Lent: Ember Saturday: the day Christ was entombed. (Fast and half-abstinence)
by VP
Posted on Saturday March 15, 2025 at 12:00AM in Ember Days
Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness by Jacques Tissot
are two main purposes for the Ember days: “ the consecration of the
four seasons to God and the ordination of the clergy. With
regard to the first; gratitude for God’s gifts is a leading feature in
each of the four fasts, for gratitude is the best means of drawing down
His future blessings in the preservation of the fruits of the earth.
to the second point; the importance of the periodical ordinations of
the clergy cannot be overrated. All good Catholics must needs feel an
interest in the future priests of the Church, for ordination not only
confers an immense privilege on those who are ordained, but also affects
the salvation of those souls, who are hereafter to be entrusted to
their care. The recurrence of the Ember Days should, therefore, remind
all to pray:
1.for vocations to the priesthood, that God would send fit laborers for reaping the harvest;
2. that those about to be ordained may be filled with the true spirit of their high calling;
3. for the success of the labors of the bishops and clergy, both secular and regular, as also for their welfare.
obtain these blessings from God, the fast, (which is of strict
obligation) on the Ember Days, should be offered. The value of fasting
as a penitential exercise is too well known to need explanation here,
but it may be remarked that when it is practiced in obedience to the
Church, its efficacy is increased a hundred-fold. By those not able to
fast, other good works are usually substituted. Prayer and fasting,
therefore, are joined together, after the example of the Apostles, who
“fasting and praying, and imposing their hands upon them, sent them
away.” (…)
We may sum up what has already been said by stating
that the three good works, styled eminent, are inculcated upon us at the
Ember seasons. Prayer and Fasting hold a prominent place; St. Leo, who
said so much on Ember Days, adds Almsgiving: “Let us spend in good
deeds,” he says, “what we take from indulgence.” No better time than
the Ember Days could be chosen to lay aside, or offer, and alms towards
the support of candidates for the priesthood; or for an object which is
equally important, the maintenance of the clergy in general.
carry out with success these intentions of the Church at Ember-tide, no
new confraternity need be established; all that is required is a full
appreciation of the spirit of the Church as manifested in her Liturgy
and observances, when these seasons come round. The test of true
love for our Lord, as His own words tell, is obedience to His will. We
may apply to the Church, His representative, and her ordinances, this
same test of true love, which He Himself has given: “If you love Me,
Keep My commandments.” Source: The Ember Days, by Dom Columba Edmonds, OSB the Catholic Truth Society, Vol 32 1897
Prayers for Ember Days:
Listen, Almighty God, we beseech Thee, to the prayers which Thy universal Church offers to Thee at this time, beseeching Thy blessing on those who are about to be admitted to Thy Holy Service of the Altar, in particular on (name). Give Thy grace to all who are called to any office and administration amongst Thy clergy, and so replenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine, and indue them with innocence of life, that they may faithfully serve Thee, to the glory of Thy great name and the benefit of Thy Holy Church. Amen
O God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of Whose goodness the treasure is infinite, we humbly thank Thee for the gifts thou hast bestowed upon us. Continue Thy mercy to us, and give us also so much of Thy temporal blessings as Thou knowest to be for our good. Grant that the fruits of the earth may, by Thy holy favor, increase and multiply. Defend them from all drought, frosts or tempests, or whatever else may be hurtful to them. It is from Thy hand only that we look for succor, and to Thee we have recourse in all our necessities. Amen.
Source: St. John's Manual 1856, Archbishop of New York John J. Hugues
Devotions for Ember days:
- Diving into the Catholic Treasury: A Revival of the Ember Days by Canon Huberfelt, ICRSS
- Renewal and the Penitential Life by Msgr. Ingham
- The Seven Penitential Psalms (Msgr. Ingham, audio)
- Seven Penitential Psalms (Latin/English)
- Litany of Saints
- Litany to Obtain Holy Priests
- Holy Hour of Adoration and Reparation for Priests
- Stations of the Cross for Priests (Especially for those who are suffering persecution)
- The Rosary to Our Lady of Sorrows dedicated for Priests, (by Fr. Scott McCaig,CC on the occasion of the Year for Priest, 2009)
Lent: Ember Friday Christ was crucified (Fast and abstinence)
by VP
Posted on Friday March 14, 2025 at 12:00AM in Ember Days
St. Lawrence giving alms, 1449 - Fra Angelico
"The fast of the Ember days has been instituted principally to obtain of God good, holy and zealous priests for His Church. On this point especially depend the honor and welfare of the Church and the salvation of mankind. History proves, beyond all doubt, that a careless and tepid clergy do greater injury to the Church and to the souls of men than a bitter and bloody persecution. Persecution, in its outcome, proves beneficial to the Church and sends heroic martyrs to heaven, but a clergy devoid of holiness and virtue is the scourge of souls and the disgrace of the Church. That she may possess a truly worthy clergy, the Church endeavors to secure God's blessing on the ordinations by prescribing special prayers in her liturgy and the fasting of the Ember days to all the faithful. Wherefore, it behooves every Catholic to enter into the spirit of the Church by faithfully keeping the laws of fasting and abstinence on the prescribed days, by devout and earnest prayer, and moreover, by contributing, each one according to his means, to educate aspirants to the priesthood, and to support missionaries both at home and in foreign lands. This is not a mere counsel, but a duty for which God will hold each one accountable." Source: A Pulpit Commentary on Catholic Teaching: The liturgy of the ecclesiastical year. Rev. H.G. Hugues, 1910 p.119
Prayers for Ember Days:
Listen, Almighty God, we beseech Thee, to the prayers which Thy universal Church offers to Thee at this time, beseeching Thy blessing on those who are about to be admitted to Thy Holy Service of the Altar, in particular on (name). Give Thy grace to all who are called to any office and administration amongst Thy clergy, and so replenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine, and indue them with innocence of life, that they may faithfully serve Thee, to the glory of Thy great name and the benefit of Thy Holy Church. Amen
O God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of Whose goodness the treasure is infinite, we humbly thank Thee for the gifts thou hast bestowed upon us. Continue Thy mercy to us, and give us also so much of Thy temporal blessings as Thou knowest to be for our good. Grant that the fruits of the earth may, by Thy holy favor, increase and multiply. Defend them from all drought, frosts or tempests, or whatever else may be hurtful to them. It is from Thy hand only that we look for succor, and to Thee we have recourse in all our necessities. Amen.
Source: St. John's Manual 1856, Archbishop of New York John J. Hugues
Devotions for Ember days:
- Diving into the Catholic Treasury: A Revival of the Ember Days by Canon Huberfelt, ICRSS
- Renewal and the Penitential Life by Msgr. Ingham
- The Seven Penitential Psalms (Msgr. Ingham, audio)
- Seven Penitential Psalms (Latin/English)
- Litany of Saints
- Litany to Obtain Holy Priests
- Holy Hour of Adoration and Reparation for Priests
- Stations of the Cross for Priests (Especially for those who are suffering persecution)
- The Rosary to Our Lady of Sorrows dedicated for Priests, (by Fr. Scott McCaig,CC on the occasion of the Year for Priest, 2009)
Lent: Ember Wednesday: the day Christ was betrayed (Fast and half-abstinence)
by VP
Posted on Wednesday March 12, 2025 at 12:00AM in Ember Days
St Peter in Prayer Hendrick Bloemaer
"Our brethren of the laity often complain of the priest they get; I wonder, does it ever occur to them to pray for better? When the Ember seasons come round, how many people remember to pray for the priests who are being ordained? We pile the sanctuary with flowers, we make it a blaze of candles; but there is something else needed far more than lights or flowers for God's honor, that the hearts of his priests should be made a fit habitation for Himself. Of his priests? Not of His priests only, but our own hearts too." Source: Pastoral Sermons and Occasional Sermons, The Eucharist, Fr. Ronald Knox- Ember days: The four ember-weeks in the year, are times of
public prayers, fasting, and procession, partly instituted for the
successful ordination of priests and other ministers of the Church;
which is commonly performed at those seasons; and partly to thank God
for the fruits of the earth and implore a continuance of them.
- Ember day derives its name from the ancient religious custom of eating nothing on those days till night, and then only a cake baked under the embers, called ember-bread.
The observance of ember-days is of great antiquity in the Church. Their connection with the ordination of the ministers of religion renders them particularly worthy the regard of the faithful. We cannot be too deeply impressed with the blessing granted a people, whose priests are according to God's heart. To obtain such, no humiliation should be deemed too great; no supplication should be neglected. Whilst therefore we thank God for the fruits of the earth, and humble ourselves for the sins we have committed, we should beg God to supply his Church with worthy pastors. Source: Saint Vincent's Manual, A Selection of Prayers and Exercises for the Sisters of Charity 1856 p34
Mass Propers for Ember Wednesday
- Prayers for Ember Days:
Listen, Almighty God, we beseech Thee, to the prayers which Thy universal Church offers to Thee at this time, beseeching Thy blessing on those who are about to be admitted to Thy Holy Service of the Altar, in particular on ..... Give Thy grace to all who are called to any office and administration amongst Thy clergy, and so replenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine, and indue them with innocence of life, that they may faithfully serve Thee, to the glory of Thy great name and the benefit of Thy Holy Church. Amen
O God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of Whose goodness the treasure is infinite, we humbly thank Thee for the gifts thou hast bestowed upon us. Continue Thy mercy to us, and give us also so much of Thy temporal blessings as Thou knowest to be for our good. Grant that the fruits of the earth may, by Thy holy favor, increase and multiply. Defend them from all drought, frosts or tempests, or whatever else may be hurtful to them. It is from Thy hand only that we look for succor, and to Thee we have recourse in all our necessities. Amen. Source: St. John's Manual 1856, Archbishop of New York John J. Hugues
Prayer for the Bishop in Assigning Priests
God, Eternal Shepherd, You tend your
Church in many ways and rule us with love. You have chosen your servant,
Bishop (Name), to be the shepherd of Your flock. Give him a spirit of
courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. Inspire him
to lay aside all worldly ambitions and concerns so that he may nurture
us in the eternal truths of the Catholic Faith. May he be led by the
Holy Spirit so that he will use wisdom and discernment in his choices in
assigning new priests to the parishes of this diocese.
Virgin Mary, guard our bishop with your motherly care; bring him closer
to your Son through your Immaculate Heart. Keep him pure and humble and
grant that he may attain eternal life with those under his care. Holy Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us.
Devotions for Ember days:
- Diving into the Catholic Treasury: A Revival of the Ember Days by Canon Huberfelt, ICRSS
- Renewal and the Penitential Life by Msgr. Ingham
- The Seven Penitential Psalms (Msgr. Ingham, audio)
- Seven Penitential Psalms (Latin/English)
- Litany of Saints
- Litany to Obtain Holy Priests
- Holy Hour of Adoration and Reparation for Priests
- Stations of the Cross for Priests (Especially for those who are suffering persecution)
- The Rosary to Our Lady of Sorrows dedicated for Priests, (by Fr. Scott McCaig,CC on the occasion of the Year for Priest, 2009)
Ember Saturday Advent : the day Christ was entombed.
by VP
Posted on Friday December 20, 2024 at 11:00PM in Ember Days
Source: Our Lady Mother of Priests Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P.
Saturday in Ember Week.
"The Church directs the Ember-days to be spent in humiliation, fasting and prayer. Besides the two objects of obtaining a blessing on the fruits of the earth, and upon those who are promoted at this time to Holy Orders, she enjoins us to pray for a seasonable time, and that God would preserve us from all pestilential distempers. All creatures are in the hands of God. Beg of Him therefore mercifully to dispose all, so that they may contribute to our life and health, and not to our destruction. We have offended God in all His creatures, and if all of them were to be armed against us, we could not complain of any injustice, because our sins deserve the greatest of His rigours. But appeal to His goodness still; and beseech Him to forgive our iniquities, and to oblige us to be more faithful to Him by the wonders of his mercy, and not of His justice." The Catholic Year, Fr. John Gother
good Catholics must needs feel an interest in the future priests of the
Church, for ordination not only confers an immense privilege on those
who are ordained, but also affects the salvation of those souls, who are
hereafter to be entrusted to their care. The recurrence of the Ember
Days should, therefore, remind all to pray:
1. for vocations to the priesthood, that God would send fit laborers for reaping the harvest;
2. that those about to be ordained may be filled with the true spirit of their high calling;
3. for the success of the labors of the Bishops and clergy, both secular and regular, as also for their welfare.
We may sum up by stating that the three good works, styled eminent, are inculcated upon us at the Ember seasons. Prayer and fasting hold a prominent place: St. Leo, who said so much on Ember days, adds alms-giving: " Let us spend in good deeds," he says, "What we take from indulgence." No better time than the Ember Days could be chosen to lay aside, or offer, and alms towards the support of seminaries and other institutions of the training of candidates for the priesthood; or for an object which is equally important, the maintenance of the clergy in general.
To carry out the success these intentions of the Church at Ember-tide, no new confraternity need be established; all that is required is a full appreciation of the spirit of the Church as manifested in her Liturgy and observances, when these seasons come round. The test of true love for our Lord, as His own words tell, is obedience to His Will. We may apply to the Church, His representative, and her ordinances, this same test of true love, which He Himself has given: "If you love Me, keep my commandments." Source:The Ember Days. page 20 Publication of the Catholic Truth Society Vol. XXXII Dom Columba Edmonds OSB
A Prayer for Vocations to St. John Vianney:
O God our Father, You promised "I will
appoint shepherds for My sheep who will shepherd them so that they need
no longer fear and tremble:
and none shall be missing." (Jer. 23:4-5). Hear the prayers of Your
flock. Through the intercession of Your beloved priest, Saint John
we beg You to call to the sacramental priesthood generous men who will
desire nothing more than to serve You in imitation of Your Son, Our
Lord Jesus Christ, our High Priest. And after You call them, we pray
that You sustain the doubtful, console the discouraged, and strengthen
the weak as they start the long and demanding preparation for the
Mary, Mother of priests, and example of faithful, humble,
and joyful acceptance of Godʼs will, help all those who are called to
the priesthood to open their ears and hearts to the gentle call of the
Holy Spirit.
Litany for the Church (For private use)
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, Divine Founder of the Church, hear us.
Christ, Who didst warn of false prophets, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us.
St. Michael, Defender in Battle, pray for us.
St. Peter, the Rock upon which Christ built His , Church, pray for us.
St. Paul, Protector of the Faithful Remnant, pray for us.
St. Francis of Assist, Re-builder of the Church, pray for us.
St. Anthony, Hammer of Heretics, pray for us.
St. Pius V, Restorer of the beauty of the Sacred Liturgy, pray for us.
St. Pius X, Foe of Modernism, pray for us.
All ye Holy Angels and Archangels, pray that we may resist the snares of the Devil.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray that Christ's Vicar may oppose the spirit of the world.
St. John Fisher, pray that bishops may have the courage to combat heresy and irreverence.
St. Francis Xavier, pray that zeal for souls may be re-enkindled in the clergy.
St. Charles Borromeo, pray that seminaries may be protected from false teachings.
St. Vincent de Paul, pray that seminarians may return to a life of prayer and meditation.
St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray that religious may rediscover their vocation of love and sacrifice.
St. Thomas More, pray that the laity may not succumb to the Great Apostasy.
St. Francis de Sales, pray that the Catholic press may again become a vehicle of Truth.
St. John Bosco, pray that our children may be protected
from immoral and heretical instruction.
St. Pascal, pray that profound reverence for the Most Blessed Sacrament may be restored.
St. Dominic, pray that we may ever treasure the Holy Rosary.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Jesus, our God, in these dark hours when Thy Mystical Body
is undergoing its own Crucifixion, and when it would almost seem to
be abandoned by God the Father, have mercy, we beg of Thee, on Thy
suffering Church. Send down upon us the Divine Consoler, to enlighten our minds and strengthen our wills.Thou,
O Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, Who canst neither deceive nor
be deceived, have promised to be with Thy Church until the end of time.
Give us a mighty Faith that we may not falter; help us to do Thy Holy
Will always, especially during these hours of grief and uncertainty. May Thy Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of
Thy Holy Mother be our sure refuge in time and in eternity. Amen
Ember Friday Advent : Christ was crucified (Fast and abstinence)
by VP
Posted on Thursday December 19, 2024 at 11:00PM in Ember Days
Station of the Cross, Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral, Raleigh NC
Friday in Ember Week.
"This being an Ember-day,
fail not to pray for all the intentions of the Church in the institution
of these days. One important object of your prayers should be, to beg a
blessing upon all those who are at this time promoted to Holy Orders.
God has ordained His Church to be provided with pastors for the good of
the flock: beseech Him therefore to have mercy on all who at this time
receive Holy Orders. Beg of Him to give them a spirit answerable to
their function; that they may be a light to all those, who are to be under their charge. Pray to Him
to give them a zeal for the good of souls, that they may be ready to do
good to all, according to their necessities, and be prepared at all
times to give their life for their flock." The Catholic Year, Fr. John Gother
Prayer for our Bishop:
O Jesus, Prince of Pastors, Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, give our bishops ................ all those virtues, which they need for their sanctification! May they watch over themselves and the entire flock, with which the Holy Spirit has entrusted them! Fill their hearts with Thine own Spirit! Give them faith, charity, wisdom and strength! Send them faithful co-laborers in the great work of saving and guiding souls! Make them shepherds after Thine own heart, living only for their holy office, fearing nobody but Thee, and hoping for nothing but Thee, in order that when Thou shalt come, to judge shepherds and flocks, they may obtain the unfading reward of eternal life! Amen Imprimatur: Most Rev. Vincent S. Waters, D.D. Raleigh, N.C. March 25, 1956
"The violence of the enemy is always directed against those priests who
are most generous and most loyal.The more you are like your Divine
Model, your Savior and your God, the more certainly will you be the
target for the calumnies, the abuse and persecutions of the wicked." Revs. Jacques Nicolas et P. Millet, S.J. (Jesus Living in the Priest: Considerations on the greatness and Holiness of the Priesthood)
Way of the Cross for Priests ( Especially for those who are suffering persecution)
Lent: Ember Saturday: the day Christ was entombed. (Fast and half-abstinence)
by VP
Posted on Friday February 24, 2023 at 12:00AM in Ember Days
"There are two main purposes for the Ember days: “ the consecration of the four seasons to God and the ordination of the clergy.
With regard to the first; gratitude for God’s gifts is a leading feature in each of the four fasts, for gratitude is the best means of drawing down His future blessings in the preservation of the fruits of the earth.
"As to the second point; the importance of the periodical ordinations of the clergy cannot be overrated. All good Catholics must needs feel an interest in the future priests of the Church, for ordination not only confers an immense privilege on those who are ordained, but also affects the salvation of those souls, who are hereafter to be entrusted to their care. The recurrence of the Ember Days should, therefore, remind all to pray:
1.for vocations to the priesthood, that God would send fit laborers for reaping the harvest;
2. that those about to be ordained may be filled with the true spirit of their high calling;
3. for the success of the labors of the bishops and clergy, both secular and regular, as also for their welfare.
To obtain these blessings from God, the fast, (which is of strict obligation) on the Ember Days, should be offered. The value of fasting as a penitential exercise is too well known to need explanation here, but it may be remarked that when it is practiced in obedience to the Church, its efficacy is increased a hundred-fold. By those not able to fast, other good works are usually substituted. Prayer and fasting, therefore, are joined together, after the example of the Apostles, who “fasting and praying, and imposing their hands upon them, sent them away.” (…)
We may sum up what has already been said by stating that the three good works, styled eminent, are inculcated upon us at the Ember seasons. Prayer and Fasting hold a prominent place; St. Leo, who said so much on Ember Days, adds Almsgiving: “Let us spend in good deeds,” he says, “what we take from indulgence.” No better time than the Ember Days could be chosen to lay aside, or offer, and alms towards the support of candidates for the priesthood; or for an object which is equally important, the maintenance of the clergy in general.
To carry out with success these intentions of the Church at Ember-tide, no new confraternity need be established; all that is required is a full appreciation of the spirit of the Church as manifested in her Liturgy and observances, when these seasons come round.
The test of true love for our Lord, as His own words tell, is obedience to His will. We may apply to the Church, His representative, and her ordinances, this same test of true love, which He Himself has given: “If you love Me, Keep My commandments.”
Source: The Ember Days, by Dom Columba Edmonds, OSB the Catholic Truth Society, Vol 32 1897
Mass Propers for Ember Saturday
Prayers for Ember Days:
Listen, Almighty God, we beseech Thee, to the prayers which Thy universal Church offers to Thee at this time, beseeching Thy blessing on those who are about to be admitted to Thy Holy Service of the Altar, in particular on Deacon Nicolas Rapkoch. Give Thy grace to all who are called to any office and administration amongst Thy clergy, and so replenish them with the truth of Thy doctrine, and indue them with innocence of life, that they may faithfully serve Thee, to the glory of Thy great name and the benefit of Thy Holy Church. Amen
God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of Whose goodness the
treasure is infinite, we humbly thank Thee for the gifts thou hast
bestowed upon us. Continue Thy mercy to us, and give us also so much of
Thy temporal blessings as Thou knowest to be for our good.
Grant that
the fruits of the earth may, by Thy holy favor, increase and multiply.
Defend them from all drought, frosts or tempests, or whatever else may
be hurtful to them. It is from Thy hand only that we look for succor,
and to Thee we have recourse in all our necessities. Amen.
Source: St. John's Manual 1856, Archbishop of New York John J. Hugues
Devotions for Ember days:
- Diving into the Catholic Treasury: A Revival of the Ember Days by Canon Huberfelt, ICRSS
- Renewal and the Penitential Life by Msgr. Ingham
- The Seven Penitential Psalms (Msgr. Ingham, audio)
- Seven Penitential Psalms (Latin/English)
- Litany of Saints
- Litany to Obtain Holy Priests
- Holy Hour of Adoration and Reparation for Priests
- Stations of the Cross for Priests (Especially for those who are suffering persecution)
- The Rosary to Our Lady of Sorrows dedicated for Priests, (by Fr. Scott McCaig,CC on the occasion of the Year for Priest, 2009)