CAPG's Blog 

Tu Es Sacerdos in Aeternum

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 14, 2021 at 12:00AM in Poetry

(Written for a Sacerdotal Jubilee.)


By Rev. H.T. Henry, Litt.D.


“Thou art a Priest forever,”
To offer bread and wine—
A mystic King of Salem
At great Jehovah’s shrine:
Melchizedek prefigured
Thy Priesthood more divine,
That fills the empty Symbol,
And deifies the Sign!

For God lies on thy Altar
Beneath the veils of Bread;
The Wine thy Chalice lifteth
Is Precious Blood instead;
Thou offerest the Victim,
And lo! from Heaven are shed
God’s graces on the living,
His mercies on the dead.

How oft that Cup was lifted
Thy flock from hell to save!
How oft that Bread of Angels
Thy hand anointed gave!
How oft thy mighty blessing
Released the demon’s slave,
And thy last benediction
Made sweet the dreaded grave!

Who then shall tell the story
The court of Heaven hears?
How oft this wondrous Priesthood
Through five and twenty years
Hath spurred the saintly onward
And calmed their pressing fears,
Or sweetly drawn from sinners
A flood of saving tears?
O mightier thy power

Than earthly kings may claim:
More splendorous thy glory
Than Seer’s or Sage’s name:
Who canst, with lip of human,
God’s word of pardon frame,
That lifts from hopeless sinners
An everlasting shame!

To-day with joy thy people
The silver chaplet see
That crowns an epoch rounded
Of fruitful ministry:
O may the praise they utter
A mystic presage be
Of the unending triumph
In Heaven’s Jubilee—

Where thou, “a Priest forever,”
Shalt see no more the Sign:
The fat of wheaten harvest,
The ferment of the vine;
Shalt see no more the Symbols
Of lowly Bread and Wine,
But face to face the Victim
In the New Salem’s shrine!

Source: Eucharistica
Verse and Prose in Honour of the Hidden God H. T. Henry, Litt.D.
The Dolphin Press (Philadelphia: 1912) pp. 32-33.

Prayer for Persecuted Priests

by VP

Posted on Thursday June 17, 2021 at 12:00AM in Poetry

The priest, the Cardinal, the Cross

Dearest St. Joseph, be the protector and defender of those priests undergoing persecution for being faithful to their Lord and Sovereign Priest, Jesus Christ. See in them the image of thy beloved child, and cherish them with that tender solicitude which God places in Thy paternal heart.

Obtain for them the good graces of thy Queen and Spouse, for such graces of predilection will surely lighten their burdens and render their crosses sweet. Amen.

Source: Cure d'Ars

Sacerdos alter Christus.

by VP

Posted on Saturday June 05, 2021 at 12:00AM in Poetry

Father Tyler Sparrow first TLM June 6, 2021
taken by Nick Aul

 Thought sublime
That leads to heights no human mind may climb !

A thought to cherish in thy inmost heart :
Another Christ, anointed priest, thou art—
In rank, above all men, so near divine
Archangels claim a lower throne than thine.
In power greater than the king who sways
Earth's mightiest realm, for thee e'en God obeys :
He quits high heaven's court at thy command,
Descending swift into thy outstretched hand.
A Christ in rank and power, oh ! 'tis meet
That thou the fair resemblance shouldst complete.
Be thine His patient pity, love and zeal ;
Be thine the wounds of aching hearts to heal ;
Be thine to follow whither lost sheep roam
And bring them kindly on thy shoulders home.
Be thine thy Master's cross with love to bear,
And thine in endless life His crown to wear !

—Irish Monthly, 1891

God Surrenders to Man

by VP

Posted on Saturday April 03, 2021 at 12:00AM in Poetry

"There is a passage in the Following of Christ, II., 11, in which a Kempis insists that nothing we can offer to God is acceptable unless we offer ourselves. "If a man give his whole substance, it is nothing. If he do great penance, it is but little. If he attain to all knowledge, he is far off still. If he have great virtue and very fervent devotion, there is still much wanting to him, the one thing which is supremely necessary to him." What is the one thing necessary? "that having given all things else to God he give himself."

Now, man, recognizing the demand of God that we surrender ourselves to Him, boldly retaliates with a demand that God surrender Himself to us. Man says to God, " Thou mayest multiply Thy favors; Thou mayest overwhelm me with gifts, but though Thy gifts, temporal and spiritual, be piled in mountains before me, my heart remains unsatisfied, my soul is discontent. I want not Thy gifts, I want Thee. Pardon, my God, if I speak boldly, I speak as Thou hast made me. Thou hast made me man, but Thou hast given me the cravings of a god. Thou mayest empty Thy treasure-house before my feet. Still I demand more, that Thou give me Thyself. Thou hast made me for Thyself. My heart remains empty until it be filled with Thee."

The answer is the Incarnation and the Blessed Sacrament."

Source: A Thought a Day for Lent, Rev. James M Gilles, C.P.; Paulist Press, 1923.

On our Last End. (St. Jean Vianney)

by VP

Posted on Sunday February 07, 2021 at 11:00PM in Poetry

" There are many Christians who actually do not know why they came into the world. " Wherefore, my God, didst Thou place me in the world? " That thou mightest be saved. " And wherefore wouldst Thou have me to be saved ? " Because I love thee. " The good God created us and placed us in the world because He loves us; He wishes to save us because He loves us. To be saved we must know, love, and serve God. This is now our business. Oh, what a blessed life ! How blessed it is, how great it is, to know, to love, to serve God ! We have nothing else to do in this world. Every thing else we do besides this is so much time lost. We must act for God alone, and put our works into His hands. When we wake, we must say, I desire today to act for Thee alone, O my God ; I will submit to whatsoever Thou shalt send me, as coming from Thee; I offer myself to Thee in sacrifice. But my God, I can do no thing without Thee. Do thou help me !

"Oh, when we come to die, how bitterly shall we regret the time we have given to pleasure, to useless conversation, to rest, instead of employing it in mortification, in prayer, in good works, in thinking of our misery, in weeping over our poor sins. It is then we find out that we have done nothing for heaven.

"O my children, how sad it is! Three-fourths of the Christian world labour only for the gratification of this miserable carcass, which will soon rot in the earth ; while they think not of their poor soul, which is to be happy or miserable for ever. They want common sense. It is enough to make one tremble.

"Men of the world say that salvation is too difficult a work. Yet there is nothing easier: to keep the commandments of God and of the Church, and to avoid the seven deadly sins, this is all; or, if you like it better, to do good and avoid evil.

"Good Christians, who labor to save their souls and to work out their salvation, are always happy and contented; they have a foretaste of the happiness of heaven ; they will be happy for all eternity: while bad Christians, who are losing tneir souls, are always miserable ; they murmur, they are sad, they are dull as stones, and they will be so to all eternity, what a contrast is here? "Here is a good rule for our conduct: to do nothing but what we can offer to God. Now, we cannot offer Him detraction, calumny, injustice, hatred, revenge, im purity, dances, plays, etc ;and yet the world is full of nothing else. St. Francis of Sales said of dances, that they were like mushrooms, the best of them were good for nothing. Mothers say, "Oh, I watch over my daughters"; they watch over their toilette, but they cannot watch over their hearts. Those who have dancing in their houses incur a terrible responsibility before God ; they are responsible for all the evil which is done, for the bad thoughts, the evil speaking, the jealousy, the hatred, the revenge, which are its consequence. Ah, if they did but understand this responsibility, they would have no dancing. Like the authors of bad books, bad pictures, and bad statues, they are responsible for all the evil which these things shall produce as long as they exist. Oh, it is enough to make one tremble!

" See, my children, we must consider that we have a soul to save, and an eternity awaiting us. The world and its riches and pleasures shall pass away, but heaven and hell shall never pass away. Let us take care, then. The saints did not all begin well, but they all ended well. We have begun ill, let us end well ; and we shall one day go to dwell with them in heaven."

Source: Life of Saint John-Baptist Vianney, Curé d'Ars, Abbe Alfred Monnin

Ex More Docti mystico

by VP

Posted on Thursday February 04, 2021 at 11:00PM in Poetry

Now with the slow revolving year
Again the fast we greet,
Which in its mystic circle moves
Of forty days complete.

Henceforth more sparing let us be
Of food, of words, of sleep ;
Henceforth beneath a stricter guard
The roving senses keep.

And let us shun whatever things
Distract the careless heart,
And let us shut our souls against
The tyrant tempter's art.

And weep before the Judge and strive
His vengeance to appease.
Saying to Him with contrite voice
Upon our bended knees :

Much have we sinned, O Lord ; and still
We sin each day we live ;
Yet look in pity from on high,
And of Thy grace forgive.

Remember that we still are Thine,
Though of a fallen frame ;
And take not from us in Thy wrath
The glory of Thy name.

Undo past evil ; grant us, Lord,
More grace to do aright ;
So may we now and ever find
Acceptance in Thy sight.

A Prayer for the New Year

by VP

Posted on Thursday December 31, 2020 at 11:00PM in Poetry

The Lord Preserve thy going out;
The Lord preserve thy coming in;
His angels guard thee round about
To keep thy soul from every sin;
And when thy going out is done;
And when thy coming in is o'er;
When in the dear and hallowed place
Thy feet can come and go no more,
The Lord preserve thy going out
From this fair world, from friends,and kin,
While angels standing round about Sing,
God preserve thy coming in.

Source: Young People, 1916

Devout Adress to the Holy Face

by VP

Posted on Monday December 14, 2020 at 11:00PM in Poetry

O Face Divine!

O Face most sorrowful yet so benign!

So beauteous still in grief, towards me incline!

O Sacred Eyes!

On which the weight of dreaded anguish lies,

That look must break the heart which Christ denies.

O Lips so meek!

Unless their all absolving word I seek,

Those lips one day eternal doom will speak.

O Sacred Face!

Which mortal hand has dared with prayer to trace,

Thee on my heart with throbs of awe I place.

O Face Divine!

Give me of love returned some blissful sign;

O Face Divine, in grief towards me incline.

Source: Sister Saint-Pierre and the Work of Reparation, Rev. P. Janvier

Devotion to the Holy Face

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 27, 2020 at 12:00AM in Poetry

The principal object of the devotion to the Holy Face is to offer respectful love and homage to the Adorable Face of Jesus disfigured in the Passion; to make reparation for blasphemy and the neglect of Holy Days, which outrages Him afresh; and, lastly, to obtain of God the conversion of sinners and profaners of the Holy Day,

item image #1

Holy Face

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 20, 2020 at 10:23AM in Poetry

I salute, adore, and love Thee, O Jesus, my Savior, covered anew with outrages by blasphemers, and I offer Thee, through the heart of Thy blessed Mother, the worship of all the Angels and Saints, as an incense and a perfume of sweet odor, most humbly beseeching Thee, by the virtue of Thy Sacred Face, to repair and renew in me and in all men Thy image disfigured by sin. Amen

Source: Veronica, or the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1871