Priest's First Saturday
by VP
Posted on Saturday February 01, 2025 at 12:00AM in Priests' Saturday
Mary as Mother of Priests is in the Dominican Priory Church of the Holy Cross in Leicester. by Lawrence OP
"Listen to what our Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, says: " God in heaven and I on earth, we desire nothing more ardently than prayer and sacrifice for priests...Let us beg God that He may give holy priests! If we have this, all else will follow; but if this be wanting, all else will avail nothing." It was from this trend of thought that the idea of the Priest's Saturday" took its origin, which idea the Superior General of the Salvatorian Fathers placed before the Holy Father in special private audience on November 21, 1934. His Holiness was much pleased with the plan and said, in conclusion: "We heartily praise and bless the work....We repeat, the thing pleases Us, We praise and bless it heartily."
What is the plan?
The Priest's Saturday:
It is something quite simple and easy, yet immeasurable great in its results. You should make it a point to offer the Saturday after the First Friday of each month to your Savior, through the hands of Mary, the great mediatrix of all graces, for the sanctification of all the priests and students for the priesthood throughout the whole world. For this purpose you should give the Saturday wholly and entirely to Him, that is to say, Holy Mass, Holy Communion, all prayers, labors, sacrifices, joys and sorrows. Whatever you cannot do on this day (Holy Mass and Holy Communion) you ought to supply immediately on Sunday. So there is really nothing new for you to do. You merely offer up this Saturday (or even every Saturday or some other day) for the sanctification of priests. It is not a case of any sodality of fraternity or anything like that. Like the First Friday in honor of the Sacred Heart, the Priest's Saturday seeks to become something religiously observed by all the Catholics of the world.
(...) Concern about the holiness of priests is the concern of the Heart of the Divine Savior and of His blessed Mother. Therefore, you also should be sure to take part in this "apostolate to the apostles. " The Holy Father, all bishops, all priests, all students for the priesthood, and especially also your own pastor, earnestly beg of you thus to participate."
Source: Priest's Saturday Series, #2 Prayers and Devotions for Priest's Day. used with permission
Priests' First Saturday
Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Who hast
entrusted the whole work of Thy redemption, the welfare and salvation of
the world, to priests as Thy representatives, through the hands of Thy
most holy Mother and for the sanctification of Thy priests and
candidates for the priesthood I offer Thee this present day wholly and
entirely, with all its prayers, works, sacrifices, joys, and sorrows.
Give truly holy priests who, inflamed with the fire of Thy divine love,
seek nothing but Thy greater glory and the salvation of our souls.
And thou, Mary, good Mother of priests, protect all priests in the
dangers of their holy vocation and, with the loving hand of a Mother,
also lead back to the Good Shepherd those poor priests who have become
unfaithful to their exalted vocation and have gone astray. Amen
In addition to the above make it a point also to recite frequently the following:
Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Who Hast entrusted the weal and woes of
Thy Holy Church to priests, with all the fervor of my heart I recommend
to Thee the wants of my pastor and all priests. Enrich them more and
more with true priestly sanctity. Give them generous, all embracing,
apostolic hearts, full of love for Thee and for all Thy souls, so that
they, being themselves sanctified in Thee, may sanctify us who are
confided to their care, and may lead us safely to heaven. Bestow upon
them in rich abundance all Thy priestly graces!
Let them ever
give us a glowing example of love and fidelity towards Holy Mother
Church, towards the Pope, and bishops, and grant that by word and
example they may shine as models of every virtue.
Most loving
Jesus, bless all their priestly labors and sacrifices! Bless all their
prayers and words at the altar and in the confessional, in the pulpit,
and in school, in confraternities, and at the bedside of the sick!
Protect and preserve them in all dangers from within and from without.
Divine Savior, give to Thy Church priests who abound in true holiness!
Call many good boys and young men to the priestly and religious state!
Aid and sanctify all those who are to become Thy priests! And to the
souls of departed priests grant everlasting rest.
But to me
give a true spirit of faith and humble obedience, in order that in my
pastor I may ever behold the representative of God and willingly follow
all his teachings. Amen
Saint Brigid Patroness of Ireland
by VP
Posted on Saturday February 01, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
LOVE OF GOD AND YOUR NEIGHBOR.-St. Brigid, patroness of the Irish, who esteemed her as a second Mary, was born in the year of our Lord 453, and from an early period of her life devoted herself to the service of God. The sanctity of this consecrated maiden has been justly celebrated by the Venerable Bede and other great writers, who described her as having been constantly occupied in holy contemplation or the active exercise of charitable works. She founded the far-famed monastery of Kildare, where she lived as abbess, and died in the year 523, after having glorified God for long years by the many virtues and miracles recorded in her history. With the example of this holy virgin before them, the Irish youth of both sexes made rapid progress in the acquisition of all those eminent characteristics which secured for them, through many ages, the designation of children of the Saints.
Moral Reflection: -Let us always bear in mind that,
no matter what our state of life may be, we can sanctify ourselves by
communing with God, and contributing to our neighbour's edification.
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy
whole soul, and thy neighbour as thyself." Pictorial half hours with the saints by Rev. Fr. Auguste François Lecanu LeCanu 1865
"O holy St. Brigid, thou who art the light, the ornament, and the glory of the Church of Ireland, be the heavenly patron of its people, and be the especial friend and the protectress of the priests of the sanctuary. Let those who offer sacrifice to the name of God, be worthy of their exalted duties.
Shew forth in their lives the form of all
perfection and cover them with the robe of holiness. Let them love
justice and hate iniquity. Let their prayer be like incense in the sight
of heaven. Let their doctrine be saving and salutary to the people, and
let the odor of their lives be the delight of the Church of God." Source: Ecclesiastical Meditations, page 254
Don Bosco, Confessor
by VP
Posted on Friday January 31, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
Don Bosco la Torino in 1880
- "At Castelnuovo, where there was a family gathering and great rejoicing, his mother said to him, what he calls "these memorable words": "You are a priest. In saying Mass henceforward you are then nearest to Jesus Christ. Remember, however, that to begin to say Mass means to begin to suffer. You will not realize it at once, but little by little you will see that your mother has told you the truth. I am confident that every day you will pray for me, whether I am living or dead: that is enough for me. Henceforward, think only of the salvation of souls, and don't be troubled in mind about me." Source: R.F. O'Connor Venerable Don Bosco The American Catholic Quarterly Review ..., Volume 46 1921
"Only two means are left to save Her (the Church) amidst so much confusion: Frequent Communion and Devotion to Mary most holy, making use of every means and doing our best to practice them and having them practiced everywhere and by everybody."
"When speaking of public scandals: Don’t be surprised at anything. People and waywardness go hand in hand. The Church has nothing to fear because even if all were to conspire to overthrow Her, the Holy Spirit would still uphold Her."
- Don Bosco, Apostle of the Papacy:
"The Pope!", says Fr. Lemoyne, biographer of Don Bosco, "there is the theme that Don Bosco wished to develop without ceasing, in order that the supremacy and the glory of the Vicar of Jesus Christ might stand uppermost in the mind of the faithful." The American Ecclesiastical Review, Volume 147 edited by Herman Joseph Heuser 1962
Prayer for Imploring Holy Popes
Kyrie eleison! Christe eleison! Kyrie
eleison! Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Good Shepherd! With your
almighty hand you guide Your pilgrim Church through the storms of each
Adorn the Holy See with holy popes who neither fear the powerful of this
world nor compromise with the spirit of the age, but preserve,
strengthen, and defend the Catholic Faith unto the shedding of their
blood, and observe, protect, and hand on the venerable liturgy of the
Roman Church.
O Lord, return to us through holy popes who, inflamed with the zeal of
the Apostles, proclaim to the whole world: “Salvation is found in no
other than in Jesus Christ. For there is no other name under heaven
given to men by which they should be saved” (see Acts 4:10-12).
Through an era of holy popes, may the Holy See—which is home to all who
promote the Catholic and Apostolic Faith— always shine as the cathedra
of truth for the whole world. Hear us, O Lord, and through the
intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Church,
grant us holy Popes, grant us many holy Popes! Have mercy on us and hear
us! Amen.
+ Athanasius Schneider Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana
- SPIRITUAL, MORAL AND EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS (Don Giovanni Bosco as an Educator By Carola E. Kopf-Seitz 1926)
"Among all the means which Don Bosco used in education, by far the most important is religion. Even at the Sunday-Oratories so great a part of the time was given to religious exercises that one might feel inclined to think that Don Bosco required more than might be justified. On the other hand, the continual increase in the number of those coming to the Oratory from all quarters showed that the time given to religious exercises was not considered excessive by his auditors, especially since Don Bosco knew how to make them always attractive and entertaining.
In the institutions, the whole life of the community came under the influence of religion. Don Bosco taught the children to offer the first moment of the day to God. After the morning prayer all assisted at Holy Mass during which, besides other prayers, the rosary was to be recited. At every Mass, the children were to have an opportunity for confession and communion. Every task during the day was to be begun and ended with prayer. Special value was placed upon an occasional visit, some time during the day, to the Blessed Sacrament. No day was to pass without spiritual reading. To avoid distractions during the sermons, these were to be short, practical and rich in illustrations. Don Bosco admonished the children never to leave after a sermon without having made some firm resolution which could be carried out during the occupation which followed. He also considered the short address, given in the evening just before retiring, of great importance. Evening prayers in common concluded the day.
Monthly pious exercises, such as the exercise of a holy death on the first Sunday of each month, the solemn celebration of the feasts of the Church, processions and the like, were used by Don Bosco to accustom the children to the frequent reception of the Sacraments and to inspire them with renewed zeal. Frequent confession and communion were in his eyes probably the most important of all the factors of education. In spite of this, probably just because of this, he did not want to see constraint used under any circumstances. In order that the children, in receiving the Sacraments, might obtain their full benefit, he urged them to select a constant confessor to whom they might reveal every corner of their heart.
In order to keep alive the zeal of the children, and in a sense to organize the exercise of their good works, he established several fraternities, for example, the fraternity of St. Aloysius and the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception, in the latter of which only the best and most deserving boys could be received. For the St. Aloysius fraternity, he himself drafted the constitutions, in which he urged upon the members chiefly: frequent communion, the avoiding of evil companions, mutual encouragement to piety, a zeal for duty, obedience towards parents and superiors, and the practice of charity towards neighbors.
By teaching and example he sought to awaken and to cultivate in his protégés a love of prayer; he warned them against listless or inattentive prayer, saying it would be better not to pray at all than to pray poorly. He also warned them of "too much prayer"; they should not take up new devotions without the permission of their father confessor and should go by the words of St. Philip Neri: "Non vi caricate di troppo divozioni, ma siate perseveranti in quelle que avete prese." ( Do not burden yourselves with too many devotions, but be persevering in those you have taken.)
The importance attached by Don Bosco to
the religious life, as a factor of education, is evident also from the
fact that he added to his Regolamento a special chapter about conduct in
the house of God, that he appointed a special catechist to supervise
the religious exercises of the students and that he specified at length
in the Regolamento the duties of this office."
Saint Martina, Virgin and Martyr A.D. 229
by VP
Posted on Thursday January 30, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
Pietro da Cortona Saint Martina Refuses to Adore the Idols
"A Roman virgin, who in the third century, under Alexander the emperor, refusing to sacrifice to idols, had her constancy tried with scourges, racks, boiling oil, wild beasts, and the fire. But being miraculously preserved, she finished at length a glorious martyrdom by the sword. Pray for a like constancy under all trials. There is no peace in this world, which is not mixed with persecution; and bearing it with humility, courage, and patience, is the trial of your fidelity. In the passions of men, you meet with something of the wild beast: in the difficulties and misfortunes of the world, you have your scourge: in the misconduct of children, and evil ways of those for whom you are most concerned, how often do you meet with a rack? And what you cannot prevent, or remedy of these by lawful means, are you not bound to bear with patience? This is a common duty: pray then for yourself, and all others in affliction, and endeavour to be faithful.St. Martina merited the crown of martyrdom by her extraordinary charity. She had lost her parents at an early age, and being inflamed with the spirit of a true Christian, she distributed her great riches to the poor with profuse liberality. When, after many torments, she was condemned to be devoured by wild beasts, she was miraculously preserved unhurt: and being then cast into the fire, she escaped in like manner. These miracles, by God's grace induced some of her torturers even to embrace the faith of Christ. At length when she was beheaded, the whole city of Rome was shaken by an earthquake, and many worshippers of idols were converted to the faith of Christ.
While you honour the happy end of this martyr, pray for a happy death for yourself. Death is a violence to nature; and to embrace this with submission to the hand of God, is a kind of martyrdom.
Endeavour then to be humble in all pain and sickness; and bow down with
entire submission, begging that whenever death comes, you may surrender
your soul with the dispositions of this martyr." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
#1 Acts of Adoration Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament in reparation for all the offenses committed against Him by mankind
by VP
Posted on Thursday January 30, 2025 at 12:00AM in Thursday Reparation
1. Jesus, our Lord and our God, ever adorable! Oh, that we could be present in all the churches throughout the universe, where thou art not adored as thou oughtest to be, and where thy inflamed love is not repaid with gratitude worthy of thy majesty! We fly, at least in spirit, to these holy places now profaned, and offer on thy altars there, the fervent love and adoration of thy holy Mother, in compensation for the injuries ever done thee by the Jews, by heretics, and bad Christians. Eternal praise and thanksgiving be to the Most Holy and Most Divine Sacrament.
O Queen of heaven and earth, hope of mankind, who adores thy Divine Son incessantly! We entreat thee, that, since we have the honor to be of the number of thy children, thou would interest thyself in our behalf and make satisfaction for us, and in our name, to our Eternal Judge, by rendering to Him the duties which we ourselves are incapable of performing. Amen
Source: CAPG
Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Confessor (1567-1622)
by VP
Posted on Wednesday January 29, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
St Francis de Sales, by Giovanni Battista Lucini
"He was bishop of Geneva; and spent his life in looking after the lost sheep. In this, his zeal was so great, that no difficulties or dangers discouraged him. He considered not himself, but only the misery of those seduced souls, who stood in need of his help; and God blessed his endeavours with the conversion of many thousands. Pray for all the bishops of Christ's Church, that they may be animated with the spirit and zeal of this holy prelate: that duly attending to all the necessities of their charge, neither errors nor vice may have the opportunity of spreading through their neglect. Pray for the people of Geneva, that being delivered from all their errors, they may become faithful professors of the truth.
Notwithstanding the immense charity and apostolic labours of this holy pastor, he could not escape the tongues of men, who misrepresented him at the court of Rome, and in France and Savoy, and traduced his books as heretical. But none of these calumnies made any impression upon his mind, or discouraged him in the faithful discharge of his duty. Pray for his meekness and constancy; and let his example convince you, that neither fidelity nor innocence can secure you against calumnies. And when these come to be your portion, follow his advice in doing right to truth by justifying yourself; and to humility, by submitting to those trials, which God shall permit for your exercise. Be faithful to your duty, and discreet in your conduct: and then, however folly or malice may murmur against you, go on with courage, having God for your witness, and the testimony of a good conscience to comfort you.
The charity of this saint still lives and brings forth fruit in his holy books; and in that holy order of the Visitation, which he instituted. Pray and endeavour that his books may lead you to a devout life, and increase in you the love of God. Never be tired, till his directions become your rule. Pray for all the religious of the order of the Visitation, that they may answer the designs of their founder, and give proof of his holy spirit." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
St. Peter Nolasco, Confessor, A.D. 1280.
by VP
Posted on Tuesday January 28, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
"WORKS OF MERCY: It may be said of charity, what the apostle St. James has said of faith: " Charity without good works is a vain thing;" for thus have the saints apprehended it: with them to love and to act was one and the same thing. It was a thought springing wholly out of charity which inspired Peter Nolasco to found the order of Mercy for the redemption of captives. A vast number of Christians captured by the infidels were sighing in chains far from their native land, subject to every indignity and exposed to the risk of losing the faith. "Let us ransom them," exclaimed Peter Nolasco, a French gentleman attached to the court of the king of Aragon. Thirteen pious companions joined him, and the order was founded on the 10th of August, 1218. The number of unfortunate captives redeemed by them almost surpasses belief. St. Peter Nolasco was rewarded for so much zeal by encouragements from on high: the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, and angels bore him up in their hands. He died in 1280.
MORAL REFLECTION.-We cannot do better than bear in mind the words of the apostle St. James: "If a brother or sister be naked and want daily food, and one of you say to them, Go in peace, be you warmed and filled, yet give them not those things that are necessary for the body, what shall it avail ?"-(Jas. ii. 15.)" Half and Hour with the Saints by Fr. Lecanu
"A FAITHFUL servant of God, eminent for his singular charity to his neighbour, and founder of the religious order for the redemption of captives. Pray for this spirit of charity for the assistance and relief of your neighbour. You meet daily many objects that deserve your compassion, and demand your help. Consider seriously the necessities of your neighbours, both spiritual and temporal; if you have charity, you will study their relief, either by yourself, or others. You have it often in your power to do service to your neighbour. If you omit it, because of the trouble, pains, or uneasiness it must give you, it is not charity, but self-love that commands your heart.
Examine what your calling is, and see whether you live by oppressing your neighbour. There are too many professions exposed to this, of men who set up for helping others, and take advantage of their misfortunes. Their only concern is gain; and they value not how much their neighbour suffers, so that they can be gainers by it. This is quite opposite to the charity which we honour this day in this holy man. He gave away what he had for the relief of his neighbour in misery: these, under the colour of relieving, add to their neighbour's sufferings, that they themselves may be enriched by them. If his was the method of charity, theirs is contrary to it; and if his was the way of the Gospel and salvation, how can theirs be so? Let then all those seriously examine their proceedings by this test, who by lending money, receiving goods, giving advice, managing their business, or in any other way, pretend to assist their neighbour in his distress. For if there be oppression in the help which they give, their assistance is cruelty; and without restitution, how can they have a share in the mercy of God?
It being the last day of the month, give God thanks for all his blessings, and by hearty contrition beg pardon for all your sins and failings of this month." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother
Saint Cyril
by VP
Posted on Tuesday January 28, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
"HOLY MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, PRAY FOR US."-The im pious Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople, was spreading his false doctrine through the world. According to his teaching, Jesus Christ possessed a twofold personality. It was needful to distinguish, in God made man, the person divine and the person human; and Mary, although Mother of Christ, was not Mother of God, because she had only given birth to the person human. St. Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria, who was already renowned for the greatness of his intellect and his zeal for, the faith, was charged by Pope Celestine I. to refute these baneful errors. He accomplished this to the great contentment of the universal Church; and the two councils, of Rome in 430, and of Ephesus in 431, confirmed his doctrine, which was withal that which the Church had ever taught. The town of Ephesus, on this occasion, gave free course to its abounding joy and holy enthusiasm. The fathers of the council were borne aloft in triumph, amid the exclamations of the inhabitants: "Blessed be ye who have restored to us our Mother." Cyril died in peace at Alexandria, in 444.
MORAL REFLECTION.-In all our troubles, temptations,
and dangers, let us have often on our lips, and pronounce with
confidence, faith, and love, the pious invocation of the Church: "Holy
Mary, mother of God, pray for us!" Half Hour with the Saints by Abbe Le Canu
St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople and Doctor of the Church, A.D. 407
by VP
Posted on Monday January 27, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints

"He was archbishop of Constantinople. Pray for all that numerous people of the East, formerly Christians, but now subject to the yoke of the Turks. Fear God's judgments, and confess them to be just. Labour to prevent them by a holy life. The fate of that city of Constantinople is the fate of many nations, families, and individuals: and the root of all is contempt of the divine mercies, neglect of Christian duties, and leading a heathenish life under the profession of Christianity. It was thus that our forefathers drew down heavy judgments on their children to many generations; and the scourge of God's justice has long lain heavily upon their posterity.
St. John Chrysostom applied himself by preaching, and other zealous endeavours, to reprehend and reform the great corruptions and abuses, which he observed among his flock; inveighing against the scandalous lives of the nobility, and not sparing the injustice of the empress herself. Pray that this spirit may descend upon all the prelates and pastors of Christ's Church; that they may discountenance and make war against all vice and injustice; that no human considerations of favour, interest, party, or dependance, may awe them into a treacherous silence, and make them betray the Gospel by flattery or compliance.
By this zeal against vice, St. Chrysostom raised up many enemies; and even many of the clergy and religious hermits were drawn in to espouse the cause
against him, and become his persecutors; so that he was twice forced
into banishment, in which, after long suffering, he died. Pray for
constancy and courage, and suffer all opposition with patience. Wonder
not if men of piety are set against you; for the most holy are sometimes the most liable to be imposed upon. Be suspicious of all accusations; for by being too credulous, you may be drawn in to persecute a saint. Pray for the spirit of discretion, and for the light of heaven to direct you, that you may injure none by over hasty credulity." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother
Saint Angela Merici
by VP
Posted on Monday January 27, 2025 at 12:00AM in Saints
Saint Angela Merici (1474-1540) as a teacher, devotional picture (pastel on paper) by Pietro Calzavacca (1855-1890), Merician Museum, Brescia, Italy.
The Beauty of Catholic Prayer: If we understand well that which is admirable and beautiful in Catholic prayer, we should always pray. This is why I am about to unfold to you, my child, as far as possible to one whose intelligence is yet confined to earth, the magnificence of prayer, I am about to speak to you of its Catholic and Divine character, and of its supernatural principle. Tomorrow I will speak of its infallible efficacy.
The prayer of the children of the Church is a Catholic prayer, that is to say, when you pray it is not only you who pray, but the whole Church with you. The Church is a family, whose members are united by faith, and by the love of our Lord, so that all are but as one. There is amongst them a communion of spiritual things, so that all good works done in the Church, and all the holy dispositions which grace produces, profit each of her children. When, therefore, you pray do not consider yourself isolated on the earth, but say to God, "Lord, I am a child of the Church, I unite myself to it, soliciting your mercy. Each moment of the day she offers the Divine victim, and from her altars the prayers of all her children ascend. I trust then that Thou wilt hear my prayers, since they are supported by all the members of Thy Holy Church."
(Fr. Reilly note: It must not be forgotten that the sun rises each moment on certain quarters of the globe, whilst at the same time he sets in others, thus when he sets here he rises in different regions in America, and there is not one moment of the day or night in which there are not a great many priests, at many altars, offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There are celebrated in the Church nearly two thousand masses in the day, more than four thousand for every half-hour of the day or night")
Catholic prayer is infallibly efficacious: I have shown you, my child, the character of truly Catholic and Christian prayer, so that you will understand our Lord's words: "Ask and you shall receive, whatever you ask the Father in my name He will give it you." These words are words of life, they have proceeded from the lips of truth itself. Every persevering and supernatural prayer then must be heard, persevering, because our Lord had made this condition supernatural, because without this no prayer can be offered in the name of the Lord.
A few explanations will show you why we sometimes complain of not being heard. We ask for instance for temporal advantages, which we value above the will of God. We ask for health, or for riches and we long so for these advantages, that we desire to possess them at any price, and would procure them for ourselves if we could, though even there would be reason to believe they would be injurious to the soul. It is clear that in this case the will of him who prays is bad, consequently the prayer which offends God does not proceed from the Holy Ghost; it is not the work of grace, but the fruit of cupidity, of a disorderly attachment to the goods of earth. It is not made in the name of Our Lord, it is not supernatural, or Catholic. Such a prayer had not for its end to become more holy, and such ought to be the end of every supernatural prayer. Consider that our Lord came upon earth in order to detach mankind from earthly things and raise their hearts towards heaven; if then He had engaged to grant temporal blessings to those who desired them, He would have destroyed His work and would have contradicted Himself.
You have, perhaps, prayed for the health or the preservation of one who is dear to you, with a true submission to the Divine will, nevertheless you say that which you have begged for, that prayer which you made with so many tears has not been heard. You are mistaken, my child for you asked for what was best for you, or for those whom you recommended to God; and you may rest certain that God has granted you what was best in His sight. But you will still say, how shall I be sure of this? Ah, my daughter, rest assured that the boundless goodness of God, your true friend and father, who possesses a heart, as He Himself says, more tender than that of a mother, and who is infinitely holy, will never be faithless to His promises.
Frequently we wish to be heard as soon as our prayer is offered. If we have made a Novena very frequently, as we believe, and at the end of our prayer we do not obtain the favor we have asked, we become discouraged and cease to pray. But depend upon it, my child, that if God makes you wait it is in mercy, and I will illustrate this by an example probably known to you.
Saint Monica prayed for her son, who had strayed far from a virtuous life, but the more she prayed the more distant seemed the conversion of Augustine. The pious mother redoubled her prayers, her tears, and her alms, and it was only after twenty years passed in these pious practices that her prayer was heard. What would have happened had she ceased to pray after a few days? Probably one of two things. She herself would not have been pious, fervent and given up to good works, as she was all her life, in the hope of obtaining the conversion of her son. Once heard, she would perhaps soon have forgotten this benefit, as frequently is the case. Who knows even if she would have worked out her own salvation; at all events, it is probable that she owes her great sanctity to the delay of Divine Providence, in hearing her prayer.
It is not at all unlikely that she owes to this delay the great holiness of Saint Augustine; had her prayer been at once heard her son would probably have become an ordinary christian; but twenty years of prayers, tears, and good works shed a torrent of grace over this long rebellious soul; and Augustine became a holy Bishop and one of the most illustrious doctors of the Church. He did an immense deal of good during his life, and left his example to us to follow, and his writings also which will continue to do good till time shall be no more."