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Saint John of Berverley, Archbishop of York, Confessor 721

by VP

Posted on Tuesday May 07, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

   "He was a disciple of St. Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, and of the holy abbot Adrian; under whom he made great progress in learning and sanctity. Afterwards, in the famous abbey of St. Hilda at Whitby, he exercised himself in reading the divine Scriptures, and in other works of religion and piety. Thus he was fitted for the ecclesiastical state, and was promoted to the bishopric of Hexham. This see he resigned to St. Wilfrid, but was some time after appointed archbishop of York. His life was in all things most worthy of a bishop; and how great his merit was in the sight of God, who searches the heart, might easily be gathered from the many miracles he wrought. Having, by his great age become unable to govern his bishopric, he ordained St. Wilfrid the younger, bishop, and retired to the monastery of Beverley, which he had founded. He had been bishop thirty-three years, when he departed to our Lord, on the 7th of May, 721.

Pray for your country, that God would please to stretch forth his hand of mercy over it, enlighten it with His Holy Spirit, and replenish it with heavenly blessings; that forsaking the ways of iniquity, it may be zealous for all justice and truth.

On the day of this prelate, you must adore the judgments of God, which have fallen so heavily on your country, in punishment of its abuse of the blessing of true faith; and not only adore, but fear them. For since you see those, who were once in the communion of God's Holy Church, now become miserable, because they hardened their hearts in the abuse of the divine mercies, have you not reason to tremble under the apprehension of the like guilt? It is the misfortune of the greater part of those, who receive the greatest blessings, to offend God more than others, in the abuse of whatever they have received. If this be your case, you are indeed unhappy, and will for ever be so, if you do not reform." Source: The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church  by Rev. Fr. John Gother

St. Stanislas, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 1079.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday May 07, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

Martyr Polish Bishop of Cracow of the XI century. Image of the Anjou legendarium of the Kings of Hungary (XIV century)

"He was bishop of Cracovia in Poland, watchful in all his pastoral duties, and particularly remarkable for his extraordinary charity to the poor. He zealously reproved the vicious life of his king, who not bearing this effect of his charity, first endeavoured to ruin his reputation, by accusing him of injustice in a general assembly of the nation; and afterwards upon being disappointed in this, murdered him with his own hand at the altar, where the holy prelate fell a sacrifice to charity and truth.

Pray for all bishops in Christ's Church; that like this prelate, they may faithfully discharge all pastoral duties; that with christian zeal they may labour to suppress all scandals, and not be awed by any authority into a connivance at vice.

The wickedness of great ones carries with it the strongest infection; and though there be danger in standing against it, yet it is a danger which is most honourable. Having justice and duty on its side, it cannot be declined by pastors, but by their being false to their charge, and forfeiting the trust which they have undertaken. See how far this falls within your province. To condemn vice is not an usurpation in any Christian. With regard to inferiors or equals, you have generally courage enough to assert your own right: shew as much in the cause of Christ and His Gospel. If you are called bold and presumptuous, there is no blemish in such censures: it is better to be thus reputed by men, than to venture being condemned by Almighty God for cowardice and uncharitable silence. Pray for patience in all reproaches and false accusations. You may not meet with such as endanger your life; but you cannot escape those, which though in a lower degree, yet lessen that reputation, which you would willingly have with men. Learn rather to slight, than be disturbed at these. Be not solicitous to make unnecessary vindications; but with content offer so much of yourself a sacrifice to God. You have but a poor stock of humility and patience, if you cannot bear these trials without throwing all into disorder." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. John before the Latin Gate, A.D. 95.

by VP

Posted on Monday May 06, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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"This feast is in memory of that day when St. John the Apostle was cast into a cauldron of boiling oil, by order of the cruel Emperor Domitian. St. John, who was the only one of the apostles then living, was apprehended at Ephesus, and sent prisoner to Rome, in the year 95. He was ordered by the tyrant to be cast into a cauldron of boiling oil. The holy apostle, no doubt, rejoiced at this barbarous sentence, and exulted at the thought of soon rejoining his beloved Lord and Master. But God accepted his good will, and conferred on him the merit of martyrdom, but suspended the operation of the fire, so that the apostle was miraculously preserved, and came forth not only unhurt, but even more lively and vigorous. The emperor attributed his wonderful escape to magic; and contented himself with banishing the holy apostle into the small island of Patmos. The year following, Domitian was assassinated; and St. John returned to Ephesus. This glorious triumph of St. John happened outside of the gate of Rome which led to Latium, and was on that account called the Latin Gate.

Adore the goodness of God, in the wonderful preservation of his servants under these trials. Beg for the assistance of the same hand in all your troubles. Consider how great is your daily want; and let the fervour of your petitions be proportioned to your necessity. You are not to expect miracles for your deliverance: the ordinary help which God offers to all who duly seek it, is sufficient, if you neglect it not. Learn therefore from this great apostle how to suffer. Labour to keep up your spirits under all oppression; for impatience and immoderate grief are unbecoming a Christian. Sink down no farther under any weight than true humility carries you. Endeavour to suppress all other grief, but for your sins. If you can follow this method, sickness may waste your body, malice may injure your reputation, and misfortunes your estate; but your soul will be purified in this, and arise more lively and vigorous from its oppressions." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Saint Pius V, Pope and Confessor, A.D. 1572

by VP

Posted on Sunday May 05, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

"In his tender years, the most perfect maxims of piety were instilled into him; and he never swerved from them during his life. He took the habit of the Dominicans at fifteen years of age. During his noviciate, it was his holy ambition to surpass all others in humility, purity, and the exercises of mortification, obedience, and devotion. Having prepared himself by a long and fervent retreat, he was ordained priest at Genoa. He taught philosophy and divinity sixteen years, and was long employed in instructing novices, and in governing different houses of his order. Pope Paul IV. promoted him to a bishopric, and soon after created him cardinal. His dignities served to render his humility and other virtues the more conspicuous, but produced no alteration in his furniture, table, fasts, or devotions. By the succeeding pope, Pius IV., our saint was greatly esteemed, and employed in important affairs of the Church. On his death, he was chosen to succeed to the pontifical chair, to which he consented for fear of resisting the will of God, after having in vain opposed it by tears. and entreaties. His tenderness for the poor, and his charities are not to be expressed: but nothing appeared more admirable in him than his profound humility. He published the decrees of the Council of Trent; and extended his solicitude to every part of Christendom. To check the progress of the Turks he entered into a league with the king of Spain and the Venetians; and when the Christians gained a signal victory over the infidels at the battle of Lepanto, the holy pope received a miraculous intimation of it at Rome, at the very time of the victory. In consequence of this, he instituted the Feast of the Rosary, and ordered the words help of Christians to be inserted in the Litany of Loretto. The year following he died on the 1st of May, it being the year 1572.
Pray for the spirit of this holy pope, who, notwithstanding his attention to public affairs, did not forget that the exercises of an interior life are the means by which our souls must maintain and improve the spirit of holy charity, and by this sanctify all our exterior actions." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

  • Papal Bull: Horrendum illud scelus ( August 30, 1568) Saint Pius V

"That horrible crime, on account of which corrupt and obscene cities were destroyed by fire through divine condemnation, causes us most bitter sorrow and shocks our mind, impelling us to repress such a crime with the greatest possible zeal. Quite opportunely the Fifth Lateran Council [1512-1517] issued this decree: "Let any member of the clergy caught in that vice against nature, given that the wrath of God falls over the sons of perfidy, be removed from the clerical order or forced to do penance in a monastery" (chap. 4, X, V, 31).
So that the contagion of such a grave offense may not advance with greater audacity by taking advantage of impunity, which is the greatest incitement to sin, and so as to more severely punish the clerics who are guilty of this nefarious crime and who are not frightened by the death of their souls, we determine that they should be handed over to the severity of the secular authority, which enforces civil law.
Therefore, wishing to pursue with greater rigor than we have exerted since the beginning of our pontificate, we establish that any priest or member of the clergy, either secular or regular, who commits such an execrable crime, by force of the present law be deprived of every clerical privilege, of every post, dignity and ecclesiastical benefit, and having been degraded by an ecclesiastical judge, let him be immediately delivered to the secular authority to be put to death, as mandated by law as the fitting punishment for laymen who have sunk into this abyss."

Saint Monica, Widow, A.D. 387

by VP

Posted on Saturday May 04, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

"ST. MONICA was mother of the great St. Augustin. Seeing him unhappily fallen into the heresy of the Manichees, she ceased not by continual prayers and tears to solicit heaven in behalf of her son, that he might return to the truth. For this end she followed him to Milan; where by the means of St. Ambrose he was delivered from his errors, and prepared for becoming a great light in Christ's Church. Give thanks for this mercy shown to both mother and son; and beseech God to inspire all parents with this charity in all the misconduct and errors of their children. To importune heaven by prayers, tears, and alms, is the most assured way of obliging the Father of mercy to their assistance, from whom alone their help must come. They may justly hope that the children of constant and fervent prayer will never perish. Therefore as those parents, who are unconcerned at the disorderly conduct of their children, show neither compassion, nor a due sense of eternity; so all those who follow St. Monica's steps, in sparing no pains, nor omitting any occasion likely to contribute to their children's good, have this certain comfort, that their labour will not be lost. If it has not the effect which they desire, still it will be the increase of their own crown.

One constant practice of St. Monica, was to assist daily at the altar of God; from whence she knew that that victim was dispensed, by which was cancelled the hand-writing against us. In this, and other holy exercises of piety and charity, she spent the years of her widowhood; and at length, on her return to Africa, she was seized with a violent fever, and departed to heaven in the year 389. Pray for all widows, that they may be constant in all the exercises of religion, and especially in that of assisting daily, if in their power, before the altar of God, at Mass. Whatever your condition be, follow the example of so great a saint: see that sloth and vain pretexts be not your hindrance, and heartily lament all past neglects. Be careful not to lose this day at least: beg grace to be delivered from all disorders, and extend your charity to all in vice or error." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

"From the eternal home where you are now happy with this son of yours who owes to you his life both of Earth and Heaven, cast a loving look, O Monica, on the many Christian mothers who are now fulfilling on Earth the hard but noble mission which was once yours. Their children are also dead with the death of sin, and they would restore them to true life by the power of their maternal love. After the Mother of Jesus, it is to you that they turn, O Monica, you whose prayers and tears were once so efficacious and so fruitful. Take their cause in hand. Your tender and devoted heart cannot fail to compassionate them in the anguish which was once your own. Keep up their courage. Teach them to hope. The conversion of these dear ones is to cost them many a sacrifice. Get them the generosity and fortitude needed for their paying the price thus asked of them by God. Let them remember that the conversion of a soul is a greater miracle than the raising a dead man to life, and that Divine Justice demands a compensation which they, the mothers of these children, must be ready to make. This spirit of sacrifice will destroy that hidden egotism which is but too frequently mingled with what seems to be affection of the purest kind.

Let them ask themselves, if they would rejoice, as you did, O Monica, at finding that a vocation to the religious life were the result of the conversion they have so much at heart? If they are thus disinterested, let them not fear. Their prayers and sufferings must be efficacious. Sooner or later the wished-for grace will descend upon the prodigal, and he will return to God and his mother."

Source: In Lumine Fidei: Dom Prosper Gueranger

To Rev. Thomas. F. Price:

Dear Father: What explanation can be given to the question: when a person has been thoroughly educated in the Catholic Faith, having had great care bestowed on his training, but who when he reaches manhood falls away from the Church and says he does not believe in the religion of his childhood?

Answer: The general reply is that faith is a gift of God whereby we trust God and all that He says simply because He says it, and that a person loses this trust in God because of his faithlessness in God's grace. Education and training - the very best education and training - are after all only a means - a great means, but after all only a means - to strengthen this trust in God and what He says, and after it is all done, a person may and sometimes does through faithlessness to God's grace fall - that is, lose this belief in God and God's words. No man ever loses faith in God or the Catholic Church except by his own fault. The fault may be hidden. It may be pride, especially of intellect; it may be wilful trifling with temptations against faith, it may be a loss of grace through immoral life, or it may be a neglect of the means of grace, the sacraments, etc.

But in every particular case, if the truth can be reached, it will be found to be faithlessness to God's grace. Neither any amount of education nor training nor anything else can save a man against his own will, nor cause him to retain Catholic faith if he is untrue to God's grace. Such persons as our correspondent speaks of are usually led away form the Church by pride or baneful associations of one kind or another, terminating in faithlessness to the graces of faith. They often yield to these influences for a time and then return to God and the Church. Let our correspondent pray, as St. Monica prayed for St. Augustine, and the same God who listened to Monica's prayers will not fail our correspondent.

Source: Truth Magazine.

"Leon Dupont had great devotion also to the mother of the great St. Augustine. "The world," he said, "is full of sorrowing mothers and wives; I recommend to you the Litany of St. Monica." (Source: The Life Of Léon Papin-Dupont, The Holy Man Of Tours)

The Litany of Saint Monica

Lord have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us

Holy Mary, conceived without stain of original sin, Pray for us and for our children
Holy Mary, glorious Mother of Jesus Christ, pray for us and for our children
St. Monica, pray for us and for our children
Model of wives, pray for us and for our children
You who converted your unbelieving husband, pray for us and for our children
Mother of St. Augustine, pray for us and for our children
Strict and prudent teacher, guardian of your son in all his ways, pray for us and for our children
You who carefully watched over his conduct, pray for us and for our children
You who were sorely distressed at his erring from the right, pray for us and for our children
You who were untiring in your petitions for his soul's safety, pray for us and for our children
You who still hoped on amid the bitterness of your heart and your flood of tears, pray for us and for our children
You who were filled with consolation upon his return to God, pray for us and for our children
You who died calmly after faithfully fulfilling your duties, pray for us and for our children
You who are the prayerful intercessor of all mothers who pray and weep as you did, pray for us and for our children
Preserve the innocence of our children, we beseech you, St. Monica
Protect them against the deceits of evil men, we beseech you, St. Monica
Protect them from the dangers of bad example, we beseech you, St. Monica
Watch over the movements of grace in their hearts, we beseech you, St. Monica
Let the Christian virtues strike deep root in their hearts and bear much fruit, we beseech you, St. Monica
Redouble your intercession for youth approaching manhood, we beseech you, St. Monica
Obtain for all in mortal sin true contrition and perfect conversion, we beseech you, St. Monica
Obtain for all mothers to fulfill their duties steadily and perseveringly, we beseech you, St. Monica
Commend all mothers to the protection of the every-blessed Virgin Mother of Our Lord, we beseech you, St. Monica
Favorably incline the heart of your beloved son Augustine to the salvation of our children.
St. Augustine, holy son of a saintly other, prayer for us and for our children

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us , O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord!

v. Pray for us, O holy St. Monica
R. that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: O God, who observed the devout tears and pleading of St. Monica and granted to her prayers the conversion of her husband and the penitential return of her son Augustine, grant us the grace to implore Thee also with earnest zeal, so that we may obtain, as she did, the salvation of our own soul and the souls of those belonging to us, Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O holy Monica, by your patience and prayers you obtained from God the conversion of your husband and the grace to live in peace with him; obtain for us, we beseech you, the blessing of Almighty God, so that true harmony and peace may reign also in our homes, and that all the members of our families may attain eternal life. Amen.

O Holy Monica, by your burning tears and unceasing prayers you saved your son from eternal damnation. Obtain for us the grace ever to comprehend what is most conducive to the salvation of our children so that we may effectively restrain them from sin and lead them by virtue and piety to Heaven Amen.

Source: Saint Monica: Model of Christian Mothers By F. A. Forbes. Litany added by the Editor TAN

Ss. Philip and James, apostles

by VP

Posted on Friday May 03, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

Paolo Veronese: Saints Philip and James the Less  

"They were apostles of our Lord: pray for all who succeed in that function, that by their zealous labours, the whole world may be enlightened, and brought to the knowledge and love of God.

They both laid down their lives for Christ, confirming their doctrine with their blood. St. Philip was crucified; St. James suffered a manifold martyrdom, in being first stoned, then thrown down from a pinnacle of the temple, and lastly, being yet alive, and praying for his persecutors, had his brains dashed out with a club. Pray for all those who are under any kind of persecution for truth or justice, that they may persevere to the end with the patience, constancy, and charity of these apostles.

On this (...) day of the month, while you profess to honour these apostles, resolve to live in the practice of the doctrine which they preached, by renouncing the corrupt customs of the world, and taking the Gospel for your rule. Examine the method of your life, and compare it with this rule; beg grace to reform whatever you find amiss, and let the blood of these martyrs inform you, how much you ought to suffer in this cause. He that has not patience under the unavoidable mortifications of a virtuous life, is not yet disposed to give his life for Christ. Learn to put yourself in this disposition from these holy apostles, in the lessons which they give you.

In these holy men, leaving all to follow Christ, and thus becoming His apostles, we have a lesson, that we cannot be followers of Christ, but by leaving something for Him. They left all; and we are to be in a preparation for leaving all, whenever He pleases to call us to it. But can this be reasonably expected, unless by proportionate steps we endeavour to bring our souls to this holy disposition? We are therefore, first, to leave all that is sinful: because a state of sin is a rebellion against God, and an aversion of the heart wholly from Him; and it is therefore inconsistent with the very lowest degree of a follower of Christ. They must be blind and mad, who in this state flatter themselves with the thoughts of being prepared to leave all for Him. Secondly, we are to leave all that is evidently dangerous: because living in voluntary dangers, is a state either of presumption or neglect, in rashly expecting God's grace, or being too little concerned for that divine assistance; both which are great dispositions for leaving God, but not of leaving all for Him. Thirdly, we are to leave whatever draws our hearts away from God, and fixes them with immoderate affection on creatures; because all such affections diminish the love of God, by which alone we are prevailed upon to forsake all for Him. Therefore such as desire in good earnest to put their souls in the true disposition of Christ's disciples, are very jealous of everything that is prejudicial to that love which they ought to have for Him. So that in whatever degree their state obliges them to make use of creatures, in the same proportion is their care to preserve their hearts from excessive affection for what they use. They avoid all attachment to grandeur and state, while their circumstances oblige them to it; they love not riches while they possess them. And so of all other things, which please the appetite, court the fancy, and are too apt insensibly to engage the heart, and draw it from its more substantial good. So that, however they are circumstanced, as to outward possessions, they are ever solicitous to preserve interior poverty, which is the poverty of spirit, one of the best titles to eternal riches, and the best character of a true disciple. This is the only expedient, by which those who live in plenty and honour, can pretend to the spirit of the Gospel. For if amidst all their greatness, there be not poverty of spirit, it is plain that as they possess and use the world, so they enjoy and love the world: and this is not the spirit of Christ, but contrary to all that he has taught. Leaving therefore all, either in reality or in spirit, is indispensably necessary for all those, who undertake in earnest to follow Christ." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church, A.D. 373.

by VP

Posted on Thursday May 02, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

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"ST. ATHANASIUS governed the Church of Alexandria fortysix years, eminent for sanctity, and for his zeal in defence of the Catholic faith. Pray for all the prelates of Christ's Church, that in virtue and zeal they may follow the steps of this holy bishop, and not let vice or errors grow up, through their neglect. Pray likewise for that unhappy people of Alexandria, who having renounced their faith in Christ, have for so many ages been disciples of Mahomet. Pray for all Christian nations, that they may not draw down the like judgment on their heads, by their wickedness, and have their contempt of God's law punished with a general blindness.

St. Athanasius suffered the persecution of many years from the malice of the Arians, by whose false accusations he was often forced into banishment, and obliged to the confinement of caves for shelter against their wicked designs. It is almost impossible to conceive the storms that were raised against him, and with how many calamities he was oppressed: and it is difficult to apprehend that great constancy and truly Christian courage, with which he stood out to the end under such variety of evils; over all which he triumphed by zeal and patience, and at length ended his days in peace, dying in his bed at Alexandria, in the year 373, under the Emperor Valens.

Pray for a like courage under all trials; and remember that virtue is no security against persecution. Happy are you, if you have no other persecutions, but what virtue draws upon you. If you desire to be proof against the greatest storms, practice your courage in those lesser ones which daily happen. See that ordinary contradictions destroy not your inward peace, nor put you on making complaints, or unnecessary apologies in your own defence, much less on engaging in contentions on this account. It is much better to be unconcerned at these petty oppositions, than solicitous about them; for such solicitude is but the argument of your impatience and self-love. Thus prepare for greater trials, and call in God to your assistance." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Letter 19:

"6. Like these too, are the heretics, who, having fallen from true discernment, dare to invent to themselves atheism. 'For the fool says in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, and become abominable in their doings.' Of such as are fools in their thoughts, the actions are wicked, as He says, 'can you, being evil, speak good things Matthew 12:34;' for they were evil, because they thought wickedness. Or how can those do just acts, whose minds are set upon fraud? Or how shall he love, who is prepared beforehand to hate? How shall he be merciful, who is bent upon the love of money? How shall he be chaste, who looks upon a woman to lust after her? 'For from the heart proceed evil thoughts, fornications, adulteries, murders.' By them the fool is wrecked, as by the waves of the sea, being led away and enticed by his fleshly pleasures; for this stands written, 'All flesh of fools is greatly tempest-tossed.' While he associates with folly, he is tossed by a tempest, and perishes, as Solomon says in the Proverbs, 'The fool and he who lacks understanding shall perish together, and shall leave their wealth to strangers.' Now they suffer such things, because there is not among them one sound of mind to guide them. For where there is sagacity, there the Word, who is the Pilot of souls, is with the vessel; 'for he that has understanding shall possess guidance ;' but they who are without guidance fall like the leaves. Who has so completely fallen away as Hymenæus and Philetus, who held evil opinions respecting the resurrection, and concerning faith in it suffered shipwreck? And Judas being a traitor, fell away from the Pilot, and perished with the Jews. But the disciples since they were wise, and therefore remained with the Lord, although the sea was agitated, and the ship covered with the waves, for there was a storm, and the wind was contrary, yet fell not away. For they awoke the Word, Who was sailing with them , and immediately the sea became smooth at the command of its Lord, and they were saved. They became preachers and teachers at the same time; relating the miracles of our Saviour, and teaching us also to imitate their example. These things were written on our account and for our profit, so that through these signs we may acknowledge the Lord Who wrought them."

Source: New Advent, Letter 19, St. Athanasius

April 30, Saint Catherine of Siena

by VP

Posted on Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Wake Forest

“The sins of the clergy should not lessen your reverence for them.” -- Saint Catherine of Siena, (Dialogue 116)

"(...) At the age of fifteen Catherine entered the Third Order of Saint Dominic, but continued to reside in her father's shop, where she united a life of active charity with the prayer of a contemplative Saint. From this obscure home the seraphic virgin was summoned to defend the Church's cause. Armed with Papal authority, and accompanied by three confessors, she traveled through Italy, reducing rebellious cities to the obedience of the Holy See, and winning hardened souls to God. In the face well-nigh of the whole world she sought out Gregory XI. at Avignon, brought him back to Rome, and by her letters to the kings and queens of Europe made good the Papal cause. She was the counselor of Urban VI., and sternly rebuked the disloyal cardinals who had part in electing an antipope. Long had the holy virgin foretold the terrible schism which began before she died. Day and night she wept and prayed for the unity and peace. But the devil excited the Roman people against the Pope, so that some sought the life of Christ's vicar. With intense earnestness did St. Catherine beg our Lord to prevent this enormous crime. In spirit she saw the whole city full of demons tempting the people to resist and even slay the Pope. The seditious temper was subdued by Catherine's prayers; but the devils vented their malice by scourging the Saint herself, who gladly endured all for God and His Church. She died in Rome, in 1380, at the age of thirty-three.

Reflection: The seraphic St. Catherine willingly sacrificed the delights of contemplation to labor for the Church and the Apostolic See. How deeply do the troubles of the Church and the consequent loss of souls afflict us? How often do we pray for the Church and the Pope?"

Source: Little Pictorial lives of the Saints.

Prayer for the Church and Priests (St. Catherine of Siena)

My Lord, do not look upon my sins, but hear Thy servant through the clemency of Thine inestimable charity. When Thou left us Thou didst not leave us orphans, but Thou left us Thy vicar and Thy ministers who give us the baptism of the Holy Ghost; and not only once, but always, through Thy holy power they wash our souls from sin.

O eternal Piety, may Thy vicar and all ministers be hungry for souls, may they burn with holy desires for Thy honor, may they remain with thee always, because Thou are the almighty and the eternal goodness. Once again, eternal God, sanctify these Thy servants so that, with simplicity of heart and a perfect will they may follow Thee and Thee alone. Do not look upon my misery, but place them in the garden of Thy will.

I know, eternal God, that Thy arm is so strong as to be able to free the Church and Thy people, to pull them out of the devilʼs hands, and to cease all persecutions against the Church. I know that the wisdom of Thy Son, which is one with thine, can illuminate the eye of my intellect, that of Thy people and lift the darkness from Thy spouse the Church.

I thus supplicate Thy almighty power, O eternal Father, the wisdom of Thine Only-begotten Son, the clemency of the Holy Ghost, fire and abyss of charity, so that Thy mercy may be given to the world and that there may be the warmth of charity with peace and union in the holy Church. I pray that Thine infinite goodness will lead Thee not to close the eye of Thy mercy upon Thy holy spouse. Sweet Jesus, loving Jesus.

Saint Peter Verona, Martyr A.D. 1252

by VP

Posted on Monday April 29, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

St. Peter Verona, St. Catherine of Siena, Wake Forest

"In his youth he was singularly protected and preserved from heresy and licentiousness of morals. To fly more effectually from the danger of sin, he addressed himself to St. Dominic, and received from him the habit of his order. He practised his rule with the most scrupulous exactness and fidelity, and even went beyond it. He was the admiration of his brethren for his profound humility, incessant prayer, exact silence, and general mortification of his senses and inclinations. He was a professed enemy of idleness, which he knew to be the bane of all virtues. After he was promoted to the holy order of priesthood, he entirely devoted himself to preaching. He converted an incredible number of heretics and sinners. He suffered much from false accusations; but after some months his innocence was cleared, and his humility drew on his labours an increase of graces and benedictions. He had ever been the terror of the Manichean heretics; who at length hired two assassins to murder him. They lay in ambush for him, and martyred him on the road to Milan, in the year 1252, he being forty-six years old.

Join with the charity of this holy man this day. Fail not to offer up your daily prayers for all that are engaged in sin or error. Their ill state demands your compassion; and if you had a true sense of it, you would never be wanting in this charity. To live in sin, in the displeasure of God, and in the way to eternal misery, and that this is the case of such numbers of your fellow-members and brethren, is a thought which, in as many as have one spark of Christian charity and faith, must be followed by prayers and tears. My soul fainted away, says David, because of sinners that forsake Thy law. Let your charitable compassion have the same effect on you, and oblige you to bewail their misery. Such daily fainting of your soul may be a means of giving them life, and the best security of your own." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Prayer to St. Peter Verona, by Dom Gueranger:

"Obtain for us, O holy Martyr, a keen appreciation of the precious gift of Faith — that element which keeps us in the way of salvation. May we zealously do everything that lies in our power to preserve it, both in ourselves and in them that are under our care.

The love of this holy Faith has grown cold in so many hearts, and frequent intercourse with heretics or free-thinkers has made them think and speak of matters of Faith in a very loose way. Pray for them, O Peter, that they may recover that fearless love of the Truths of Religion which should be one of the chief traits of the Christian character. If they be living in a country where the modern system is introduced of treating all religions alike, that is, of giving equal rights to error and to truth, let them be all the more courageous in professing the truth and detesting the errors opposed to the truth.

Pray for us, O holy Martyr, that there may be kindled within us an ardent love of that Faith without which, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews xi. 6). Pray that we may become all earnestness in this duty which is of vital importance to salvation, that thus our Faith may daily gain strength within us, till at length we will merit to see in Heaven what we have believed unhesitatingly on Earth." Dom Gueranger


O Good Shepherd, You never cease to seek out the lost, to call home the stray, to comfort the frightened, and to bind up the wounded. I ask You to bring (mention names)….. back to the practice of the Faith, and to remove all obstacles that prevent them from receiving Your abundant mercy, which flows sacramentally through the heart of Your Holy Church.
Through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, their Guardian Angel(s), their Patron Saint(s) and the ever-prayerful Saint Monica, may You pardon their sins and unshackle them from whatever hinders their freedom to come Home. For You, O Good Shepherd, loved us to the end and offered Yourself to the Father For the salvation of all. Amen

April 28, St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, missionary in Brittany and Vendée

by VP

Posted on Sunday April 28, 2024 at 01:00AM in Saints

Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Wake Forest

"I believe that anyone who wishes to be devout and live piously in Jesus will suffer persecution and will have a daily cross to carry. But he will never manage to carry a heavy cross, or carry it joyfully and perseveringly, without a trusting devotion to our Lady, who is the very sweetness of the cross. It is obvious that a person could not keep on eating without great effort unripe fruit which has not been sweetened." -- St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin)

Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (b. at Montfort-sur-Meu, Brittany 31 January, 1673; d. at Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, Vendee 28 April, 1716.)

From his childhood, he was indefatigably devoted to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, and, when from his twelfth year he was sent as a day pupil to the Jesuit college at Rennes, he never failed to visit the church before and after class. He joined a society of young men who during holidays ministered to the poor and to the incurables in the hospitals, and read for them edifying books during their meals. At the age of nineteen, he went on foot to Paris to follow the course in theology, gave away on the journey all his money to the poor, exchanged clothing with them, and made a vow to subsist thenceforth only on alms.

He was ordained priest at the age of twenty-seven, and for some time fulfilled the duties of chaplain in a hospital. In 1705, when he was thirty-two, he found his true vocation, and thereafter devoted himself to preaching to the people. During seventeen years he preached the Gospel in countless towns and villages. As an orator he was highly gifted, his language being simple but replete with fire and divine love. His whole life was conspicuous for virtues difficult for modern degeneracy to comprehend: constant prayer, love of the poor, poverty carried to an unheard-of degree, joy in humiliations and persecutions. The following two instances will illustrate his success. once gave a mission for the soldiers of the garrison at La Rochelle, and, moved by his words, the men wept, and cried aloud for the forgiveness of their sins. In the procession which terminated this mission, an officer walked at the head, barefooted and carrying a banner, and the soldiers, also barefooted, followed, carrying in one hand a crucifix, in the other a rosary, and singing hymns.

Grignion's extraordinary influence was especially apparent in the matter of the calvary at Pontchâteau. When he announced his determination of building a monumental calvary on a neighbouring hill, the idea was enthusiastically received by the inhabitants. For fifteen months between two and four hundred peasants worked daily without recompense, and the task had just been completed, when the king commanded that the whole should be demolished, and the land restored to its former condition. The Jansenists had convinced the Governor of Brittany that a fortress capable of affording aid to persons in revolt was being erected, and for several months five hundred peasants, watched by a company of soldiers, were compelled to carry out the work of destruction. Father de Montfort was not disturbed on receiving this humiliating news, exclaiming only: "Blessed be God!"

 This was by no means the only trial to which Grignion was subjected. It often happened that the Jansenists, irritated by his success, secured by their intrigues his banishment from the district, in which he was giving a mission. At La Rochelle some wretches put poison into his cup of broth, and, despite the antidote which he swallowed, his health was always impaired. On another occasion, some malefactors hid in a narrow street with the intention of assassinating him, but he had a presentiment of danger and escaped by going by another street. A year before his death, Father de Montfort founded two congregations - the Sisters of Wisdom, who were to devote themselves to hospital work and the instruction of poor girls, and the Company of Mary, composed of missionaries. He had long cherished these projects but circumstances had hindered their execution, and, humanly speaking, the work appeared to have failed at his death, since these congregations numbered respectively only four sisters and two priests with a few brothers. But the blessed founder, who had on several occasions shown himself possessed of the gift of prophecy, knew that the tree would grow. At the beginning of the twentieth century the Sisters of Wisdom numbered five thousand, and were spread throughout every country; they possessed forty-four houses, and gave instruction to 60,000 children. After the death of its founder, the Company of Mary was governed for 39 years by Father Mulot. He had at first refused to join de Montfort in his missionary labours. "I cannot become a missionary ", said he, "for I have been paralysed on one side for years; I have an affection of the lungs which scarcely allows me to breathe, and am indeed so ill that I have no rest day or night." But the holy man, impelled by a sudden inspiration, replied, “As soon as you begin to preach you will be completely cured.' And the event justified the prediction. Grignion de Montfort was beatified by Leo XIII in 1888." Catholic Encyclopedia 1910