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Vigil of All Saints.

by VP

Posted on Thursday October 31, 2024 at 12:00AM in Tradition

Fra Angelico: The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs

Halloween was originally a day of Fasting by Philip Kosloski

"As you desire to partake of the joy of the following solemnity, so prepare yourself this day. Humiliation, self-denial and prayer, are the dispositions required of you, and the surest way to be established in the grace of God. Keep a strict fast, if you are able; and if not, be not wanting, at least, in such other exercises, as are proper for the same end. Suppress all motions of vanity, passion, and self-love. Let nothing appear in you, which could render you displeasing to Almighty God, or betray in you a love more of earth than of heaven. Labor to bring your soul to the resemblance of the saints, that you may obtain that grace, which alone can bring you to their state of bliss. And since fasting is one thing required of us, as a proper means for humbling sinners, and for inclining God to compassion and mercy, beseech him to direct you, and help you in keeping such a fast this day, as may be the punishment of your sins, and be so acceptable to Him, as to remove scourges, and open the treasures of his goodness upon you. Do not deceive yourself with names, or ceremonies, or by following in such a track only as custom has made; but consider what is fast, which God has chosen what is the fast due to your sins, and proper for engaging the divine mercy to you. Let not appetite, inclination, or self-love, have the direction of what you are to eat or drink. For by these you have been too often led into excess and sin, and therefore it cannot be reasonable that they should be the advisers on days designed to punish their disorders. Let repentance determine how far the sinner ought to be punished by fasting, who has so often lifted up his head, and rebelled against his God. On this day bear contradictions in silence, and endeavor to rejoice in contempt, as your due. And in whatever way, at other times, you observe your pride break forth, let it there be your solicitude to apply suitable remedies.' The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church By Rev. Fr. John GOTHER

"LET us prepare our souls for the graces heaven is about to shower upon the earth in return for its homage. To-morrow the Church will be so overflowing with joy, that she will seem to be already in possession of eternal happiness; but to-day she appears in the garb of penance, confessing that she is still an exile. Let us fast and pray with her; for are not we too pilgrims and strangers in this world, where all things are fleeting and hurry on to death? Year by year, as the great solemnity comes round, it has gathered from among our former companions new saints, who bless our tears and smile upon our songs of hope. Year by year the appointed time draws nearer, when we ourselves, seated at the heavenly banquet, shall receive the homage of those who succeed us, and hold out a helping hand to draw them after us to the home of everlasting happiness. Let us learn, from this very hour, to emancipate our souls, let us keep our hearts free, in the midst of the vain solicitudes and false pleasures of a strange land: the exile has no care but his banishment, no joy but that which gives him a foretaste of his fatherland." Dom Gueranger

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