CAPG's Blog 

Vigil of All Saints.

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 31, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

Fra Angelico: The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs

Halloween was originally a day of Fasting by Philip Kosloski

"As you desire to partake of the joy of the following solemnity, so prepare yourself this day. Humiliation, self-denial and prayer, are the dispositions required of you, and the surest way to be established in the grace of God. Keep a strict fast, if you are able; and if not, be not wanting, at least, in such other exercises, as are proper for the same end. Suppress all motions of vanity, passion, and self-love. Let nothing appear in you, which could render you displeasing to Almighty God, or betray in you a love more of earth than of heaven. Labor to bring your soul to the resemblance of the saints, that you may obtain that grace, which alone can bring you to their state of bliss. And since fasting is one thing required of us, as a proper means for humbling sinners, and for inclining God to compassion and mercy, beseech him to direct you, and help you in keeping such a fast this day, as may be the punishment of your sins, and be so acceptable to Him, as to remove scourges, and open the treasures of his goodness upon you. Do not deceive yourself with names, or ceremonies, or by following in such a track only as custom has made; but consider what is fast, which God has chosen what is the fast due to your sins, and proper for engaging the divine mercy to you. Let not appetite, inclination, or self-love, have the direction of what you are to eat or drink. For by these you have been too often led into excess and sin, and therefore it cannot be reasonable that they should be the advisers on days designed to punish their disorders. Let repentance determine how far the sinner ought to be punished by fasting, who has so often lifted up his head, and rebelled against his God. On this day bear contradictions in silence, and endeavor to rejoice in contempt, as your due. And in whatever way, at other times, you observe your pride break forth, let it there be your solicitude to apply suitable remedies.' The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church By Rev. Fr. John GOTHER

"LET us prepare our souls for the graces heaven is about to shower upon the earth in return for its homage. To-morrow the Church will be so overflowing with joy, that she will seem to be already in possession of eternal happiness; but to-day she appears in the garb of penance, confessing that she is still an exile. Let us fast and pray with her; for are not we too pilgrims and strangers in this world, where all things are fleeting and hurry on to death? Year by year, as the great solemnity comes round, it has gathered from among our former companions new saints, who bless our tears and smile upon our songs of hope. Year by year the appointed time draws nearer, when we ourselves, seated at the heavenly banquet, shall receive the homage of those who succeed us, and hold out a helping hand to draw them after us to the home of everlasting happiness. Let us learn, from this very hour, to emancipate our souls, let us keep our hearts free, in the midst of the vain solicitudes and false pleasures of a strange land: the exile has no care but his banishment, no joy but that which gives him a foretaste of his fatherland." Dom Gueranger


by VP

Posted on Sunday October 27, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

Prayer to Christ the King
O CHRIST, JESUS, I acknowledge Thee as Universal King. For Thee all creatures have been made. Do Thou exercise over me all the rights that Thou hast.
Renew my Baptismal Vows, I renounce Satan, with all his works and pomps, and I promise to live as a good Catholic: Especially, do I pledge myself, by all
the means in my power, to bring about the triumph of the rights of God and of Thy Church.
Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee all my poor actions to obtain that all hearts may recognize Thy Sacred Royalty, and that thus the reign of Thy Peace may be established throughout the entire world.

(Catholic Tradition)


4. If We ordain that the whole Catholic world shall revere Christ as King, We shall minister to the need of the present day, and at the same time provide an excellent remedy for the plague which now infects society. We refer to the plague of anti-clericalism, its errors and impious activities. This evil spirit, as you are well aware, Venerable Brethren, has not come into being in one day; it has long lurked beneath the surface. The empire of Christ over all nations was rejected. The right which the Church has from Christ himself, to teach mankind, to make laws, to govern peoples in all that pertains to their eternal salvation, that right was denied. Then gradually the religion of Christ came to be likened to false religions and to be placed ignominiously on the same level with them. It was then put under the power of the state and tolerated more or less at the whim of princes and rulers. Some men went even further, and wished to set up in the place of God's religion a natural religion consisting in some instinctive affection of the heart. There were even some nations who thought they could dispense with God, and that their religion should consist in impiety and the neglect of God. The rebellion of individuals and states against the authority of Christ has produced deplorable consequences. We lamented these in the Encyclical Ubi arcano; we lament them today: the seeds of discord sown far and wide; those bitter enmities and rivalries between nations, which still hinder so much the cause of peace; that insatiable greed which is so often hidden under a pretense of public spirit and patriotism, and gives rise to so many private quarrels; a blind and immoderate selfishness, making men seek nothing but their own comfort and advantage, and measure everything by these; no peace in the home, because men have forgotten or neglect their duty; the unity and stability of the family undermined; society in a word, shaken to its foundations and on the way to ruin.

Saint Raphael, Archangel

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 24, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

Saint Raphael the Archangel. Colour lithograph. Raphael (Archangel). Work ID: gza6qtuq.

St. Raphael

Tibi, Christe, Splendor Patris by Gloriae Dei Cantores (St. Raphael, October 24th)

"AMONG the holy archangels, three are particularly distinguished in the Scriptures, SS. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. This day is appointed in honor of St. Raphael, whose name signifies the Healing of God. The archangel Raphael was sent to conduct the younger Tobias on his journey to Rages, and carefully directed and guarded him on his way, appearing as an Israelite, under the name of Azarias. He conducted the young man to the house of his virtuous kinsman, and procured for him the person, who by a special providence had been reserved for his wife. The holy angel brought them both home in safety to the aged parents of Tobias; and by his direction the young man anointed the eyes of his father who was blind, and he was immediately restored to sight. For all these valuable services, the father and son were anxious to reward the faithful Azarias, and begged him to accept of half of all things that they had brought. Then the heavenly messenger discovered to them who he really was; and invited them to bless the God of heaven, because he had shewn mercy to them. For," said he, "I am Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the Lord." And when they had heard these things, they were troubled, and being seized with fear, they fell upon the ground on their face. And the angel said to them: Peace be to you, fear not. For when I was with you, I was there by the will of God: bless ye Him, and sing praises to Him. It is time therefore that I return to Him that sent me: but bless ye God, and publish all His wonderful works. And when he had said these things, he was taken from their sight, and they could see him no more." (Tob. xii.) See, says St. Augustin, how great is the merit of alms-deeds, for which Tobias was so remarkable, and which brought down an archangel from heaven to serve him.

St. Raphael is also considered to have been that angel of the Lord, who went down at certain times into the pond at Jerusalem, called Probatica, and so moved the water, as to impart to it virtue to heal the first person who entered the pond after the motion of the water; as we read in the fifth chapter of St. John.

Pray on this day with the Church, that this most glorious prince of the heavenly host would be mindful of you, and ever beseech the Son of God in your behalf. Pray that St. Raphael would accompany you, and be your guide in every way, and your protector in every danger, as he was to Tobias. And beseech the Almighty to let his holy angels minister to you, and by their assistance defend you, and help you forward in the way of salvation." Source: The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER, 1865

Prayer to Saint Raphael

Glorious Archangel, St. Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, illustrious by thy gifts of wisdom and grace, guide of travelers by land and sea, consoler of the unfortunate and refuge of sinners, I entreat thee to help me in all my needs and in all the trials of my life, as thou didst once assist the young Tobias in his journeying And since thou art the "physician of God," I humbly pray thee to heal my soul of its many infirmities and my body of the ills that afflict it, if this favor is for my greater good. I ask, especially, for angelic purity, that I may be made fit to be the living  temple of the Holy Ghost. Amen.  Pope Leo XIII, June 21, 1890 Source: My Prayer Book, Fr. Lasance

Tibi, Christe, Splendor Patris by Gloriae Dei Cantores (St. Raphael, October 24th)


Jesu, brightness of the Father!
Life and strength of all who live!
In the presence of the Angels,
Glory to Thy name we give,
And Thy wondrous praise rehearse,
Singing in alternate verse.

Hail, too ye angelic powers!
Hail ye thrones celestial!
Hail, Physician of salvation,
Guide of life, blest Raphael!
Who the foe of all mankind
didst in kinks of iron bind.

O may Christ, by the protection,
Shelter us from harm this day;
Keep us pure in flesh and spirit,
Save us from the enemy;
And vouchsafe us, of His grace,
In His paradise a place.

Glory to Th' Almighty Father
Sing we now in anthems sweet;
Glory to the great Redeemer,
Glory to the Paraclete;
Three in one, and one in three,
Throughout all eternity, Amen.

Source: Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Catholic Laity, The Official Prayer Book of the Catholic Church, 1916 Prepared and published by the order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore.

Feast of Our Most Holy Redeemer

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

St. Joseph Catholic Church, Raleigh NC

" The Church of God, considering how great is the benefit of our redemption by the precious blood of the eternal Son of God, besides honoring this adorable mystery in other festivals, has appointed this day in a particular manner as the Feast of our most Holy Redeemer. On this day then we are to consider with admiration and gratitude, that God sent His only Son into the world; that He became man, took a body, not created immediately by the hand of God, as was that of Adam, but formed of a woman; that He was born an infant, was subject to the law made for sinners; that He offered Himself a sacrifice for sin, raised sinners to the dignity of being the children of God, opened His sacred heart and gave His spirit to sinners, and admitted His very enemies and murderers to be coheirs with Him of His eternal inheritance. This is the blessing, for which the patriarchs and prophets sighed and prayed, through so many ages; and which, being accomplished in the fullness of time, we now celebrate, but can never sufficiently adore. For it is the wonderful effect of an infinite mercy, without the least merit on our part.

All mankind lying under the guilt of sin, were by this rendered enemies to God, and incapable of doing anything, whereby to make peace with Him; and therefore, had man not been redeemed, he must have been lost for ever. But would God have been less happy, if man had been for ever miserable? Or, if God had left man, as he did the fallen angels, under the eternal guilt of his sin, would this have lessened that infinite bliss, which God essentially enjoys within himself? Nothing of all this. Therefore, as leaving the fallen angels in their sin was the effect of his justice; so redeeming man from sin was the sole effect of his mercy. But then, to deliver up his Son to redeem a slave, is the excess of so infinite a mercy, that it is to be feared that we celebrate the memory of it without serious thought, or returning the least part of that adoration and gratitude which we are bound to pay.

Our hearts indeed should be impressed with a lasting sense of love and gratitude, sufficient to preserve us in perpetual fidelity to so merciful a God, and so loving a Redeemer. For this end the Church has appointed this day, to encourage all her children to make our redemption through Christ the serious entertainment of our hearts. The same ought to be renewed every day, and as often as we bow at the holy name of Jesus, to express our love and adoration for the mercies of our divine Redeemer." Source: The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church  by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Feast of the Maternity of Mary

by VP

Posted on Friday October 11, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

Our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Priests, Holy Name Cathedral, Raleigh NC

"We honor, on this festival, that singular privilege of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to be the Mother of the world's Redeemer. She conceived of the Holy Ghost; and the eternal Son of God, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, took flesh of her, in order to be born man for our salvation. We are called upon this day to give thanks to God for this wonderful dignity and favor conferred on our Blessed Lady, that she should be the Mother of God. We are invited to make our requests to our Blessed Redeemer, that as for our salvation, He was pleased to be humbled, and chose for His mother a virgin, who being full of grace, and blessed among women, was, notwithstanding these great prerogatives, the most humble too, so He would vouchsafe to take from us all pride, and give us an humble spirit, that so we may be in earnest His disciples. What was the very motive for which she was chosen out of all women to that great dignity, must be the thing most desired by all who seek to be his. This dignity of Mother of God, is the crown and perfection of her excellence. What may we not hope from the powerful intercession and loving patronage of such a mother? With what confidence ought we to implore her protection and intercession in life, but especially in death, when we shall stand most in need of the protection of Mary. We daily recite the Hail Mary, and therein invoke our Blessed Lady, as the Holy Mother of God; but we should strive to recite it with ardent devotion and lively confidence, earnestly desiring to commend ourselves to her powerful patronage. All the favors conferred by the Almighty on other saints, were not to be compared to that reserved for Mary. She was His peculiar choice, and furnished with His graces to bear the most illustrious and exalted title of honor that heaven could bestow on a creature, to conceive and bring forth the Divine Word made man. Pray on this day that the Holy Mother of God would be a mother to you also." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

"We exhort all those who glory in being the followers of Christ, and who place in Him their own hope and salvation and that of human society, that they should ever join themselves more firmly and more closely to this Roman Church, in which alone Christ is believed in with whole and perfect faith, is worshiped with the sincere worship of adoration, and is beloved with the perpetual flame of burning charity. Let them remember, and in particular those who preside over a flock separated from Us, that the faith which their fathers solemnly professed at Ephesus is preserved unchanged and is strenuously defended, as in past ages so also in the present, by this supreme Chair of Truth. Let them remember that the unity of this genuine faith rests and stands firm only on the one rock set by Christ, and can be preserved safe and intact by the supreme authority of the successors of Blessed Peter.

Desiring that there may be a liturgical monument of this commemoration, which may help to nourish the piety of clergy and people towards the great Mother of God, We have commanded Our supreme council presiding over Sacred Rites to publish an Office and Mass of the Divine Maternity, which is to be celebrated by the universal Church." Encyclical: Lux Veritatis, Pope Pius XI, 1931.

Liturgical notes on the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (New Liturgical Movement)


Mary, Mother of Jesus, throw your mantle of purity over our priests. Protect them, guide them, and keep them in your heart. Be a Mother to them, especially in times of discouragement and loneliness. Love them and keep them belonging completely to Jesus. Like Jesus, they, too, are your sons, so keep their hearts pure and virginal. Keep their minds filled with Jesus, and put Jesus always on their lips, so that He is the one they offer to sinner and to all they meet.Mary, Mother of Jesus, be their Mother, loving them and bringing them joy. Take special care of sick and dying priests, and the ones most tempted. Remember how they spent their youth and old age, their entire lives serving and giving all to Jesus. Mary, bless them and keep a special place for them in your heart. Give them a piece of your heart, so beautiful and pure and immaculate, so full of love and humility, so that they, too, can grow in the likeness of Christ. Dear Mary, make them humble like you, and holy like Jesus. Amen.

Our Lady of the Rosary

by VP

Posted on Monday October 07, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

Statue de la Vierge à l'Enfant

"In its present form, the rosary was made known to the world by St. Dominic at the time of the struggles with the Albigensians, that social war of such ill-omen for the Church. The rosary was then of more avail than armed forces against the power of Satan; it is now the Church's last resource. It would seem that, the ancient forms of social prayer being no longer relished by the people, the holy Spirit has willed by this easy and ready summary of the liturgy to maintain, in the isolated devotion of these unhappy times, the essential of that life of prayer, faith, and Christian virtue, which the public celebration of the Divine Office formerly kept up among the nations. Before the thirteenth century, popular piety was already familiar with what was called the Psalter of the laity, that is, the angelical salutation repeated one hundred and fifty times; it was the distribution of these Hail Marys into decades, each devoted to the consideration of a particular mystery, that constituted the rosary. Such was the divine expedient, simple as the eternal Wisdom that conceived it, and far-reaching in its effects; for while it led wandering man to the Queen of Mercy, it obviated ignorance which is the food of heresy, and taught him to find once more the paths consecrated by the Blood of the Man-God, and by the tears of His Mother.

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Thus speaks the great Pontiff who, in the universal sorrow of these days, has again pointed out the means of salvation more than once experienced by our fathers. Leo XIII, in his encyclicals, has consecrated the present month to this devotion so dear to heaven; he has honored our Lady in her litanies with a new title, Queen of the most holy rosary;1 and he has given the final development to the solemnity of this day, by raising it to the rank of a second class feast, and by enriching it with a proper Office explaining its permanent object.2 Besides all this, the feast is a memorial of glorious victories, which do honor to the Christian name.

Soliman II, the greatest of the Sultans, taking advantage of the confusion caused in the west by Luther, had filled the sixteenth century with terror by his exploits. He left to his son, Selim II, the prospect of being able at length to carry out the ambition of his race: to subjugate Rome and Vienna, the Pope and the emperor, to the power of the crescent. The Turkish fleet had already mastered the greater part of the Mediterranean, and was threatening Italy, when, on October 7, 1571, it came into action, in the Gulf of Lepanto, with the pontifical galleys supported by the fleets of Spain and Venice. It was Sunday; throughout the world the confraternities of the rosary were engaged in their work of intercession. Supernaturally enlightened, St. Pius V watched from the Vatican the battle undertaken by the leader he had chosen, Don John of Austria, against the three hundred vessels of Islam. The illustrious Pontiff, whose life's work was now completed, did not survive to celebrate the anniversary of the triumph; but he perpetuated the memory of it by an annual commemoration of our Lady of Victory. His successor, Gregory XIII, altered this title to our Lady of the rosary, and appointed the first Sunday of October for the new feast, authorizing its celebration in those churches which possessed an altar under that invocation." The Liturgical Year: Time after Pentecost ) By Dom Prosper Guéranger

Litany of Our Lady of Victory:

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Our Lady of Victory, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant Daughter of the Father, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant Mother of the Son, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant Spouse of the Holy Ghost, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant choice of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy Immaculate Conception, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in crushing the head of the serpent, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant over all the children of Adam, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant over all our enemies, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the embassy of the Angel Gabriel, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy espousal with St. Joseph, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant at the scene of Bethlehem, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy flight into Egypt, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy exile, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy humble dwelling at Nazareth, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in finding thy Divine Child in the temple, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the earthly life of Our Lord, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in His Passion and Death, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the Resurrection, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the Ascension, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the descent of the Holy Ghost, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy sorrows, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy joys, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy entrance into the heavenly Jerusalem, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the angels who remained faithful, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the felicity of the blessed, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the graces of the just, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the announcement of the prophets, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the desires of the patriarchs, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the zeal of the apostles, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the light of the evangelists, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the wisdom of the doctors, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the crowns of the confessors, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the purity of the numerous bands of virgins, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in the triumphs of the martyrs, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant in thy all-powerful intercession, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant under thy many titles, pray for us
Our Lady of Victory, triumphant at the hour of our death, pray for us

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O Blessed Lady of Victory !
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.

O Victorious Lady ! thou who hast ever such powerful influence with thy Divine Son in conquering the hardest of hearts, intercede for those for whom we pray, that their hearts being softened by the rays of Divine grace, they may return to the unity of the true Faith, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source:The Month of Our Lady, under the patronage of Our Blessed Lady of Victory by Rev. Augustine Ferran 1898

Priests' First Saturday

by VP

Posted on Saturday October 05, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

Mary as Mother of Priests is in the Dominican Priory Church of the Holy Cross in Leicester. by Lawrence OP

"Listen to what our Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, says: " God in heaven and I on earth, we desire nothing more ardently than prayer and sacrifice for priests...Let us beg God that He may give holy priests! If we have this, all else will follow; but if this be wanting, all else will avail nothing." It was from this trend of thought that the idea of the Priest's Saturday" took its origin, which idea the Superior General of the Salvatorian Fathers placed before the Holy Father in special private audience on November 21, 1934. His Holiness was much pleased with the plan and said, in conclusion: "We heartily praise and bless the work....We repeat, the thing pleases Us, We praise and bless it heartily."

What is the plan?

The Priest's Saturday:

It is something quite simple and easy, yet immeasurable great in its results. You should make it a point to offer the Saturday after the First Friday of each month to your Savior, through the hands of Mary, the great mediatrix of all graces, for the sanctification of all the priests and students for the priesthood throughout the whole world. For this purpose you should give the Saturday wholly and entirely to Him, that is to say, Holy Mass, Holy Communion, all prayers, labors, sacrifices, joys and sorrows. Whatever you cannot do on this day (Holy Mass and Holy Communion) you ought to supply immediately on Sunday. So there is really nothing new for you to do. You merely offer up this Saturday (or even every Saturday or some other day) for the sanctification of priests. It is not a case of any sodality of fraternity or anything like that. Like the First Friday in honor of the Sacred Heart, the Priest's Saturday seeks to become something religiously observed by all the Catholics of the world.

(...) Concern about the holiness of priests is the concern of the Heart of the Divine Savior and of His blessed Mother. Therefore, you also should be sure to take part in this "apostolate to the apostles. " The Holy Father, all bishops, all priests, all students for the priesthood, and especially also your own pastor, earnestly beg of you thus to participate."

Source: Priest's Saturday Series, #2 Prayers and Devotions for Priest's Day. used with permission

Priests' First Saturday. Prayer:

Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Who hast entrusted the whole work of Thy redemption, the welfare and salvation of the world, to priests as Thy representatives, through the hands of Thy most holy Mother and for the sanctification of Thy priests and candidates for the priesthood I offer Thee this present day wholly and entirely, with all its prayers, works, sacrifices, joys, and sorrows.

Give truly holy priests who, inflamed with the fire of Thy divine love, seek nothing but Thy greater glory and the salvation of our souls.

And thou, Mary, good Mother of priests, protect all priests in the dangers of their holy vocation and, with the loving hand of a Mother, also lead back to the Good Shepherd those poor priests who have become unfaithful to their exalted vocation and have gone astray. Amen

In addition to the above make it a point also to recite frequently the following:

Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Who Hast entrusted the weal and woes of Thy Holy Church to priests, with all the fervor of my heart I recommend to Thee the wants of my pastor and all priests. Enrich them more and more with true priestly sanctity. Give them generous, all embracing, apostolic hearts, full of love for Thee and for all Thy souls, so that they, being themselves sanctified in Thee, may sanctify us who are confided to their care, and may lead us safely to heaven. Bestow upon them in rich abundance all Thy priestly graces!

Let them ever give us a glowing example of love and fidelity towards Holy Mother Church, towards the Pope, and bishops, and grant that by word and example they may shine as models of every virtue.

Most loving Jesus, bless all their priestly labors and sacrifices! Bless all their prayers and words at the altar and in the confessional, in the pulpit, and in school, in confraternities, and at the bedside of the sick!
Protect and preserve them in all dangers from within and from without.

Divine Savior, give to Thy Church priests who abound in true holiness! Call many good boys and young men to the priestly and religious state! Aid and sanctify all those who are to become Thy priests! And to the souls of departed priests grant everlasting rest.

But to me give a true spirit of faith and humble obedience, in order that in my pastor I may ever behold the representative of God and willingly follow all his teachings. Amen


Guardian Angels

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 02, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

File:'Guardian Angel' by Félix Castelo.jpg

Felix Castello: Guardian Angel  

Angel-guardian of men, spirits and powers we sing,

whom our Father hath sent, aids to our weakly frame,

Heavenly friends and guides, help from on high to bring,

Lest we fail through the foeman's wile.

He, the spoiler of souls, Angel-traitor of old,

Cast in merited wrath out of his honored place,

Burns with envy and hate, seeking their souls to gain

Whom God's mercy invites to heaven.

Therefore come to our help, watchful ward of our lives;

Turn aside from the land God to thy care confides

Sickness and woe of soul, yea, and what else of ill

Peace of heart to it folk denies.

Now to the Holy Three praise evermore resounds:

Under whose hand divine resteth the triple world

Governed in wondrous wise: Glory be theirs and might

While the ages unending Run.

North Carolina Catholic Sept 28 1951

"THIS day is observed by the universal Church in honour of our guardian angels. Fail not to give God thanks for all the help and protection which you receive from those ministering spirits. Let the many examples of both old and new Testament excite your faith and hope, as to this point. Recommend yourself to the charity and protection of your angel guardian: beseech him to go before you in all your ways, and deliver you from all the snares of the infernal spirits, and particularly to stand by you at the hour of death.

Eternal praise is due to God for his mercy to sinners, who knowing how very blind and weak we are in the midst of so many dangers, with which we are encompassed, has given us in charge to his holy angels, to take care of us, that what is wanting to us, through our manifold infirmities, may be supplied by their power and charity; and that by them we may be defended from enemies, delivered from dangers, and conducted to a place of rest, in the participation of that happiness which they enjoy. For this mercy, it is our duty, particularly on this day, to bow down and adore our God; and beg that under the care of our good angels, our lives, in virtue and good discipline, may be a perpetual homage of thanksgiving. We must beg those blessed spirits to supply for what is wanting in us, giving praise to the Lord of glory, in everlasting hymns, for his infinite goodness to us, who have every provision made for us to become eternally glorious with them in heaven.

At the same time it is our duty to make a good use of these mercies of our God, and be careful not to render his blessings unprofitable to us by our sins. Whatever helps we receive from his creatures, are the effects of his bounty, and thanks are due for them. And since the end of God's ordinances is his own glory and our salvation, we must take care that our lives be so directed, as to answer these purposes of his infinite wisdom and providence.

Pray therefore to your good angel, to direct your feet in the ways of peace, to defend you from all evil spirits, and to help you, as often as the violence of temptation puts you in danger of sin. Always have a great reverence for your angel guardian, and remember his holy presence. Let the sense of his presence be a salutary check to every evil thought, word or action; and let it be a source of consolation to you, and an encouragement to good. Beseech him to procure for you help to avoid sin, to perform all your duties, to overcome the world and yourself, and persevere in the love and service of your Creator, till you come to praise him with the choirs of angels for ever." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Month of October

by VP

Posted on Tuesday October 01, 2024 at 01:00AM in Tradition

Only two means are left to save Her (the Church) amidst so much confusion: Frequent Communion and Devotion to Mary most holy, making use of every means and doing our best to practice them and having them practiced everywhere and by everybody. -- Don Bosco

Devotion for the month of October: Rosary for the Sanctification of Priests

Virtue of the month of October: Confidence