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St. Cyril, Bishop and Martyr, A.D. 200

by VP

Posted on Tuesday July 09, 2024 at 01:00AM in Poetry

"He was bishop of Gortina in Candia. He had faithfully observed the divine law from his childhood, and governed the church of Gortina fifty-four years. Not content with preserving those of his flock in the purity of their faith, he laboured so effectually to increase the fold, that he converted a great number of pagans, and at the end of his life had the consolation to see almost the whole city submit to the true religion. He was apprehended at the age of eighty-eight, and upon his refusal to sacrifice to idols, was threatened with death, and exhorted to have pity on his venerable old age. "Do not regard my old age," he replied: "the God whom I serve has promised to renew my youth as that of an eagle.” The judge seeing him resolute, condemned him to the fire. This sentence filled the holy prelate with joy. Being cast into the flames, they left him untouched, and upon the surprise of the miracle, he was set at liberty. But the governor, being again provoked by new information of his zeal in the conversion of heathens, ordered him to die by the sword.

It is an ill sign, if you find all in peace about you. For the malice of the devil is so great against those, who live up to their duty, and give example of good to all who are witnesses of their conversation, that he seldom fails of giving those disturbance by an inward war, or by raising enemies against them. If you experience this his perverseness; to be dejected with the thoughts of your being unhappy, or to be impatient under the trouble, is that which will give him matter of triumph. For it is a part of his victory, to cast those into discouragement, whom he cannot draw into sin. But if you can keep up your spirits in the midst of his attempts, and learn to rejoice in what you suffer in the cause of virtue, and for being faithful to your God, the victory will be yours, and though encompassed with flames, you will escape without hurt. Therefore never yield to dejection, if you desire to overcome." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Saint Ulrich

by VP

Posted on Thursday July 04, 2024 at 01:00AM in Poetry

File:Leonhard Beck - Heiliger Ulrich (Veste Coburg).jpg

Leonhard Beck: Saint Ulrich of Augsburg 

A FAULT AND ITS REPARATION.-When St. Ulrich was promoted to the see of Augsburg, the town had just been devastated by the Hungarians and the Sclaves; all its monuments were destroyed, the churches in ruins, the cathedral reduced to ashes, the clergy driven away, and the flock scattered. The bishop restored the ruined structures, rebuilt the churches, surrounded the town with a girdling wall, gathered his flock about him, re-established discipline, regulated the ecclesiastical chant and the public services of the Church, in a word, gave back life to his entire diocese. But these external cares did not absorb all his time, he still found sufficient to devote to works of piety, and his clergy might in every respect have taken him for their model. Having reached a great age, however, he thought he had done enough, appointed his nephew bishop in his stead, and retired to the abbey of St. Gall. Such a mode of acting being contrary to the discipline of the Church, the bishops of the province cited him to appear at Ingelheim, in order to hear his sentence. The aged man, with all humility, avowed that he had committed a fault, and begged, with tears in his eyes, that pardon might be accorded to him. His prayer was granted, but he had to resume the government of his diocese, where he died in 973, at the age of eighty.

MORAL REFLECTION.-The avowal of a fault is the best apology. 'Be not ashamed to confess thy sins, but strive for the justice of thy soul."-(Eccles. iv. 31.)

St. Thomas, Apostle

by VP

Posted on Wednesday July 03, 2024 at 01:00AM in Poetry

"ST. THOMAS was an apostle of Jesus Christ: pray for all the pastors of God's Church, who succeed in his holy functions.He propagated the gospel among the barbarous nations of the East: pray for all those people who are relapsed into idolatry, that God would be pleased to visit them. Pray for constancy for yourself. St. Thomas was incredulous in the point of Christ's resurrection: pray for all unbelievers, who are obstinate in their errors; and for all who, through weakness or temptation, are disturbed with doubts in faith. He was a martyr: pray for constancy and patience for all that suffer for justice and truth: pray for all those who are visited with any affliction, whether temporal or spiritual.

It is not recorded in Scripture how St. Thomas was called to the apostleship; but the indispensable condition of an apostle being to leave all and follow Christ, it cannot be questioned that he did so. This was the perfection of their state, who were chosen to spread the gospel throughout the world, and to carry the name of Christ before kings and princes. They were to renounce the earth, that they might be, without distractions, wholly attentive to the business of heaven, and give evident proof of their having no other interest, but in Jesus Christ alone.

This apostle, having once undertaken to follow Christ, continued faithful to him; and gave sufficient evidence of his sincerity, when, apprehending his Master's life to be in danger by his going up to Jerusalem, and all the other apostles dissuading him from it, he alone cried out: Let us also go, and die with him. This was the test of a true disciple, not to think of leaving Christ when dangers threatened, but readily to offer himself to take part with his Master in all his sufferings. All the followers of Christ must endeavour to observe this rule. They are not only to be faithful in their duties to him, when it is consistent with their interest, reputation, quiet, and spiritual comfort; for all this may be suspected; but they must likewise continue their fidelity, where they foresee that they arc likely to be sufferers or losers by it. If a Christian tells the truth, when it is to his purpose, and defends himself by lies, when he apprehends that the truth will prove disadvantageous to him, is such a one a true disciple? or, can he say: Let us go and die with Christ, who is so unwilling to suffer anything for him? If a Christian observes the rules of exact sobriety and discipline, when left to his own conduct, and yet joins with those who importune him to disorder and excess, rather than bear their raillery;-if, for fear of being pointed at, he follows a corrupt world, in all its prodigality, vanity, and luxury; if he would serve his neighbour, could it only be done without trouble; if his desires be to live virtuously and justly, but the apprehension of want puts him upon ways that are unjustifiable ;if he would observe peace with his neighbours, but cannot bear their impertinent and disagreeable humours ;-if he would ask pardon for injuries done, but cannot submit to the humiliation, or to the thought of being reputed tame and poor-spirited; can such a man pretend to the character of Christ's disciple, who thus upon the prospect of any difficulty or uneasiness, abandons his cause, and so far forsakes him. A Christian ought ever to be in a disposition of dying with Christ it is part of this day's lesson. He is to follow him even to death: what then, if he meets with the ordinary discouragements, which commonly work by raising fear or shame? If he cannot overcome these, how will he do it when they are accompanied with the terrors of racks and death? He that surrenders to a weak enemy, how can he hope to be victorious, when assaulted by a much greater force ?

Strive therefore daily to be constant in all your duties : accustom yourself to force your way upon meeting with opposition. Let no fear or shame prevail on you, to the omission of any duty have no regard to what the world will say of you. Look on difficulties, troubles, temptations, and disquiets, as part of your portion, and an exercise of this life, to which God has called you. Be not therefore afraid to suffer and then if God shall call you to greater trials, you may hope to say still with this apostle : Let us go, and die with our suffering Lord." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother