Saint Peter Verona, Martyr A.D. 1252
by VP
Posted on Monday April 29, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
"In his youth he was singularly protected and preserved from heresy and licentiousness of morals. To fly more effectually from the danger of sin, he addressed himself to St. Dominic, and received from him the habit of his order. He practised his rule with the most scrupulous exactness and fidelity, and even went beyond it. He was the admiration of his brethren for his profound humility, incessant prayer, exact silence, and general mortification of his senses and inclinations. He was a professed enemy of idleness, which he knew to be the bane of all virtues. After he was promoted to the holy order of priesthood, he entirely devoted himself to preaching. He converted an incredible number of heretics and sinners. He suffered much from false accusations; but after some months his innocence was cleared, and his humility drew on his labours an increase of graces and benedictions. He had ever been the terror of the Manichean heretics; who at length hired two assassins to murder him. They lay in ambush for him, and martyred him on the road to Milan, in the year 1252, he being forty-six years old.
Join with the charity of this holy man this day. Fail not to offer up your daily prayers for all that are engaged in sin or error. Their ill state demands your compassion; and if you had a true sense of it, you would never be wanting in this charity. To live in sin, in the displeasure of God, and in the way to eternal misery, and that this is the case of such numbers of your fellow-members and brethren, is a thought which, in as many as have one spark of Christian charity and faith, must be followed by prayers and tears. My soul fainted away, says David, because of sinners that forsake Thy law. Let your charitable compassion have the same effect on you, and oblige you to bewail their misery. Such daily fainting of your soul may be a means of giving them life, and the best security of your own." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
Prayer to St. Peter Verona, by Dom Gueranger:
"Obtain for us, O holy Martyr, a keen appreciation of the precious gift of Faith — that element which keeps us in the way of salvation. May we zealously do everything that lies in our power to preserve it, both in ourselves and in them that are under our care.
The love of this holy Faith has grown cold in so many hearts, and frequent intercourse with heretics or free-thinkers has made them think and speak of matters of Faith in a very loose way. Pray for them, O Peter, that they may recover that fearless love of the Truths of Religion which should be one of the chief traits of the Christian character. If they be living in a country where the modern system is introduced of treating all religions alike, that is, of giving equal rights to error and to truth, let them be all the more courageous in professing the truth and detesting the errors opposed to the truth.
Pray for us, O holy Martyr, that there may be kindled within us an ardent love of that Faith without which, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews xi. 6). Pray that we may become all earnestness in this duty which is of vital importance to salvation, that thus our Faith may daily gain strength within us, till at length we will merit to see in Heaven what we have believed unhesitatingly on Earth." Dom GuerangerNOVENA PRAYER FOR THE RETURN OF LAPSED CATHOLICS:
Good Shepherd, You never cease to seek out the lost, to call home the
stray, to comfort the frightened, and to bind up the wounded. I
ask You to bring (mention names)….. back to the practice of the Faith,
and to remove all obstacles that prevent them from receiving Your
abundant mercy, which flows sacramentally through the heart of Your Holy
Through the intercession of Mary, the Mother
of God, their Guardian Angel(s), their Patron Saint(s) and the
ever-prayerful Saint Monica, may You pardon their sins and unshackle
them from whatever hinders their freedom to come Home. For You, O Good Shepherd, loved us to the end and offered Yourself to the Father For the salvation of all. Amen
April 28, St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, missionary in Brittany and Vendée
by VP
Posted on Sunday April 28, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Wake Forest
"I believe that anyone who wishes to be devout and live piously in Jesus will suffer persecution and will have a daily cross to carry. But he will never manage to carry a heavy cross, or carry it joyfully and perseveringly, without a trusting devotion to our Lady, who is the very sweetness of the cross. It is obvious that a person could not keep on eating without great effort unripe fruit which has not been sweetened." -- St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin)
Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (b. at Montfort-sur-Meu, Brittany 31 January, 1673; d. at Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, Vendee 28 April, 1716.)
From his childhood, he was indefatigably devoted to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, and, when from his twelfth year he was sent as a day pupil to the Jesuit college at Rennes, he never failed to visit the church before and after class. He joined a society of young men who during holidays ministered to the poor and to the incurables in the hospitals, and read for them edifying books during their meals. At the age of nineteen, he went on foot to Paris to follow the course in theology, gave away on the journey all his money to the poor, exchanged clothing with them, and made a vow to subsist thenceforth only on alms.
He was ordained priest at the age of twenty-seven, and for some time fulfilled the duties of chaplain in a hospital. In 1705, when he was thirty-two,
he found his true vocation, and thereafter devoted himself to preaching
to the people. During seventeen years he preached the Gospel in
countless towns and villages. As an orator he was highly gifted, his
language being simple but replete with fire and divine love. His whole life was conspicuous for virtues difficult for modern degeneracy to comprehend: constant prayer, love of the poor, poverty carried to an unheard-of degree, joy in humiliations and persecutions. The following two instances will illustrate his success. once gave a mission for the soldiers of the garrison at La Rochelle, and, moved by his words, the men wept, and cried aloud for the forgiveness of their sins. In the procession which terminated this mission, an officer walked at the head, barefooted and carrying a banner, and the soldiers, also barefooted,
followed, carrying in one hand a crucifix, in the other a rosary, and
singing hymns.
Grignion's extraordinary influence was especially apparent in the matter of the calvary at Pontchâteau. When he announced his determination of building a monumental calvary on a neighbouring hill, the idea was enthusiastically received by the inhabitants. For fifteen months between two and four hundred peasants worked daily without recompense, and the task had just been completed, when the king commanded that the whole should be demolished, and the land restored to its former condition. The Jansenists had convinced the Governor of Brittany that a fortress capable of affording aid to persons in revolt was being erected, and for several months five hundred peasants, watched by a company of soldiers, were compelled to carry out the work of destruction. Father de Montfort was not disturbed on receiving this humiliating news, exclaiming only: "Blessed be God!"
This was by no means the only trial to which Grignion was subjected. It often happened that the Jansenists, irritated by his success, secured by their intrigues his banishment from the district, in which he was giving a mission. At La Rochelle some wretches put poison into his cup of broth, and, despite the antidote which he swallowed, his health was always impaired. On another occasion, some malefactors hid in a narrow street with the intention of assassinating him, but he had a presentiment of danger and escaped by going by another street. A year before his death, Father de Montfort founded two congregations - the Sisters of Wisdom, who were to devote themselves to hospital work and the instruction of poor girls, and the Company of Mary, composed of missionaries. He had long cherished these projects but circumstances had hindered their execution, and, humanly speaking, the work appeared to have failed at his death, since these congregations numbered respectively only four sisters and two priests with a few brothers. But the blessed founder, who had on several occasions shown himself possessed of the gift of prophecy, knew that the tree would grow. At the beginning of the twentieth century the Sisters of Wisdom numbered five thousand, and were spread throughout every country; they possessed forty-four houses, and gave instruction to 60,000 children. After the death of its founder, the Company of Mary was governed for 39 years by Father Mulot. He had at first refused to join de Montfort in his missionary labours. "I cannot become a missionary ", said he, "for I have been paralysed on one side for years; I have an affection of the lungs which scarcely allows me to breathe, and am indeed so ill that I have no rest day or night." But the holy man, impelled by a sudden inspiration, replied, “As soon as you begin to preach you will be completely cured.' And the event justified the prediction. Grignion de Montfort was beatified by Leo XIII in 1888." Catholic Encyclopedia 1910
St. Zita
by VP
Posted on Saturday April 27, 2024 at 01:22AM in Saints
S.Zita (Michelangelo Pittatore)
THE GREATNESS OF HUMILITY.-St. Zita, placed by reason of her lowly birth in a position obscure, or vile even, according to the views of the world, knew how to lift herself by faith to the sublime heights of sanctity. She passed her life in domestic work, the object of hatred and calumny: her humility was too great, it was said, to be real; it was sheer hypocrisy. Her submission was too prompt and perfect to be exempt from pride; and if the poor servant were any better than people of her condition, it was merely because she wished to appear so. Zita, however, accomplished all her duties with that perfection which those who wish to please God are wont to employ. She bore reproofs, injuries, bodily and moral sufferings, with that patience and submission which the love of God alone knows how to inspire. She was pious, cherished the poor, and forgave injuries. At last the general voice ended by rendering her full justice, which she by no means looked for. The world was struck with wonderment, and the Church has placed her on her altars. St. Zita died at Lucca in 1272, and was beatified in 1696.
MORAL REFLECTION.-All acts in themselves good become acts of holiness when accomplished with reference to God. "All things are turned into good in the hands of those that love God," saith the Apostle.-(Rom. viii. 28.). Pictorial half hours with the saints. By Abbe Auguste François Lecanu
SS. Cletus and Marcellinus, Popes and Martyrs, A.D. 89 and 304
by VP
Posted on Friday April 26, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
"Saint Cletus was the third bishop of Rome, and succeeded St. Linus, which shews his eminent virtue among the first disciples of St. Peter. He suffered martyrdom under the Emperor Domitian. St. Marcellinus succeeded St. Caius in the bishopric of Rome in the year 296. He acquired great glory in those stormy times of persecution, and is always styled a martyr, though he did not actually shed his blood in the cause of religion,
Pray for the present bishop who fills that holy see, that he may be assisted from heaven for the just discharge of his duty, and be preserved from all the criminal effects of human weakness. Pray for all who suffer on account of their faith, that they may hazard all extremities, and forsake all rather than Christ and His truth. Tremble at the thoughts of human weakness; and seek the best security in a most profound humility, and an entire dependence on God. How far are you from the disposition of the martyrs,
when you can bear nothing with patience, are so easily disturbed, and
so often put into a passsion! How far are you from this, who are so
little prepared to suffer any thing for God's sake: who cannot bear the trouble of an uneasy humour; who shrink from the labour of mortifying your own passions, and too often choose rather to transgress the divine law, than hazard the inconvenience of being faithful to your duty. You must confess, that there is nothing in this of the disposition of a martyr. This is all weakness, and nothing but the conduct of nature.
It is nothing but what a heathen would do, who has neither faith to
direct him better, nor any promises to encourage him, nor God's
judgments to be an awe upon him. How unbecoming must this be in you, who
have so many helps, and blessings, mercies, commands, and threats, to
oblige you to another method. Confess your extreme misery, and beseech
God to let the power of his grace overcome all your weakness." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringa, Martyr, A.D. 1622.
by VP
Posted on Wednesday April 24, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
For some time he practised the law as a counseller at Colmar, with great reputation, but still greater virtue. He abstained from all invectives, detractions, and whatever might affect the reputation of any adversary. He conceived a disgust, however, for a profession, which was to many an occasion of sin; and determined to enter among the Capuchin friars. He first received holy orders, and having said his first mass in their convent at Fribourg, he consecrated himself to God by taking the habit. From that moment, humiliations, mortifications, and implicit obedience were his delight. In regard to dress and furniture, he always chose that for his own use, which was the least valuable and convenient. His life was a continued prayer and recollection; and at his devotions he seemed rather like an angel than a man.
When he had finished his course of divinity, St. Fidelis was employed in preaching and hearing confessions. He reformed many by his zealous labours, and converted several Calvinists. When a pestilential fever infected the Austrian army, he exercised wonderful charity in assisting the sick and dying. He also exerted himself indefatigably in composing differences between neighbours, and relieving those who were in distress. He was most devout to the Blessed Virgin, and regularly recited the holy rosary. By her prayers and those of other saints, he begged that he might shed his blood in the defence of the Catholic faith. His prayer was granted. For the Calvinists were so incensed against him, for his pious labours to convert them, that they murdered him in the year 1622, the forty-fifth of his age.
Pray for all who are engaged in the holy ministry, and labouring for the conversion of souls. To contribute to the conversion of a sinner, is something more excellent than to raise the dead to life. The soul, which from the death of sin is raised to the life of grace, passes from slavery to the devil, to the dignity and privileges of a child of God. By this divine adoption, she is rescued out of the abyss of infinite misery, and exalted to the most sublime state of glory and happiness, in which all the treasures of grace and of heaven are her portion for ever." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
St. George, Martyr, Patron of England, A.D. about 303.
by VP
Posted on Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
St. George was a martyr. Pray for all those who suffer for their faith, that they may be strengthened from above. Pray for all others under whatever kind of trouble, that God would give them patience, and be their comfort.
Authentic history
furnishes us with very few particulars relating to this martyr, besides
his being a soldier in Cappadocia, and being put to death under
Dioclesian for the Christian faith. But the extraordinary devotion of all Christendom to this saint, is an authentic proof how glorious his triumph and name have always been in the Church. According to the best accounts, he was born in Cappadocia, of noble Christian parents. After the death of his father, he went with his mother into Palestine. Having embraced the profession of a soldier, he was made a tribune, or colonel in the army. For his courage and conduct, he was soon preferred to higher stations by the Emperor Dioclesian. When that Prince waged war against the Christian religion, St. George laid aside the marks of his dignity, threw up his commission and posts of honour, and complained to the emperor himself of his severities and cruel edicts. He was immediately cast into prison, and tried, first by promises, and afterwards by the rack, and tortured with great cruelty; but nothing could shake his constancy. The next day he was led through the city and beheaded. St. George is usually painted on horseback,
and tilting at a dragon under his feet; but this representation is no
more than an emblematical figure, purporting that by his faith and
Christian fortitude he conquered the Devil, who is called the dragon in the Apocalypse. The general opinion of his
courage in his military profession, and great constancy in his
suffering for justice and truth, has been a motive to our forefathers to
choose St. George for the patron of this nation. They hoped by his charity to obtain of God
a plentiful benediction in all public affairs, and success to their
arms. The same considerations may be motives to us this day to enquire into
ourselves, and see how much we want his charitable assistance, in order
to obtain those so necessary qualifications, which rendered him so
eminent to the Christian world, his courage
and constancy. Without these, we can neither do what we are commanded,
nor suffer what Providence has ordained for us. One that was a soldier
is a proper patron for Christians. For, whatever their sex or condition be, they are soldiers of Christ, their whole life is a warfare upon earth, they have many battles to fight, they are to meet very powerful enemies in the field; and without great courage and perseverance, they can never hope for victory.
Courage is necessary in the discharge of our common duties; because of the great opposition we meet with, from the general corruption of those with whom we live and converse. Custom and practice have given such authority to sinful liberty and neglect, that a compliance seems expected from all: and those who refuse to go along with the stream, must look to be charged with pride, singularity, and bigotry. Now while this seems to concern our reputation, those who have not courage to bear the stroke, surrender and yield; and by joining in what they disapprove, show that it is fear that carries them on; and that they would be virtuous, if they were but bold enough to be so. This fear puts numbers upon complying with all the extravagances of fashion and the age: and though sensible how disagreeable, and even opposite many of these are to the spirit of the gospel, yet awed by what the world will say, they choose to follow what they condemn, and become children of the world, because they dare not be the disciples of Christ.
Thus is courage always necessary for a Christian; and without it, he cannot either live or die well. And it being the gift of God, it ought to have a part in our prayers this day, that so every one may hope to obtain such a degree of it,
as his state requires. Grant it therefore, O God: leave us not to
ourselves, but mercifully assist us by thy grace, that following the example of thy saints, we may with courage and resolution persevere to the end." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
SS. Soter and Caius, Pope and Martyrs, A.D. 177 and 296
by VP
Posted on Monday April 22, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
" Saint Soter was raised to the papacy, upon the death of St. Anicetus in 173. By the sweetness of his discourses, he comforted all persons with the tenderness of a father, and assisted the indigent with liberal alms, especially those who suffered for the faith. He liberally extended his charities, according to the custom of his predecessors, to remote churches, particularly to that of Corinth, to which he addressed an excellent letter, which was read for edification on Sundays at their assemblies to celebrate the divine mysteries, together with the letter of St. Clement, pope. St. Soter vigorously opposed the heresy of Montanus, and governed the Church to the year 177, when he was put to death for the Christian faith, under Marcus Aurelius.
St. Caius succeeded St. Eutychian in the apostolic see, in the year 283. The Church then enjoyed a calm, but was soon after disturbed by a tumultuous persecution for two years, on the death of Carinus. St. Caius encouraged St. Sebastian and the other martyrs and confessors. However, to preserve himself for his flock, he withdrew for a time to avoid the fury of the storm. Having sat twelve years, he died on the 21st of April, 296; his great sufferings having obtained him the title of martyr.
Pray for the present bishop of the holy see of Rome, and for all bishops and pastors of Christ's Church; that whether in peace or persecution, they may ever bear testimony to the truth.
Their lives are powerful persuasives to virtue, if they live up to
their character: and to licentiousness, if they give countenance to it.
If they are unfaithful, let not this make you question the truth of what you profess. Your faith is built on the truth of God, and the promises of Christ: and however individuals may fail, these can never fail. Let the ill conduct therefore of others make you fear and tremble, and humbly distrust yourself, but not God's power, His goodness, or His truth. Learn the value of crosses and sufferings. Those Christian heroes, of whom the world was not worthy, all suffered, and were persecuted in many ways. These crosses ensured to them their greatest crowns" The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
St. Anselm, Arbishop of Canterbury, Confessor, A.D. 1109.
by VP
Posted on Sunday April 21, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
"Saint Anselm was born in Piedmont, and reclaimed from the disorders of his youth by the piety of the famous Lanfranc. By his advice, and that of the archbishop of Rouen, he became a religious, and made such advancement in all virtue, that he was soon chosen prior, and then abbot. He was all to all, by courtesy and charity, that he might find occasions of giving every one some suitable instructions to promote their salvation. Going afterwards to England to consult Lanfranc, then archbishop of Canterbury, his virtue so much recommended him to King William II., that after the death of Lanfranc, he obliged him to fill up that vacancy. His zeal however raised up so many enemies against him, and brought upon him so severe a persecution from the king, that he was forced to leave the kingdom. After three years, the king being dead, St. Anselm returned, but met with fresh opposition from the new king, Henry I. Amidst his troubles and public distractions, he often retired to his devotions, and watched long in them during the night. Leaving England to consult Pope Paschal II., he was forbidden by the king to return, unless he would comply with his unjust demands. Soon after, the king himself invited him to return; and he was received with great joy by the whole kingdom. But he survived only three years; and happily expired, laid on sackcloth and ashes, at Canterbury, in the year 1109, in the seventy-sixth of his age.
Let his eminent virtues arm you against despair in regard of those, whose disorderly youth gives you little hopes of good. God often shows his power in their conversion, and makes of them vessels of honour. Upon the same grounds despair not of yourself, whatever your present weakness be; but still continue on your endeavours for amendment, under the conduct of a director, whose prudence, piety, and patience may support you under the delays of your obstinate evil. Zeal is not only commendable, but necessary, amidst the general corruptions of the world; but if it gives up at the displeasure of men, it is not the zeal of the Gospel. He must have courage to suffer for justice and truth, who undertakes their cause." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
Eighth Meditation: The Penitent's Address to God His Father. St. Anselm's book of meditations and prayers, tr. by M.R. By Saint Anselm (Archbishop of Canterbury)
(...) "Rescue me, O Lord my God, and snatch me out of the hands of my enemies; for they too are Thine, they are the subjects of Thy almighty power; and they hate nothing of good works in me except what Thou hast given me. There is nothing in me that they hate, but only that I love Thee. And they scheme with all their endeavours, with all their might, with all their craft, to prevent my loving Thee, glorifying Thee, and ever seeking Thee. Therefore let not the enemies of Thy glory be too strong for me; but let them be the more confounded as they see that I, bent on praising Thee and glorifying Thee, am seeking with all best endeavours that peace and glory of Thine, which they are intent upon diminishing."
A Prayer to Christ for my Enemies. By Saint Anselm
LORD Jesus Christ, Lord of all power and goodness, whom I pray to be gracious to my friends. Thou knowest what my heart desireth for mine enemies. For Thou, O God, who triest the very hearts and reins,Thou knowest the secrets of my heart within me. For it
is not hidden from Thee. If Thou hast sown in the soul of Thy servant
what he may offer to Thee, and if that enemy and I have sown there
likewise what is to be burned with fire, that also is before Thine eyes.
not, most gracious God, that which Thou hast sown, but cherish it and
give it increase and bring it to perfection and preserve it for ever. For as
I could begin no good thing without Thee, so can I neither finish it
nor keep it in safety except by Thy help. Judge me not, O merciful God,
according to that which displeaseth Thee in me, but take away what Thou
hast not planted, and save my soul which Thou hast created. For I cannot amend myself without Thee, because if we be good it is Thou that dost make us and not we ourselves. Neither can my soul endure Thy judgment, if Thou wilt judge her according to her wickedness. Thou therefore, O Lord, who alone art mighty, whatsoever Thou makest me to desire for mine enemies, be that Thy gift unto them, and Thine answer to my prayer. And if I at any time ask for them
anything which transgresseth the rule of love, whether through
ignorance or through infirmity or through wickedness, neither do that to
them, nor fulfil my petition therein.
Thou who art the true Light, enlighten their blindness. Thou who art supreme Truth, amend their error. Thou art the true Life, quicken their souls. For Thou hast said by Thy beloved Disciple, He that loveth not his brother, abideth in death.1 I pray therefore, O Lord, that Thou grant to them so much love of Thee and of their neighbour as Thou commandest us to have, lest they should have sin before Thee concerning their brother.
Forbid it, O good Lord, forbid it that I should be to my brethren an occasion of death, that I should be to them a stone of stumbling and rock of offence. For it is enough and more than enough that I should be an offence unto myself; mine own sin is sufficient for me. Thy servant entreateth Thee for his fellow-servants that they should not on my account offend so great and good a Master, but be reconciled to Thee, and agree with me according to Thy will for Thy sake. This is the vengeance which my inmost heart desireth to ask of Thee upon my fellow-servants, mine enemies and fellow-sinners. This is the punishment which my soul asketh upon my fellow-servants and enemies, that they should love Thee and one another, according to Thy will and as is expedient for us, so that we may satisfy our common Master both as concerning ourselves and as concerning one another and serve our common Lord in unity by the teaching of charity to the common good. This vengeance I, Thy sinful servant, pray may be prepared against all those that wish me evil and do me evil. Do Thou prepare this also, most merciful Lord, against Thy sinful servant likewise.
Come then, O my good Creator and merciful Judge, and by Thy mercy which passeth all reckoning, forgive me all my debts as I in Thy presence forgive all my debtors. And if not yet, because hitherto my spirit doth not so forgive perfectly according to Thy measure but willeth so to do and accomplisheth by Thy help what it can, doing violence to itself, this imperfect forgiveness I offer to Thee as it is, that Thou mayest be pleased perfectly to forgive me my sins and according to Thy power, be gracious unto my soul.
Hearken unto me, hearken unto me, O great and good Lord, with desire for the love of whom my soul is fain to feed herself, but cannot satisfy her hunger for Thee, to call upon whom my mouth findeth no name that sufficeth my heart. For there is no word that expresseth unto me that which by Thy grace my heart conceiveth concerning Thee. I have prayed, O Lord, as I could, but my will was greater than my power.
Hearken unto me, hearken unto me, according to Thy power, who canst do
whatsoever Thou dost will. I have prayed as one weak and sinful, hear
me, O hear me, as one mighty and merciful; and grant unto my friends and unto mine enemies not only what I have prayed, but what Thou knowest to be expedient for each
one, and agreeable to Thy will. Grant to all, both living and dead, the
help of Thy mercy; and ever hear me not according to the desires of my heart or the requests of my lips,
but as Thou knowest and willest that I ought to will and to ask, O
Saviour of the world, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and
reignest God, world without end. Amen.
St. Theotimus, Bishop and Confessor, A.D. about 400.
by VP
Posted on Saturday April 20, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
"He was bishop of Tomes in Scythia, in the fifth century. He had been brought up to a monastic life, and lived with great frugality, eating only when necessity required it. The Huns in the vicinity of the Danube so much admired his virtue, that they called him the God of the Romans. He was a man of so great sanctity and wonderful meekness, that he seemed fitted by heaven to deal with barbarous people, like the Huns, who often gave him disturbance, and with his own flock, whose natural roughness made his charge difficult enough. He was several times assaulted, and as often miraculously delivered; God manifested the sanctity of his servant by his particular protection of him. One day as he was walking in the territory of the Huns, he met some of them, who were going by the same road to Tomes, where he resided. His companions began to cry out, and give themselves up for lost: but he dismounted from his horse, and betook himself to prayer. The barbarians passed by without even seeing him, his attendants, or their horses. As they ill-treated the Scythians by their frequent incursions, he softened their barbarous nature by giving them food and making them presents. This made one of the barbarians imagine that he was rich. He sought to take him prisoner, and having prepared a rope with a slip-knot, he leaned upon his shield, and raising his arm to throw the noose over the saint, his hand remained stretched out in the air, nor could he move it till the holy man had prayed for him.
Let the example of this
saint encourage you to be moderate in your words and actions. Roughness
and passion destroy all society, and break peace: they are proofs of a
weak mind, and a bad education. Labour to avoid them by a softer and
more gentle method, as you desire to preserve your reputation, either as
to this world, or the next. A warm
reproof may sometimes be necessary; but a moderate remonstrance will be
more to your purpose than unseasonable heats. Suspect yourself as often
as you are disturbed: deliberate, rather than follow disordered reason.
Thus governing yourself, you will be in the best disposition for governing others." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
St. Alphege, Bishop and Martyr A.D. 1012.
by VP
Posted on Friday April 19, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints
"He was born of noble and virtuous parents; but renounced the world whilst he was yet very young. He served God first in the monastery of Derhurste in Gloucestershire; but after some years, he built himself a cell in a desert place of the abbey of Bath, where he shut himself up, unknown to men, but well known to God, for whose love he made himself a voluntary martyr of penance. His eminent virtues invited many to be his followers. But some of them falling from their first fervour, contented themselves with deceiving their superior with pretended exactness, while out of his sight they took very scandalous liberties, particularly in sitting up in the night to feast and drink, and fasting in the day with the rigour of the strictest hermits. But though they imposed upon this good man; yet God's justice soon discovered their hypocrisy in the punishment of it. St. Elphege in a short time reclaimed them; and God, by the sudden death of one, opened the eyes of all the rest. See that you imitate not these unhappy men, but observe discipline exactly. It is the practice of too many to transgress it, and their glory is to deceive those under whose care they are, by unduly going abroad, and unseasonable meetings at home. Break off all such customs: for there is so much folly, injustice, and deceit in them, that they cannot fail of proving your scourge in bringing mischief upon you.
The see of Winchester
falling vacant, St. Dunstan was admonished in a vision to oblige St.
Elphege to receive episcopal consecration. After he had governed the see of Winchester twenty-two years, he was chosen archbishop of Canterbury. The Danes landing in England took the city of Canterbury, seized the holy
prelate, laid him in irons, and confined him for several months in a
filthy dungeon. He was then released, but soon after cruelly martyred in
the year 1012.
Pray for all the bishops of Christ's Church;
and in particular for him, under whose charge you are. Pray for this
nation, that God would in His mercy preserve it from atheism and
infidelity; and not let these be the punishment of its vice, but make it zealous for virtue, justice and truth." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother