Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord
by VP
Posted on Monday December 23, 2024 at 11:00PM in Meditations
"THIS day is a preparation for one of the greatest festivals of the year, a festival of infinite mercy and goodness. On the effects of this mercy depends your eternal good: prepare then for it in the best manner you are able; join contrition with your fasting, and a most profound humiliation of spirit. Confess your manifold weakness and unworthiness: He that comes to be your physician will be pleased with the sincere acknowledgment of your infirmities.
This vigil has been kept from the time of the apostles; and in the primitive ages with such exactness, that a neglect of it was reputed criminal.
St. Augustin removed a priest from amongst his clergy, for being wanting in the observance of it, and for breaking his fast. St. Gregory of Tours gives particular instances of God's displeasure against some who had little regard to it. It cannot be questioned that there is great abuse in the disorderly conduct of those who, after assisting at the Holy Sacrifice, hasten from the altar to their entertainments, which are unbecoming at this holy time, and too often profaning it by irreverence and intemperance. Avoid all these abuses: and if necessity obliges you to take any refreshment, let it be with great moderation, without noise or conversation, that your soul may not be disturbed, but be at full liberty to entertain your Lord, and acknowledge all his mercies.
Beg of your Saviour that the mercy of this night may be extended to you, and help you so powerfully in overcoming all the corruption that is yet within you, that having in Him so plentiful a redemption, you may not be lost by any neglect of yours. Appeal to Him under all the infirmities, to which you are subject. Represent to Him all the dangers you meet in the way of salvation.
He comes to be your Saviour; beseech Him then to be a Saviour to you,
and give you all that grace, which He sees necessary for you." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother