CAPG's Blog 

Saint Ulrich

by VP

Posted on Thursday July 04, 2024 at 01:00AM in Poetry

File:Leonhard Beck - Heiliger Ulrich (Veste Coburg).jpg

Leonhard Beck: Saint Ulrich of Augsburg 

A FAULT AND ITS REPARATION.-When St. Ulrich was promoted to the see of Augsburg, the town had just been devastated by the Hungarians and the Sclaves; all its monuments were destroyed, the churches in ruins, the cathedral reduced to ashes, the clergy driven away, and the flock scattered. The bishop restored the ruined structures, rebuilt the churches, surrounded the town with a girdling wall, gathered his flock about him, re-established discipline, regulated the ecclesiastical chant and the public services of the Church, in a word, gave back life to his entire diocese. But these external cares did not absorb all his time, he still found sufficient to devote to works of piety, and his clergy might in every respect have taken him for their model. Having reached a great age, however, he thought he had done enough, appointed his nephew bishop in his stead, and retired to the abbey of St. Gall. Such a mode of acting being contrary to the discipline of the Church, the bishops of the province cited him to appear at Ingelheim, in order to hear his sentence. The aged man, with all humility, avowed that he had committed a fault, and begged, with tears in his eyes, that pardon might be accorded to him. His prayer was granted, but he had to resume the government of his diocese, where he died in 973, at the age of eighty.

MORAL REFLECTION.-The avowal of a fault is the best apology. 'Be not ashamed to confess thy sins, but strive for the justice of thy soul."-(Eccles. iv. 31.)