

Source: Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi By Saint Francis (of Assisi) 1882

September 26: St. Cosmas and Damian

by VP

Posted on Monday September 26, 2022 at 12:35AM in Saints

"Showed great love to the sick, but desired no recompense, because they did it all out of love to God. To labor and to suffer for the love of God is the best intention, and one we should endeavor to cultivate. It is a good and holy intention, when I do or suffer anything to escape hell, but is is a still better one when I do or suffer anything to gain salvation. It is known that even great saints have made use of such intentions. The noblest and most excellent intention, however, is to do and suffer for the pure love of God only. Make this intention early in the morning, when you say your prayers, and renew it often during the day. Turn your thoughts frequently to the Almighty and say: " Lord, out of love to Thee! to Thy honor!" Especially ought you to do this when what you are about to do is tedious; for this intention will lighten it. Sick persons, who cannot pray much, ought to accustom themselves to repeat these words. Frequently ought they say or thing, while looking up to heaven or to the crucifix: "Lord, I bear this suffering for love to Thee! All out of love to Thee, O my God!" This will bring them consolation and prove very meritorious. I say very meritorious, yes, even in the highest degree. It will obtain great recompense in heaven; for, St. Chrysostom assures us: "Let us not believe that we shall have no reward when we endeavor to obtain none; for, our recompense will be so much sweeter in heaven."

Source:  Internet Archives: Lives of the Saints, compiled from authentic sources with a practical instruction on the life of each saint, for every day in the year. 1876