CAPG's Blog 

Friday in Easter Week.

by VP

Posted on Friday April 05, 2024 at 12:00AM in Sermons

Harold Copping - Woman at the Sepulchre - (MeisterDrucke-267461)

Women at the Sepulchre, Harold Copping

"The example of the holy women, who went to visit the sepulchre of our Lord, furnishes us with some excellent instructions for this time. They make a provision of perfumes: they rise early to carry them to the sepulchre; they think not of the inconvenience of going alone, and having none in their company capable of rolling the stone away for them. This difficulty occurs to them upon the way; yet they are not discouraged, but pursue their journey with a hope in Providence. Thus they go on, following the impetuous notions of a sincere heart, without regard to any of those precautions which human prudence might have suggested. And what is their success? They find the stone removed from the mouth of the sepulchre, they are assured of Christ's being risen from the dead, by two angels who appeared to them; and are ordered to give notice of it to the apostles. Thus have they the first news of the Resurrection; and by commission from heaven are made apostles of it to the apostles themselves.

Now, if we consider this disposition of their minds, it is plain that they had not a lively faith of Christ's Resurrection, nor in those words by which He foretold it, because they thought Him dead; but it being the trouble at Christ's death which made them incapable of reflecting or thinking of anything else, and they following the dictates of a sincere love, in resolving to express the honour which they had for Him in the best manner they could, Christ distinguishes between the effects of human weakness in them, and the sincerity of their love, in bearing with the one, and rewarding the other.

A like good effect will those Christians find, who with a like sincerity seek their Lord. If they are sensible of their wants, and with true desires of amendment, vigorously undertake whatever appears to them pleasing to their God, such a disposition cannot fail of meeting with blessings from His hand, who cannot withstand the endeavours of a fervent and single heart, but will show them mercy, in bearing with their infirmities, in removing their difficulties, in perfecting their faith, and in giving light to their darkness." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother