CAPG's Blog 

The Magi

by VP

Posted on Monday January 06, 2025 at 11:00PM in Meditations

Abraham Bloemaert - The adoration of the Magi

"1. The three kings who came to do honor to Jesus on the feast of the Epiphany are also called the three Magi, or three Wise Men. They were the rulers of an eastern tribe at some distance from Bethlehem. Like Abraham, they left home and country at God's command. If Abraham thus deserved to be called the Friend of God and Father of the faithful, so these Wise Men were not only the subjects but also the friends of Christ, and the spiritual fathers of all faithful Catholics. We are their spiritual offspring; the innumerable company of Christians in heaven will all have to thank them for having led the way to Jesus.

2. What led them to this long and apparently aimless journey? In their tribe there had long existed a tradition that one day or other a star would appear which the princes of the tribe were to follow, and following it, to find the King of heaven incarnate upon earth. How many generations had looked and longed for the promised sign! Yet it came at last. God always grants sooner or later the desires of those who long after Him.

3. When the star appeared, the Magi lost no time in setting out to follow it. Prompt obedience was their watchword; prompt obedience brought them to Jesus. Prompt obedience made them the earliest converts and the earnest of God's saints. Prompt obedience to God's holy will is the secret of all sanctity."

Meditations for Christmas . By Rev. Richard F. Clarke S.J. The Catholic Truth Society, London 1891

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