St. Acacius, Bishop and Confessor, A.D. about 430.
by VP
Posted on Tuesday April 09, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
This was the practice of that charity recommended by St. Paul: "If thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink." It is the best you can perform for removing the scourge of God from yourself, from your family and nation; and for making your peace with God, in the pardon of your sins. Let not then the malice of others shut up your bowels of compassion
against them; but help them for God's sake and your own, although they
may not deserve it. It is very bad management either to lock up, or to magnify your state with that, which if thus employed for the relief of the poor, might open heaven to you. How little do they understand the gospel who are more solicitous to enrich their tables and houses than to feed the poor. Will not that be their anguish at the hour of death, which is now their satisfaction? Rob your walls to clothe the naked: starve your vanity to feed the hungry. This will be your better treasure, and your eternal comfort. The Spirit of Christ was the spirit of charity and humility. If He be in His followers, He will carry them on in the same holy method; and this life will give testimony of His spirit residing in them, and that truly they live by Him. But if their lives be quite opposite to the Gospel, and to the life of Christ; if pride, ambition and luxury; if seeking themselves and the world be at the root of all that they do; if they make the laws of God give way to their pleasure or interest, it is evident that Christ is not in them, and that they live not by His spirit." The Catholic Year by Rev. John Gother
Saint Celestine I, Pope (April 6)
by VP
Posted on Saturday April 06, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
Pope Celestine I - Wikipedia
"Saint Celestine was a native of Rome, and upon the demise of Pope Boniface he was chosen to succeed him in September 422, by the wonderful consent of the whole city. His first official act was to confirm the condemnation of an African bishop who had been convicted of grave crimes. He wrote also to the bishops of the provinces of Vienne and Narbonne in Gaul, to correct several abuses, and ordered, among other things, that absolution or reconciliation should never be refused to any dying sinner who sincerely asked it; for repentance depends not so much on time as on the heart. He assembled a synod at Rome in 430, in which the writings of Nestorius were examined, and his blasphemies in maintaining in Christ a divine and a human person were condemned. The Pope pronounced sentence of excommunication against Nestorius, and deposed Him. Being informed that Agricola, the son of a British bishop called Severianus, who had been married before he was raised to the priesthood, had spread the seeds of the Pelagian heresy in Britain, Saint Celestine sent thither Saint Germanus of Auxerre, whose zeal and conduct happily prevented the threatening danger. he also sent saint Palladius, a Roman, to preach the Faith to the Scots, both in North Britain and in Ireland, and many authors of the life of St. Patrick say that apostle likewise received his commission to preach to the Irish from Saint Celestine, in 431. This holy Pope died on the 1rst of August in 432, having reigned almost ten years.
Reflection: Vigilance is truly needful to those to whom the care of souls has been confided. "Blessed are the servants whom the Lord at His coming shall find watching."
Source: Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints
St. Oswald, Archbishop of york, confessor, A.d. 992.
by VP
Posted on Thursday February 29, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
"He was nephew of St. Odo, archbishop of Canterbury, and by him educated, and made dean of Winchester; but passing into France, he took the monastic habit at the famous abbey of Fleury. His life and conversation in this monastery were so perfect, that he was fit to instruct in all religious virtues even those by whom he came to be instructed. He was wonderfully patient, humble, mild, and full of charity. He was sparing in sleep, mortified in diet, discreet in speech, and assiduous in prayer. St. Dunstan had so great an esteem for him, that he procured his nomination to the bishopric of Worcester. He was no sooner placed in that see, than he began to labour to reform the manners of his clergy and people. He preached everywhere a holy life, and confirmed what he taught by his own example.
St. Oswald was afterwards prevailed on by St. Dunstan, much against his will, to accept the archbishopric of York; and began to discharge with the same zeal and piety all the duties of a good pastor in that archdiocese. He was particularly remarkable for his great humility, and extraordinary charity to the poor, of whom he entertained twelve everyday, and would wash their feet, and wait upon them
and serve them at table with his own hands, which was his constant
practice to his dying day. The day before his happy death, he was observed to stand for a long time with his eyes fixed on heaven. Being asked what he saw, he answered that he was looking to that place whither he was going, and that the morrow's sun would not set before his Lord would bring him to it, as he had promised him. He then called together the religious, and desired them to give him the viaticum of our Lord's body, and the extreme unction. The night following he assisted in the church at the divine office, and spent the remainder of it in the praises of God. The next day he washed the feet of the poor, as usual, and recited his usual fifteen psalms, at the end of which he added, Glory be to the Father, and gave up his spirit into the hands of Christ, quietly expiring on his knees at the feet of the poor. He died on the 29th of February, 992. Pray that all pastors may inherit the spirit of this saint: and that your country may receive blessings through his intercession." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
The Martyrs of Alexandria, A.D. 261.
by VP
Posted on Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
" These were many holy priests, deacons, and laymen, who when the city of Alexandria, for its sins, lay under the scourge of a most severe plague, in the third century, exposed their lives for the service and comfort of those who were infected. There was not a single house in that great city which entirely escaped the pestilence, or had not to mourn for some dead. All places were filled with groans, and the living appeared almost dead with fear. This sickness was the greatest of calamities to the Pagans, but an exercise and trial to the Christians, who shewed on that occasion, how contrary the spirit of charity is to the interested spirit of self-love. In the time of this public calamity, most of them, regardless of their own lives, visited, relieved, and attended the sick, and comforted the dying. They closed their eyes, and buried them; and the charity of many of them being rewarded by death, the Church has thought proper to honour their memory, making but little difference between so glorious a death, and that of the martyrs. Thus," adds St. Dionysius, "the best of our brethren have departed this life; some of the most valuable both of priests, deacons, and laics; and it is thought that this kind of death is nothing different from martyrdom."
by VP
Posted on Monday February 26, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
Alexander of Alexandria, patriarch and bishop (313-326)
Having recommended to God all the pastors of his Church, and besought him to pour forth upon them the spirit of this holy prelate, cast your eyes then on yourself, and see how far you are faithful in satisfying the many duties of your own state. Sloth, cowardice, neglect and bad example are very pernicious in all conditions; and bring a heavy weight of consequences on those who should be more watchful and regular. There are great mischiefs in families, as well as in the Church. You are unhappy, if you are the Arius there; and criminal still if your neglect is favourable to any other that is so. A true disciple of Christ, by a sincere spirit of humility
and distrust in himself, is submissive to all authority appointed by
God, in which he finds his peace, security, and joy. This happy
disposition is his secure fence against the illusions of self-sufficiency and pride, which easily betrays men into the most fatal errors." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
St. Mathias, APOSTLE.
by VP
Posted on Saturday February 24, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
THE WILL OF GOD. When the arch-traitor Judas had put an end to his days by self-inflicted death, and while the apostles were awaiting the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost, they bethought themselves of replacing him who had accounted himself unworthy to live, to the end that the mysterious and hallowed number established by the Saviour might remain undiminished. But might they arrogate to themselves the right of making an apostle? They could not bring themselves to think so, and hence reserved to God this high prerogative. They selected, then, from among the disciples the two most worthy, and, after having besought the Lord to mark out His own choice, they drew lots: the lot fell upon Mathias, who thenceforth took the rank of apostle. St. Mathias is believed to have preached the faith in Palestine and Ethiopia. According to the unvarying traditions of the Church, his apostolic career was crowned by martyrdom. The Greek Church holds his festival on the 9th of August, and the Latin Church on the 24th of February.
MORAL REFLECTION. From this example let us learn to consult God in all our undertakings. Our own will may lead astray and deceive us; but God will give us this light if we utter, with a perfect heart, "Our Father, who art in Heaven...... may Thy will be done."(Matt. vi. 9.)" Half Hour with the Saints by Abbe Auguste Lecanu
"He was an apostle: pray for all that are called to that holy function. And as he was chosen by heaven, pray that all of that character may be the choice of heaven.
He was chosen to fill the place of Judas. Conceive an humble distrust of yourself, and tremble at the fall of an apostle. Pray for heavenly strength, that by it you may be secured against the sad effects of human weakness.
Judas having fallen from the apostleship, one is to be chosen to fill his place. Two are proposed, Joseph called Barsabas, surnamed the just, and Mathias. The apostles join in prayer, and beg of God to determine the person; and the lot fell upon Mathias, who was numbered among the eleven An excellent method and direction left to all succeeding ages, for the choice of persons to ecclesiastical functions, and for all places of trust. What wonder that there are so many abuses in all public employments both in church and state, when justice and duty are so generally neglected, God so commonly forgotten, and all things managed by the direction of private gain and interest?
Either open or secret covetousness is at the root of all evils. It was that which cast Judas from his apostleship, and carried him on to the denial of his Master; and it ought to make all Christians very jealous of themselves, and of all their proceedings, especially where gain and money are in the case. For though he must have renounced all principles of honour, honesty, and justice, who steals and designedly wrongs his neighbour; yet there are so many disguised robberies and palliated injustices, that a man must have a very powerful influence of sincerity, truth, and virtue, to escape being drawn into these snares. For self-love is so very subtle and ingenious in finding out reasons favourable to what it desires, that without great caution, it insensibly leads men, under the cover of pretended right and justice, into a variey of frauds and oppressions. So that even those who have an abhorrence of all such proceedings in their neighbours, are but too often, through an affected partiality, carried beyond all that they have before condemned in others; and when their actions come more particularly to be looked into, are found to have done things which raise wonder in all sober men.
So that the lesson of this day comes to be the common concern of all, as far as they are entrusted with money affairs; as of the wife in regard to her husband; of children, to their parents; of stewards, and servants, to their masters; of lawyers, to their clients; of overseers and collectors, to the poor; and finally, of as many as have any sort of trust, in relation to what they have undertaken. There are none of these, but what are under a great tie of fidelity and justice, and are exposed to many temptations of transgressing their bounds. Here then, let him that thinks himself to stand, take heed lest he fall. Let all beg for a powerful assistance of grace to support them against the power of private interest; that so they may be able to give an account of their stewardship.
And because there is a
like danger in all other christian duties; and there is no security, as
St. Bernard observes, either in heaven, or paradise, or on earth; since the angels fell from heaven, Adam from paradise, and Judas from the very school of Christ; let the memory of this day inspire all with a salutary distrust of themselves. Let it put them upon working out their salvation with fear and trembling; and most earnestly on importuning Him to come to their assistance, whose grace alone is able to secure them against the dangers of their own weakness, and of all snares set before them. 0 Lord, save us, or we perish. Thus let this day's devotion be concluded with acts of most profound humility and fear, and an entire confidence in God." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
Saint Peter Damian, BISHOP AND CONFESSOR, A.d. 1072.
by VP
Posted on Friday February 23, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
Saint Peter Damian by Andrea Barbiani (1708-1779)
"I might also add, that if blasphemy is a terrible thing, I am not aware that sodomy is any better. The former indeed causes a man to err; the latter brings him to perdition. The one separates the soul from God; the other joins it to the devil. The former expels one from heaven; the latter buries him in hell. The one blinds the eyes of the soul; the other hurls one into the abyss of ruin. And if we are careful to investigate which of these crimes is the weightier in the scales of divine scrutiny, a search of Sacred Scripture will provide a satisfactory answer. There, indeed, we find that the children of Israel who blaspheme God and worshiped idols were taken into captivity; but we notice that sodomites were devoured in the sulfurous flames of a fire from heaven." Source: Saint Peter Damian: Book of Gomorrah
Holy Virgin, Mother of God, succour those who implore thy aid. O turn towards us. Hast thou, perhaps, forgotten men, because thou hast been raised to so close a union with God? Ah no, most certainly. Thou knowest well in what danger thou didst leave us, and the wretched condition of thy servants; ah no, it would not become so great a mercy as thine to forget such great misery as ours is. Turn towards us then with thy power; for He who is powerful has made thee omnipotent in heaven and on earth. Nothing is impossible to thee, for thou canst raise even those who are in despair to the hope of salvation. The more powerful thou art, the greater should be thy mercy.
Turn also to us in thy love. I know, O my Lady, that thou art all benign, and that thou lovest us with a love that can be surpassed by no other love. How often dost thou not appease the wrath of our Judge, when He is on the point of chastising us! All the treasures of the mercies of God are in thy hands. Ah never cease to benefit us; thou only seekest occasion to save all the wretched, and to shower thy mercies upon them; for thy glory is increased when, by thy means, penitents are forgiven, and thus reach heaven. Turn then towards us, that we also may be able to go and see thee in heaven; for the greatest glory we can have will be, after seeing God, to see thee, to love thee, and be under thy protection. Be pleased then to grant our prayer; for thy beloved Son desires to honour thee, by denying thee nothing that thou askest." The glories of Mary, by st. Alphonsus de Liguori,
"He was the youngest of many children, and losing his parents when very young, was very cruelly treated by one of his brothers, and when grown up was sent to keep swine. Another of his brothers however treated him kindly, and gave him an education. He was soon qualified to teach others, which he did with great applause. To arm himself against the allurements of pleasure and the artifices of the devil, he wore a rough hair shirt, and inured himself to fasting, watching, and prayer. At length he resolved entirely to leave the world, and embrace a monastic life; and soon after this, he became a religious of the order of St. Benedict, in an hermitage at the foot of the Apennines. His obedience was so perfect, that the least word of any superior made him run that moment to discharge what was enjoined, with the utmost exactness. After some time he was commanded by his abbot to take upon himself the government of the hermitage, which he governed with great wisdom and sanctity.
St. Peter Damian was much employed for twelve years in the service of the Church, by many bishops and by four popes successively. At length Pope Stephen IX. prevailed on him to quit his desert, and made him cardinal bishop of Ostia. Having rendered great services to the Church in this dignity for some years, he begged with great importunity to be allowed to resign it, and return to his solitude. Pope Alexander II. out of affection for the holy man, allowed him to do so. In his retirement he edified the Church by his penance and compunction, and by his numerous writings. God was pleased to call him to the crown of his labours in the year 1072, when he was 83 years old. (...) Those who expect the favours of heaven
are required to fit themselves for them by spending it in a suitable
manner. Our great indispositions are pride and self-love; and these are
best cured by penance and humiliation. There are many kinds of mortification, by which you may answer the design of the Church. Make not this day, at least, a day of liberty and diversion, but let these give place to recollection and prayer." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
"Thy soul was inflamed by the zeal of God's house, O Peter! God gave thee to His Church in those sad times when the wickedness of the world had robbed her of well-nigh all her beauty. Thou hadst the spirit of an Elias within thee, and it gave thee courage to waken the servants of the Lord: they had slept, and while they were asleep, the enemy came, and the field was over-sown with tares. (St. Matt. 13. 25) Then did better days dawn for the bride of Christ; the promises made by our Lord were fulfilled; but who was the friend of the bridegroom? (St. John 3. 29) Who was the chief instrument used by God to bring back to His house its ancient beauty? A saint who bore the glorious name of Peter Damian! In those days, the sanctuary was degraded by secular interference. The princes of the earth said: "Let us possess the sanctuary of God for an inheritance."(Ps. Lxxxii. 13) The Church, which God intended to be free, was but a slave, in the power of the rulers of this world; and the vices, which are inherent to human weakness, defiled the temple But God had pity on the bride of Christ, and for her deliverance He would use humane agency: He chose thee, Peter, as His principal co-operator in restoring order. Thy example and thy labor prepared the way for Gregory, the faithful and dauntless Hildebrand, into whose hands the keys were no sooner placed, than the work of regeneration was completed.
Thou hast fought the good fight; thou art now in thy rest; but thy love of the Church, and thy power to help, are greater than ever. Watch, then over her interests. Obtain for her pastors that apostolic energy and courage, which alone can cope with enemies so determined as hers are. Obtain for her priests the holiness which God demands from them that are the salt of the earth. (St. Matt. v. 13) Obtain for the faithful the respect and obedience they owe to those who direct them in the path of salvation. Thou wast not only the apostle, thou wast moreover the model, of penance in the midst of a corrupt age; pray fro us, that we may be eager to atone for our sins by works of mortification. Excite within our souls the remembrance of the sufferings of our Redeemer, that so His Passion may urge us to repentance and hope. Increase our confidence in Mary, the refuge of sinners, and make us, like thyself, full of filial affection towards her, and of zeal that she may be honored and loved by those who are around us." Source: Saint Peter Damian by Don Gueranger, page 294 The liturgical year 1909
St. Severinus, Bishop and Martyr, a.d. 452.
by VP
Posted on Wednesday February 21, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
"He was bishop of Scythopolis, and a zealous assertor of the Catholic faith against the errors of Eutyches. Theodosius, an ignorant Eutychian monk, and a man of a most tyrannical temper, perverted many among the monks themselves, and obliged Juvenal, bishop of Jerusalem, to withdraw. He then unjustly possessed himself of that important see, and in a cruel persecution which he raised, filled Jerusalem with blood. Then, at the head of a band of soldiers, he carried desolation over the country. Many however had the courage to stand their ground; but no one resisted him with greater zeal and resolution than St. Severinus, and his recompense was the crown of martyrdom. The furious soldiers seized him, dragged him out of the city, and put him to death.
The commendation of this prelate was his courage, at a time when heresy had so animated the people, that there needed no other crime than to own the truth, nor any other executioner than their rage. But this was no terror to him, who knew the victory
he had in dying for truth. Give thanks for that grace which
distinguished this pastor from so many others, at that time, who from the cloister and the desert
took part with error: and upon this prospect beg grace to establish you
against all such weakness. In their fall you may see what you are, and
how great your dependence ought to be on heavenly strength. But remember that there is as certain destruction in forsaking the commandments, as in denying the creed: and that your zeal for the one will be of no advantage, if you transgress the other. What then if your faith be sound, is your zeal for virtue so too? Both are equally the precepts of the Gospel.
If you take part with vice, and give encouragement to it by your bad
example, you are at war with heaven; and what comfort will it be in
hell, if you are condemned for sin, and not for obstinacy in error? Let
him who stands beware, lest he fall. Hold fast what you have, lest
another bear away your crown." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
Saint Eucherius of Orleans, Bishop , Benedictine Monk, Confessor 793
by VP
Posted on Tuesday February 20, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
"RETIREMENT.-God has oftentimes selected from the retirement and silence of the cloister the eminent men whom He would place in the Church as a shining light. In retirement it is that the soul collects and concentrates its strength; there it gets attempered, like true steel in the water. Eucherius, of an illustrious family of Orleans, and nephew of Savarius, the bishop of that town, lived retired for some years in the abbey of Jumièges, which he was edifying by his virtues and never meant to quit, when the inhabitants of Orleans came to draw him, despite all opposition on his side, from his retreat, in order that he might replace his uncle. Their calculations were well founded, for they gained a pastor according to God's own heart. Charles Martel, who was fond of lavishing upon his warriors the property of the Church, found Eucherius wanting in compliance, for the bishop regarded it as the patrimony of the poor. He was driven into exile, and dragged from town to town by the satellites of Charles. The persecution lasted for six years, and Eucherius died, in 793, worn but with fatigue and suffering, though in nowise wroth nor failing in courage, after having borne the episcopal charge for twenty-two years."
MORAL REFLECTION. - Nothing softens the soul and weakens piety so much as frivolous indulgence. God has revealed what high store He sets by "Retirement," in these words: "I will lead her into solitude, and I will speak to her heart."-(Osea ii. 14.) Pictorial Half Hour with the Saints by Rev. Fr. Auguste Lecanu
Martyr of Sainte Blandine in Lyon, France c. 162–177 AD
Many Martyrs:
"THE number of martyrs, who suffered in Africa and Egypt, under Dioclesian, was so great, that their names are known only to God. Eusebius, in his history, relates that he was witness of many of their sufferings: that he saw these holy martyrs going from one torment to another without terror or dejection, but rather gaining strength from their tortures: that he saw young men in the amphitheatre, waiting for wild beasts, and yet with their eyes and heart so fixed on God, as not to move when lions came roaring with open mouths to devour them. Thus by fire, sword, and beasts, infinite numbers were offered a holy sacrifice to God. And what, O Christian, can you say of yourself? Have you courage for these trials? Or must you with shame confess, that your patience is overcome in the common difficulties of life; and that, upon ordinary disappointments in yourself or others, you are tempted to give up the cause? What then ought to be your business this day, but to lament your weakness seriously before God, and importune Him to give you a better spirit? If troubles are the trials of the just, and the scourges of the sinner, on what grounds can you hope to be exempt? And if submitting to them with patience be the way to heaven, when are you to begin to make this advantage of them? Pray for what you so much need; and if you are in earnest, take some pains to stand your ground, and be not blown down with every breath, when you ought not to shrink at lions.
Almighty God supported these martyrs in the midst of their sufferings; and they gave their lives a sacrifice to his glory. He was pleased to accept the offering
which they made, and to reward their sufferings with everlasting
crowns. For these, and all His other mercies to these His servants,
adore and bless His holy name, and humbly beseech Him, that He would
extend His mercy to you also, who have many things to suffer every day,
and yet are so little prepared to suffer as you ought." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
Many Holy Hermits, Martyrs
by VP
Posted on Monday February 19, 2024 at 07:27AM in Saints
Balthasar Beschey: A Hermit at Prayer
"In the fifth century many holy hermits who lived in the deserts of Palestine, separated from the world, and from all conversation besides that of God, were murdered by the Saracens, and by their cruelty made so many sacrifices to God. Is it not strange that these, who had renounced all the goods of this life, should not have been more exempt from its evils? But such is the order of Providence, that while the wicked are often punished here for their iniquities, the just too have their scourges, either for the trial of their fidelity, or to render their crown more glorious. If these come to be your portion, be not dejected, nor too positive in concluding them to be the effect of God's anger, since there are scourges of mercy, as well as of justice. Accept them with a peaceable mind, using our best and continued endeavours to moderate all fears and impatience, and suppressing those thoughts which too curiously search into the counsels of God. Leave it to Him to order as He knows best; with an assurance that it is in your power to turn them to your advantage. If you are in sin, let them be a motive to amendment: if you can discover no disorder in your life, look on Christ and His martyrs, and learn from them how you are to suffer.
Bow down before the sovereign Lord of all, in acknowledgment of His mercy to these His servants: who being nothing of themselves but vessels of weakness, were by His grace so raised above nature, as to triumph over all the cruelty that the enraged enemies of their faith could practise against them. Acknowledge this privilege of grace,
which was such a blessing to these holy hermits, to have been his gift.
By Him they were so perfected in faith, as to despise this world with
all that was inviting in it. They rejoiced in torments, and met the terrors of death with comfort. Study their example, and you cannot fail of turning all to your good." The Catholic Year by Rev. John Gother