Saint Titus, Bishop and Confessor
by VP
Posted on Tuesday February 06, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
Holy Apostle Titus of Crete;Kosovo, XIV century. Patriarch's Furnace. Church of St. Nikolay
"We are to celebrate today, the Feast of a holy Bishop of the Apostolic Age - a Disciple of the Apostle St. Paul. Little is known of his life; but, by addressing to him one of his inspired Epistles, the Apostle of the Gentiles has immortalised his memory. Wheresoever the Faith of Christ has been or shall be preached, Titus' name has been venerated by the Faithful; and as long as the world lasts, the holy Church will read to her children this Epistle, which was written, indeed, to a simple Bishop of the Isle of Crete, but was dictated by the Holy Ghost, and therefore destined to be a part of those Sacred Scriptures, which contain the word of God. Counsels and directions given in this admirable Letter, were the rule of the holy Bishop, for whom St. Paul entertained a very strong affection. St. Titus had the honour of establishing the Christian Religion in that famous Island, which was one of the strong-holds of Paganism. He survived his master, who was put to death by Nero. Like St. John, he sweetly slept in Christ at a very advanced age, respected and loved by the Church he had founded. As we have already observed, his life left but few traces behind it; but these few are sufficient to prove him to have been one of those wonderful men, whom God chose as the directors of his infant Church,
Favoured Disciple of the great Apostle! the holy Church has decreed that one of the days of the ecclesiastical year should be spent in celebrating thy virtues, and presenting thee our prayers. Look down with love upon the Faithful who glorify the Holy Spirit that gave thee thy rich graces. Thou didst discharge thy Pastoral duties with untiring zeal. Every quality enumerated in the Epistle addressed to thee by St. Paul, as required in a Bishop, was possessed by thee; and thou shinest in the crown of Jesus, the Prince of Pastors, as one of the brightest of its gems. Forget not the Church militant, of which thou wast one of the first guides. Eighteen hundred years have passed away since thou wast taken from her. During this long period, she has had sufferings and trials without end; but she has triumphed over every obstacle, and she continues her glorious path, saving souls and offering them to her heavenly Spouse; and this will she persevere doing, until her Jesus comes to stop the course of time, and open the gates of eternity. Meanwhile, O glorious Saint! she counts on the aid of thy prayers, in the great work of the salvation of souls. Ask of Jesus, that he send us Pastors like unto thee. Pray for that Island, which thou didst convert to the true faith, but which is now buried in the darkness of infidelity and schism. Pray, too, for the Greek Church, that it may regain its ancient glory by union with the See of Peter." The Liturgical Year: Christmas, 3d edition. 1904 By Prosper Guéranger
Homilies on the Epistles of St. Paul to Titus Saint John Chrysostom
Saint Agatha, Virgin Martyr
by VP
Posted on Monday February 05, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
Prayer To Saint Agatha:
St. Agatha, glorious virgin and martyr, you suffered yourself to be
reviled and buffeted, to be tortured by rack, fire, and sword in a most
ignominious and painful manner; and by this fortitude and heroism you
merited to be consoled and gladdened in the midst of your dreadful
torments by the sight of your guardian angel and the prince of the
apostles: obtain for me, I pray, by your merits and by your intercession
with Jesus Christ, your divine Spouse, that I may suffer joyfully every
temporal loss, rather than prove unfaithful to my Lord and my God, to
Whom I have promised everlasting fealty, both at Baptism and at my first
Holy Communion. Ask for me the grace of perseverance, that I may with
thee enjoy the beatific vision and praise God forevermore.
"She was a virgin of Sicily, of a rich and illustrious family; who being solicited by all arts to comply with the wicked desires of the governor, resolutely withstood them all, choosing rather the humility and contempt of the Gospel, than the great offers of honor and riches that were made her. Pray for all that are exposed to the like temptations; great grace is necessary to stand against them. Your charity cannot be better employed, than to beg in behalf of those who are under these trials. Resolve likewise for yourself and those under your care, that worldly advantages shall never turn the balance in whatever choice you are to make. It is hence that many ruin themselves and their children; while considering only what is likely to make them great or rich, they have so little regard for what is to make them good and happy, that they greatly expose this to the hazard, so that they can but secure the other. All these want the faith of those eternal goods which directed this holy virgin in her choice: they want that sincere love of God which moved her to run the hazard of all that is worldly, for satisfying her duty, and securing God to herself. Pray that you may always follow her example.
St Agatha, being not to be wrought upon by promises, is tried by cruelty. She is accused of being a Christian; and because she will not worship and sacrifice to idols, is cast into prison, put on the rack, has her breast cut off, and is broiled on the fire. Having gone through all these torments, at length giving up her soul to God, she finished a happy martyrdom in the year 251. Pray for this constancy of spirit under all trials. Be ashamed to be so much outdone by a tender virgin, and pray for her patience. Pray for all those who, wanting courage, are ready to sink under the weight of their troubles, that God would be their support, and send them comfort that they may never lose their hope in Him. Pray for all those who are now in their last agony, that they may surrender their souls into the hands of God, with the holy dispositions of this glorious saint." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
Saint Andrew Corsini (1302- 1373) Carmelite Bishop and Confessor
by VP
Posted on Sunday February 04, 2024 at 12:04AM in Saints
San Andrew Corsini in preghiera - Guido Reni (1630-1635)
"In his youth, notwithstanding a pious education under the care of his parents, he ran into great disorders; and had no regard to the good instruction and example, which had been given him. All parents ought to remember, that though giving good education be their duty, and the most assured way to a virtuous life, still it is no security against vice. But then there is this comfort, that their children's sins are none of theirs, not being occasioned through their fault. Whereas those parents who have been wanting in this duty, cannot see their children unhappy, but they must condemn themselves: and having reason to fear all this misfortune to be the consequence of their neglect, they cannot reckon themselves innocent, as long as they see their children guilty. Nor can they find true peace, till by prayers, tears, and endeavors, they have either persuaded them to reform, or have reason to hope that God will accept of their endeavors in expiation of their former neglect.
God having afterwards
touched his heart, he renounced all his former ways, and entering into a
religious state, became an example of great piety. After some years, he was chosen bishop of Fesulæ; in which charge he laboured to satisfy all its obligations, and by a life of extraordinary
charity and mortification, gave encouragement to all virtues. He died
in 1373. Let no sinners be discouraged, but raise their hopes in God,
who offers His grace to all; and upon a sincere conversion, never fails
to change vessels of weakness into vessels of honor. He has mercy to forgive the greatest offences, and no crime is so provoking as a distrust of His goodness. Make then an act of hope
for yourself, with entire confidence in your God; and pray for all
those dejected souls, whose immoderate fears keep them at a distance
from Him. That is a good fear which makes us humble, and more fervent in
prayer, upon the knowledge of our
infirmity and unworthiness; but this fear is abused when it discourages
us in our duty, and hinders our progress. Pray for all that are thus
indiscreet; and resolve that your fear shall never extinguish your hope." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
"Great sorrow oppressed the heart of the princess Corsini, a widow, when she witnessed the daily increasing immorality of her young son Andrew. How often had she begged him to abandon his dissolute life! "Do tear yourself away," she would frequently say, "from those young men who ruin you. You bring disgrace upon our whole house, and shorten the days of my life."
But what did it effect? Moved, one moment, by his mother's entreaties he would forget his good resolution in the next. On one occasion, after Andrew had stayed away from home several nights in succession, his mother ordered all the family to put on mourning, and she herself hastened to the church of the Carmelites, there to relieve her soul by most earnest prayer. When she was leaving the church she met Andrew, who upon seeing her exclaimed: "What! You are in mourning? Who has died in the family? " The mother answered: "This is not the place to tell you." When they reached home, she said:"You seem not to know for whom me mourn, Andrew! Is it not for yourself? Yes, indeed, you are dead to us - we mourn for you, and for ourselves! The first part of my dream which I had before your birth, has been verified! I saw a wolf; but the wolf became a lamb at the threshold of the Carmelite convent. But it seems that the latter part of my dream is not to become true, although I have so often offered you to Mary, our most blessed Mother." Whilst thus speaking she wept bitterly. His mother's words, and the mournful appearance of the whole house cut Andrew to the heart. "Mother," he cried out, "The wolf I was, the lamb I will become." And he went to the Carmelite convent, performed severe penances, conquered the most violent temptations, advanced rapidly upon the path of virtue, and was in after-years made bishop of Fiesoli in Italy. He is the St. Andrew of Corsini whose feast the Church celebrates on the 4th of February. By what circuitous routes Andrew at last attained the end destined for him by Almighty God!
Save yourself such by-ways, O Youth! You are not preparing for a happy future, if you misuse, or neglect the present. Lead a pure life, adorn your heart with virtues; then you may hope that God will give you a future field of useful and honorable actions."
The Pearl among the Virtues, Fr. Peter A. Von Doss 1877
Hear, O holy Pontiff, our prayer: we are sinners and would learn from you how we are to return to the God we have offended. His mercy was poured out upon you. Obtain the same for us. Have pity on Christians throughout the world, for the grace of repentance is now being offered to all. Pray for us that we may be filled with the spirit of compunction. We have sinned. We sue for pardon. Intercession like yours can win it for us. From wolves, change us into lambs. Strengthen us against our enemies. Get us an increase of the virtue of humility which you had in such perfection, and intercede for us with our Lord that He may crown our efforts with perseverance, as He did yours, that thus we may be enabled to unite with you in singing forever the praises of our Redeemer.
Source: Don Prosper Gueranger
Saint Blaise, BISHOP AND MARTYR, A.D. 316.
by VP
Posted on Saturday February 03, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
Saint Blaise, Brittany, France
"He was bishop of Sebaste, in Armenia, in the primitive times, when prelacy was the recompense of virtue, and almost a certain way to martyrdom. The business of his life was the care of his flock; in which he laboured with wonderful zeal for discharging his own conscience, and supporting theirs, amidst the dangers of those difficult times. Pray that this may be the spirit of all the prelates and pastors in Christ's Church; and make your address to God in behalf of that people, who having preserved Christianity, are yet unhappily separated from the Church. Pray for unity and peace among Christians; and all schisms being healed, they may be all of one spirit and one mind.
The persecution
being very severe, though he earnestly desired to suffer for Christ,
yet he retired into a cave, that he might, in that shelter, be capable of giving
some assistance to his people. But, being discovered, he was seized by
Agricolaus, president under Dioclesian: and after many torments, put to
death by the sword. Pray for patience under all trials, both for yourself and others. Pray that you may learn the true practice of retiring in time of persecution and danger: and remember that the persecution of friends is many times much greater than that of enemies. You are oftener in danger from flattery, than from the sword. While the one threatens your body, and the other your soul, consider whether in this there be not the greater obligation of withdrawing. Pray then for this grace, that you may be ever upon the watch, in observing the many snares and occasions of sin,
into which your most familiar acquaintance are apt to draw you. Happy
are you, if you choose rather to lie hid, than expose yourself to
danger. In this you may disoblige friends, and provoke their raillery;
but you will certainly please God, and draw down plenty of heavenly blessings on your head: and is not this the more Christian part? The courage and constancy of the martyrs condemn your weak resolutions, your pusillanimity and cowardice in the pursuit of virtue. But now at least begin your conversion with great fervour." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
"When St. Blase arrived at the city and was presented to the governor, he was commanded to sacrifice to the immortal gods. The saint answered: "What a title for your demons, who can bring only evil on their worshipers! There is only One Immortal God, and Him do I adore." Agricolaus, infuriated at this answer, caused the saint to undergo a scourging so prolonged and cruel that it was thought the saint could not possibly survive it; but having endured this torture with placid courage, he was sent to prison, where he continued to work miracles so extraordinary that the governor ordered him to be again lacerated with iron hooks." Source: Victories of the Martyrs: Or, The Lives of the Most Celebrated Martyrs of the Church, Saint Alphonse de Liguori
"The iron combs, hooks, racks, swords, and scaffolds, which were purpled with the blood of the martyrs, are eternal proofs of their invincible courage and constancy in the divine service. But are they not at the same time subjects of our condemnation and confusion? How weak are our resolutions! How base our pusillanimity and cowardice in the pursuit of virtue! We have daily renewed our most sacred baptismal engagements, and our purposes of faithfully serving God; these we have often repeated at the feet of God's ministers, and in presence of his holy altars, and we have often begun our conversion with great fervor. Yet these fair blossoms were always nipped in the bud; for want of constancy we soon fell back into our former sloth and disorders, adding to our other prevarications that of base infidelity. Instead of encountering gibbets and wild beasts, we were scared at the sight of the least difficulty, or we had not the courage to make the least sacrifice of our passions, or to repulse the weakest and most contemptible assaults of the world. Its example, or that dangerous company from which we had not resolution to separate ourselves, carried us away; and we had not the courage to withstand those very maxims which we ourselves condemn in the moments of our serious reflections as contrary to the spirit of the Gospel. Perhaps we often flew back for fear of shadows, and out of apprehensions frequently imaginary, lest we should forfeit some temporal advantage, some useful or agreeable friend. Perhaps we were overcome by the difficulties which arose barely from ourselves, and wanted resolution to deny our senses, to subdue our passions, to renounce dangerous occasions, or to enter upon a penitential life. Blinded by self-love, have we not sheltered our dastardly pusillanimity under the cloak of pretended necessity, or even virtue?"Source: St. Blaise (The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints, Volume 1 , Alban Butler p 46)
"O glorious Saint Blaise, who by thy martyrdom didst leave to the Church a precious witness to the faith, obtain of us the grace to preserve within ourselves this divine gift, and to defend, without human respect, both by word and example, the truth of that same faith, which is so wickedly attacked and slandered in these our times. Thou who didst miraculously restore a little child when it was at the point of death by reason of an affliction of the throat, grant us thy mighty protection in like misfortunes; and, above all, obtain for us the grace of Christian mortification together with a faithful observance of the precepts of the Church, which may keep us from offending Almighty God. Amen."
Source: Dom GuerangerSaint Ignatius of Antioch (BISHOP AND MARTYR, A.D. 107.)
by VP
Posted on Thursday February 01, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
"16. Do not be deceived, my brethren. Those who ruin homes will not inherit the kingdom of God. Now, if those who do this to gratify the flesh are liable to death, how much more a man who by evil doctrine ruins the faith in God, for which Jesus Christ was crucified! Such a filthy creature will go into the unquenchable fire, as will anyone that listens to him.
17. The Lord permitted myrrh to be poured on His head that He might breathe incorruption upon the Church. Do not let yourselves be anointed with the malodorous doctrine of the Prince of this world, for fear he may carry you off into captivity, away from the life that is in store for you. Why do we not all become wise, having received knowledge of God, that is Jesus Christ! Why do we perish in folly, failing to appreciate the gift which the Lord has sent us in truth!" Source: St. Ignatius of Antioch Epistles To the Ephesians, 1946 p 66.
"He was the third bishop of Antioch after St. Peter and Evodius, and governed that Church above forty years with apostolic zeal and piety, which has rendered him eminent to all succeeding ages. Pray for all bishops of Christ's Church, that his spirit may be revived in them. Pray for the people of that city and diocese, now subject to the tyranny and errors of the Turks, that they may once more be the object of his mercy.
St. Ignatius was apprehended by order of the Emperor Trajan, and by him sentenced to be carried to Rome, there to be devoured by lions in the amphitheatre. He received his sentence with joy, having long desired to offer himself a sacrifice to Christ. Being shipped under the custody of ten soldiers, whom he calls leopards, he suffered very much by their cruelty but "their iniquity," says he, "was my instruction."
The spirit of this holy prelate, and the earnest desire he had of suffering for Christ, is plainly discovered in his epistle written to the Romans, which he sent before him. "I wish," says he, "I may come to those beasts, which are prepared for me; I hope they will be ravenous to devor me; I will provoke them to their prey, lest they should spare me, as they have done other martyrs. And if they will not seize me, I will force them; I will put myself upon them, that I may be devoured. Pardon me, my children, I know what advantage it will be to me. It is now I begin to be a disciple of Jesus Christ: I desire nothing upon earth, that so I may find Christ."
Being exposed in the theatre, and hearing the lions roar, he cried out: "I am the wheat of Christ, let the teeth of lions grind me, that I may become pure bread, fit to be offered to him." He was forthwith torn by the lions, and his relics were carried by his disciples to Antioch. Pray for the spirit of this holy man, and that love of God which inflamed his breast." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
Octave of St. Thomas OF CANTERBURY,
by VP
Posted on Friday January 05, 2024 at 12:15AM in Saints
"PRAY for all pastors in God's Church, that with zeal and diligence they may discharge their duties; and that the salvation of souls and performing the will of God, may urge them to sacrifice themselves wholly to his service, and to the good of their flock.
Pray that they may all instruct their flocks by word and example, and first practise the Gospel which they preach. Pray for all pastors, that they may inherit the true spirit of the apostles: that they may betray no weakness in seeking or loving the things of this world; but that while others pursue what is temporal, they may say with sincerity: "The Lord is our portion"; that they may, with a watchful eye superintend their charge, not permitting those to eat the fruits of vineyard, who refuse to work in it; nor allowing those to wear the shepherd's garb, who are truly wolves, continually devouring the flock by their disorders and scandalous lives. O God! have regard to thy fold, and deliver it from these destroying evils.
It being an exasperated prince, who disturbed the peace of the Church, and was the occasion of the sacrilegious murder of St. Thomas of Canterbury, pray on this day for all Christian kings and princes, that God would be their guide in all things, and make them the protectors of His holy Church.
{St. Thomas having been archbishop of Canterbury, we ought on this festival to offer up our prayers to God in behalf of our country (England), that he would be its protector, and visit it with his heavenly blessings. Beg of him to be no longer angry with this nation, but to remember his ancient mercies; and for the sake of so many of his
holy servants who here have been faithful to him, to show now
compassion to us, and let his former mercies be renewed, and let not his
anger endure for ever. Pray to St. Thomas now glorious in heaven, to
intercede for his unhappy country, and procure its conversion from vice
and error.}" The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
St. Olympias, Widow, A.D. about 410
by VP
Posted on Sunday December 17, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints
"This saint lived at Constantinople in the time of St. John Chrysostom. Her husband having been dead some time, the Emperor Theodosius proposed to her to marry Elpidius, his own near relation: to whom she answered, that God having taken away her husband, because she was not fit for the duties of the married state, she was resolved no more to engage in it. She was true to her resolution; and employed both her money and time in the relief of widows, orphans, and the sick. Her austerities were great, her habit mean, her humility edifying, her tears continual: and that nothing might be wanting to consummate her virtue, she was persecuted by the Emperor Arcadius, for espousing the cause of oppressed innocence in the person of her pastor, St. John Chrysostom. For this, being forced into banishment, she found her way by a happy death, to a better country which she had long desired.
Make use of this example as your state requires. There are difficulties in all conditions, and that of marriage cannot properly be Christian, without the self-denials of the cloister. If humility and charity helped her to heaven, will not prodigality and vanity shut you out from it? Take not your measures from the world, but from the Gospel; and then say who has given you power so much to dispense with it. Follow the Gospel, if you hope to come to the promises of the Gospel. The saints all studied to husband every moment to the best advantage, knowing that life is very short, and that the night is coming on apace when no man can work. Let no moments be spent merely to pass away time. Diversions and corporal exercise ought to be used with moderation, only as much as may seem requisite for bodily health and the vigour of the mind. Every one is bound to apply himself to some serious employment. This, and his necessary recreations, must be referred to God, sanctified by a holy intention, and seasoned by humility, patience, prayer, and other virtues. Thus will our lives be an uninterrupted sacrifice of divine praise and love." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER
St. Eusebius, BISHOP AND MARTYR, A.D. 371.
by VP
Posted on Saturday December 16, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints
"He was a bishop: pray for all the bishops in God's Church. Who knows, but if the faithful constantly joined in presenting their most earnest petitions to Almighty God, as often as the festivals of holy prelates return throughout the year, he might bless the Church with a succession of holy pastors, who by word and example might be as so many lights to the faithful, to conduct them to a happy eternity?
St. Eusebius was bishop of Vercelli, and a powerful opponent of the Arian heresy, which at that time desolated the Church, under the protection of the Emperor Constantius By this emperor, he was sent into banishment for defending the Nicene Creed, and refusing to subscribe to the condemnation of St. Athanasius. The holy man suffered much in his exile from hunger, thirst, scourging, and various kinds of cruel treatment; but he had learned to undervalue his own life for the cause of Christ, and he cheerfully abandoned his body to his persecutors. Neither torments, nor enticements, could ever move him to consent to the enemies of his faith.
On the death of Constantius, he was permitted to return to his see, and came to Alexandria to concert measures with St. Athanasius for applying proper remedies to the evils of the Church. He afterwards travelled over the East, and through Illyricum, confirming in the faith those that were wavering, and bringing back many that were gone astray. St. Jerom places his death in 371; and he is styled a martyr, and honoured as such in the offices of the Church.
Pray for patience in all sufferings for yourself, and others who are under any trials. If you honour a martyr, suffer something this day with more than ordinary meekness. Consider how often you are in a passion, how easily you are disquieted, how inconsiderable a thing provokes you, how ordinary temptations overcome you. Are these the steps of a martyr? Is this according to the Gospel? Blush then, and be confounded at your weakness: pray for new strength, and beseech this holy martyr to pray for you."
Saint John of the Cross
by VP
Posted on Thursday December 14, 2023 at 08:44PM in Saints
Saint John of the Cross, by Zurbaran
"Live in faith and hope, though it be in darkness, for in this darkness God protects the soul. Cast your care upon God for you are His and He will not forget you. Do not think that He is leaving you alone, for that would be to wrong Him." St. John of the Cross.
"This saint was born near Avila in Spain. From his tender years, he showed great devotion to the Blessed Virgin, and was preserved from many dangers through her intercession. He had so great a love of suffering, that he slept on a hollow board and wore a rough hair shirt, besides practising severe fasts, and almost incredible mortifications. His constant prayer was to be allowed to suffer, and be despised for his Savour's sake. He embraced the reformed Order of barefooted Carmelites; and his example and exhortations inspired the religious with a perfect spirit of solitude, humility, and mortification. Almighty God, to purify his heart, allowed him to pass through most severe trials of spiritual dryness and desolation: but, after some time, rays of light, comfort and divine sweetness scattered these mists, and filled his soul with heavenly delights. This comfort was succeeded by other trials of various kinds, which this holy servant of God endured with invincible constancy, always rejoicing when he shared the cross of his Redeemer. It had always been his prayer that he might die in humiliation and contempt; and his prayer was granted. He died at Ubeda in the year 1591, being forty-nine years old.
The spirit of Christianity is the spirit of the cross. To attain to the pure love of God we must live and die in the spirit of the cross. Our divine Redeemer merited the graces,
which we receive, by suffering for us: and it is by suffering with Him,
that we are best prepared for His graces. This all the saints assure us by their own example. But in the divine
love, they found a recompense, which amply repaid them for all their
Impatience and dejection make ill impressions on all who witness these infirmities. Be careful to prevent them, and by your good example in your sufferings, endeavour to teach others how to suffer. Be watchful in suppressing the first motions of fretfulness and impatience, and pray for the true spirit of a Christian." The Catholic Year, Fr. John Gother
Saint Odo of Cluny, abbot
by VP
Posted on Saturday November 18, 2023 at 12:00AM in Saints
"The Mass" says St. Odo, Abbot of Cluny, "is the act on which is based the salvation of the World."
The Holy Mass: The Sacrifice for the Living and the Dead, by Rev. Fr Michael Müller 1875 p 288.
When and how was this yearly commemoration of the departed introduced?
The time of the introduction of this commemoration cannot be determined; for as easily as the time of Tertullian he mentions that the Christians of his day held a yearly commemoration of the dead. Towards the end of the tenth century St. Odo, abbot of the Benedictines, at Cluny, directed this feast to be celebrated yearly, on the 2nd of November in all the convents of his Order, which usage was afterwards enjoined upon the whole Christian world by Pope John XVI. The feast of this day was probably established in order that, after having on day before rejoiced over the glory of the saints in heaven, we should this day remember in love those who are sighing in purgatory for deliverance.
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that, by our pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desires. Who livest and reignest,etc.
All Souls' Day. p456 Devout Instructions on the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and Holydays Front Cover Leonhard Goffiné Benziger, 1896