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Day 3. Lent with the Cure of Ars: Merit Absolution

by VP

Posted on Thursday March 06, 2025 at 11:00PM in Lenten Sermons

"When anyone has really given up his sins, he must not be content simply with bewailing them. He must also give up, leave far behind, and fly from anything which is capable of leading him in the direction of them again. In other words, my dear brethren, we must be ready to suffer anything rather than fall back into those sins which we have just confessed. People should be able to see a complete change in us; otherwise we have not merited Absolution, and it could even be possible that we have indeed committed sacrilege. Alas, that there are few in whom this change is apparent after having received Absolution! Dear God, what sacrileges are committed! If in every thirty Absolution there were but one genuine case, how soon would the world be converted!

Those people do not merit Absolution, then, who do not give sufficient signs of contrition. Alas, how many times, because they are sent away, do they not come back any more! This, of course, is because they have no real urge to be converted, for if they truly had, very far from leaving their Confession until another Easter, they would be working with all their hearts to change their lives and to return to make their peace with God."

Source: Sermons of the Cure of Ars 1960 p.125

Prayer for Lent: O Lord who, for our sake, didst fast forty days and forty nights; give us grace to use such abstinence that, our flesh being subdued to the spirit, we may worthily lament and acknowledge our wretchedness, and may obtain perfect remission and forgiveness of Thee, the God of all mercy, who livest and reignest with the Father and Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen

Source: Lent with the Cure d'Ars Compiled by the CAPG

#6 Acts of Adoration Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament in reparation for all the offenses committed against Him by mankind

by VP

Posted on Wednesday March 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Thursday Reparation

6. We adore Thee, O Immaculate Lamb, that takest away the sins of the world! And to repair all the irreverences, gazing at dangerous objects, and disrespectful postures during the time of Holy Mass, we offer to Thee the profound respect of the choir of Virtues. Eternal praise and thanksgiving be to the Most Holy and Most Divine Sacrament.

O Queen of heaven and earth, hope of mankind, who adores thy Divine Son incessantly! We entreat thee, that, since we have the honor to be of the number of thy children, thou would interest thyself in our behalf and make satisfaction for us, and in our name, to our Eternal Judge, by rendering to Him the duties which we ourselves are incapable of performing. Amen

Source: CAPG

Day 2. Lent with the Cure d'Ars: Renounce sin for good and all

by VP

Posted on Wednesday March 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Lenten Sermons

"All that is very true, you will tell me, but what will people say about me after seeing me go to confession several times and then not make my Easter duty? People are going to believe that I am leading a bad life; besides I know plenty of others who are worse sinners than I who have been given absolution; you have received so and so well, and he has broken the law of abstinence with me; and so and so, who has been out on Sundays, as well as I have.

The conscience of another person is not yours. If he does wrong, it is not for you to listen to accounts of it. Or do you want, just in order to keep up appearances, to damn your soul by committing sacrilege? Would not that be the greatest of all evils? You think that people will notice you because they have seen you going to Confession several times and yet you have not been to Holy Communion. Ah, my poor friend, fear rather the eyes of God, before which you have done the wrong, and pay no attention to all the others. You say that you know of some, more guilty than you, who have been given Absolution. What do you know of them? Did an angel come to you to tell you that God had not changed or converted them? And even if they should not have been converted should you therefore do wrong because they do wrong? Would you want to be damned because others are damning themselves? Dear God, what frightful talk!

But, these penitents still protest, these penitents who not only have not been converted, but who indeed do not want to be converted at all but only to save their faces in public. When will it be the right time then to come for Holy Communion?

When will it be time to come for Holy Communion? Listen to St. John Chrysostom. He himself is going to tell us when it will be time for Holy Communion. Is it at Easter, at Pentecost, at Christmas? No, he tells us. Is it at the point of death? No, he tells us again. When is it then? It is, he says to us, when we have renounced sin for good and all, and are fully resolved, with the help of God's grace, not to fall into it again. When you have paid back that which is not yours, when you have become reconciled with your enemy - that is when you are genuinely converted.

Other sinners will tell us: "If you are going to be so difficult, we will go to those who will allow us to go to Holy Communion. Look at how many times I have come. I have other things to do than to be walking the roads. I am not coming back for a long time, for I can see quite plainly that you are angry with me. What great harm have I done, then?"

You will go find another, my friend? You are entirely free to go to anyone who seems good to you. But do you think that another would wish, any more that I would to damn himself? No, I am sure you do not. If he receives you, it is because he does not know you well enough. Do you want to know what sort of a person talks like that, and who goes in search of Absolution elsewhere? Listen, and tremble. He leaves his guide, who can lead him surely, to look for a passport to go straight to Hell.

But, you will say to me, look at how many times I keep coming.

Very well, my friend! Change your ways and you will be allowed Absolution the very first time you return.

I am not coming back, you say, for a very long time.

So much the worse for you alone, my poor friend. In not coming back you are taking a big step in the direction of Hell.There are some who are so blind that they will go so far as to believe that the confessor is angry with them because he does not give them Absolution. Undoubtedly, my friends, he is vexed with you, but it is because he desires the salvation of your poor soul. It is for that reason that he does not want to give you an Absolution which, very far from saving you, would damn you for all eternity.

But, you say, what have I done that is so bad? I have not killed, or stolen.

You say not killed, not stolen, you say? But my friend, Hell is full of other people who have not killed or stolen. There are more than two sins which drag souls into Hell. But if we were so lax as to give you Absolution when you do not merit it, we would be playing the part of executioner of your poor soul, which caused so much suffering to Jesus."

Source: The sermons of the Cure of Ars, 1960, p.123

Prayer for Lent: O Lord who, for our sake, didst fast forty days and forty nights; give us grace to use such abstinence that, our flesh being subdued to the spirit, we may worthily lament and acknowledge our wretchedness, and may obtain perfect remission and forgiveness of Thee, the God of all mercy, who livest and reignest with the Father and Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen

Source: Lent with the Cure d'Ars Compiled by the CAPG

St. Felix of Burgundy, Bishop, Apostle of the East Angles, Confessor, a.d. 646

by VP

Posted on Wednesday March 05, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints

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St. Felix. from the reredos of the church of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, UK

"Saint Felix was a native of Burgundy, who being for his virtue and merits advanced to the priestly dignity, flourished in sanctity and learning at the time when Sigebert, a prince of the East Angles, went over into that province. Becoming acquainted with St. Felix, he was convinced by him of the errors of Paganism, was baptised by St. Felix, and became a sincere and zealous Christian. Some time after, Sigebert was called home to succeed to the kingdom, and made it his first care to introduce the Christian religion into his provinces of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire, and to establish it on a solid foundation. For this purpose he invited over from France his spiritual father, St. Felix; who without demur quitted his country, friends, and native home, to come and preach the faith of Christ to an uncivilised Pagan people. To proceed regularly in so great an undertaking, he addressed himself to Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury, by whom he was duly authorized and commissioned to preach to the East Angles. King Sigebert received him with great honor, and appointed him for his residence the place now called Dunwich in Suffolk, formerly a great town, but long ago swallowed up by the sea. St. Felix was consecrated bishop by St. Honorius, and undertook his apostolic charge with an ardent desire of the glory of God and the salvation of souls. He founded, with the help of the king, churches, monasteries, and schools; and brought over the whole kingdom to the true faith. St. Felix was bishop for seventeen years, and had during that time discharged the duties of a most zealous and vigilant pastor. At length he departed to our Lord in the year 646, and was buried in the church of Dunwich; but his relics were afterwards translated to the abbey of Ramsey.

Pray for your country. Give God thanks for all those apostolic men, by whose labors God brought so great a blessing to this nation; and beseech him to revive a like spirit in all who succeed to their charge. Pray for the pastors of this nation, that God would animate them with true zeal for the good of their flock." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Ash Wednesday Day 1. Lent with the Cure d'Ars: On sin

by VP

Posted on Tuesday March 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Lenten Sermons

"Sin is a thought, a word, an action, contrary to the law of God.

By sin, my children, we rebel against the good God, we despise His justice, we tread under foot His blessings. From being children of God, we become the executioner and assassin of our soul, the offspring of hell, the horror of heaven, the murderer of Jesus Christ, the capital enemy of the good God.

O my children! if we thought of this, if we reflected on the injury which sin offers to the good God, we should hold it in abhorrence, we should be unable to commit it; but we never think of it, we like to live at our ease, we slumber in sin. If the good God sends us remorse, we quickly stifle it, by thinking that we have done no harm to anybody, that God is good, and that He did not place us on the earth to make us suffer.

Indeed, my children the good God did not place us on the earth to suffer and endure, but to work out our salvation. See; He wills that we should work today and tomorrow; and after, an eternity of joy, of happiness, awaits us in heaven.

O my children! how ungrateful we are! The good God calls us to Himself; He wishes to make us happy for ever, and we are deaf to His word, we will not share His happiness; He enjoins us to love Him, and we give our heart to the devil.

The good God commands all nature as its Master; He makes the winds and the storms obey Him; the angels tremble at His adorable will; man alone dares to resist Him.

See; God forbids us that action that criminal pleasure, that revenge, that injustice; no matter, we are bent upon satisfying ourselves; we had rather renounce the happiness of heaven, than deprive ourselves of a moment's pleasure, or give up a sinful habit, or change our life. What are we, then that we dare thus to resist God? Dust and ashes, which he could annihilate with a single look.

By sin, my children, we despise the good God. We renew His Death and Passion; we do as much evil as all the Jews together did, in fastening Him to the Cross. Therefore, my children, if we were to ask those who work without necessity on Sunday: "What are you doing there?" and they were to answer truly, they would say, "We are crucifying the good God."

Ask the idle, the gluttonous, the immodest, what they do every day. If they answer you according to what they are really doing, they will say, "We are crucifying the good God."

O my children! it is very ungrateful to offend a God who has never done us any harm; but is it not the height of ingratitude to offend a God who has done us nothing but good?

It is He who created us, who watches over us, He holds us in His hands, like a handful of hair; if He chose, He could cast us into the nothingness out of which he took us. He has given us His Son, to redeem us from the slavery of the devil; He himself gave Him up to death, that He might restore us to life; He has adopted us as His children, and ceases not to lavish His graces upon us. Notwithstanding all this, what do we make of our mind, of our memory, of our health, of those limbs which He gave us to serve Him with? We employ them in committing crimes.
The good God, my children, has given us eyes to enlighten us, to see heaven, and we use them to look at criminal and dangerous objects; He has given us a tongue to praise Him, and to express our thoughts, and we make it an instrument of iniquity, we swear, we blaspheme, we speak ill of our neighbor, we slander him, we abuse the supernatural graces, we stifle the salutary remorse, by which God would convert us; we reject the inspiration of our good guardian angel.

We despise good thoughts, we neglect prayer and the Sacraments. What account do we make even of the Word of God? Do we not listen to it with disgust? How miserable we are! How much we are to be pitied! We employ in losing our souls the time that the good God has given us to save them in. We make war upon Him with the means He has given us to serve Him; we turn His own gifts against Him! Let us cast our eyes, my children upon Jesus fastened to the Cross, and let us say to ourselves, 'This is what it has cost my Savior to repair the injury my sins have done to God."

A God coming down to the earth to be the victim of our sins! A God suffering, a God dying, a God enduring every torment, because He has put on the semblance of sin and has chosen to bear the weight of our iniquities.

Ah! my children, that sight of that Cross! Let us conceive once for all the malice of sin, and the abhorrence in which we should hold it. Let us enter into ourselves, and see what we ought to do to repair our past sins; let us implore the clemency of the good God and let us all together say to Him, from the bottom of our heart, " O Lord, who art here crucified for us, have mercy upon us! Thou comest down from heaven to cure souls of sin; cure us, we beseech Thee; cause our souls to be purified by approaching the tribunal of penance; yes, O God! make us look upon sin as the greatest of all evils, and by our zeal in avoiding it, and in repairing those we have had the misfortune to commit, let us one day attain to the happiness of the saints."

Source: The Spirit of the Cure d'Ars by l'Abbe Monnin 1865

Prayer for Lent: O Lord who, for our sake, didst fast forty days and forty nights; give us grace to use such abstinence that, our flesh being subdued to the spirit, we may worthily lament and acknowledge our wretchedness, and may obtain perfect remission and forgiveness of Thee, the God of all mercy, who livest and reignest with the Father and Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen

Source: Lent with the Cure d'Ars Compiled by the CAPG

St. Gerasimus, Anchoret, a.d. 475.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday March 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints

"He was born in Lycia. He went into Palestine, and retiring into a desert near the Jordan, suffered much from the assaults of the devil, and by his snares was prevailed on to take part with heretics. But having heard of the eminent virtues of St. Euthymius, a holy abbot in Palestine, he went to him in his solitude; he was so moved with his discourse, that he returned to the faith of the Church. He grieved bitterly during his whole life for having gone astray, and this fault made him more humble, vigilant, and penitent than ever.

St. Gerasimus afterwards built a large laura with separate cells for seventy solitaries, and in the midst of it, a monastery for cenobites, that is, those who lived in community. Here he entered with those who joined him into a severe penance of poverty and humility, observing entire silence for five days in the week; and on them admitting no other food but bread, dates and water. They had no clothes but the habit which they wore, and no furniture but a mat for their bed, and a pitcher for the water which they drank. They employed themselves in manual labor, making baskets of palm branches.

The inhabitants of Jericho, full of astonishment and admiration at the rigorous lives of these holy men, resolved to provide something more for their support. But the greater part of them were grieved to have their solitude broken in upon by people of the world, and shunned all intercourse with them as full of danger. St. Gerasimus persevered in this edifying course of life till his happy death on the 5th of March, 475.

Let the example of those, who are above your imitation, excite in you a resolution of doing something to overcome yourself. If you make inclination and the world your rule, you forsake the Gospel, which commands you to renounce both. You must deny yourself, if you will be Christ's disciple. A remissness in observing discipline is the first step to the greatest disorders. Niceness, self-love, and sloth, find reasons for dispensing with it; but no favor must be shown to their arguments." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Prayer at the beginning of Lent

by VP

Posted on Tuesday March 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Prayers

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Temptation of Jesus in desert. By William Hole 1908

"Almighty God! I unite myself at the beginning of this holy season of penance with the Church militant, endeavoring to make these days of real sorrow for my sins and crucifixion of the sensual man. O Lord Jesus! in union with Thy fasting and passion, I offer Thee my fasting in obedience to the Church, for Thy honor, and in thanksgiving for the many favors I have received, in satisfaction for my sins and the sins of others, and that I may receive the grace to avoid such and such a sin, N. N. and to practice such and such a virtue, N. N."

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's The Church's Year

St. Casimir, Prince of Poland, Confessor, a.d. 1483

by VP

Posted on Monday March 03, 2025 at 11:00PM in Saints

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Saint Casimir by Agostino Masucci  (1691–1758)

"He was son of Casimir, king of Poland, who amidst all the softness of the court, lived with the austerity of the desert, in fasting and sackcloth, even in his youthful years. He was eminent for his charity in relieving the distressed, so as to be styled the father of the poor; and was very careful to avoid everything that could be prejudicial to chastity.

Pray for all those, who live amidst the dangers of the court; and in particular for princes, that, being God's vicegerents, they may encourage religion and virtue, and not permit that general depravity in persons attending them, by whose profaneness, irreligion, and luxury, their courts become the resemblance of hell, while the power of God is in the throne. Pray likewise for persons of quality of both sexes, that they may not employ their youthful years in vanities and dangerous follies, nor sully the honor of their birth with dishonourable practices, such as make them the worst of slaves, and render them contemptible both to God and man. The abuse of those blessings, with which they are encompassed above their neighbors, will be one day a very heavy charge; and it will be an aggravation of their hell to have all their imperiousness and pride trampled on by devils. The method of this saint in charity, piety, and penance is the only Christian honor; and this will raise all that follow it to the honor of saints. The ecclesiastical season of the year calls all now to it. See that you embrace it heartily; labor by an exact observance, to make some atonement for all past follies, and never remit your endeavors, till you have wrought a solid change in your soul." The Catholic Year by Rev. John Gother

For the Church and Civil Authorities by Archbishop Carroll:

We pray Thee, O almighty and Eternal God, Who through Jesus Christ Hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy; that thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue, with unchanging faith, in the confession of Thy name. We pray Thee, who alone art good and holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal, and sanctity of life our Pope Francis, the vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ in the government of His Church; our own bishop ...; all the other bishops, prelates, and pastors of the Church; and especially those who are appointed to exercise among us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct Thy people into the ways of salvation.

We pray Thee, O God of might, wisdom, and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgments decreed, assist, with the Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the President of the United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people, over whom he presides, by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by faithful execution of the law in justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immorality. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all the proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government; so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful knowledge, and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal liberty.

We pray for his Excellency the Governor of this State, for the members of the Assembly, for all judges, magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare; that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend likewise to Thy unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow citizens, throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge, and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and, after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal.

Finally, we pray Thee, O Lord of mercy, to remember the souls of Thy servants departed who are gone before us with the sign of faith, and repose in the sleep of peace: the souls of our parents, relations, and friends; of those who, when living, were members of this congregation; and particularly of such as are lately deceased; of all benefactors who, by their donations or legacies to this Church, witnessed their zeal for the decency of divine worship, and proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remembrance.To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Shrove Tuesday: Feast of The Holy Face

by VP

Posted on Monday March 03, 2025 at 11:00PM in Tradition

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The Feast of the Holy Face – Shrove Tuesday On April 17th, 1958, His Holiness Pope Pius XII approved the observance of a Feast of the Holy Face of Jesus on Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday before Ash Wednesday).

A Prayer for the Church

O God, by Thy Holy Name have pity on us, protect us, and save us.
O good Jesus, in the sweet Name guard our Sovereign Pontiff; breathe into his
soul the spirit of the Comforter.

Jesus, thy Church is menaced with great trials! Holy Father, by the virtue of
thy salutary Name protect the Church of Jesus Christ. This was the last will of
thy Divine Son; it is the holy prayer which love prompted towards the end of his
life. Holy Father, keep in thy Name those thou hast given me (St. John chap. xxxvii. 11)

O most holy and worthy Mother, refuge of the Church, intercede for us and save us by
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Michael and the Holy Angels, guard the bark of Peter; disperse its enemies
by the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Source: Sister Saint-Pierre and the Work of Reparation.

Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face

I salute, adore, and love Thee, O Jesus, my Savior, covered anew with outrages by blasphemers, and I offer Thee, through the heart of Thy blessed Mother, the worship of all the Angels and Saints, as an incense and a perfume of sweet odor, most humbly beseeching Thee, by the virtue of Thy Sacred Face, to repair and renew in me and in all men Thy image disfigured by sin. Amen

Source: Veronica, or the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1871

The Practice of Lent: Our Mother's Mind

by VP

Posted on Sunday March 02, 2025 at 11:00PM in Tradition

"Life is a duty, dare it;

Life is a burden, bear it;

Life is a thorn-crown, wear it,

Though it break your heart in twain,

Though the burden crush you down,

Close your lips and hide your pain,

First the cross and then the crown."

Why a Lentent Season? By Rev. Fr. Michael A. O'Reilly, Paulist Fathers

"The practice of Lent is not today what it was in the past. The black fast common in the day of our fathers and grandfathers, would seem to our day and generation a burden too heavy to be borne: the rules of the fast have been lightened and dispensations are multiplied to fit the burden to the back of a people less physically strong than their forbears, living in a time of hurry and strain. In this the Church has acted as a tender Mother, solicitous for the bodies as well as the souls of her children.

But the Church is not alone a tender Mother: she is first and always a faithful Spouse. The law of Christ is her law, the words of Christ are her words; she would not subtract from them one iota, nor will she ever admit that her children cannot follow where He has led. Others may say that His words must not be taken literally; that His law cannot be rigorously applied in the struggle of our complex life; that no man can aspire to the Christ life. Not so, the Spouse of Christ, the Catholic Church. She knows and she believes that Christ is the Son of God, the Divine Word: that He is Eternal Truth Who can neither deceive nor be deceived: that He is Infinite Wisdom Whose commands are possible and Whose counsels are delightful. Has He not said: “Follow Me,” and “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”?

Now the command to do penance was uttered by her Lord and Master in no uncertain terms: “Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish” (Luke xiii. 3-5). And again, after His resurrection, He built up the faltering faith of His disciples by asserting the necessity of His Passion and of the continuance of the work of penance: “It behooved Christ to suffer and to rise again from the dead the third day: that penance and remission of sins should be preached in His Name” (Luke xxiv. 46, 47). How, then, may we reconcile the mitigation of the fast and multiplied dispensations with the Church’s fidelity to the exact teaching of the Master? To find the answer we must penetrate more deeply the mind of our Mother; we must analyze more carefully the meaning of penance and study its purposes more attentively.

If we look into the mind of our Mother, we will find her always tender, often indulgent, but never weak: her aim is not to spoil, but to strengthen: to build up, not to tear down. What she concedes to the weakness of the body is not to enervate the soul but to provide it with a more virile temple, a more active co-partner in the following of Christ. If the external circumstances of penance are changed, it is only to stress more deeply the hidden significance of the inevitable divine law: “Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish.” Every year the Holy Spirit within her invites her children, most urgently, to turn aside from the busy marts of men and follow our Lord into the desert. Those whose strength permits them the privilege of sharing literally His fast, she warns that “the letter without the spirit is dead”; those whose weakness does not permit them that privilege, she reminds that they are not thereby excused. For them, too, is the ringing call of the Master: “Deny thyself, take up thy cross and follow Me,” and it may not be evaded: all may not fast with Christ but all must pray with Him in the desert, if they would not perish.

Now, then, as never before, perhaps, it becomes us to take stock of what Lent is to mean to us in practice, to enter more fully into the self-denials of prayer and acquire more truly the spirit of penance.

Only thus will we be really in touch with the mind of our Mother, faithful to the leading of the Holy Spirit of Love, and obedient to the behest of our Divine Savior and Model: “Be ye perfect.” For, as St. Paul reminds us, only “if we be dead with Him,” shall we “also live with Him” (2 Tim.
ii. 11).

Source: Lent In Practice, (The Spirit of Penance) by Father John Burke C.S.P.